VFW just sounds out on Trumps comments to the Khans

The anti Trump crowd are pro muslim and they don't care how many obama or mrs clinton will allow into this country in the same way that angela merkle the destroyer did in Germany.
Do you honestly believe the VFW and Gold Star families are "pro muslim"?
The head of the VFW is an obvious bootlicker. He doesn't speak for all veterans. He speaks only for himself.

Khan is definitely pro Muslim.
Mr Khan and his son sacrificed nothing either. His son volunteered to join the Army. He served and was honorable, but he sacrificed nothing. Did he jump on a grenade to save a teammate? No. He was blown up by an IED doing his job. He's a good man, served his country and is one hell of an honorable man, but he sacrificed nothing.

WTF did Mr Khan sacrifice? Nothing. He's got no room to talk.
Damn you. You ever lose a child? God, I hate unfeeling bastards like you. The Khan family and their courageous son made the ultimate sacrifice for our nation. And you and Trump wish to denigrate them.

Trump states that he sacrificed by creating jobs. What he really meant that he felt that he sacrificed when he actually had to pay those working for him for their work. There are a goodly number that he never paid, and they will talking to audiences between now and 8Nov16.
The term "sacrifice" implies intent. Khan had no idea his son would get killed. He no more "sacrificed" anything that someone who's child was killed in a traffic accident. It's a tragedy, but not a sacrifice on his part.

Where is Khan's condemnation of the radical Muslims that murdered his son? Or the condemnation of crooked Hillary voting for war?

The anti Trump crowd are pro muslim and they don't care how many obama or mrs clinton will allow into this country in the same way that angela merkle the destroyer did in Germany.

And you don't care if America continues to educate our children, pave our roads, or even lead in science. The grand cut party is the party of the backwards idiot and most people are going to vote against that. I am not saying that the refugees will all be good but fear isn't a good way to win.

It's ok to be fearful when you're in danger. Stop being so politically damn correct. We can't take the whole world in, and need to be selective of who are allowed to come here.
Damn you. You ever lose a child? God, I hate unfeeling bastards like you. The Khan family and their courageous son made the ultimate sacrifice for our nation. And you and Trump wish to denigrate them.

Trump states that he sacrificed by creating jobs. What he really meant that he felt that he sacrificed when he actually had to pay those working for him for their work. There are a goodly number that he never paid, and they will talking to audiences between now and 8Nov16.
The term "sacrifice" implies intent. Khan had no idea his son would get killed. He no more "sacrificed" anything that someone who's child was killed in a traffic accident. It's a tragedy, but not a sacrifice on his part.

Where is Khan's condemnation of the radical Muslims that murdered his son? Or the condemnation of crooked Hillary voting for war?

The anti Trump crowd are pro muslim and they don't care how many obama or mrs clinton will allow into this country in the same way that angela merkle the destroyer did in Germany.

And you don't care if America continues to educate our children, pave our roads, or even lead in science. The grand cut party is the party of the backwards idiot and most people are going to vote against that. I am not saying that the refugees will all be good but fear isn't a good way to win.

It's ok to be fearful when you're in danger. Stop being so politically damn correct. We can't take the whole world in, and need to be selective of who are allowed to come here.

A fool is someone who doesn't try to avoid obvious danger.
Yeah, by maybe 0.5 %. In general, if you win the majority, you win the election. exceptions are rare.
Nonetheless, either Trump is supremely stupid (and I don't believe he is) or he's deliberately tubing this election.
Neither. He's simply accustomed to having a compliant media. He has no experience with a media that is dedicated to destroying him. A media that connives with Democrats to play the sleazy kind of tricks on Republicans.
A fool is someone who doesn't try to avoid obvious danger.
So a Marine who jumps on a grenade to save his squad is a fool?

The Official United States Marine Corps Public Website > moh > Citation


Medal of Honor Official Citation reads:

For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty while serving as an Automatic Rifleman with Company F, 2d Battalion, 9th Marines, Regimental Combat Team 1, 1st Marine Division (Forward), I Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward), in Helmand Province, Afghanistan, in support of Operation Enduring Freedom on 21 November 2010. Lance Corporal Carpenter was a member of a platoon-sized coalition force, comprised of two reinforced Marine rifle squads partnered with an Afghan National Army squad. The platoon had established Patrol Base Dakota two days earlier in a small village in the Marjah District in order to disrupt enemy activity and provide security for the local Afghan population. Lance Corporal Carpenter and a fellow Marine were manning a rooftop security position on the perimeter of Patrol Base Dakota when the enemy initiated a daylight attack with hand grenades, one of which landed inside their sandbagged position. Without hesitation and with complete disregard for his own safety, Lance Corporal Carpenter moved toward the grenade in an attempt to shield his fellow Marine from the deadly blast. When the grenade detonated, his body absorbed the brunt of the blast, severely wounding him, but saving the life of his fellow Marine. By his undaunted courage, bold fighting spirit, and unwavering devotion to duty in the face of almost certain death, Lance Corporal Carpenter reflected great credit upon himself and upheld the highest traditions of the Marine Corps and the United States Naval Service.

Yeah, they actually have reached that level in their agenda and in their rhetoric. They just haven't managed to achieve their aims yet. They are already trying to prosecute private companies and think tanks for having the wrong opinion about global warming.
Wanna is not the same as be-a.

They are certainly authoritarian Nanny Staters but a long ways from being Stalinists.

So Stalin wasn't a Stalinist before he became dictator of the USSR?
Hay asshole, Stalin was Stalin the whole time. He knew that he alone could fix things. Sounds like what someone has said recently, doesn't it.

Yeah, that's the reason he slaughtered 60 million of his own people.

You're not only a douche bag, your a complete fucking moron.
Stupid ass, Stalin just knew that anyone that opposed him was evil. Exactly the same attitude as Trump. And the hardest critisism of Trump is coming from those that have previously been mostly in the GOP camp.

A lot of us ex demorats gravitated to Trump after hearing what he has to say about illegal immigration and the shitty trade policies given us by clinton, obama and most all the republicans. I've been part of the immigrant community most of my adult life and know latinos who like Trump. They're not too vocal about it around their own kind though due to their fear of the mexican flag waving, anti Trump thugs who aren't afraid to do violence to anyone who doesn't think like they do.
A fool is someone who doesn't try to avoid obvious danger.
So a Marine who jumps on a grenade to save his squad is a fool?

The Official United States Marine Corps Public Website > moh > Citation


Medal of Honor Official Citation reads:

For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty while serving as an Automatic Rifleman with Company F, 2d Battalion, 9th Marines, Regimental Combat Team 1, 1st Marine Division (Forward), I Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward), in Helmand Province, Afghanistan, in support of Operation Enduring Freedom on 21 November 2010. Lance Corporal Carpenter was a member of a platoon-sized coalition force, comprised of two reinforced Marine rifle squads partnered with an Afghan National Army squad. The platoon had established Patrol Base Dakota two days earlier in a small village in the Marjah District in order to disrupt enemy activity and provide security for the local Afghan population. Lance Corporal Carpenter and a fellow Marine were manning a rooftop security position on the perimeter of Patrol Base Dakota when the enemy initiated a daylight attack with hand grenades, one of which landed inside their sandbagged position. Without hesitation and with complete disregard for his own safety, Lance Corporal Carpenter moved toward the grenade in an attempt to shield his fellow Marine from the deadly blast. When the grenade detonated, his body absorbed the brunt of the blast, severely wounding him, but saving the life of his fellow Marine. By his undaunted courage, bold fighting spirit, and unwavering devotion to duty in the face of almost certain death, Lance Corporal Carpenter reflected great credit upon himself and upheld the highest traditions of the Marine Corps and the United States Naval Service.

Don't pretend you don't know what I'm talking about: leftwing douche bags who try to shame you by accusing you of being afraid of Muslims or of "change." That's like calling someone a sissy if he declines to stick his finger in a light socket when dared to do so.
Neither. He's simply accustomed to having a compliant media. He has no experience with a media that is dedicated to destroying him. A media that connives with Democrats to play the sleazy kind of tricks on Republicans.
Translation: I think Donald Trump is a 70 year old fucking moron who doesn't know how the world works.

Sorry, dude, but I disagree. Donald Trump wouldn't be where he is if he was either an idiotic or ignorant of how the world, much less the media, works. A better analysis is that he doesn't give a shit and would prefer to lose without being seen as a quitter.
Neither. He's simply accustomed to having a compliant media. He has no experience with a media that is dedicated to destroying him. A media that connives with Democrats to play the sleazy kind of tricks on Republicans.
Translation: I think Donald Trump is a 70 year old fucking moron who doesn't know how the world works.

Sorry, dude, but I disagree. Donald Trump wouldn't be where he is if he was either an idiotic or ignorant of how the world, much less the media, works. A better analysis is that he doesn't give a shit and would prefer to lose without being seen as a quitter.

To be frank, I think your opinion is moronic.
Don't pretend you don't know what I'm talking about: leftwing douche bags who try to shame you by accusing you of being afraid of Muslims or of "change." That's like calling someone a sissy if he declines to stick his finger in a light socket when dared to do so.
I've been called all kinds of names by LWLs and none of those fuckwads have forced me to do anything.....and I'm not running for President with a team of high-paid lawyers and assistants backing me.
Yeah, by maybe 0.5 %. In general, if you win the majority, you win the election. exceptions are rare.
Nonetheless, either Trump is supremely stupid (and I don't believe he is) or he's deliberately tubing this election.
Neither. He's simply accustomed to having a compliant media. He has no experience with a media that is dedicated to destroying him. A media that connives with Democrats to play the sleazy kind of tricks on Republicans.

He is sort of a babe in the woods when it come to politics. I don't mind. He's not a weasel like obama or the clintons who actively work against the average American while pretending to be their friends.
To be frank, I think your opinion is moronic.
Of course you do. I disagree with you one Trump and the US military. Like LW partisan assholes who attack me all the time, what choice do you have? Admit the truth? LOL Unlikely.
Don't pretend you don't know what I'm talking about: leftwing douche bags who try to shame you by accusing you of being afraid of Muslims or of "change." That's like calling someone a sissy if he declines to stick his finger in a light socket when dared to do so.
I've been called all kinds of names by LWLs and none of those fuckwads have forced me to do anything.....and I'm not running for President with a team of high-paid lawyers and assistants backing me.
That's you. There are a lot of gullible weak minded people in this world who are influenced by such tactics.
He is sort of a babe in the woods when it come to politics. I don't mind. He's not a weasel like obama or the clintons who actively work against the average American while pretending to be their friends.
I honestly believe he doesn't want to win. He's a billionaire just having fun.
Yeah, by maybe 0.5 %. In general, if you win the majority, you win the election. exceptions are rare.
Nonetheless, either Trump is supremely stupid (and I don't believe he is) or he's deliberately tubing this election.
Neither. He's simply accustomed to having a compliant media. He has no experience with a media that is dedicated to destroying him. A media that connives with Democrats to play the sleazy kind of tricks on Republicans.

He is sort of a babe in the woods when it come to politics. I don't mind. He's not a weasel like obama or the clintons who actively work against the average American while pretending to be their friends.

Yes, but a few more gaffs like that and he'll nix his chance to win this election.
There are a lot of gullible weak minded people in this world who are influenced by such tactics.
Look in a mirror, dude. You are naming yourself.

Why did you never choose to serve in the military? Was it beneath you or did you not qualify?

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