VFW just sounds out on Trumps comments to the Khans

Oddly....no one suggested limiting immigration from Ireland or limiting immigration of catholics during The Troubles.
Probably had something to do with the facts we have a large Irish and Catholic population, had a revered Irish Catholic President and still a bit of resentment over the fucking Redcoats back in 1776, 1812 and their support for the CSA in 1861. ;)
And a lot of political clout flowing out of the Boston and Chicago and NYC area.......
  • Former Trump Aide: Khan's Son Would Be Alive If Trump Were President
    The Hill ^ | August 1,2016 | Jesse Byrnes
    Donald Trump's former campaign manager on Monday said that Khizr Khan's son, Capt. Humayun Khan, would still be alive today if Trump had been president. Corey Lewandowski noted Trump's long-standing opposition to the War in Iraq, where Humayun Khan was killed by a suicide bomber in 2004.
We will never know, will we? But speculation can be fun.....how about this one: "None of us would be alive if Drumpf were President" Just as valid as yours.
BUT Trump never voted to have our men KILLED in war, as your love has, you idiot!
It was wrong of the Khan family to allow their sacrifice and grief to be used for Democratic political campaign fodder...

That said...

Trump has lost yet another decent-sized chunk of (already wavering) support, with this latest collection of foolhardy responses...

At this rate, by the time we get to November 8, Trump won't pull more than 10-15% in the General Election... one of the biggest Ass-Whoopings in recent memory.

Deservedly so.

Not because the HildaBeast (a.k.a. the Ghost of Boss Tweed of Tammany Hall) is a particularly trustworthy or competent or moral creature...

But because the Alternative is ssssooooooo very much worse...

The fool simply has no filters, nor grace nor class... a caricature and walking bumper-sticker rather than a Leader of Men and Nations...

Rather like McMurphy from "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" channels the Ghost of Attila the Hun...

A big, unthinking, petulant child-man, who emotes rather than reasons...

No thank you...

I like a half-dozen things he says...

But I don't believe he'll carry through with any of them...

And, having him with his mitts on the Treasury and finger on The Button, the price is simply too high...

I despise the HildaBeast...

But I'm stuck voting for her...

God, I hate this...

Normally I agree. But Trump brought up the fear the muslim card. If I'm a muslim, I'm pissed.
A good point. If a Presidential candidate stated that if elected he would stop Christian immigration (whatever the reason), wouldn't American Christians feel attacked?

If Christians made up the vast majority of terrorists, probably not!
I don't believe you.

Personally, I don't give a rat's rectum what you believe, because you are consistently wrong and that would just be another example.
You really are a dick, aren't you? You don't just play one on message boards...
Yes, ma'm, I am. A professional military officer. In your eyes, a real "dick".

It used to be that only the Left Wing hated and disrespected our military personnel. Now both Left and Right Wing assholes do it.

No you stupid twat, I am insulting you, not the military. You really are stupid aren't you? You're a douche bag with no honor.

Is it your tiny penis you're compensating for saying that anyone who insults you insults the military?

And an officer? OK, now I know you're lying
Another Drumpf minion adding a military flavor to her personal insults. This Drumpf minion honesty is refreshing. Now we know how they REALLY feel about Americans who served this country.

Really and how is that? How was this conclusion achieved?

Being in the military overseas can get lonely. "Girls" like bodecea can help with that
You Drumpf minions just can't help yourselves anymore, can you?
  • Former Trump Aide: Khan's Son Would Be Alive If Trump Were President
    The Hill ^ | August 1,2016 | Jesse Byrnes
    Donald Trump's former campaign manager on Monday said that Khizr Khan's son, Capt. Humayun Khan, would still be alive today if Trump had been president. Corey Lewandowski noted Trump's long-standing opposition to the War in Iraq, where Humayun Khan was killed by a suicide bomber in 2004.
We will never know, will we? But speculation can be fun.....how about this one: "None of us would be alive if Drumpf were President" Just as valid as yours.
BUT Trump never voted to have our men KILLED in war, as your love has, you idiot!
What Political Office has Drumpf held that permits him to make any such vote? List them.
Hillary voted for the war, remember?
Correct. Fuck Hillary. Now, back to the asshole running for President who attacked the mother of an American hero for no reason at all.

Do you think Trump was right to attack Heidi Cruz? Do you think it's good leadership and Presidential for a person to do any of those things?
You talk about presidential when we have the current THUG in the White House.... I have a pen and a cell phone, and I have E.O.'s and NO ONE will stop me!
Ah yes....the magically "THUG" word. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Well what do you call a community agitator from Chicago....Mess..iah? He's a #BLM THUG in a suit!
Hillary voted for the war, remember?
Correct. Fuck Hillary. Now, back to the asshole running for President who attacked the mother of an American hero for no reason at all.

Do you think Trump was right to attack Heidi Cruz? Do you think it's good leadership and Presidential for a person to do any of those things?
You talk about presidential when we have the current THUG in the White House.... I have a pen and a cell phone, and I have E.O.'s and NO ONE will stop me!
Ah yes....the magically "THUG" word. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Well what do you call a community agitator from Chicago....Mess..iah? He's a #BLM THUG in a suit!
This is so refreshing....this total "let it all hang out" honesty from the Drumpf minions now. :clap:
It was wrong of the Khan family to allow their sacrifice and grief to be used for Democratic political campaign fodder...

That said...

Trump has lost yet another decent-sized chunk of (already wavering) support, with this latest collection of foolhardy responses...

At this rate, by the time we get to November 8, Trump won't pull more than 10-15% in the General Election... one of the biggest Ass-Whoopings in recent memory.

Deservedly so.

Not because the HildaBeast (a.k.a. the Ghost of Boss Tweed of Tammany Hall) is a particularly trustworthy or competent or moral creature...

But because the Alternative is ssssooooooo very much worse...

The fool simply has no filters, nor grace nor class... a caricature and walking bumper-sticker rather than a Leader of Men and Nations...

Rather like McMurphy from "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" channels the Ghost of Attila the Hun...

A big, unthinking, petulant child-man, who emotes rather than reasons...

No thank you...

I like a half-dozen things he says...

But I don't believe he'll carry through with any of them...

And, having him with his mitts on the Treasury and finger on The Button, the price is simply too high...

I despise the HildaBeast...

But I'm stuck voting for her...

God, I hate this...

Normally I agree. But Trump brought up the fear the muslim card. If I'm a muslim, I'm pissed.

Oh, I see. Trump brought on the fear. Not ISIS, not the beheadings, not the Fort Hood shooting, not 9/11, not Nice, it was Trump. Wow you folks really are in the bag for crooked Hillary.
I said nothing in my post about fear nor any of that... merely that Trump has turned-out to be an Empty Suit and an emoter rather than a thinker, and dangerous.

HildaBeast is a lousy choice... trouble is, Attila is even worse, by an order of magnitude... he's just too dangerous and incompetent to allow anywhere near the Oval Office.
  • Former Trump Aide: Khan's Son Would Be Alive If Trump Were President
    The Hill ^ | August 1,2016 | Jesse Byrnes
    Donald Trump's former campaign manager on Monday said that Khizr Khan's son, Capt. Humayun Khan, would still be alive today if Trump had been president. Corey Lewandowski noted Trump's long-standing opposition to the War in Iraq, where Humayun Khan was killed by a suicide bomber in 2004.
We will never know, will we? But speculation can be fun.....how about this one: "None of us would be alive if Drumpf were President" Just as valid as yours.
BUT Trump never voted to have our men KILLED in war, as your love has, you idiot!
What Political Office has Drumpf held that permits him to make any such vote? List them.
That's WHY the people LOVE HIM, you dumb bastard...he's an OUTSIDER and as such has told us what he will do...we already know the the C*UNT lies, is a criminal, corrupt, and a murderer!
Hillary voted for the war, remember?
Correct. Fuck Hillary. Now, back to the asshole running for President who attacked the mother of an American hero for no reason at all.

Do you think Trump was right to attack Heidi Cruz? Do you think it's good leadership and Presidential for a person to do any of those things?
You talk about presidential when we have the current THUG in the White House.... I have a pen and a cell phone, and I have E.O.'s and NO ONE will stop me!
Ah yes....the magically "THUG" word. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Well what do you call a community agitator from Chicago....Mess..iah? He's a #BLM THUG in a suit!
This is so refreshing....this total "let it all hang out" honesty from the Drumpf minions now. :clap:
It's easy when having to reply to a dummy with an IQ lower than a 25 W. bulb!
My Congressman is a vet himself....Duncan Hunter..I will be sending him an e-mail asking what he plans to publically do about this attack on a Gold Star Family.


It is none of his business, so enjoy wasting your time.

You probably had to look up what a gold star family was! How many of your children have served in the military?
Fascinating. If my Congressman, who is himself a vet, doesn't think insulting a Gold Star family is his business, then he would not get my vote and I will tell him so.
And I know quite well what a Gold Star family is.

I have one daughter and she is in college currently. But my wife and I are both retired Navy as is my Father in Law while my father and grandfather served in the Air Force and Army.

Is this where you now personally attack my family? I'm learning to expect that from Drumpf minions.

OK, I will spell it out in plain English for you. What the fuck do you expect him to do about it? He is a Congressman, not God.

Well, I have you beat about 5 times over as far as family service, but your ignorance about everything else makes your knowledge on many subjects extremely suspect.
...Yeah, because Christians are no better than Muslims, don't ya know, and if you're afraid of them it's because you're a bigot.
Screw the goddamned Muzzies... I'll take a Christian over one of those heathens any ol' day... it's just that Donald is too unstable and dangerous to be granted such power.

When your choice is a corrupt Establishment politician or a mentally unstable amateur, I'll take the corrupt Establishment politician, for the sake of the Republic.
My Congressman is a vet himself....Duncan Hunter..I will be sending him an e-mail asking what he plans to publically do about this attack on a Gold Star Family.


It is none of his business, so enjoy wasting your time.

You probably had to look up what a gold star family was! How many of your children have served in the military?
Fascinating. If my Congressman, who is himself a vet, doesn't think insulting a Gold Star family is his business, then he would not get my vote and I will tell him so.
And I know quite well what a Gold Star family is.

I have one daughter and she is in college currently. But my wife and I are both retired Navy as is my Father in Law while my father and grandfather served in the Air Force and Army.

Is this where you now personally attack my family? I'm learning to expect that from Drumpf minions.

OK, I will spell it out in plain English for you. What the fuck do you expect him to do about it? He is a Congressman, not God.

Well, I have you beat about 5 times over as far as family service, but your ignorance about everything else makes your knowledge on many subjects extremely suspect.
I expect him to publically condemn what Drumpf said to that Gold Star family as at least two other Congresscritters have done so far. I want to hear his condemnation....silence is tacit approval.
You are a retired trash hauler who was one tick away from being dropped from flight school is probably closer to the truth. The only thing you ever fought in the military was boredom.
Disagree with his politics, but don't knock his service.

There are a lot of great war biographies and stories written by vets out there. One of them is Thomas Heggen's "Mr. Roberts". Heggen served 14 months during WWII in the thankless, "boring" but vital job as an officer aboard a supply ship sailing "from Tedium to Apathy and back again, with an occasional side trip to Monotony". A comment he made in his notes and later in the book. In the book, after Mr. Roberts was transferred to a warship headed for Japan, he wrote a letter back to his men: "Doc, I've been aboard this destroyer for two weeks now and we've already been through four air attacks. I'm in the war at last, Doc! I've caught up with that task force that passed me by. I'm glad to be here. I had to be here, I guess. But I'm thinking now of you, Doc,and you, Frank. And Dolan, and Dowdy, and Insigna and everyone else on that bucket. All the guys everywhere who sail from Tedium to Apathy and back again, with an occasional side trip to Monotony. This is a tough crew on here, and they have a wonderful battle record. But I've discovered, Doc, that the unseen enemy of this war is the boredom that eventually becomes a faith and, therefore, a terrible sort of suicide. l know now that the ones who refuse to surrender to it are the strongest of all. Right now I'm looking at something that's hanging over my desk. A preposterous hunk of brass attached to the most bilious piece of ribbon I've ever seen. I'd rather have it than the Congressional Medal of Honor. It tells me what I'll always be proudest of: That at a time in the world when courage counted most I lived among 62 brave men."

FWIW, Heggen committed suicide at age 30. Another American sacrificed on the alter of American freedom.

It took 10 men and women to support one man on the ground in Vietnam. Many of those jobs are outsourced now to rich corporations, but the jobs are still vital. I don't knock anyone who does their duty while serving their country. Most don't have much choice in their assignments but all are vital to the mission of their service.

I'm sorry, but when he/she/whatever uses that service to promote their politics it is fair game. Claiming expertise on military affairs while serving as a cargo pilot makes about as much sense as commentary from a Greyhound bus driver on the state of space exploration.
Yes, ma'm, I am. A professional military officer. In your eyes, a real "dick".

It used to be that only the Left Wing hated and disrespected our military personnel. Now both Left and Right Wing assholes do it.

No you stupid twat, I am insulting you, not the military. You really are stupid aren't you? You're a douche bag with no honor.

Is it your tiny penis you're compensating for saying that anyone who insults you insults the military?

And an officer? OK, now I know you're lying
Another Drumpf minion adding a military flavor to her personal insults. This Drumpf minion honesty is refreshing. Now we know how they REALLY feel about Americans who served this country.

Really and how is that? How was this conclusion achieved?

Being in the military overseas can get lonely. "Girls" like bodecea can help with that
You Drumpf minions just can't help yourselves anymore, can you?

Well being such a good soldier, thanks.
Now, what did Trump say that makes you think he doesn't like the military or the soldiers?
You are a retired trash hauler who was one tick away from being dropped from flight school is probably closer to the truth. The only thing you ever fought in the military was boredom.
Disagree with his politics, but don't knock his service.

There are a lot of great war biographies and stories written by vets out there. One of them is Thomas Heggen's "Mr. Roberts". Heggen served 14 months during WWII in the thankless, "boring" but vital job as an officer aboard a supply ship sailing "from Tedium to Apathy and back again, with an occasional side trip to Monotony". A comment he made in his notes and later in the book. In the book, after Mr. Roberts was transferred to a warship headed for Japan, he wrote a letter back to his men: "Doc, I've been aboard this destroyer for two weeks now and we've already been through four air attacks. I'm in the war at last, Doc! I've caught up with that task force that passed me by. I'm glad to be here. I had to be here, I guess. But I'm thinking now of you, Doc,and you, Frank. And Dolan, and Dowdy, and Insigna and everyone else on that bucket. All the guys everywhere who sail from Tedium to Apathy and back again, with an occasional side trip to Monotony. This is a tough crew on here, and they have a wonderful battle record. But I've discovered, Doc, that the unseen enemy of this war is the boredom that eventually becomes a faith and, therefore, a terrible sort of suicide. l know now that the ones who refuse to surrender to it are the strongest of all. Right now I'm looking at something that's hanging over my desk. A preposterous hunk of brass attached to the most bilious piece of ribbon I've ever seen. I'd rather have it than the Congressional Medal of Honor. It tells me what I'll always be proudest of: That at a time in the world when courage counted most I lived among 62 brave men."

FWIW, Heggen committed suicide at age 30. Another American sacrificed on the alter of American freedom.

It took 10 men and women to support one man on the ground in Vietnam. Many of those jobs are outsourced now to rich corporations, but the jobs are still vital. I don't knock anyone who does their duty while serving their country. Most don't have much choice in their assignments but all are vital to the mission of their service.

I'm sorry, but when he/she/whatever uses that service to promote their politics it is fair game. Claiming expertise on military affairs while serving as a cargo pilot makes about as much sense as commentary from a Greyhound bus driver on the state of space exploration.
"Some military more equal than others"......funny how there is no distinction on my retired ID.....

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