VFW just sounds out on Trumps comments to the Khans

  • Former Trump Aide: Khan's Son Would Be Alive If Trump Were President
    The Hill ^ | August 1,2016 | Jesse Byrnes
    Donald Trump's former campaign manager on Monday said that Khizr Khan's son, Capt. Humayun Khan, would still be alive today if Trump had been president. Corey Lewandowski noted Trump's long-standing opposition to the War in Iraq, where Humayun Khan was killed by a suicide bomber in 2004.
Translation: GW Bush's Presidency and the war in Iraq was a mistake. All Republicans who supported the war should be told "You're Fired!"

An interesting perspective. Do you think he would have retaliated against Al-Qaeda and Afghanistan after 9/11?
Yes, do I think Al Gore, would have? No.
I would have thought that Trump would have needed definite proof....If as it happened that OBL stated that he was responsible for 9/11, I believe he wold have bombed the hell out of where ever OBL was....and wait on the land troops.....Carpet bombing is only bad for the people that protect a killer!
Even Slick Willie knew bin Laden was a threat, but because he was more interested in Monica's snatch and "purty mouth", he didn't/couldn't do anything about it. Bush was just settling into his Presidency when the shit hit the fan. It was pretty clear from the start who did it.

Well,we knew from the passenger list it was muslim's ...BUT since 17 of them came from Saudi Arabia, and since Bush let the OBL's family fly out of country the day after 9/11.... to me it speaks VOLUMES about what was really known and the failure to prosecute the perpetrator correctly!
Fascinating. If my Congressman, who is himself a vet, doesn't think insulting a Gold Star family is his business, then he would not get my vote and I will tell him so.
And I know quite well what a Gold Star family is.

I have one daughter and she is in college currently. But my wife and I are both retired Navy as is my Father in Law while my father and grandfather served in the Air Force and Army.

Is this where you now personally attack my family? I'm learning to expect that from Drumpf minions.

OK, I will spell it out in plain English for you. What the fuck do you expect him to do about it? He is a Congressman, not God.

Well, I have you beat about 5 times over as far as family service, but your ignorance about everything else makes your knowledge on many subjects extremely suspect.
I expect him to publically condemn what Drumpf said to that Gold Star family as at least two other Congresscritters have done so far. I want to hear his condemnation....silence is tacit approval.

Why? So you can feel better that someone else is mischaracterizing what happened? I guess you just want your Congresscritter to be as ignorant as you are. Will that make you all warm and fuzzy on the inside?

Can you even tell me by quoting what Trump said that pissed you off? My bet is that you or any lib for that matter cannot come up with anything specific.
I am amused that you are all hung up on me contacting my Congresscritter. Makes me wonder why.

It is just another in an seemingly unending parade of "stupid" coming from your posts. I'm done. EX3-4.
Of course, you are done. After demanding to know why people objected to Trump's comments over and over like some dope who can't read the news you got a link to the VFW official statement to explain it to you and decided to bug out.
I'm sorry, but when he/she/whatever uses that service to promote their politics it is fair game. Claiming expertise on military affairs while serving as a cargo pilot makes about as much sense as commentary from a Greyhound bus driver on the state of space exploration.
Then attack the politics not every COD pilot and crewman who ever risked their lives in shitty weather flying off a 1000' aircraft carrier.

OK, I will spell it out in plain English for you. What the fuck do you expect him to do about it? He is a Congressman, not God.

Well, I have you beat about 5 times over as far as family service, but your ignorance about everything else makes your knowledge on many subjects extremely suspect.
I expect him to publically condemn what Drumpf said to that Gold Star family as at least two other Congresscritters have done so far. I want to hear his condemnation....silence is tacit approval.

Why? So you can feel better that someone else is mischaracterizing what happened? I guess you just want your Congresscritter to be as ignorant as you are. Will that make you all warm and fuzzy on the inside?

Can you even tell me by quoting what Trump said that pissed you off? My bet is that you or any lib for that matter cannot come up with anything specific.
I am amused that you are all hung up on me contacting my Congresscritter. Makes me wonder why.

It is just another in an seemingly unending parade of "stupid" coming from your posts. I'm done. EX3-4.
Of course, you are done. After demanding to know why people objected to Trump's comments over and over like some dope who can't read the news you got a link to the VFW official statement to explain it to you and decided to bug out.

The Veterans a not supporting the Witch so who cares?
Well,we knew from the passenger list it was muslim's ...BUT since 17 of them came from Saudi Arabia, and since Bush let the OBL's family fly out of country the day after 9/11.... to me it speaks VOLUMES about what was really known and the failure to prosecute the perpetrator correctly!
Do you believe G.W. Bush was a traitor and part of the conspiracy to destroy the WTC and Pentagon?
There are a big "if" in that hypothetical. That makes it completely irrelevant since the facts make the situation being discussed real and not hypothetical.
Agreed.....and saying Capt. Khan wouldn't have been killed if Trump was President is equally hypothetical. Did you tell Vigilante that hypotheticals are irrelevant?

  • Former Trump Aide: Khan's Son Would Be Alive If Trump Were President
    The Hill ^ | August 1,2016 | Jesse Byrnes
    Donald Trump's former campaign manager on Monday said that Khizr Khan's son, Capt. Humayun Khan, would still be alive today if Trump had been president. Corey Lewandowski noted Trump's long-standing opposition to the War in Iraq, where Humayun Khan was killed by a suicide bomber in 2004.
The Veterans a not supporting the Witch so who cares?
Correct about vets, but everyone who cares about keeping Hillary out of the White House should be concerned every time Trump pisses away a voting block.
It was wrong of the Khan family to allow their sacrifice and grief to be used for Democratic political campaign fodder...

That said...

Trump has lost yet another decent-sized chunk of (already wavering) support, with this latest collection of foolhardy responses...

At this rate, by the time we get to November 8, Trump won't pull more than 10-15% in the General Election... one of the biggest Ass-Whoopings in recent memory.

Deservedly so.

Not because the HildaBeast (a.k.a. the Ghost of Boss Tweed of Tammany Hall) is a particularly trustworthy or competent or moral creature...

But because the Alternative is ssssooooooo very much worse...

The fool simply has no filters, nor grace nor class... a caricature and walking bumper-sticker rather than a Leader of Men and Nations...

Rather like McMurphy from "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" channels the Ghost of Attila the Hun...

A big, unthinking, petulant child-man, who emotes rather than reasons...

No thank you...

I like a half-dozen things he says...

But I don't believe he'll carry through with any of them...

And, having him with his mitts on the Treasury and finger on The Button, the price is simply too high...

I despise the HildaBeast...

But I'm stuck voting for her...

God, I hate this...

Vote policy - not personality.
Well,we knew from the passenger list it was muslim's ...BUT since 17 of them came from Saudi Arabia, and since Bush let the OBL's family fly out of country the day after 9/11.... to me it speaks VOLUMES about what was really known and the failure to prosecute the perpetrator correctly!
Do you believe G.W. Bush was a traitor and part of the conspiracy to destroy the WTC and Pentagon?

No, but I believe that IMMEDIATELY AFTER 9/11 he knew it was OBL and since they were family friends in the oil business, he gave the Bin Laden family a FAVOR and let them run out of the country. Too much evidence to ignore, just like the evidence of all the shit the Clinton's have been involved in!

bin laden and bush oil friends - - Yahoo Search Results
The Veterans a not supporting the Witch so who cares?
Correct about vets, but everyone who cares about keeping Hillary out of the White House should be concerned every time Trump pisses away a voting block.

He's not losing the vets..This mans son is a hero. His father is a pawn who supports unlimited muslim immigration
The Veterans a not supporting the Witch so who cares?
Correct about vets, but everyone who cares about keeping Hillary out of the White House should be concerned every time Trump pisses away a voting block.

True, but I think people will see if for what it is, after the media gets done sucking off the democrat party. It was a clear setup.
I would have thought that Trump would have needed definite proof....If as it happened that OBL stated that he was responsible for 9/11, I believe he wold have bombed the hell out of where ever OBL was....and wait on the land troops.....Carpet bombing is only bad for the people that protect a killer!
Even Slick Willie knew bin Laden was a threat, but because he was more interested in Monica's snatch and "purty mouth", he didn't/couldn't do anything about it. Bush was just settling into his Presidency when the shit hit the fan. It was pretty clear from the start who did it.

Well,we knew from the passenger list it was muslim's ...BUT since 17 of them came from Saudi Arabia, and since Bush let the OBL's family fly out of country the day after 9/11.... to me it speaks VOLUMES about what was really known and the failure to prosecute the perpetrator correctly!

No flights left the country until 9/13, here is Snopes take on the story about them being secreted out.

Flights of Fancy
The founding fathers disagree with you.
Correct. However, the Left Wing Weenies keep wanting to rewrite the Constitution but are too stupid it realize it may not turn out the way they want. Both sides are becoming more and more anti-military and pro-special interests.

While only 2% of our nation serves, and it's common for active duty members to be the sons and daughters of career military, let's not forget who has the best military training in the world and is equipped with the best weapons.

The Left Wing Weenies often chant that private ownership of guns aren't needed because we have a Federal "militia". While it's true our military wouldn't fire upon civilians just because some douchebag in Washington ordered it, it's a completely different scenario if the majority of our military think their own government is unConstitutional and acting against the best interests of the nation.
The truth is that Trump had absolutely nothing to do with Khans being murdered by radical Muslims, crooked Hillary did.

Khan died in 2004. Remind us who was President then?

Crooked Hillary's involvement was voting for the war in Iraq and making a speech in support for the war. This isn't about Bush this is about crooked Hillary.
True, but I think people will see if for what it is, after the media gets done sucking off the democrat party. It was a clear setup.
Set up or not, Trump walked right into it without a second doubt. He's still in it.

One news commentator today mentioned "Trump is easy to bait" and went on to say all the Democrats have to do is bait him, record his responses and play those as their campaign commercials.
True, but I think people will see if for what it is, after the media gets done sucking off the democrat party. It was a clear setup.
Set up or not, Trump walked right into it without a second doubt. He's still in it.

One news commentator today mentioned "Trump is easy to bait" and went on to say all the Democrats have to do is bait him, record his responses and play those as their campaign commercials.

Well I don't disagree with that, but lets see how it plays out.....it's tactic liberals use, I hope it gets exposed and blown up this time.
Crooked Hillary's involvement was voting for the war in Iraq and making a speech in support for the war. This isn't about Bush this is about crooked Hillary.
Actually it's about the VFW castigating Trump for his comments.

VFW - Veterans of Foreign Wars
August 01, 2016

WASHINGTON — Presidential candidate Donald J. Trump has a history of lashing out after being attacked, but to ridicule a Gold Star Mother is out-of-bounds, said the new national commander of the near 1.7 million-member Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States and its Auxiliary.

“Election year or not, the VFW will not tolerate anyone berating a Gold Star family member for exercising his or her right of speech or expression,” said Brian Duffy, of Louisville, Ky., who was elected July 27 to lead the nation’s oldest and largest major war veterans organization.

“There are certain sacrosanct subjects that no amount of wordsmithing can repair once crossed,” he said. “Giving one’s life to nation is the greatest sacrifice, followed closely by all Gold Star families, who have a right to make their voices heard.”
Well I don't disagree with that, but lets see how it plays out.....it's tactic liberals use, I hope it gets exposed and blown up this time.
Sure they use it. Dirty politics and lying are well known Liberal tactics.

Still , Trump didn't have to jump with feet first. What does that make him?

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