Veterans dying while waiting for VA care on Secret List

CaféAuLait;8983961 said:
A fatal wait: Veterans languish and die on a VA hospital's secret list

(CNN) -- At least 40 U.S. veterans died waiting for appointments at the Phoenix Veterans Affairs Health Care system, many of whom were placed on a secret waiting list.

The secret list was part of an elaborate scheme designed by Veterans Affairs managers in Phoenix who were trying to hide that 1,400 to 1,600 sick veterans were forced to wait months to see a doctor, according to a recently retired top VA doctor and several high-level sources.

For six months, CNN has been reporting on extended delays in health care appointments suffered by veterans across the country and who died while waiting for appointments and care. But the new revelations about the Phoenix VA are perhaps the most disturbing and striking to come to light thus far.

A fatal wait: Veterans languish and die on a VA hospital's secret list -

I can't even imagine what their families are going though.

If a Vet has an emergency all he need to is go to the ER for immediate consultation.

FWIW there's about a four week wait for a consultation with your primary care Dr here in Maine.

FWIAW, when I was on private INS. the wait for my civilian Primary car doctor was often 6 to 8 weeks.

I love fully socialized medicine.

I truly wish every citizen has as good a system as provided to me and my fellow VETS.

Thank you AMERICA.
Oh well so much for the leftist meme that governmnt run healthcare works just fine just look at the VA.
Government everywhere and always offers the most expensive least efficient solution to every problem.

Most of the wounded happened under Bush and the GOP. They funded war, but fuck the cannon fodder? Seems that's how they view the wounded warriors.

And they are really helping today. By blocking everything the Democrats do to help. Blocking food stamps for disabled veterans. Blocking jobs bills for veterans. And the nasty fuckers try to blame it on Obama and the Democrats? Despicable. Truly despicable.

Dean, your shit gets old.
Given their ages, most of the patients are probably Vietnam Era soldiers. Last I checked JFK got us into Vietnam while Johnson ramped it up. Nixon ended it.
The rest of your rant is the usual half informed crap it always is: The GOP hates ____________. Get over it.
For those of you who are not veterans shut the fuck up.

For those of you who are veterans and don't appreciate the health care you receive FREE OR AT LOW COST, feel free to disenroll from the system to make room for veterans who deserve care.

You don't.

Hey Howey, Im not a veteran. Fuck you.

The article shows simply that government does not deliver anything cheaply or efficiently. Period.

As long as Republicans are fighting every step of the way.
The Republican response is to bring some common sense to the problem. The Democrat response is to spend more money and then blame the GOP whenn that doesnt work.
CaféAuLait;8983961 said:
A fatal wait: Veterans languish and die on a VA hospital's secret list

(CNN) -- At least 40 U.S. veterans died waiting for appointments at the Phoenix Veterans Affairs Health Care system, many of whom were placed on a secret waiting list.

The secret list was part of an elaborate scheme designed by Veterans Affairs managers in Phoenix who were trying to hide that 1,400 to 1,600 sick veterans were forced to wait months to see a doctor, according to a recently retired top VA doctor and several high-level sources.

For six months, CNN has been reporting on extended delays in health care appointments suffered by veterans across the country and who died while waiting for appointments and care. But the new revelations about the Phoenix VA are perhaps the most disturbing and striking to come to light thus far.

A fatal wait: Veterans languish and die on a VA hospital's secret list -

I can't even imagine what their families are going though.

If a Vet has an emergency all he need to is go to the ER for immediate consultation.

FWIW there's about a four week wait for a consultation with your primary care Dr here in Maine.

FWIAW, when I was on private INS. the wait for my civilian Primary car doctor was often 6 to 8 weeks.

I love fully socialized medicine.

I truly wish every citizen has as good a system as provided to me and my fellow VETS.

Thank you AMERICA.

I guess you did not bother to read the article. These vets were going to the ER and STILL dying. READ.
This gets worse, so the woman ( Sharon Helman) who was removed from Washington VA hospitals for fudging death numbers and then sent to the Phoenix VA hospital, where it was just discovered she was fudging numbers again is involved in this deeper than imagined.

CNN news contacted the Texas, VA, guess who gave the statement from the Texas VA, concerning misconduct in the Phoenix VA? The woman perpetrating the fraud, Sharon Helman.

“It is disheartening to hear allegations about Veterans care being compromised,” “and we are open to any collaborative discussion that assists in our goal to continually improve patient care.”
~ Sharon Helman

Seems like her fingers are in the cookie jar everywhere and the VA keeps her, moving her as I said above like the Catholic Church moves pedophiles from one church to another as if it never happened. :mad:
What if we stop creating so many wounded veterans? Would that help lower patient care costs?
What if we stop creating so many wounded veterans? Would that help lower patient care costs?

I'm sure it would but we cant go backwards on the war.

Either way, even if the soldier happened to avoid combat during 20 years of service, tons of vets are still wracked with many medical conditions because of their physical training and its affect on the humans body.
We can stop the war. That would be a start. But war is bis business so ending war is liberal pussy cut-and-run MARXISM, right?

Read about the weight of the paper from backlogged VA claims that is buckling the floor of the building where the records are kept.

The VA estimates that 47% of homeless vets are from Vietnam, with numbers growing into the thousands of OEF/OIF vets who've come back to an economy that is stagnant for everyone except the obscenely rich.

The system is designed to use the People as fodder and then throw them away when they no longer serve the grand purpose of unfettered Corporate Capitalism. Haven't you noticed how so few of the politicians who voted for endless war have children serving on the front lines of their God-damned war?

We the People are to blame for allowing this to continue. Think about all of that when you're waving your Chinese-made American flags for a rich racist in the Nevada desert.
CaféAuLait;8988276 said:
What if we stop creating so many wounded veterans? Would that help lower patient care costs?

I'm sure it would but we cant go backwards on the war.

Either way, even if the soldier happened to avoid combat during 20 years of service, tons of vets are still wracked with many medical conditions because of their physical training and its affect on the humans body.

Most of them were wounded by excessive smoking, drinking and eating in their post service years. And STDs. Yes, we're still on the hook for them.
CaféAuLait;8983961 said:
A fatal wait: Veterans languish and die on a VA hospital's secret list

(CNN) -- At least 40 U.S. veterans died waiting for appointments at the Phoenix Veterans Affairs Health Care system, many of whom were placed on a secret waiting list.

The secret list was part of an elaborate scheme designed by Veterans Affairs managers in Phoenix who were trying to hide that 1,400 to 1,600 sick veterans were forced to wait months to see a doctor, according to a recently retired top VA doctor and several high-level sources.

For six months, CNN has been reporting on extended delays in health care appointments suffered by veterans across the country and who died while waiting for appointments and care. But the new revelations about the Phoenix VA are perhaps the most disturbing and striking to come to light thus far.

A fatal wait: Veterans languish and die on a VA hospital's secret list -

I can't even imagine what their families are going though.

If a Vet has an emergency all he need to is go to the ER for immediate consultation.

FWIW there's about a four week wait for a consultation with your primary care Dr here in Maine.

FWIAW, when I was on private INS. the wait for my civilian Primary car doctor was often 6 to 8 weeks.

I love fully socialized medicine.

I truly wish every citizen has as good a system as provided to me and my fellow VETS.

Thank you AMERICA.
I also get my primary health care from the VA, and recently enrolled in their new online feature called My HealthVet. See
The site offers secure messaging with your primary care physician, so if you have a change in your medical situation that you wish to bring to their attention, you don't need to wait for your next scheduled office visit to do so.
Most of them were wounded by excessive smoking, drinking and eating in their post service years. And STDs. Yes, we're still on the hook for them.
You use the term "them" to describe veterans. Why don't you use the term "us"?

Are you not a veteran? If you're not a veteran then shut the fuck up.
The sad sobering fact is that Veterans can no longer rely on free Veteran treatment since the convoluted 10,000 page ironically named "affordable care act" clicked in. Nobody knows WTF is going on and Veterans will have to wait until the government can figure it out...if ever.

The ACA has nothing to do with the VA system.

You are correct. There is one more thing: I got a letter from the VA saying that because I was enrolled in the VA system, my private health insurance would not be affected by the ACA.
CaféAuLait;8988276 said:
What if we stop creating so many wounded veterans? Would that help lower patient care costs?

I'm sure it would but we cant go backwards on the war.

Either way, even if the soldier happened to avoid combat during 20 years of service, tons of vets are still wracked with many medical conditions because of their physical training and its affect on the humans body.

Most of them were wounded by excessive smoking, drinking and eating in their post service years. And STDs. Yes, we're still on the hook for them.

What war are you speaking of? All of them? WWII ( if anyone survives still) Korea, Vietnam/Indochina, etc?
Most of them were wounded by excessive smoking, drinking and eating in their post service years. And STDs. Yes, we're still on the hook for them.
You use the term "them" to describe veterans. Why don't you use the term "us"?

Are you not a veteran? If you're not a veteran then shut the fuck up.

I;m not a veteran, asshole. Nor do I run around pretending to be a a veteran stoner with a genius IQ and world class artistic talent. Now go fuck yourself, sonny.
CaféAuLait;8990797 said:
CaféAuLait;8988276 said:
I'm sure it would but we cant go backwards on the war.

Either way, even if the soldier happened to avoid combat during 20 years of service, tons of vets are still wracked with many medical conditions because of their physical training and its affect on the humans body.

Most of them were wounded by excessive smoking, drinking and eating in their post service years. And STDs. Yes, we're still on the hook for them.

What war are you speaking of? All of them? WWII ( if anyone survives still) Korea, Vietnam/Indochina, etc?
All of them. The most prevalent cause of diseases in VAs are smoking-related, drinking-related, diet-related and STDs. This is just fact.
CaféAuLait;8988200 said:
This gets worse, so the woman ( Sharon Helman) who was removed from Washington VA hospitals for fudging death numbers and then sent to the Phoenix VA hospital, where it was just discovered she was fudging numbers again is involved in this deeper than imagined.

CNN news contacted the Texas, VA, guess who gave the statement from the Texas VA, concerning misconduct in the Phoenix VA? The woman perpetrating the fraud, Sharon Helman.

“It is disheartening to hear allegations about Veterans care being compromised,” “and we are open to any collaborative discussion that assists in our goal to continually improve patient care.”
~ Sharon Helman

Seems like her fingers are in the cookie jar everywhere and the VA keeps her, moving her as I said above like the Catholic Church moves pedophiles from one church to another as if it never happened. :mad:

Libs want to skip over this part. The deaths did not occur because of flaws in the VA system itself, the deaths occurred because Sharon Helman wanted a promotion. She wanted to say that under her supervision, the wait times for appointments were dramatically reduced. She reduced the wait times for appointments to 14 days or less which looks good on paper but in reality the appointment slips were not saved in the computer system but printed out and put in a secret file until they could get an appointment within 14 days. They just waited months.

What made Helman think that her efforts to get a promotion were acceptable? She was operating in a culture of corruption. The example set by the highest levels of government lie, evade, cover up. If it's okay for obama and holder it should be okay for her too.
Most of them were wounded by excessive smoking, drinking and eating in their post service years. And STDs. Yes, we're still on the hook for them.
You use the term "them" to describe veterans. Why don't you use the term "us"?

Are you not a veteran? If you're not a veteran then shut the fuck up.

I;m not a veteran, asshole. Nor do I run around pretending to be a a veteran stoner with a genius IQ and world class artistic talent. Now go fuck yourself, sonny.
No, you're not a veteran, a genius, a stoner or a rabbi. If you're a real rabbi then someone should tell you that the nation of Israel wouldn't have been created in 1948 if marihuana had not been legalized in America in 1942. Why? Because the US wouldn't have won the war and pushed the creation of Israel. Who else would have? Russia? Doubtful. Japan? No. Germany? Probably not. Israel exists because of legal pot, along with your Constitutional rights.

There is a history of the world that we never learned in school and it wasn't written by Mel Brooks.
There is no secret list. They want them all to die equally. Just ask anyone trying to qualify for any kind of assistance.
Phoenix VA officials put on leave after denial of secret wait list

(CNN) -- The director of the Phoenix Veterans Affairs Health Care system and two others have been placed on administrative leave amid claims of a secret waiting list and claims that 40-plus veterans died waiting for care.

These allegations have been exposed in a series of exclusive reports by the CNN Investigations unit.

The announcement Thursday by U.S. Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric Shinseki came a day after officials at the Phoenix VA denied in interviews with CNN the existence of such a list, only to be called liars hours later by the top VA physician who first appeared on CNN and brought the allegations to light.

"We believe it is important to allow an independent, objective review to proceed," Shinseki said in a written statement. "... These allegations, if true, are absolutely unacceptable and if the Inspector General's investigation substantiates these claims, swift and appropriate action will be taken."

Phoenix VA officials put on leave after denial of secret wait list -

I hope Shinseki does a good job investigating even though he screwed up the black beret mandate.

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