VFW just sounds out on Trumps comments to the Khans

kaz, we are watching you and the drumpfs and the trumpanzees melting down.

The VFW kicked ass on Comrade Donald. Learn your lesson.

Actually, I'm calling you out on your meltdown, asshole. Stop being a dumb ass.

The question is to provide a quote that you object to on Khan. You like the rest of the Democrats can't provide one, not one
I am not a Democrat, and you are a far right anti-American drumpf.

McCain, the Khans, the VFW, and the better side in America is doing the tarantella on Comrade Donald's head.

Learn your lesson.

You're a stupid dick, same thing as a Democrat. When I ask Democrats what YOU are offended by, you go playground and say I'm the one offended. Stop wasting my time with your idiotic drivel, Fake
You sound as if you are offended. Too bad, so mad. VFW called out Comrade Donald. Just so right.

Here's a hanky. Damn girl, you are a crier aren't you? Maybe you should go play with your dolls until you can calm down, Jake. I heard you serve up a mean tea party with a cake baked in your easy bake oven!
There are a lot of gullible weak minded people in this world who are influenced by such tactics.
Look in a mirror, dude. You are naming yourself.

Why did you never choose to serve in the military? Was it beneath you or did you not qualify?

When I went down to the Post Office to register for the draft, they weren't taking registrations any longer. They were cutting the military at the time.
There are a lot of gullible weak minded people in this world who are influenced by such tactics.
Look in a mirror, dude. You are naming yourself.

Why did you never choose to serve in the military? Was it beneath you or did you not qualify?

So seriously, you're one of those dicks who attack people for not serving in the military? Where you in ninth holier than thou company? Why would the military be a match for everyone?

None of the military in my familyor community was ever a dick like you are about that. The military is for a certain kind of person. To be proud of that assuming you did is right. To look down on others and chastise them for choosing a different path is someone who doesn't belong anywhere near our militlary
There are a lot of gullible weak minded people in this world who are influenced by such tactics.
Look in a mirror, dude. You are naming yourself.

Why did you never choose to serve in the military? Was it beneath you or did you not qualify?

So seriously, you're one of those dicks who attack people for not serving in the military? Where you in ninth holier than thou company? Why would the military be a match for everyone?

None of the military in my familyor community was ever a dick like you are about that. The military is for a certain kind of person. To be proud of that assuming you did is right. To look down on others and chastise them for choosing a different path is someone who doesn't belong anywhere near our militlary
I actually wanted to join the army, but they weren't taking anyone at the time.
RWNJ TRAITORS make as many lying excuses as Drumpf does.

Can't wait until he loses cuz he's gonna be suing the entire country.
No way Bripat registered to SERVE but fact is, the days of grunts on the ground are coming to an end. We now need fewer warm bodies.

That's a Good Thing.
Trump didn't attack either.
So you think the VFW and Gold Star families are fucking communists who should be shot for treason?

Seriously dude, if you can't admit the obvious either you are a blind partisan or a fucking moron. Which is it?
VFW, the Khans, McCain, and the American public (in the polls) are telling Comrade Trump to fuck off.
There are a lot of gullible weak minded people in this world who are influenced by such tactics.
Look in a mirror, dude. You are naming yourself.

Why did you never choose to serve in the military? Was it beneath you or did you not qualify?

So seriously, you're one of those dicks who attack people for not serving in the military? Where you in ninth holier than thou company? Why would the military be a match for everyone?

None of the military in my familyor community was ever a dick like you are about that. The military is for a certain kind of person. To be proud of that assuming you did is right. To look down on others and chastise them for choosing a different path is someone who doesn't belong anywhere near our militlary
I actually wanted to join the army, but they weren't taking anyone at the time.

I always said I would be an insubordination charge waiting to happen ...

My brother, who went to the US Naval Academy and was in Gulf War I ... never disagreed with that ...
So seriously, you're one of those dicks who attack people for not serving in the military?
Yes. I'm one of those dicks who think anyone who hasn't served their country yet blasts those who do are fuckwads.

Both the LWers and the RWers think military people are fools, yet give them the best training and the best weapons. As mentioned previously, the all-volunteer military is creating a military caste; one beholding more to each other and the Constitution than a bunch of fat-assed, loud-mouthed, self-righteous lazy fucks who wouldn't know hardship and sacrifice until it ran over them with a truck.

I probably wont' live to see it, but we're headed for a military coup to restore the Constitution in this country. I hope I'm wrong, but fucking morons who use our military personnel like cogs in a wheel may very well find out just how real our men and women in uniform really are and where their loyalty truly lies.

I always said I would be an insubordination charge waiting to happen .....
Most loud-mouthed civilians are. They have no honor, no respect and no discipline. They cower in their homes at the first sign of trouble waiting for others to take care of them.

Khan died in 2004. Remind us who was President then?
George W. Bush. Who's running for President now and is attacking Gold Star families? Who are both the VFW and Gold Star families calling to apologize for their remarks?[/QUOTE]
So seriously, you're one of those dicks who attack people for not serving in the military?
Yes. I'm one of those dicks who think anyone who hasn't served their country yet blasts those who do are fuckwads.

Both the LWers and the RWers think military people are fools, yet give them the best training and the best weapons. As mentioned previously, the all-volunteer military is creating a military caste; one beholding more to each other and the Constitution than a bunch of fat-assed, loud-mouthed, self-righteous lazy fucks who wouldn't know hardship and sacrifice until it ran over them with a truck.

I probably wont' live to see it, but we're headed for a military coup to restore the Constitution in this country. I hope I'm wrong, but fucking morons who use our military personnel like cogs in a wheel may very well find out just how real our men and women in uniform really are and where their loyalty truly lies.


All I know is the real people I know who were actually in the military seeing the crap you're writing to people who weren't in the military would tell you that you're misguided.

And if you're referring to Khan, maybe you can do what no one else has been able to do. Specify which quotes you are referring to from Trump that you're talking about that offended you. I don't give a shit about your commentary, I want the quotes. So far all the liberals blasting Trump over Khan can provide are their parroted talking points from the liberal media
I always said I would be an insubordination charge waiting to happen .....
Most loud-mouthed civilians are. They have no honor, no respect and no discipline. They cower in their homes at the first sign of trouble waiting for others to take care of them.


You really are a dick, aren't you? You don't just play one on message boards.

If you're saying I don't support the military, fuck you and the fart that blew you in. The next post will not be you quoting me to back that up because you are a useless ass who just knee jerk responds to discussions based on your asinine assumptions.

I never met anyone I hoped was lying about military experience as much as I always hoped JoeB was lying that he was in the military. Not until now anyway. You are a disgrace, you are dishonoring your service to the country by disrespecting the country you signed on to protect
Although I don't approve of Trump's response to the family, I have always thought it is somewhat unfair to belittle candidates who did not serve in the military for whatever reason. Those who did, fine, we honor their service. But those who didn't? It doesn't make the veteran "better." So in that sense, I didn't like Mr. Khan's statement "You have never sacrificed anything." Neither have I, but it doesn't make me a less good person simply because my son didn't die during his time in the service. I don't get that part of the argument. Trump should have stayed away from defending himself on that one, since it was a stupid accusation to begin with.

But he can't stop, and that's Trump's core problem. The man is not emotionally stable. He's a 70 year old man who is basically nothing more than a troll, and if you think that would stop if he's elected, you are 100% wrong. Trump is a prideful, arrogant, narcissistic danger to our great country. This fool has to be stopped - something he's fortunately doing a good job of himself.

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