VFW just sounds out on Trumps comments to the Khans

He only has to unite slightly more than 50% of the eligible voters. The idea that we're going to unite with a bunch of certified douche bags like the left wingers on this forum is preposterous.
Incorrect. Do you understand the concept of Electoral Math? Do you understand Presidential elections have been lost despite a majority vote?

2016 Presidential Election Interactive Map
He isn't dishonoring the U.S. military. He simply disagreed with a douche bag who viciously attacked him.
Disagreed. He is and it isn't the first time either. Remember his comments about POWs?

If Trump truly wants to be President, he has to rise above the level of a bunch of assholes arguing on the Internet. He has to be a leader. Leaders unite people, they don't divide them. A Commander in Chief certainly doesn't denigrate veterans, those who've served their country or their families. Trump is fucking himself either out of ignorance or willingness.
He only has to unite slightly more than 50% of the eligible voters. The idea that we're going to unite with a bunch of certified douche bags like the left wingers on this forum is preposterous.

I just sent the VFW a note asking what smear was directed at the service man. I didn't see one. I also said that if someone is going to use their son as a political tool they should expect criticism.

The truth is that Trump had absolutely nothing to do with Khans being murdered by radical Muslims, crooked Hillary did.

Truth is that Trump had absolutely nothing to do with the deaths at Benghazi, crooked Hillary did.
He only has to unite slightly more than 50% of the eligible voters. The idea that we're going to unite with a bunch of certified douche bags like the left wingers on this forum is preposterous.
Incorrect. Do you understand the concept of Electoral Math? Do you understand Presidential elections have been lost despite a majority vote?

2016 Presidential Election Interactive Map

Yeah, by maybe 0.5 %. In general, if you win the majority, you win the election. exceptions are rare.
Yeah, they actually have reached that level in their agenda and in their rhetoric. They just haven't managed to achieve their aims yet. They are already trying to prosecute private companies and think tanks for having the wrong opinion about global warming.
Wanna is not the same as be-a.

They are certainly authoritarian Nanny Staters but a long ways from being Stalinists.

So Stalin wasn't a Stalinist before he became dictator of the USSR?
Hay asshole, Stalin was Stalin the whole time. He knew that he alone could fix things. Sounds like what someone has said recently, doesn't it.
kaz, we are watching you and the drumpfs and the trumpanzees melting down.

The VFW kicked ass on Comrade Donald. Learn your lesson.

Oh noes the VFW is going to do what the GOP establishment couldn't do....take Trump down. HAHAHAHAHA
Yes....we know that RWrs such as you Drumpf minions really laugh at the VFW and vets. It's just come out in the open the last few days. Honest at last.
Ever serve, libtard?
Yes, cocksuck, and my dd214 says Honorable. Comrade Trump did not, and has repeatedly denigrated those that have. Comrade Trump has denigrated Americans of Latin American descent, women, blacks, asians, and now Vets and Gold Star Families. And you really think that your stupid comments are doing anything other that adding fuel to the fire?
You served and you support Hillary? Man, you are one stupid sonofabitch.
Yeah, they actually have reached that level in their agenda and in their rhetoric. They just haven't managed to achieve their aims yet. They are already trying to prosecute private companies and think tanks for having the wrong opinion about global warming.
Wanna is not the same as be-a.

They are certainly authoritarian Nanny Staters but a long ways from being Stalinists.

So Stalin wasn't a Stalinist before he became dictator of the USSR?
Hay asshole, Stalin was Stalin the whole time. He knew that he alone could fix things. Sounds like what someone has said recently, doesn't it.

Yeah, that's the reason he slaughtered 60 million of his own people.

You're not only a douche bag, you're a complete fucking moron.
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kaz, we are watching you and the drumpfs and the trumpanzees melting down.

The VFW kicked ass on Comrade Donald. Learn your lesson.

Oh noes the VFW is going to do what the GOP establishment couldn't do....take Trump down. HAHAHAHAHA
Yes....we know that RWrs such as you Drumpf minions really laugh at the VFW and vets. It's just come out in the open the last few days. Honest at last.
Ever serve, libtard?
Yes, cocksuck, and my dd214 says Honorable. Comrade Trump did not, and has repeatedly denigrated those that have. Comrade Trump has denigrated Americans of Latin American descent, women, blacks, asians, and now Vets and Gold Star Families. And you really think that your stupid comments are doing anything other that adding fuel to the fire?
You served and you support Hillary? Man, you are one stupid sonofabitch.
And I think the same of you.
Oh noes the VFW is going to do what the GOP establishment couldn't do....take Trump down. HAHAHAHAHA
Yes....we know that RWrs such as you Drumpf minions really laugh at the VFW and vets. It's just come out in the open the last few days. Honest at last.
Ever serve, libtard?
Yes, cocksuck, and my dd214 says Honorable. Comrade Trump did not, and has repeatedly denigrated those that have. Comrade Trump has denigrated Americans of Latin American descent, women, blacks, asians, and now Vets and Gold Star Families. And you really think that your stupid comments are doing anything other that adding fuel to the fire?
You served and you support Hillary? Man, you are one stupid sonofabitch.
And I think the same of you.

She can do no wrong, right? Want to finger bang that hottie don't ya?
Yeah, they actually have reached that level in their agenda and in their rhetoric. They just haven't managed to achieve their aims yet. They are already trying to prosecute private companies and think tanks for having the wrong opinion about global warming.
Wanna is not the same as be-a.

They are certainly authoritarian Nanny Staters but a long ways from being Stalinists.

So Stalin wasn't a Stalinist before he became dictator of the USSR?
Hay asshole, Stalin was Stalin the whole time. He knew that he alone could fix things. Sounds like what someone has said recently, doesn't it.

Yeah, that's the reason he slaughtered 60 million of his own people.

You're not only a douche bag, your a complete fucking moron.
Stupid ass, Stalin just knew that anyone that opposed him was evil. Exactly the same attitude as Trump. And the hardest critisism of Trump is coming from those that have previously been mostly in the GOP camp.
Try to change the subject, boys. Because you had better find a way to do that. This has left a very bad taste in the mouths of many people that previously support Trump. There are lines you had best not cross, and Trump just crossed one of them. Simply because someone pointed out that they are both Muslims and Americans, and have earned the right to have their voices heard.
Damn you. You ever lose a child? God, I hate unfeeling bastards like you. The Khan family and their courageous son made the ultimate sacrifice for our nation. And you and Trump wish to denigrate them.

Trump states that he sacrificed by creating jobs. What he really meant that he felt that he sacrificed when he actually had to pay those working for him for their work. There are a goodly number that he never paid, and they will talking to audiences between now and 8Nov16.
The term "sacrifice" implies intent. Khan had no idea his son would get killed. He no more "sacrificed" anything that someone who's child was killed in a traffic accident. It's a tragedy, but not a sacrifice on his part.
Now you are just being a delusional dick. Do you really believe the parents of an infantry soldier in a war zone has no idea that their child is not in grave danger and may be killed?

They didn't make him go there. That was his decision, not theirs, douche bag.
That is what true patriotism is all about you fool. Young men and women offer up their service in spite of the danger and the parents become part of the sacrifice. You do not know the meaning patriotism or the meaning of the word hero.
Quit while you are behind asshole. No amount of insult posting is going to get you out of being the fool in this thread.
Now your spouting pure pablum and and platitudes. According to the definition of the term, they didn't sacrifice a thing. They experienced a tragedy.
I warned you to give up while you were behind.

sacrifice - an act of giving up something for something else considered more important. Online Dictionary

sacrifice - to give up something for something else considered more important. Cambridge Dictionary
Mr Khan and his son sacrificed nothing either. His son volunteered to join the Army. He served and was honorable, but he sacrificed nothing. Did he jump on a grenade to save a teammate? No. He was blown up by an IED doing his job. He's a good man, served his country and is one hell of an honorable man, but he sacrificed nothing.

WTF did Mr Khan sacrifice? Nothing. He's got no room to talk.
Damn you. You ever lose a child? God, I hate unfeeling bastards like you. The Khan family and their courageous son made the ultimate sacrifice for our nation. And you and Trump wish to denigrate them.

Trump states that he sacrificed by creating jobs. What he really meant that he felt that he sacrificed when he actually had to pay those working for him for their work. There are a goodly number that he never paid, and they will talking to audiences between now and 8Nov16.
The term "sacrifice" implies intent. Khan had no idea his son would get killed. He no more "sacrificed" anything that someone who's child was killed in a traffic accident. It's a tragedy, but not a sacrifice on his part.

Where is Khan's condemnation of the radical Muslims that murdered his son? Or the condemnation of crooked Hillary voting for war?

The anti Trump crowd are pro muslim and they don't care how many obama or mrs clinton will allow into this country in the same way that angela merkle the destroyer did in Germany.
Mr Khan and his son sacrificed nothing either. His son volunteered to join the Army. He served and was honorable, but he sacrificed nothing. Did he jump on a grenade to save a teammate? No. He was blown up by an IED doing his job. He's a good man, served his country and is one hell of an honorable man, but he sacrificed nothing.

WTF did Mr Khan sacrifice? Nothing. He's got no room to talk.
Damn you. You ever lose a child? God, I hate unfeeling bastards like you. The Khan family and their courageous son made the ultimate sacrifice for our nation. And you and Trump wish to denigrate them.

Trump states that he sacrificed by creating jobs. What he really meant that he felt that he sacrificed when he actually had to pay those working for him for their work. There are a goodly number that he never paid, and they will talking to audiences between now and 8Nov16.
The term "sacrifice" implies intent. Khan had no idea his son would get killed. He no more "sacrificed" anything that someone who's child was killed in a traffic accident. It's a tragedy, but not a sacrifice on his part.

Where is Khan's condemnation of the radical Muslims that murdered his son? Or the condemnation of crooked Hillary voting for war?

The anti Trump crowd are pro muslim and they don't care how many obama or mrs clinton will allow into this country in the same way that angela merkle the destroyer did in Germany.

And you don't care if America continues to educate our children, pave our roads, or even lead in science. The grand cut party is the party of the backwards idiot and most people are going to vote against that. I am not saying that the refugees will all be good but fear isn't a good way to win.
Yeah, they actually have reached that level in their agenda and in their rhetoric. They just haven't managed to achieve their aims yet. They are already trying to prosecute private companies and think tanks for having the wrong opinion about global warming.
Wanna is not the same as be-a.

They are certainly authoritarian Nanny Staters but a long ways from being Stalinists.

So Stalin wasn't a Stalinist before he became dictator of the USSR?
Hay asshole, Stalin was Stalin the whole time. He knew that he alone could fix things. Sounds like what someone has said recently, doesn't it.

Yeah, that's the reason he slaughtered 60 million of his own people.

You're not only a douche bag, your a complete fucking moron.
Stupid ass, Stalin just knew that anyone that opposed him was evil. Exactly the same attitude as Trump. And the hardest critisism of Trump is coming from those that have previously been mostly in the GOP camp.

That's been the attitude of Democrats since the Wilson administration, douche bag. Everyone who disagrees with the Democrat agenda is a racist, sexist, homophobic bigot.

It's hilarious the way Dims try to pin all their crimes and sins on the people who object to that very behavior.
kaz, we are watching you and the drumpfs and the trumpanzees melting down.

The VFW kicked ass on Comrade Donald. Learn your lesson.

Oh noes the VFW is going to do what the GOP establishment couldn't do....take Trump down. HAHAHAHAHA
Yes....we know that RWrs such as you Drumpf minions really laugh at the VFW and vets. It's just come out in the open the last few days. Honest at last.
Ever serve, libtard?
Yes, cocksuck, and my dd214 says Honorable. Comrade Trump did not, and has repeatedly denigrated those that have. Comrade Trump has denigrated Americans of Latin American descent, women, blacks, asians, and now Vets and Gold Star Families. And you really think that your stupid comments are doing anything other that adding fuel to the fire?

Actually, Trump hasn't denigrated any of the above. I have a hard time believing you were allowed in military with your poor reading, listening ability. But then, I've heard they'll take just about anyone nowadays.
The anti Trump crowd are pro muslim and they don't care how many obama or mrs clinton will allow into this country in the same way that angela merkle the destroyer did in Germany.
Do you honestly believe the VFW and Gold Star families are "pro muslim"?
The term "sacrifice" implies intent. Khan had no idea his son would get killed. He no more "sacrificed" anything that someone who's child was killed in a traffic accident. It's a tragedy, but not a sacrifice on his part.
Now you are just being a delusional dick. Do you really believe the parents of an infantry soldier in a war zone has no idea that their child is not in grave danger and may be killed?

They didn't make him go there. That was his decision, not theirs, douche bag.
That is what true patriotism is all about you fool. Young men and women offer up their service in spite of the danger and the parents become part of the sacrifice. You do not know the meaning patriotism or the meaning of the word hero.
Quit while you are behind asshole. No amount of insult posting is going to get you out of being the fool in this thread.
Now your spouting pure pablum and and platitudes. According to the definition of the term, they didn't sacrifice a thing. They experienced a tragedy.
I warned you to give up while you were behind.

sacrifice - an act of giving up something for something else considered more important. Online Dictionary

sacrifice - to give up something for something else considered more important. Cambridge Dictionary

Khan didn't give up anything. His son was a responsible adult who made his own decisions. He wasn't the property of his father.

You only proved that you are wrong.
Mr Khan and his son sacrificed nothing either. His son volunteered to join the Army. He served and was honorable, but he sacrificed nothing. Did he jump on a grenade to save a teammate? No. He was blown up by an IED doing his job. He's a good man, served his country and is one hell of an honorable man, but he sacrificed nothing.

WTF did Mr Khan sacrifice? Nothing. He's got no room to talk.
Damn you. You ever lose a child? God, I hate unfeeling bastards like you. The Khan family and their courageous son made the ultimate sacrifice for our nation. And you and Trump wish to denigrate them.

Trump states that he sacrificed by creating jobs. What he really meant that he felt that he sacrificed when he actually had to pay those working for him for their work. There are a goodly number that he never paid, and they will talking to audiences between now and 8Nov16.
The term "sacrifice" implies intent. Khan had no idea his son would get killed. He no more "sacrificed" anything that someone who's child was killed in a traffic accident. It's a tragedy, but not a sacrifice on his part.

Where is Khan's condemnation of the radical Muslims that murdered his son? Or the condemnation of crooked Hillary voting for war?

The anti Trump crowd are pro muslim and they don't care how many obama or mrs clinton will allow into this country in the same way that angela merkle the destroyer did in Germany.

And you don't care if America continues to educate our children, pave our roads, or even lead in science. The grand cut party is the party of the backwards idiot and most people are going to vote against that. I am not saying that the refugees will all be good but fear isn't a good way to win.

So Trump talks about all of those things...the democrats don't do any of that....
NASA is Muslim reach around missions now.
School...they keep people in horrible public schools that wouldn't' know math or science if you water boarded them.
Pave roads? Uh when our government does that, they hire their buddies and take like 100 years to lay a mile of road.

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