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The towers were built to withstand multiple commercial airliner impacts

Pure bullshit. Here is an article written by the man who not only designed the towers, but did the actual calculations for the theoretical impact of a 707. The effects of fire was never considered as neither the impact nor the fire were required studies, but were done as proof of concept.

where does the pilot ever say he is referring to the flight maneuvers of the pentagon specifically when he speaks of g forces ?????


He did not have all the information. I'm certain he has since changed his tune. If he has been provided with facts and not buried in the myth.

The interview was in September of 2007. The FDR information which detailed exactly what happened was released on 5/24/2006. His name and quotes are still prominently displayed on pilots for 9/11 truth and he appears to still be a member.

Then his brain has been poisoned by the dumb asses.
No its not bullshit, there is plenty of testimony from structural engineers explaining how the towers coudl withstand multiple impacts from commercial jet airliners.

But wait, you say so, therefore it is bullshit

Oh please point them out. Because we all saw that they must be wrong. The planes hit and the towers fell. And there is zero evidence of any bombs going off to help them fall.

apparently you are far too stupid to understand what a high speed, high bank turn is. :lol: Maybe you should have an adult explain it to you using pictures and very small words.

so lets have your calculations on that descent and turn....

Already gave them to you. TWICE now and once just last page a couple of posts ago. :lol: They directly refute your traitorous hero's claim that it was a 5, 6, 7 G turn. It wasn't even over 1. You couldn't refute them then and now you're pretending they don't exist. :lol: Very predictable.
No its not bullshit, there is plenty of testimony from structural engineers explaining how the towers coudl withstand multiple impacts from commercial jet airliners.

But wait, you say so, therefore it is bullshit

The only person on record saying it was designed to withstand multiple impacts was CONSTRUCTION MANAGER DiMartini and it was his OPINION, not in the design. So you lose. AGAIN.

BTW, who are we to believe? A known, proven, delusional brain dead liar like you? Or the guy who actually did the calculation and shows the energy values he came up with? Hmmmm. Sorry, but you're a piece of shit. I'm going to go with the credible guy who actually did the work.
No its not bullshit, there is plenty of testimony from structural engineers explaining how the towers coudl withstand multiple impacts from commercial jet airliners.

But wait, you say so, therefore it is bullshit

They did withstand the IMPACTS. That's why the south tower stood for 56 minutes after IMPACT and the north tower stood for 102 minutes after IMPACT.

Do you understand what "designed" for an "impact" means? An "impact" calculation is based upon the force generated by a collision of entities. The force from an impact does not last an hour or two.

You are completely wrong.
Yes, you're right, i'm completely wrong.

There is no way the twin towers could have withstood the impact of a commercial jetliner.

In fact, the impact was so devastating to the structural integrity of the building and the fires were so powerful that only WonderWoman (pictured below) could be in the presence of the impact site prior to its total symmetrical free fall collapse into its own foundation.


oh those raging fires that melt steel

Yes, you're right, i'm completely wrong.

There is no way the twin towers could have withstood the impact of a commercial jetliner.

In fact, the impact was so devastating to the structural integrity of the building and the fires were so powerful that only WonderWoman (pictured below) could be in the presence of the impact site prior to its total symmetrical free fall collapse into its own foundation.


oh those raging fires that melt steel


And this is proof of just how fucking sick and twisted the piece of shit Triton is. Numerous people JUMPED TO THEIR DEATHS from the towers. This fucktard is trying to pretend there was nothing wrong, and in doing so, dismisses the lives of those who jumped to their deaths. For those who want to know why I hold people like Triton, Mr. Jones, eots et. al. in the lowest contempt possible, it is for shit like this. They're making fun of people who lost their lives and using their deaths to push their bullshit agendas. To me, there is no lower form of life that the fucked up retards known as truthers.

So tell us, Triton. What reason would dozens of people have for jumping off what you're trying to pretend was a perfectly safe building?

BTW, the image was taken from the same side of the building that the wind was blowing from. She would be receiving fresh air while the wind would push the heat and flames away from her. Way to go, you disgusting excuse for a human being.
Yes, you're right, i'm completely wrong.

There is no way the twin towers could have withstood the impact of a commercial jetliner.

In fact, the impact was so devastating to the structural integrity of the building and the fires were so powerful that only WonderWoman (pictured below) could be in the presence of the impact site prior to its total symmetrical free fall collapse into its own foundation.


oh those raging fires that melt steel


And this is proof of just how fucking sick and twisted the piece of shit Triton is. Numerous people JUMPED TO THEIR DEATHS from the towers. This fucktard is trying to pretend there was nothing wrong, and in doing so, dismisses the lives of those who jumped to their deaths. For those who want to know why I hold people like Triton, Mr. Jones, eots et. al. in the lowest contempt possible, it is for shit like this. They're making fun of people who lost their lives and using their deaths to push their bullshit agendas. To me, there is no lower form of life that the fucked up retards known as truthers.

So tell us, Triton. What reason would dozens of people have for jumping off what you're trying to pretend was a perfectly safe building?

BTW, the image was taken from the same side of the building that the wind was blowing from. She would be receiving fresh air while the wind would push the heat and flames away from her. Way to go, you disgusting excuse for a human being.

Actually he's making fun of you, but you twist it around to fit your needs.
And the poor soul in the pic and videos was indeed a wonder woman of sorts, bravely making her way to the edge of where the plane entered the tower. It is for her and the rest of the victims that the truth movement seeks a new investigation with the real truth, and real accountability, something you are totally against, EVEN WHILE ADMITTING the possibility of problems with the OCT and NIST.
You don't give a damn about those people, or the truth you phony POS.
Actually he's making fun of you, but you twist it around to fit your needs.
No shit, sherlock! But nothing says I can't take his sarcasm and turn it against him and expose him as the shit he is.

Mr. Jones said:
And the poor soul in the pic and videos was indeed a wonder woman of sorts, bravely making her way to the edge of where the plane entered the tower. It is for her and the rest of the victims that the truth movement seeks a new investigation with the real truth, and real accountability, something you are totally against, EVEN WHILE ADMITTING the possibility of problems with the OCT and NIST.
The possibility exists that there are issues with the reports. Until EVIDENCE comes out that proves the reports are fundamentally flawed, no investigation is going to be done for you dishonest fucks because you would just ignore the results anyway. BTW, if REAL evidence does surface showing some major flaw, I will be demanding an investigation as well. The difference is I don't believe your fucked up opinions are evidence.

Mr. Jones said:
You don't give a damn about those people, or the truth you phony POS.
Wrong again you dishonest fuck. Can't you be honest just for one post? :lol: I know you can't. It was a rhetorical question. As for the truth, that is exactly what I am fighting for. When dishonest liars like you try to pretend opinion is fact and have no evidence to back up your claims, you're NOT DEALING WITH THE TRUTH. You want the truth? Come up with a theory that fits all the EVIDENCE AND FACTS, not your bullshit opinions. Until then, you have no right to talk about the truth since you routinely shit all over it.

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