Victimhood My Ass!!

This is what we come from. So understand that whites can end their racism and peace will come to all. Or you can keep this shit up. But know one thing, just like Sis Hamer, we will fight until hell freezes over. And when that day comes, if white refuse to stop, put your ice shoes on, because we will continue to fight on the ice.

“There is very little truth in the old refrain that one cannot legislate equality. Laws not only provide concrete benefits, they can even change the hearts of men—some men, anyhow—for good or evil.”

Thurgood Marshall

I'm a victim of your boring branches.
Whites commit 60 percent of the violent crimes.
Only if you include fist fights as "violent crimes" AND you lump in hispanics with whites, but it clearly isnt an accurate picture if you do that. Its dishonest.
Wrong. It's not about including fistfights and don't blame Hispanics for high white crime.
White crime is nearly non-existent compared to rampant black crime.
If that were true then there would be no crime to speak of in states that are predominantly white.

'Alexa, what are the whitest states in the U.S.?'

'The states with the highest percentage of white or Caucasion residents are as follows:

Geographic distribution
  • Maine 95.5%
  • New Hampshire 95.0%
  • West Virginia 94.3%
  • Iowa 92.9%
  • Idaho 92.1%
  • Wyoming 91.6%
  • Minnesota 90.94%
  • North Dakota 90.9%
White Americans - Wikipedia › wiki › White_Americans

So just starting at the top with the state of Maine which is 95.5 percent white, I did a quick perusal of their inmate population. The count is presently at 8,817 who are under supervision of the courts or correction department however with the exception of less than 1,200 which includes Asians, African Americans, Native Americans, those or two or more races and those whose race is unknown, all the rest are white as you can see here:

MDOC Search and Deposit no cookie redirect

Still blaming black people for white people's misdeeds.

Hey look, they even have yours
Inmate Population Information List
Paint it however you may, as stated in previous post, blacks commit 54% of homicides, despite being only 12% of the population. They've been racking up a homicide rate 8 times higher than whites.

Some people have to be told twice.

Making matters worse is that, in places where Democrats are in large numbers, and thus vote in liberal mayors and judges, blacks sometimes get away with their crimes, and are even falsely portrayed as the victim (like Rodney King, Eleanor Bumpurs, Tawana Brawley, Crystal Mangum, Lemrick Nelson, Damian Williams, Larry Davis, Michael Stewart, Edmund Perry, et al,) with cops and whites demonized.

Republicans run for those offices. Why do they keep losing if what they propose erases the problem?

This is what we come from. So understand that whites can end their racism and peace will come to all. Or you can keep this shit up. But know one thing, just like Sis Hamer, we will fight until hell freezes over. And when that day comes, if white refuse to stop, put your ice shoes on, because we will continue to fight on the ice.

“There is very little truth in the old refrain that one cannot legislate equality. Laws not only provide concrete benefits, they can even change the hearts of men—some men, anyhow—for good or evil.”

Thurgood Marshall

I'm a victim of your boring branches.

Only if you include fist fights as "violent crimes" AND you lump in hispanics with whites, but it clearly isnt an accurate picture if you do that. Its dishonest.
Wrong. It's not about including fistfights and don't blame Hispanics for high white crime.
White crime is nearly non-existent compared to rampant black crime.
The Uniform Crime Reports debunks this lie on an annual basis..
The DOJ debunks YOU. According to their studies done over a long period of time, blacks are committing homicides at 8 times the rate of whites. 9,468 murder arrests in 2017.

Blacks committed homicides at a rate of 54%, despite being only 12% of the population. Biggest mistake ever made in US history was bringing blacks here.

The DOJ doesn't debunk shit. Murder is not the only crime and it is not the only violent crime. And if you weren't an intellectually lazy chickenshit piece of white dog shit, you would make your argument based on the numbers of people committing that particular crime instead an entire population. When that is done you get the most accurate picture. Whites commit the most violent crime and a few illiterate pieces of uneducated simple minded white trash cannot and do not change this fact.
FALSE; RIDICULOUS; & STUPID. What was "done" in my post, was what was supposed to be done. A longtime record of the most serious crime (homicide,) recorded by the most official US authority, the DOJ.

I clearly stated what the numbers were, 9,468 murders in 2017 by black uncivilized, barbarian savages, and a lamebrain post by a miseducated, simpleminded, black imbecile doesn't change these facts, of the most violent crime being committed by blacks, 8 times more than whites.
Last edited:
There are white people want to take one sentence a black person says then twist it to fit their fucked up mental retardation otherwise known as racism.





This is what we come from. So understand that whites can end their racism and peace will come to all. Or you can keep this shit up. But know one thing, just like Sis Hamer, we will fight until hell freezes over. And when that day comes, if white refuse to stop, put your ice shoes on, because we will continue to fight on the ice.

“There is very little truth in the old refrain that one cannot legislate equality. Laws not only provide concrete benefits, they can even change the hearts of men—some men, anyhow—for good or evil.”

Thurgood Marshall

Nice story Bro...but laws often do more harm than good (although considering LBJ-Dem racism, this was probably the goal all along):

Wrong. It's not about including fistfights and don't blame Hispanics for high white crime.
White crime is nearly non-existent compared to rampant black crime.
The Uniform Crime Reports debunks this lie on an annual basis..
The DOJ debunks YOU. According to their studies done over a long period of time, blacks are committing homicides at 8 times the rate of whites. 9,468 murder arrests in 2017.

Blacks committed homicides at a rate of 54%, despite being only 12% of the population. Biggest mistake ever made in US history was bringing blacks here.

The DOJ doesn't debunk shit. Murder is not the only crime and it is not the only violent crime. And if you weren't an intellectually lazy chickenshit piece of white dog shit, you would make your argument based on the numbers of people committing that particular crime instead an entire population. When that is done you get the most accurate picture. Whites commit the most violent crime and a few illiterate pieces of uneducated simple minded white trash cannot and do not change this fact.
FALSE; RIDICULOUS; & STUPID. What was "done" in my post, was what was supposed to be done. A longtime record of the most serious crime (homicide,) recorded by the most official US authority, the DOJ, and I clearly stated what the numbers were, and a lamebrain post by a miseducated, simpleminded, black imbecile doesn't change these facts, of the most violent crime being committed by blacks, 8 times more than whites.

You missed the fact that all crimes are serious and that the DOJ designates 30 categories of crime. Whites lead every year in at least 90 percent of those categories. Blacks are not committing 8 times the murders of whites and whites commit 3 times the amount of crime as we do. You got a crime problem old stale saltine and if the moderators had balls all of the off topic posts by you butthurt whites would be deleted.
Only if you include fist fights as "violent crimes" AND you lump in hispanics with whites, but it clearly isnt an accurate picture if you do that. Its dishonest.
Wrong. It's not about including fistfights and don't blame Hispanics for high white crime.
White crime is nearly non-existent compared to rampant black crime.
If that were true then there would be no crime to speak of in states that are predominantly white.

'Alexa, what are the whitest states in the U.S.?'

'The states with the highest percentage of white or Caucasion residents are as follows:

Geographic distribution
  • Maine 95.5%
  • New Hampshire 95.0%
  • West Virginia 94.3%
  • Iowa 92.9%
  • Idaho 92.1%
  • Wyoming 91.6%
  • Minnesota 90.94%
  • North Dakota 90.9%
White Americans - Wikipedia › wiki › White_Americans

So just starting at the top with the state of Maine which is 95.5 percent white, I did a quick perusal of their inmate population. The count is presently at 8,817 who are under supervision of the courts or correction department however with the exception of less than 1,200 which includes Asians, African Americans, Native Americans, those or two or more races and those whose race is unknown, all the rest are white as you can see here:

MDOC Search and Deposit no cookie redirect

Still blaming black people for white people's misdeeds.

Hey look, they even have yours
Inmate Population Information List
Paint it however you may, as stated in previous post, blacks commit 54% of homicides, despite being only 12% of the population. They've been racking up a homicide rate 8 times higher than whites.

Some people have to be told twice.

Making matters worse is that, in places where Democrats are in large numbers, and thus vote in liberal mayors and judges, blacks sometimes get away with their crimes, and are even falsely portrayed as the victim (like Rodney King, Eleanor Bumpurs, Tawana Brawley, Crystal Mangum, Lemrick Nelson, Damian Williams, Larry Davis, Michael Stewart, Edmund Perry, et al,) with cops and whites demonized.

Republicans run for those offices. Why do they keep losing if what they propose erases the problem?
Fear not Mr Question Mark. I will repair your empty, brainwashed head with what all normal intellect people know.

"Those offices" tend to be in big cities, which also are disproportionately populated by blacks and liberals
Aka "hellholes"

No charge for the tutoring. Now go read the book "Mugged" by Ann Coulter, and LEARN what your liberal OMISSION media has kept hidden from you.
Whites commit 60 percent of the violent crimes.
Only if you include fist fights as "violent crimes" AND you lump in hispanics with whites, but it clearly isnt an accurate picture if you do that. Its dishonest.
Wrong. It's not about including fistfights and don't blame Hispanics for high white crime.
White crime is nearly non-existent compared to rampant black crime.
The Uniform Crime Reports debunks this lie on an an
Whites commit 60 percent of the violent crimes.
Only if you include fist fights as "violent crimes" AND you lump in hispanics with whites, but it clearly isnt an accurate picture if you do that. Its dishonest.
Wrong. It's not about including fistfights and don't blame Hispanics for high white crime.
White crime is nearly non-existent compared to rampant black crime.
The Uniform Crime Reports debunks this lie on an annual basis..
:puhleeze: . :link: ....don't be ridiculous

  • Thanks
Reactions: IM2

This is what we come from. So understand that whites can end their racism and peace will come to all. Or you can keep this shit up. But know one thing, just like Sis Hamer, we will fight until hell freezes over. And when that day comes, if white refuse to stop, put your ice shoes on, because we will continue to fight on the ice.

“There is very little truth in the old refrain that one cannot legislate equality. Laws not only provide concrete benefits, they can even change the hearts of men—some men, anyhow—for good or evil.”

Thurgood Marshall

Nice story Bro...but laws often do more harm than good (although considering LBJ-Dem racism, this was probably the goal all along):

View attachment 296627

Another stupid off topic crackerism.

People of all races aren't getting married like they were in the 60's. The refusal to hire blacks or pay blacks equally has nothing to do with a father being at home.

"News stories are full of statistical evidence for disparities between black and whites, such as the fact that the average black family earns about half as much as the average white family, or that the unemployment rate for blacks is twice that for whites, or that the wealth of the average white family is ten times the wealth of the average black family. But this kind of evidence is like a political Rorschach test that looks very different to liberals and conservatives. What looks to liberals like evidence of discrimination looks to conservatives like evidence of racial disparities in hard work and responsible behavior.

This dynamic was captured in a New York Times readers forum about a study showing large racial disparities in economic mobility especially for black boys. A reader named Michael wrote, “Why is racism the only explanation for this phenomenon? Perhaps something happens to black boys while they are growing up that makes them less capable of succeeding in the U.S. economy… So, why do the authors take the easy way out and blame amorphous racism?” Professor Ibram Kendi responded, “Actually, the easy way out is to say there must be something wrong with these black boys. It is the easy way out that Americans have historically taken in trying to explain racial disparities in our society…Racist ideas of black inferiority is the easy way out.”

The only kind of evidence that can hope to bridge this divide comes from experiments which directly measure discrimination — and these experiments have been done.

Consider an experiment by sociologist Devah Pager, who sent pairs of experimenters—one black and one white—to apply for 340 job ads in New York City. She gave them resumes doctored to have identical qualifications. She gave them scripts so that the applicants said the same things when handing in their applications. She even dressed them alike. She found that black applicants got half the call backs that white applicants got with the same qualifications.

This study inspired experiments in lots of areas of life. One study, for example, responded to more than 14,000 online apartment rental adds but varied whether the name attached to the email implied a white applicant (e.g., Allison Bauer) or a black applicant (e.g., Ebony Washington). The black applicants were twenty-six percent less likely to be told that the apartment was available.

These kinds of experiments are not ambiguous like statistics on disparities are. There were no differences in merit. Race was the cause. Real employers and landlords discriminated against blacks and in favor of whites, by a large margin.

The Truth about Anti-White Discrimination

Time to celebrate Christmas. Fuck you racists.
White crime is nearly non-existent compared to rampant black crime.
The Uniform Crime Reports debunks this lie on an annual basis..
The DOJ debunks YOU. According to their studies done over a long period of time, blacks are committing homicides at 8 times the rate of whites. 9,468 murder arrests in 2017.

Blacks committed homicides at a rate of 54%, despite being only 12% of the population. Biggest mistake ever made in US history was bringing blacks here.

The DOJ doesn't debunk shit. Murder is not the only crime and it is not the only violent crime. And if you weren't an intellectually lazy chickenshit piece of white dog shit, you would make your argument based on the numbers of people committing that particular crime instead an entire population. When that is done you get the most accurate picture. Whites commit the most violent crime and a few illiterate pieces of uneducated simple minded white trash cannot and do not change this fact.
FALSE; RIDICULOUS; & STUPID. What was "done" in my post, was what was supposed to be done. A longtime record of the most serious crime (homicide,) recorded by the most official US authority, the DOJ, and I clearly stated what the numbers were, and a lamebrain post by a miseducated, simpleminded, black imbecile doesn't change these facts, of the most violent crime being committed by blacks, 8 times more than whites.

You missed the fact that all crimes are serious and that the DOJ designates 30 categories of crime. Whites lead every year in at least 90 percent of those categories. Blacks are not committing 8 times the murders of whites and whites commit 3 times the amount of crime as we do. You got a crime problem old stale saltine and if the moderators had balls all of the off topic posts by you butthurt whites would be deleted.
Ha ha
So you think that when one dum dum (you) comes in here and says something is not so, that,s going to be good enough to change it ?(DOJ stats)

Maybe in your biased black community that might fly, but in here, all it does is make you look like the idiot that you are. :rolleyes:

This is what we come from. So understand that whites can end their racism and peace will come to all. Or you can keep this shit up. But know one thing, just like Sis Hamer, we will fight until hell freezes over. And when that day comes, if white refuse to stop, put your ice shoes on, because we will continue to fight on the ice.

“There is very little truth in the old refrain that one cannot legislate equality. Laws not only provide concrete benefits, they can even change the hearts of men—some men, anyhow—for good or evil.”

Thurgood Marshall

Nice story Bro...but laws often do more harm than good (although considering LBJ-Dem racism, this was probably the goal all along):

View attachment 296627

Another stupid off topic crackerism.

People of all races aren't getting married like they were in the 60's. The refusal to hire blacks or pay blacks equally has nothing to do with a father being at home.

"News stories are full of statistical evidence for disparities between black and whites, such as the fact that the average black family earns about half as much as the average white family, or that the unemployment rate for blacks is twice that for whites, or that the wealth of the average white family is ten times the wealth of the average black family. But this kind of evidence is like a political Rorschach test that looks very different to liberals and conservatives. What looks to liberals like evidence of discrimination looks to conservatives like evidence of racial disparities in hard work and responsible behavior.

This dynamic was captured in a New York Times readers forum about a study showing large racial disparities in economic mobility especially for black boys. A reader named Michael wrote, “Why is racism the only explanation for this phenomenon? Perhaps something happens to black boys while they are growing up that makes them less capable of succeeding in the U.S. economy… So, why do the authors take the easy way out and blame amorphous racism?” Professor Ibram Kendi responded, “Actually, the easy way out is to say there must be something wrong with these black boys. It is the easy way out that Americans have historically taken in trying to explain racial disparities in our society…Racist ideas of black inferiority is the easy way out.”

The only kind of evidence that can hope to bridge this divide comes from experiments which directly measure discrimination — and these experiments have been done.

Consider an experiment by sociologist Devah Pager, who sent pairs of experimenters—one black and one white—to apply for 340 job ads in New York City. She gave them resumes doctored to have identical qualifications. She gave them scripts so that the applicants said the same things when handing in their applications. She even dressed them alike. She found that black applicants got half the call backs that white applicants got with the same qualifications.

This study inspired experiments in lots of areas of life. One study, for example, responded to more than 14,000 online apartment rental adds but varied whether the name attached to the email implied a white applicant (e.g., Allison Bauer) or a black applicant (e.g., Ebony Washington). The black applicants were twenty-six percent less likely to be told that the apartment was available.

These kinds of experiments are not ambiguous like statistics on disparities are. There were no differences in merit. Race was the cause. Real employers and landlords discriminated against blacks and in favor of whites, by a large margin.

The Truth about Anti-White Discrimination

Time to celebrate Christmas. Fuck you racists.

^ Calls someone a Cracka, says "Fuck you racists"

This is what we come from. So understand that whites can end their racism and peace will come to all. Or you can keep this shit up. But know one thing, just like Sis Hamer, we will fight until hell freezes over. And when that day comes, if white refuse to stop, put your ice shoes on, because we will continue to fight on the ice.

“There is very little truth in the old refrain that one cannot legislate equality. Laws not only provide concrete benefits, they can even change the hearts of men—some men, anyhow—for good or evil.”

Thurgood Marshall

Nice story Bro...but laws often do more harm than good (although considering LBJ-Dem racism, this was probably the goal all along):

View attachment 296627

Another stupid off topic crackerism.

People of all races aren't getting married like they were in the 60's. The refusal to hire blacks or pay blacks equally has nothing to do with a father being at home.

"News stories are full of statistical evidence for disparities between black and whites, such as the fact that the average black family earns about half as much as the average white family, or that the unemployment rate for blacks is twice that for whites, or that the wealth of the average white family is ten times the wealth of the average black family. But this kind of evidence is like a political Rorschach test that looks very different to liberals and conservatives. What looks to liberals like evidence of discrimination looks to conservatives like evidence of racial disparities in hard work and responsible behavior.

This dynamic was captured in a New York Times readers forum about a study showing large racial disparities in economic mobility especially for black boys. A reader named Michael wrote, “Why is racism the only explanation for this phenomenon? Perhaps something happens to black boys while they are growing up that makes them less capable of succeeding in the U.S. economy… So, why do the authors take the easy way out and blame amorphous racism?” Professor Ibram Kendi responded, “Actually, the easy way out is to say there must be something wrong with these black boys. It is the easy way out that Americans have historically taken in trying to explain racial disparities in our society…Racist ideas of black inferiority is the easy way out.”

The only kind of evidence that can hope to bridge this divide comes from experiments which directly measure discrimination — and these experiments have been done.

Consider an experiment by sociologist Devah Pager, who sent pairs of experimenters—one black and one white—to apply for 340 job ads in New York City. She gave them resumes doctored to have identical qualifications. She gave them scripts so that the applicants said the same things when handing in their applications. She even dressed them alike. She found that black applicants got half the call backs that white applicants got with the same qualifications.

This study inspired experiments in lots of areas of life. One study, for example, responded to more than 14,000 online apartment rental adds but varied whether the name attached to the email implied a white applicant (e.g., Allison Bauer) or a black applicant (e.g., Ebony Washington). The black applicants were twenty-six percent less likely to be told that the apartment was available.

These kinds of experiments are not ambiguous like statistics on disparities are. There were no differences in merit. Race was the cause. Real employers and landlords discriminated against blacks and in favor of whites, by a large margin.

The Truth about Anti-White Discrimination

Time to celebrate Christmas. Fuck you racists.

If there is any discrimination against blacks, it is a tiny drop in the bucket compared to the massive discrimination against whites of Affirmative Action. AA is, by far, the largest racial discrimination in America, against, by far, the largest number of victims (whites), and has been for 58 years now.

In addition, whatever discrimination there is against blacks it is far more offset by AA, of which blacks are the beneficiaries, plus just the liberal bias that blacks enjoy, as noted in my previous posts ,,(with named examples,), as well as those listed in the Quiz for Liberals thread OP.
Wrong. It's not about including fistfights and don't blame Hispanics for high white crime.
White crime is nearly non-existent compared to rampant black crime.
If that were true then there would be no crime to speak of in states that are predominantly white.

'Alexa, what are the whitest states in the U.S.?'

'The states with the highest percentage of white or Caucasion residents are as follows:

Geographic distribution
  • Maine 95.5%
  • New Hampshire 95.0%
  • West Virginia 94.3%
  • Iowa 92.9%
  • Idaho 92.1%
  • Wyoming 91.6%
  • Minnesota 90.94%
  • North Dakota 90.9%
White Americans - Wikipedia › wiki › White_Americans

So just starting at the top with the state of Maine which is 95.5 percent white, I did a quick perusal of their inmate population. The count is presently at 8,817 who are under supervision of the courts or correction department however with the exception of less than 1,200 which includes Asians, African Americans, Native Americans, those or two or more races and those whose race is unknown, all the rest are white as you can see here:

MDOC Search and Deposit no cookie redirect

Still blaming black people for white people's misdeeds.

Hey look, they even have yours
Inmate Population Information List
Paint it however you may, as stated in previous post, blacks commit 54% of homicides, despite being only 12% of the population. They've been racking up a homicide rate 8 times higher than whites.

Some people have to be told twice.

Making matters worse is that, in places where Democrats are in large numbers, and thus vote in liberal mayors and judges, blacks sometimes get away with their crimes, and are even falsely portrayed as the victim (like Rodney King, Eleanor Bumpurs, Tawana Brawley, Crystal Mangum, Lemrick Nelson, Damian Williams, Larry Davis, Michael Stewart, Edmund Perry, et al,) with cops and whites demonized.

Republicans run for those offices. Why do they keep losing if what they propose erases the problem?
Fear not Mr Question Mark. I will repair your empty, brainwashed head with what all normal intellect people know.

"Those offices" tend to be in big cities, which also are disproportionately populated by blacks and liberals
Aka "hellholes"

No charge for the tutoring. Now go read the book "Mugged" by Ann Coulter, and LEARN what your liberal OMISSION media has kept hidden from you.

The of the cities you talk about are majority white and are populated pretty equally relative to ideology. Republicans run for office and lose because what they proposed won't work. Then we have this:

How Chicago's White Donor Class Distorts City Policy

Chicago’s 2015 mayoral race was one of the most expensive in the nation’s history, with big donors playing an outsized role in financing both candidates’ campaigns. In fact, over 90 percent of the money raised by the two major candidates came from donors giving more than $1,000, and more than half (52%) came from donors outside of the city.[1] Both the Chicago mayoral and council elections are primarily financed by white, male donors who don’t reflect the racial and class diversity of the city’s residents. The experience in Chicago is emblematic of national elections, where a small cadre of white major donors—.01 percent—accounted for over 40 percent of all campaign contributions.[2] New research provides disturbing evidence that the financing of our elections by a small group of big donors has very real consequences in terms of the public policies that get enacted.[3] In fact, when the preferences of the donor class diverge with those of the average voter, it is the donor class’s preferences that win. But donors and voters don’t always agree. For example, while 34% of non-donors living in Chicago support the Bowles-Simpson austerity plan, 62% of Chicago donors do. The preferences of the white, male and rich donor class diverge strongly from ordinary Chicagoans but it’s their agenda that’s being implemented. The solution is a robust public financing system that empowers the more diverse small donor pool and brings more diverse voices to the political system.

How Chicago's White Donor Class Distorts City Policy | Demos

You need to shut up, because you don't have the facts and just because other retarded whites join you doesn't change your lack of knowledge.

This is what we come from. So understand that whites can end their racism and peace will come to all. Or you can keep this shit up. But know one thing, just like Sis Hamer, we will fight until hell freezes over. And when that day comes, if white refuse to stop, put your ice shoes on, because we will continue to fight on the ice.

“There is very little truth in the old refrain that one cannot legislate equality. Laws not only provide concrete benefits, they can even change the hearts of men—some men, anyhow—for good or evil.”

Thurgood Marshall

Nice story Bro...but laws often do more harm than good (although considering LBJ-Dem racism, this was probably the goal all along):

View attachment 296627

Another stupid off topic crackerism.

People of all races aren't getting married like they were in the 60's. The refusal to hire blacks or pay blacks equally has nothing to do with a father being at home.

"News stories are full of statistical evidence for disparities between black and whites, such as the fact that the average black family earns about half as much as the average white family, or that the unemployment rate for blacks is twice that for whites, or that the wealth of the average white family is ten times the wealth of the average black family. But this kind of evidence is like a political Rorschach test that looks very different to liberals and conservatives. What looks to liberals like evidence of discrimination looks to conservatives like evidence of racial disparities in hard work and responsible behavior.

This dynamic was captured in a New York Times readers forum about a study showing large racial disparities in economic mobility especially for black boys. A reader named Michael wrote, “Why is racism the only explanation for this phenomenon? Perhaps something happens to black boys while they are growing up that makes them less capable of succeeding in the U.S. economy… So, why do the authors take the easy way out and blame amorphous racism?” Professor Ibram Kendi responded, “Actually, the easy way out is to say there must be something wrong with these black boys. It is the easy way out that Americans have historically taken in trying to explain racial disparities in our society…Racist ideas of black inferiority is the easy way out.”

The only kind of evidence that can hope to bridge this divide comes from experiments which directly measure discrimination — and these experiments have been done.

Consider an experiment by sociologist Devah Pager, who sent pairs of experimenters—one black and one white—to apply for 340 job ads in New York City. She gave them resumes doctored to have identical qualifications. She gave them scripts so that the applicants said the same things when handing in their applications. She even dressed them alike. She found that black applicants got half the call backs that white applicants got with the same qualifications.

This study inspired experiments in lots of areas of life. One study, for example, responded to more than 14,000 online apartment rental adds but varied whether the name attached to the email implied a white applicant (e.g., Allison Bauer) or a black applicant (e.g., Ebony Washington). The black applicants were twenty-six percent less likely to be told that the apartment was available.

These kinds of experiments are not ambiguous like statistics on disparities are. There were no differences in merit. Race was the cause. Real employers and landlords discriminated against blacks and in favor of whites, by a large margin.

The Truth about Anti-White Discrimination

Time to celebrate Christmas. Fuck you racists.

If there is any discrimination against blacks, it is a tiny drop in the bucket compared to the massive discrimination against whites of Affirmative Action. AA is, by far, the largest racial discrimination in America, against, by far, the largest number of victims (whites), and has been for 58 years now.

In addition, whatever discrimination there is against blacks it is far more offset by AA, of which blacks are the beneficiaries, plus just the liberal bias that blacks enjoy, as noted in my previous posts ,,(with named examples,), as well as those listed in the Quiz for Liberals thread OP.

Wrong. You have nothing that supports your comment.

This is what we come from. So understand that whites can end their racism and peace will come to all. Or you can keep this shit up. But know one thing, just like Sis Hamer, we will fight until hell freezes over. And when that day comes, if white refuse to stop, put your ice shoes on, because we will continue to fight on the ice.

“There is very little truth in the old refrain that one cannot legislate equality. Laws not only provide concrete benefits, they can even change the hearts of men—some men, anyhow—for good or evil.”

Thurgood Marshall

Nice story Bro...but laws often do more harm than good (although considering LBJ-Dem racism, this was probably the goal all along):

View attachment 296627

Another stupid off topic crackerism.

People of all races aren't getting married like they were in the 60's. The refusal to hire blacks or pay blacks equally has nothing to do with a father being at home.

"News stories are full of statistical evidence for disparities between black and whites, such as the fact that the average black family earns about half as much as the average white family, or that the unemployment rate for blacks is twice that for whites, or that the wealth of the average white family is ten times the wealth of the average black family. But this kind of evidence is like a political Rorschach test that looks very different to liberals and conservatives. What looks to liberals like evidence of discrimination looks to conservatives like evidence of racial disparities in hard work and responsible behavior.

This dynamic was captured in a New York Times readers forum about a study showing large racial disparities in economic mobility especially for black boys. A reader named Michael wrote, “Why is racism the only explanation for this phenomenon? Perhaps something happens to black boys while they are growing up that makes them less capable of succeeding in the U.S. economy… So, why do the authors take the easy way out and blame amorphous racism?” Professor Ibram Kendi responded, “Actually, the easy way out is to say there must be something wrong with these black boys. It is the easy way out that Americans have historically taken in trying to explain racial disparities in our society…Racist ideas of black inferiority is the easy way out.”

The only kind of evidence that can hope to bridge this divide comes from experiments which directly measure discrimination — and these experiments have been done.

Consider an experiment by sociologist Devah Pager, who sent pairs of experimenters—one black and one white—to apply for 340 job ads in New York City. She gave them resumes doctored to have identical qualifications. She gave them scripts so that the applicants said the same things when handing in their applications. She even dressed them alike. She found that black applicants got half the call backs that white applicants got with the same qualifications.

This study inspired experiments in lots of areas of life. One study, for example, responded to more than 14,000 online apartment rental adds but varied whether the name attached to the email implied a white applicant (e.g., Allison Bauer) or a black applicant (e.g., Ebony Washington). The black applicants were twenty-six percent less likely to be told that the apartment was available.

These kinds of experiments are not ambiguous like statistics on disparities are. There were no differences in merit. Race was the cause. Real employers and landlords discriminated against blacks and in favor of whites, by a large margin.

The Truth about Anti-White Discrimination

Time to celebrate Christmas. Fuck you racists.

^ Calls someone a Cracka, says "Fuck you racists"

Yep. I gave you guys back what you've been giving me. So man up and don't cry.
Back to the thread topic.



This is what we blacks come from. The insistence of you white racists telling us not to demand the total elimination of white racism is antithetical to being black. Therefore we shall not ever be satisfied with small incremental reductions in white racism.

Understand that.
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I'm going to be very blunt here. Call it what you want, but you whites have earned this.

I started this thread about blacks who fought the system. But in usual USMB moderator free fashion this thread turns into a cracker ass crackerfest of peckerwoods talking about black crime according to their white racist opinion. In crackerville it seems that there is only one crime, while the DOJ recognizes 30 categories. In crackerville murder is the only crime, fraud, embezzlement and crimes involving stealing all of a persons money has no effect on peoples lives. In crackerville, despite the fact white men commit the majority of rapes and they do so to white women, that doesn't count, only the fact they didn't rape as many black women as black men raped white women counts. In crackerville it doesn't matter that they commit more crimes against their children and families than anyone else, because that's not murder. It does not matter to peckerwoods that they vandalize more, or that they steal more property and commit more larceny. Because those crimes don't affect anyone because it isn't murder. Yep, in crackerville, it doesn't matter that out of 30 categories of crime listed by the UCR, crackers led in 27. That 90 percent.

This thread is about blacks fighting the system, not the inbred ignorance of a bunch of retard white societal rejects that want to blame blacks because they cannot compete for jobs and can only achieve if they can get the government to overturn equal opportunity.
Someday soon, someone is going to call you a racist and you are going to say, "When have i ever said anything racist?". It seems like you forget that you make these posts. :laugh:
Funny thing about black people that shriek about racism. They ignore the fact that blacks kill blacks in record numbers. they ignore the fact that blacks rape black women in record numbers. They ignore the fact that the black American community is in tatters, that many black men impregnate black women and leave little children behind for the women to care for and raise. They ignore the fact that the plight of the black American community is the same even in communities that have for decades voted for majority black leadership with majority black police agencies. They are and continue to be their own source of pain. Tragic, in light of the FACT that many black Americans have adopted a standard of success and modeled a path that will lead their community to prosperity.

In 1995, Louis Farrakhan led the Million Man March which was a call for black men to step stop making stop blaming others for their own pathetic lives and failures. Regardless of what you may think of the messenger, the message was powerful...and ignored.

The great irony is that the OP has a picture of Malcolm X talking about 'truth' (again...ironic...look up the quote). Its truly tragic that the OP misses the truth Malcolm taught and to whom he was speaking.

White kill whites at the same rate but whites don't want to recognize or admit that. Blacks have always done what you talk about in regard to the MMM, but Farrakhan is a loud critic of white racism and what it does to blacks, but you want to ignore that. I know what Malcolm taught. I am not a white person twisting what Malcolm taught in order to deny what white racism has done.


And your post is an example of the 2020 model of white racism.

Facts arent racist. You need to learn that at some point.

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