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Patriot911 says fire causes steel framed buildings to have total symmetrical free fall collapses.

Yeah and he wants people to think he's some sort of real patriot, because HE believes the outrageous lies they tell him to believe. What's sad is he doesn't seem to know the first thing the founding fathers said about being a true patriot, and how we must be ever vigilant, and the responsibility we have as citizens.
He should change his name to antiPatriot911. All I see is a scared little sheep that needs big brother to lead him around like a bitch and tell him what to think, say do etc...

Ahh..... more bullshit lies from Fucktard Jones. Here's a hint, you stupid fuck..... when someone is having a psychotic episode like Triton is, don't quote him. You end up with shit all over you. Not that anyone can tell from all the other shit you've had on you lately.

As for being a patriot, I know enough to stand up against traitorous fucks like you trying to spread SEDITION. You have no evidence yet you make outrageous claims you want others to act upon. How fucking traitorous is that? You make people like Benedict Arnold look like a saint. Does it make you proud that you continue the work started by Al Qaeda? Maybe you should worry about a visit from SEAL team 6. :lol: Watch out. They don't like traitors who spread lies based on paranoid delusions.
Patriot911 says fire causes steel framed buildings to have total symmetrical free fall collapses.

Yeah and he wants people to think he's some sort of real patriot, because HE believes the outrageous lies they tell him to believe. What's sad is he doesn't seem to know the first thing the founding fathers said about being a true patriot, and how we must be ever vigilant, and the responsibility we have as citizens.
He should change his name to antiPatriot911. All I see is a scared little sheep that needs big brother to lead him around like a bitch and tell him what to think, say do etc...

Ahh..... more bullshit lies from Fucktard Jones. Here's a hint, you stupid fuck..... when someone is having a psychotic episode like Triton is, don't quote him. You end up with shit all over you. Not that anyone can tell from all the other shit you've had on you lately.

As for being a patriot, I know enough to stand up against traitorous fucks like you trying to spread SEDITION. You have no evidence yet you make outrageous claims you want others to act upon. How fucking traitorous is that? You make people like Benedict Arnold look like a saint. Does it make you proud that you continue the work started by Al Qaeda? Maybe you should worry about a visit from SEAL team 6. :lol: Watch out. They don't like traitors who spread lies based on paranoid delusions.

Agreed; the best case scenario for the future of this country is that people like him and trite end up in very small cells for a very long time. Nothing is wrong with asking questions; making totally baseless allegations is libelous and should be treated that way.

YouTube - Media Acknowledges Steel Turned to Dust on 9/11 (Full Clip) | ABC News

No, dip shit. Look how much material remained. It Pulverized. Explain the energy needed for that.

Right here Patriot. You really need a different angle. Come to NYC. I have friends here that can show you new angles.... :evil:

:lol: Bite me, you piece of shit liar! You've lied about everything so far, especially about being an engineer as you've fucked up so many times with things an engineer SHOULD know, and had to turn to Judy Woods for answers that were wrong. :lol:

As for your video "proof", did you miss the part where they said the vast majority of the cloud was gypsum dust and concrete? What happened to the 80% "dustification" you so blatantly lied about? 200,000 tons of structural steel per tower that weighs 500,000 tons means at LEAST 100,000 tons of steel would have to be "dustified" in order to meet your 80% and that is IF every other last speck was "dustified", which it clearly wasn't.

In other words, you once again lied your disgusting ass off in a pathetic attempt to sound intelligent. You ended up with shit all over you and looking like a retarded fool. :lol:

As for coming to NYC, I've been there. Even talked to some FDNY. They think you're all a bunch of very sick human beings (and I use the term human being loosely). So what are you going to provide? You're going to pretend you and your imaginary friends can "show me new angles"? I find it hard to believe a fucked up piece of shit like you could find anyone to even talk to them, much less be a friend. :lol: I love it when retards pretend online threats mean anything. Just shows how immature and retarded they really are.
Yeah and he wants people to think he's some sort of real patriot, because HE believes the outrageous lies they tell him to believe. What's sad is he doesn't seem to know the first thing the founding fathers said about being a true patriot, and how we must be ever vigilant, and the responsibility we have as citizens.
He should change his name to antiPatriot911. All I see is a scared little sheep that needs big brother to lead him around like a bitch and tell him what to think, say do etc...

Ahh..... more bullshit lies from Fucktard Jones. Here's a hint, you stupid fuck..... when someone is having a psychotic episode like Triton is, don't quote him. You end up with shit all over you. Not that anyone can tell from all the other shit you've had on you lately.

As for being a patriot, I know enough to stand up against traitorous fucks like you trying to spread SEDITION. You have no evidence yet you make outrageous claims you want others to act upon. How fucking traitorous is that? You make people like Benedict Arnold look like a saint. Does it make you proud that you continue the work started by Al Qaeda? Maybe you should worry about a visit from SEAL team 6. :lol: Watch out. They don't like traitors who spread lies based on paranoid delusions.

Agreed; the best case scenario for the future of this country is that people like him and trite end up in very small cells for a very long time. Nothing is wrong with asking questions; making totally baseless allegations is libelous and should be treated that way.

I would love to have George Bush to sue for libel for saying he had prior knowledge and involvement in the attacks of 9/11

YouTube - Media Acknowledges Steel Turned to Dust on 9/11 (Full Clip) | ABC News

No, dip shit. Look how much material remained. It Pulverized. Explain the energy needed for that.

Right here Patriot. You really need a different angle. Come to NYC. I have friends here that can show you new angles.... :evil:

Awww.... the piece of shit truthtard TakeAShit can't make any kind of sense online so he has to have his buddies do something he can't accomplish. :lol: What a loser!
Keep ad honinem as your argument, you hick fucking twat waffle. It's fine.

TakeAShit has nothing so has to rely on such classics as "hick fucking twat waffle." :lol: Anyone else need proof he is a loser? He can't defend his own theories, has to plagerize someone else's work because he can't think for himself, and can't refute what I've written. What a loser! AGAIN!
Obamerican, let me guess, you believe that WTC 7 did not have a total symmetrical free fall collapse.

It was the fires right?

a "progressive collapse"?

Yea, watch that stove, the burners might do some serious damage to your frying pan.

How about the military exercises simulating the events that transpired, they probably didn't exist either.

All is well, God Bless the Patriot Act.
instead of dwelling on trivial minutia.... when is even ONE of you stupid fucking twoofers ever come up with EVIDENCE to support an alternative explanation other than the official story?

come on, retards.... it's only been TEN FUCKING YEARS!!!

saying stupid shit like "building seven couldnt have collapsed from fires" (when in fact it was on fire and did collapse) does nothing but make you look like the complete fucking imbeciles you really are....
instead of dwelling on trivial minutia.... when is even ONE of you stupid fucking twoofers ever come up with EVIDENCE to support an alternative explanation other than the official story?

come on, retards.... it's only been TEN FUCKING YEARS!!!

saying stupid shit like "building seven couldnt have collapsed from fires" (when in fact it was on fire and did collapse) does nothing but make you look like the complete fucking imbeciles you really are....

Yes, you're right, the Twoofers have absolutely no evidence that contradicts the official story at all, after all these years.

It was the 19 cavemen with boxcutters.

The one who could barely fly a cessna pulled an almost impossible maneuver into the pentagon leaving a 15 ft hole while all the cameras were confiscated because only a few frames or some low res inconclusive footage is sufficient.

Case closed
instead of dwelling on trivial minutia.... when is even ONE of you stupid fucking twoofers ever come up with EVIDENCE to support an alternative explanation other than the official story?

come on, retards.... it's only been TEN FUCKING YEARS!!!

saying stupid shit like "building seven couldnt have collapsed from fires" (when in fact it was on fire and did collapse) does nothing but make you look like the complete fucking imbeciles you really are....

Yes, you're right, the Twoofers have absolutely no evidence that contradicts the official story at all, after all these years.

It was the 19 cavemen with boxcutters.

The one who could barely fly a cessna pulled an almost impossible maneuver into the pentagon leaving a 15 ft hole while all the cameras were confiscated because only a few frames or some low res inconclusive footage is sufficient.

Case closed

:lol: I see the shittard Triton is still having his little mental meltdown and spouting the proven lies. So if you get so pissed off about people claiming you have no evidence, why don't you for once present us with evidence your bullshit is actually real and not pulled from the depths of your bowels that even a proctologist couldn't reach?
Patriot911, I am on your side now, I agree with you!

I believe fire causes symmetrical total free fall collapses of steel framed buildings.

Oh wait..... I forgot that's just a twoofer theory. They weren't symmetrical, it was pancaked and there was plenty of resistance.

The debris field in shanksville is a textbook land-based airliner crash as well with the precise kind of debris field to support it unlike those stupid twoofer claims.

I have seen the light of truth. You, candycorn, Ollie, Gamalon, Obamamerican, et al have convinced me now.

The fuckwad truthtards and all their stupid idiot engineers and pilots for 9/11 "Truth" are a bunch of non-credible nutjobs spewing disinfo to fool the masses. I see this now thanks to experts like you, Patriot911.

instead of dwelling on trivial minutia.... when is even ONE of you stupid fucking twoofers ever come up with EVIDENCE to support an alternative explanation other than the official story?

come on, retards.... it's only been TEN FUCKING YEARS!!!

saying stupid shit like "building seven couldnt have collapsed from fires" (when in fact it was on fire and did collapse) does nothing but make you look like the complete fucking imbeciles you really are....

Yes, you're right, the Twoofers have absolutely no evidence that contradicts the official story at all, after all these years.

It was the 19 cavemen with boxcutters.

The one who could barely fly a cessna pulled an almost impossible maneuver into the pentagon leaving a 15 ft hole while all the cameras were confiscated because only a few frames or some low res inconclusive footage is sufficient.

Case closed

The one who could barely fly a Cessna yet managed to have a commercial pilots license?
instead of dwelling on trivial minutia.... when is even ONE of you stupid fucking twoofers ever come up with EVIDENCE to support an alternative explanation other than the official story?

come on, retards.... it's only been TEN FUCKING YEARS!!!

saying stupid shit like "building seven couldnt have collapsed from fires" (when in fact it was on fire and did collapse) does nothing but make you look like the complete fucking imbeciles you really are....

Ahhh perspective!
Oh yes, his license, the one not really certified by the FAA:

Hani Hanjour

Couldn't pull it off, no way.

Release the videos to prove it, they won't.

Ahhh, the shittard Triton tries to be relevant and FAILS! :lol: So what have you proven? That Hani Hanjour was tested by licensed testers who verified he was qualified. :lol: The fact they were allowed to certify pilots for the FAA doesn't mean the people they certify aren't certified by the FAA. Just another bullshit claim by the truthtards. Here's a hint, dipshit.... if his license checks out with the FAA, which it did, then he was cerified by the FAA. :lol:
Oh yes, his license, the one not really certified by the FAA:

Hani Hanjour

Couldn't pull it off, no way.

Release the videos to prove it, they won't.

I wonder why when I check the originating link for this story all I get is:

Page Unavailable

The page you've requested either does not exist or is currently unavailable.

The link worked for me which doesn't work for Triton; he claims the FAA gave him false credentials...yet credentialed him only in a Cessna. Wouldn't they want him credentialed to Top Gun status if they were going to pas him off as a great pilot?

Someday twoofers will run out of toes or bullets; I hope they all save one for their heads.

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