VFW just sounds out on Trumps comments to the Khans

It was wrong of the Khan family to allow their sacrifice and grief to be used for Democratic political campaign fodder...

That said...

Trump has lost yet another decent-sized chunk of (already wavering) support, with this latest collection of foolhardy responses...

At this rate, by the time we get to November 8, Trump won't pull more than 10-15% in the General Election... one of the biggest Ass-Whoopings in recent memory.

Deservedly so.

Not because the HildaBeast (a.k.a. the Ghost of Boss Tweed of Tammany Hall) is a particularly trustworthy or competent or moral creature...

But because the Alternative is ssssooooooo very much worse...

The fool simply has no filters, nor grace nor class... a caricature and walking bumper-sticker rather than a Leader of Men and Nations...

Rather like McMurphy from "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" channels the Ghost of Attila the Hun...

A big, unthinking, petulant child-man, who emotes rather than reasons...

No thank you...

I like a half-dozen things he says...

But I don't believe he'll carry through with any of them...

And, having him with his mitts on the Treasury and finger on The Button, the price is simply too high...

I despise the HildaBeast...

But I'm stuck voting for her...

God, I hate this...

the khan family had every reason to point out that trump's anti-muslim rhetoric belittled their son's sacrifice.

I'm sorry any criticism of dumb Donald offends you

You and the Khans intentionally dropped an important word in the middle: terrorists.
It was wrong of the Khan family to allow their sacrifice and grief to be used for Democratic political campaign fodder...

That said...

Trump has lost yet another decent-sized chunk of (already wavering) support, with this latest collection of foolhardy responses...

At this rate, by the time we get to November 8, Trump won't pull more than 10-15% in the General Election... one of the biggest Ass-Whoopings in recent memory.

Deservedly so.

Not because the HildaBeast (a.k.a. the Ghost of Boss Tweed of Tammany Hall) is a particularly trustworthy or competent or moral creature...

But because the Alternative is ssssooooooo very much worse...

The fool simply has no filters, nor grace nor class... a caricature and walking bumper-sticker rather than a Leader of Men and Nations...

Rather like McMurphy from "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" channels the Ghost of Attila the Hun...

A big, unthinking, petulant child-man, who emotes rather than reasons...

No thank you...

I like a half-dozen things he says...

But I don't believe he'll carry through with any of them...

And, having him with his mitts on the Treasury and finger on The Button, the price is simply too high...

I despise the HildaBeast...

But I'm stuck voting for her...

God, I hate this...

Normally I agree. But Trump brought up the fear the muslim card. If I'm a muslim, I'm pissed.
A good point. If a Presidential candidate stated that if elected he would stop Christian immigration (whatever the reason), wouldn't American Christians feel attacked?

If Christians made up the vast majority of terrorists, probably not!
I don't believe you.
If Christians made up the vast majority of terrorists, probably not!
The IRA did a pretty good job for most of the 20th Century. :p


VFW - Veterans of Foreign Wars

Herr Drumpf.....the VFW do NOT approve! :eusa_naughty:

Funny how you only give a shit about the military when it's self serving.

The guy didn't just state his view, he viciously attacked Trump. Whether you agree with what he said or not, Trump responding was certainly his right.

He could have made the point there are Muslims who are loyal to America without personally attacking Trump like that. And he did it in an ultra partisan venue, the DNC convention.

Trump had every right to respond
I'm a retired vet. Fail on your part.

You are a retired trash hauler who was one tick away from being dropped from flight school is probably closer to the truth. The only thing you ever fought in the military was boredom.
VFW - Veterans of Foreign Wars

Herr Drumpf.....the VFW do NOT approve! :eusa_naughty:

Funny how you only give a shit about the military when it's self serving.

The guy didn't just state his view, he viciously attacked Trump. Whether you agree with what he said or not, Trump responding was certainly his right.

He could have made the point there are Muslims who are loyal to America without personally attacking Trump like that. And he did it in an ultra partisan venue, the DNC convention.

Trump had every right to respond
I'm a retired vet. Fail on your part.

You are a retired trash hauler who was one tick away from being dropped from flight school is probably closer to the truth. The only thing you ever fought in the military was boredom.
Ah....personal attacks when all else fails. Also, as an added bonus, a personal attack denigrating my military service. Bravo! :clap: What we are learning to expect from a good Drumpf minion.
My Congressman is a vet himself....Duncan Hunter..I will be sending him an e-mail asking what he plans to publically do about this attack on a Gold Star Family.


It is none of his business, so enjoy wasting your time.

You probably had to look up what a gold star family was! How many of your children have served in the military?
VFW - Veterans of Foreign Wars

Herr Drumpf.....the VFW do NOT approve! :eusa_naughty:

Funny how you only give a shit about the military when it's self serving.

The guy didn't just state his view, he viciously attacked Trump. Whether you agree with what he said or not, Trump responding was certainly his right.

He could have made the point there are Muslims who are loyal to America without personally attacking Trump like that. And he did it in an ultra partisan venue, the DNC convention.

Trump had every right to respond
I'm a retired vet. Fail on your part.

You are a retired trash hauler who was one tick away from being dropped from flight school is probably closer to the truth. The only thing you ever fought in the military was boredom.
Ah....personal attacks when all else fails. Also, as an added bonus, a personal attack denigrating my military service. Bravo! :clap: What we are learning to expect from a good Drumpf minion.

I wasn't denigrating your service. That was probably closer to a compliment in your case!
All I know is the real people I know who were actually in the military seeing the crap you're writing to people who weren't in the military would tell you that you're misguided....
Given your scant knowledge of the United States military, I strongly doubt you know anything about the subject.

I didn't say I did, I said I have a lot of family, friends and family friends who were. I said I know military people, not the military. You must have been in Vietnam when they lowered the requirements to anyone who could breath.

Everyone I know in the military would consider you to be an embarrassment to the military talking to people like that about military service. Most military are honorable people who proudly served their country. Then there are a few like you
You really are a dick, aren't you? You don't just play one on message boards...
Yes, ma'm, I am. A professional military officer. In your eyes, a real "dick".

It used to be that only the Left Wing hated and disrespected our military personnel. Now both Left and Right Wing assholes do it.

No you stupid twat, I am insulting you, not the military. You really are stupid aren't you? You're a douche bag with no honor.

Is it your tiny penis you're compensating for saying that anyone who insults you insults the military?

And an officer? OK, now I know you're lying
Hillary's lies in Benghazi aren't worse? You're a partisan Democrat hack. ...
Fuck Hillary Clinton. You're a fucking cowardly, anti-military whackjob who is so far off center, if anyone disagrees with you, you label them "a partisan Democrat hack." When the shooting starts, I have no doubt you'll be hiding in your basement instead of "running toward the gunfire".

I'm insulting YOU not the military. Pull down your dress, your twat is showing
My Congressman is a vet himself....Duncan Hunter..I will be sending him an e-mail asking what he plans to publically do about this attack on a Gold Star Family.


It is none of his business, so enjoy wasting your time.

You probably had to look up what a gold star family was! How many of your children have served in the military?
Fascinating. If my Congressman, who is himself a vet, doesn't think insulting a Gold Star family is his business, then he would not get my vote and I will tell him so.
And I know quite well what a Gold Star family is.

I have one daughter and she is in college currently. But my wife and I are both retired Navy as is my Father in Law while my father and grandfather served in the Air Force and Army.

Is this where you now personally attack my family? I'm learning to expect that from Drumpf minions.
And what quote did Trump say that offended you? I want quotes, not commentary
The fucking LW whackos use the same tactic; when they run out of logical arguments, they name call. When that doesn't work, they ask "what are you complaining about? Provide proof". It's a sophomoric delaying tactic.

You are either bullshiting by pulling such a tactic or truly fucking stupid. Which is it?

The fact remains Trump is fucking himself with this whole issue. Don't take my word for it. Listen to what the VFW and Gold Star families are saying. Of course, being an anti-military asshole, I doubt you give a shit about them.

All I asked you for where for the specific Trump quotes on Khan you found objectionable. What are you talking about, you stupid vagina?

Just like all the rest of the leftist Democrat blowing idiots, you can't just say, Trump said, "{quote}." Is it stupidity that you can't read a simple sentence and just provide the specific quotes you found objectionable from Trump?
My Congressman is a vet himself....Duncan Hunter..I will be sending him an e-mail asking what he plans to publically do about this attack on a Gold Star Family.


It is none of his business, so enjoy wasting your time.

You probably had to look up what a gold star family was! How many of your children have served in the military?
Fascinating. If my Congressman, who is himself a vet, doesn't think insulting a Gold Star family is his business, then he would not get my vote and I will tell him so.
And I know quite well what a Gold Star family is.

I have one daughter and she is in college currently. But my wife and I are both retired Navy as is my Father in Law while my father and grandfather served in the Air Force and Army.

Is this where you now personally attack my family? I'm learning to expect that from Drumpf minions.

Yet you still can't provide a single quote that you found "insulting." I'd say that is interesting, but you're such a lying hack partisan douche it isn't really. From the media's pen to your mouth.

BTW, I do believe your honey was in the military like she says. You? I doubt it
Trump did not attack the muslim soldier or his family. An honest person can clearly see that by listening to his response.

Let us know when you find an honest person who is supporting Donald Trump.

Meanwhile- thanks for letting us know you don't think that the Veterans of Foreign Wars are 'honest'


Just exactly how did Trump ridicule her? Notice he does not say.
VFW - Veterans of Foreign Wars

Herr Drumpf.....the VFW do NOT approve! :eusa_naughty:

Funny how you only give a shit about the military when it's self serving.

The guy didn't just state his view, he viciously attacked Trump. Whether you agree with what he said or not, Trump responding was certainly his right.

He could have made the point there are Muslims who are loyal to America without personally attacking Trump like that. And he did it in an ultra partisan venue, the DNC convention.

Trump had every right to respond
I'm a retired vet. Fail on your part.

You are a retired trash hauler who was one tick away from being dropped from flight school is probably closer to the truth. The only thing you ever fought in the military was boredom.

The only military she ever brings up is when she's insulted. Liberals love to be insulted
You really are a dick, aren't you? You don't just play one on message boards...
Yes, ma'm, I am. A professional military officer. In your eyes, a real "dick".

It used to be that only the Left Wing hated and disrespected our military personnel. Now both Left and Right Wing assholes do it.

No you stupid twat, I am insulting you, not the military. You really are stupid aren't you? You're a douche bag with no honor.

Is it your tiny penis you're compensating for saying that anyone who insults you insults the military?

And an officer? OK, now I know you're lying
Another Drumpf minion adding a military flavor to her personal insults. This Drumpf minion honesty is refreshing. Now we know how they REALLY feel about Americans who served this country.
VFW - Veterans of Foreign Wars

Herr Drumpf.....the VFW do NOT approve! :eusa_naughty:

Funny how you only give a shit about the military when it's self serving.

The guy didn't just state his view, he viciously attacked Trump. Whether you agree with what he said or not, Trump responding was certainly his right.

He could have made the point there are Muslims who are loyal to America without personally attacking Trump like that. And he did it in an ultra partisan venue, the DNC convention.

Trump had every right to respond
I'm a retired vet. Fail on your part.

You are a retired trash hauler who was one tick away from being dropped from flight school is probably closer to the truth. The only thing you ever fought in the military was boredom.
Ah....personal attacks when all else fails. Also, as an added bonus, a personal attack denigrating my military service. Bravo! :clap: What we are learning to expect from a good Drumpf minion.

How stupid are you people? He insulted YOU not the military. Can't make up the stupid that you are.

And the closest you ever came to the military was on the outside of a fence you chained yourself to for some moonbat leftist cause that even you don't remember

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