VFW just sounds out on Trumps comments to the Khans

It was wrong of the Khan family to allow their sacrifice and grief to be used for Democratic political campaign fodder...

That said...

Trump has lost yet another decent-sized chunk of (already wavering) support, with this latest collection of foolhardy responses...

At this rate, by the time we get to November 8, Trump won't pull more than 10-15% in the General Election... one of the biggest Ass-Whoopings in recent memory.

Deservedly so.

Not because the HildaBeast (a.k.a. the Ghost of Boss Tweed of Tammany Hall) is a particularly trustworthy or competent or moral creature...

But because the Alternative is ssssooooooo very much worse...

The fool simply has no filters, nor grace nor class... a caricature and walking bumper-sticker rather than a Leader of Men and Nations...

Rather like McMurphy from "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" channels the Ghost of Attila the Hun...

A big, unthinking, petulant child-man, who emotes rather than reasons...

No thank you...

I like a half-dozen things he says...

But I don't believe he'll carry through with any of them...

And, having him with his mitts on the Treasury and finger on The Button, the price is simply too high...

I despise the HildaBeast...

But I'm stuck voting for her...

God, I hate this...

Normally I agree. But Trump brought up the fear the muslim card. If I'm a muslim, I'm pissed.

Oh, I see. Trump brought on the fear. Not ISIS, not the beheadings, not the Fort Hood shooting, not 9/11, not Nice, it was Trump. Wow you folks really are in the bag for crooked Hillary.

Yeah, because Christians are no better than Muslims, don't ya know, and if you're afraid of them it's because you're a bigot.
It was wrong of the Khan family to allow their sacrifice and grief to be used for Democratic political campaign fodder...

That said...

Trump has lost yet another decent-sized chunk of (already wavering) support, with this latest collection of foolhardy responses...

At this rate, by the time we get to November 8, Trump won't pull more than 10-15% in the General Election... one of the biggest Ass-Whoopings in recent memory.

Deservedly so.

Not because the HildaBeast (a.k.a. the Ghost of Boss Tweed of Tammany Hall) is a particularly trustworthy or competent or moral creature...

But because the Alternative is ssssooooooo very much worse...

The fool simply has no filters, nor grace nor class... a caricature and walking bumper-sticker rather than a Leader of Men and Nations...

Rather like McMurphy from "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" channels the Ghost of Attila the Hun...

A big, unthinking, petulant child-man, who emotes rather than reasons...

No thank you...

I like a half-dozen things he says...

But I don't believe he'll carry through with any of them...

And, having him with his mitts on the Treasury and finger on The Button, the price is simply too high...

I despise the HildaBeast...

But I'm stuck voting for her...

God, I hate this...

Normally I agree. But Trump brought up the fear the muslim card. If I'm a muslim, I'm pissed.

Oh, I see. Trump brought on the fear. Not ISIS, not the beheadings, not the Fort Hood shooting, not 9/11, not Nice, it was Trump. Wow you folks really are in the bag for crooked Hillary.

Yeah, because Christians are no better than Muslims, don't ya know, and if you're afraid of them it's because you're a bigot.

Although it could be because I am a bigot, I am not, but certainly it is because Trump told me to be scared. It wasn't any of the atrocities that radical Muslims perform.
kaz, we are watching you and the drumpfs and the trumpanzees melting down.

The VFW kicked ass on Comrade Donald. Learn your lesson.

Actually, I'm calling you out on your meltdown, asshole. Stop being a dumb ass.

The question is to provide a quote that you object to on Khan. You like the rest of the Democrats can't provide one, not one
I am not a Democrat, and you are a far right anti-American drumpf.

McCain, the Khans, the VFW, and the better side in America is doing the tarantella on Comrade Donald's head.

Learn your lesson.

You're a stupid dick, same thing as a Democrat. When I ask Democrats what YOU are offended by, you go playground and say I'm the one offended. Stop wasting my time with your idiotic drivel, Fake
You sound as if you are offended. Too bad, so mad. VFW called out Comrade Donald. Just so right.
They're not happy with either of them, but members of the military still prefer Trump to Hillary.

American military personnel favor Donald Trump for president over Hillary Clinton by more than a 2-to-1 margin in an exclusive survey conducted by Military Times ahead of the Republican and Democratic national conventions, but a strong majority of respondents say they are wholly unimpressed with both candidates.

More than 61 percent indicated they are "dissatisfied" or "very dissatisfied" with Trump as the Republican nominee, including 28 percent of those who intend to vote for him. More than 82 percent said the same about Clinton, the Democratic nominee, with 30 percent of those pledging to vote for her voicing displeasure with the choice.

"This is the worst presidential election I have ever seen," said one Air Force master sergeant who responded to the survey. "How in the world could we only have Hillary and Trump as the options?"

Such displeasure reflects the candidates’ high unfavorability ratings among the American public at large, despite both convincingly winning their party’s primary contests. More than half of registered voters in a recent New York Times/CBS poll had negative views of Trump (55 percent) and Clinton (52 percent).

The survey, conducted July 5-8, elicited responses from 1,915 active-duty service members, reservists and National Guard personnel, all of them Military Times subscribers. The results, while not a scientific sampling of the military as a whole (see our methodology below), is representative of the services' more senior and career-oriented members, those who run the military's day-to-day operations and carry out its policies.

Among the Military Times survey respondents, 23 percent said they intend to vote for a third-party candidate. That’s almost 3 percentage points higher than those who said they’ll vote for Clinton, and about half the 49 percent who say they’ll back Trump.

Nearly 7 percent said they don’t intend to vote at all.
By and large, the military thinks Trump and Clinton are total losers

You mean they think Clinton is a total loser.
Mr Khan and his son sacrificed nothing either. His son volunteered to join the Army. He served and was honorable, but he sacrificed nothing. Did he jump on a grenade to save a teammate? No. He was blown up by an IED doing his job. He's a good man, served his country and is one hell of an honorable man, but he sacrificed nothing.

WTF did Mr Khan sacrifice? Nothing. He's got no room to talk.
Damn you. You ever lose a child? God, I hate unfeeling bastards like you. The Khan family and their courageous son made the ultimate sacrifice for our nation. And you and Trump wish to denigrate them.

Trump states that he sacrificed by creating jobs. What he really meant that he felt that he sacrificed when he actually had to pay those working for him for their work. There are a goodly number that he never paid, and they will talking to audiences between now and 8Nov16.
The term "sacrifice" implies intent. Khan had no idea his son would get killed. He no more "sacrificed" anything than someone whose child was killed in a traffic accident. It's a tragedy, but not a sacrifice on his part.
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Mr Khan and his son sacrificed nothing either. His son volunteered to join the Army. He served and was honorable, but he sacrificed nothing. Did he jump on a grenade to save a teammate? No. He was blown up by an IED doing his job. He's a good man, served his country and is one hell of an honorable man, but he sacrificed nothing.

WTF did Mr Khan sacrifice? Nothing. He's got no room to talk.
Damn you. You ever lose a child? God, I hate unfeeling bastards like you. The Khan family and their courageous son made the ultimate sacrifice for our nation. And you and Trump wish to denigrate them.

Trump states that he sacrificed by creating jobs. What he really meant that he felt that he sacrificed when he actually had to pay those working for him for their work. There are a goodly number that he never paid, and they will talking to audiences between now and 8Nov16.
The term "sacrifice" implies intent. Khan had no idea his son would get killed. He no more "sacrificed" anything that someone who's child was killed in a traffic accident. It's a tragedy, but not a sacrifice on his part.

Where is Khan's condemnation of the radical Muslims that murdered his son? Or the condemnation of crooked Hillary voting for war?
Yeah, they actually have reached that level in their agenda and in their rhetoric. They just haven't managed to achieve their aims yet. They are already trying to prosecute private companies and think tanks for having the wrong opinion about global warming.
Wanna is not the same as be-a.

They are certainly authoritarian Nanny Staters but a long ways from being Stalinists.
It says he didn't realize how low life and dirty are the MSM and the left wing. Hopefully he learned a lesson.
Are you saying capitalism is "low life and dirty"? Because that's all the "MSM" is, a business. Controversy sells and Trump creates controversy. Why else do you think he gets so much free press?
Mr Khan and his son sacrificed nothing either. His son volunteered to join the Army. He served and was honorable, but he sacrificed nothing. Did he jump on a grenade to save a teammate? No. He was blown up by an IED doing his job. He's a good man, served his country and is one hell of an honorable man, but he sacrificed nothing.

WTF did Mr Khan sacrifice? Nothing. He's got no room to talk.
Damn you. You ever lose a child? God, I hate unfeeling bastards like you. The Khan family and their courageous son made the ultimate sacrifice for our nation. And you and Trump wish to denigrate them.

Trump states that he sacrificed by creating jobs. What he really meant that he felt that he sacrificed when he actually had to pay those working for him for their work. There are a goodly number that he never paid, and they will talking to audiences between now and 8Nov16.
The term "sacrifice" implies intent. Khan had no idea his son would get killed. He no more "sacrificed" anything that someone who's child was killed in a traffic accident. It's a tragedy, but not a sacrifice on his part.
Now you are just being a delusional dick. Do you really believe the parents of an infantry soldier in a war zone has no idea that their child is not in grave danger and may be killed?
Yeah, they actually have reached that level in their agenda and in their rhetoric. They just haven't managed to achieve their aims yet. They are already trying to prosecute private companies and think tanks for having the wrong opinion about global warming.
Wanna is not the same as be-a.

They are certainly authoritarian Nanny Staters but a long ways from being Stalinists.

So Stalin wasn't a Stalinist before he became dictator of the USSR?
Mr Khan and his son sacrificed nothing either. His son volunteered to join the Army. He served and was honorable, but he sacrificed nothing. Did he jump on a grenade to save a teammate? No. He was blown up by an IED doing his job. He's a good man, served his country and is one hell of an honorable man, but he sacrificed nothing.

WTF did Mr Khan sacrifice? Nothing. He's got no room to talk.
Damn you. You ever lose a child? God, I hate unfeeling bastards like you. The Khan family and their courageous son made the ultimate sacrifice for our nation. And you and Trump wish to denigrate them.

Trump states that he sacrificed by creating jobs. What he really meant that he felt that he sacrificed when he actually had to pay those working for him for their work. There are a goodly number that he never paid, and they will talking to audiences between now and 8Nov16.
The term "sacrifice" implies intent. Khan had no idea his son would get killed. He no more "sacrificed" anything that someone who's child was killed in a traffic accident. It's a tragedy, but not a sacrifice on his part.
Now you are just being a delusional dick. Do you really believe the parents of an infantry soldier in a war zone has no idea that their child is not in grave danger and may be killed?

They didn't make him go there. That was his decision, not theirs, douche bag.
Mr Khan and his son sacrificed nothing either. His son volunteered to join the Army. He served and was honorable, but he sacrificed nothing. Did he jump on a grenade to save a teammate? No. He was blown up by an IED doing his job. He's a good man, served his country and is one hell of an honorable man, but he sacrificed nothing.

WTF did Mr Khan sacrifice? Nothing. He's got no room to talk.
Damn you. You ever lose a child? God, I hate unfeeling bastards like you. The Khan family and their courageous son made the ultimate sacrifice for our nation. And you and Trump wish to denigrate them.

Trump states that he sacrificed by creating jobs. What he really meant that he felt that he sacrificed when he actually had to pay those working for him for their work. There are a goodly number that he never paid, and they will talking to audiences between now and 8Nov16.
The term "sacrifice" implies intent. Khan had no idea his son would get killed. He no more "sacrificed" anything that someone who's child was killed in a traffic accident. It's a tragedy, but not a sacrifice on his part.
Now you are just being a delusional dick. Do you really believe the parents of an infantry soldier in a war zone has no idea that their child is not in grave danger and may be killed?

They didn't make him go there. That was his decision, not theirs, douche bag.
That is what true patriotism is all about you fool. Young men and women offer up their service in spite of the danger and the parents become part of the sacrifice. You do not know the meaning of patriotism or the meaning of the word hero. Those who enlist and serve and their families walk the walk. People like you just talk the talk.
Quit while you are behind asshole. No amount of insult posting is going to get you out of being the fool in this thread.
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He isn't dishonoring the U.S. military. He simply disagreed with a douche bag who viciously attacked him.
Disagreed. He is and it isn't the first time either. Remember his comments about POWs?

If Trump truly wants to be President, he has to rise above the level of a bunch of assholes arguing on the Internet. He has to be a leader. Leaders unite people, they don't divide them. A Commander in Chief certainly doesn't denigrate veterans, those who've served their country or their families. Trump is fucking himself either out of ignorance or willingness.
We'll have to call all the conservatives coming out in righteous defense of Mr. Khan and his family 'khan-servatives'.
Mr Khan and his son sacrificed nothing either. His son volunteered to join the Army. He served and was honorable, but he sacrificed nothing. Did he jump on a grenade to save a teammate? No. He was blown up by an IED doing his job. He's a good man, served his country and is one hell of an honorable man, but he sacrificed nothing.

WTF did Mr Khan sacrifice? Nothing. He's got no room to talk.
Damn you. You ever lose a child? God, I hate unfeeling bastards like you. The Khan family and their courageous son made the ultimate sacrifice for our nation. And you and Trump wish to denigrate them.

Trump states that he sacrificed by creating jobs. What he really meant that he felt that he sacrificed when he actually had to pay those working for him for their work. There are a goodly number that he never paid, and they will talking to audiences between now and 8Nov16.
The term "sacrifice" implies intent. Khan had no idea his son would get killed. He no more "sacrificed" anything that someone who's child was killed in a traffic accident. It's a tragedy, but not a sacrifice on his part.
Now you are just being a delusional dick. Do you really believe the parents of an infantry soldier in a war zone has no idea that their child is not in grave danger and may be killed?

They didn't make him go there. That was his decision, not theirs, douche bag.
That is what true patriotism is all about you fool. Young men and women offer up their service in spite of the danger and the parents become part of the sacrifice. You do not know the meaning patriotism or the meaning of the word hero.
Quit while you are behind asshole. No amount of insult posting is going to get you out of being the fool in this thread.
Now your spouting pure pablum and and platitudes. According to the definition of the term, they didn't sacrifice a thing. They experienced a tragedy.
I agree it's wasn't a smart thing to do. He should follow the Democrat example and allow his surrogates to attack his opponent. Trump is not an experienced politician. That's all this episode shows. That's his main advantage but also a weakness. I would hope he had advisors who steer him away from these kinds of moves. Maybe he does but doesn't listen to them.
Fuck the lying, authoritarian asshole Democrats. If Trump wants to be President, he needs to earn it. Being a fucking anti-military asshole isn't earning it. He's effectively tossing the election to Hillary whether he wants to do so or not.

He's not anti-military. He's just got a habit of retaliating against those who attack him. The Dims used that to lay a trap for him. And, of course, the media is always there to pile on.
You stupid ass, it is not the media, it is Republicans, those presently serving in our military and those that have served. I believe this will be looked back on as the point where Trump lost the election for sure.
He isn't dishonoring the U.S. military. He simply disagreed with a douche bag who viciously attacked him.
Disagreed. He is and it isn't the first time either. Remember his comments about POWs?

If Trump truly wants to be President, he has to rise above the level of a bunch of assholes arguing on the Internet. He has to be a leader. Leaders unite people, they don't divide them. A Commander in Chief certainly doesn't denigrate veterans, those who've served their country or their families. Trump is fucking himself either out of ignorance or willingness.
He only has to unite slightly more than 50% of the eligible voters. The idea that we're going to unite with a bunch of certified douche bags like the left wingers on this forum is preposterous.
I agree it's wasn't a smart thing to do. He should follow the Democrat example and allow his surrogates to attack his opponent. Trump is not an experienced politician. That's all this episode shows. That's his main advantage but also a weakness. I would hope he had advisors who steer him away from these kinds of moves. Maybe he does but doesn't listen to them.
Fuck the lying, authoritarian asshole Democrats. If Trump wants to be President, he needs to earn it. Being a fucking anti-military asshole isn't earning it. He's effectively tossing the election to Hillary whether he wants to do so or not.

He's not anti-military. He's just got a habit of retaliating against those who attack him. The Dims used that to lay a trap for him. And, of course, the media is always there to pile on.
You stupid ass, it is not the media, it is Republicans, those presently serving in our military and those that have served. I believe this will be looked back on as the point where Trump lost the election for sure.

Hmm, wrong. I never claimed I was part of the media. Those presently serving in the military haven't said a thing. Neither have any who have served aside from one bootlicking hack who got himself elected to run the VFW.

I know you're hoping it will sink Trump. That's why you're a douche bag. You support the goals of the douche bags who conjured up this scam.

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