Victims' Families Want To Air New 9/11 Truth Ad

Oh yes, his license, the one not really certified by the FAA:

Hani Hanjour

Couldn't pull it off, no way.

Release the videos to prove it, they won't.

I wonder why when I check the originating link for this story all I get is:

Page Unavailable

The page you've requested either does not exist or is currently unavailable.

Oh, I meant the link that supposedly goes to ABC News. It worked too..The web page says:

Oh yes, his license, the one not really certified by the FAA:

Hani Hanjour

Couldn't pull it off, no way.

Release the videos to prove it, they won't.

I wonder why when I check the originating link for this story all I get is:

Page Unavailable

The page you've requested either does not exist or is currently unavailable.

Oh, I meant the link that supposedly goes to ABC News. It worked too..The web page says:


That's the one......
The text in its entirety.

D A L L A S, June 13 — A suspected Saudi terrorist believed to have piloted the plane that crashed into the Pentagon bypassed the Federal Aviation Administration for his flight licenses, according to a published report today. Sources and agency records cited by The Dallas Morning News showed that Hani Saleh Hanjour obtained certification by using private examiners who independently contract with the FAA. That certification allowed him to begin passenger jet training at an Arizona flight school despite having what instructors later described as limited flying skills and an even more limited command of English. The jet training enabled the 30-year-old Hanjour to take the controls of American Airlines Flight 77 on the morning of Sept. 11 and crash it into the Pentagon, killing 188 people including all passengers aboard. Certification of Hanjour illustrates a flaw in the federal system, one official said. An FAA inspector in California who spoke on condition of anonymity told the newspaper a pilot now "could go all the way through to become a 747 captain, if you will, having never gone before the FAA." Agency records show that Hanjour was certified as an "Airplane Multi-Engine Land/Commercial Pilot" on April 15, 1999, by Daryl Strong, a designated pilot examiner in Tempe, Ariz. It was the last of three certifications Hanjour obtained from private examiners. Strong, 71, said his flight logs confirm that he conducted a check ride with Mr. Hanjour in 1999 in a twin-engine Piper Apache but that he remembers nothing remarkable about him. Strong, with more than 50 years of flying experience that included a commercial crop duster, said until recently he conducted about 200 such check rides each year, at $200 per flight. FAA officials confirm one of their inspectors, John Anthony, was contacted by Pan Am International Flight Academy in Miami in January and February about Hanjour and, at the request of the school, checked Hanjour's commercial pilot's license to ensure it was valid. "There should have been a stop right then and there," said Michael Gonzales, an FAA inspector speaking as president of the Professional Airways Systems Specialists chapter in Scottsdale that represents FAA field inspectors. He said Hanjour should have been re-examined as a commercial pilot, as required by federal law. —The Associated Press
Couldn't be done! Couldn't be done!

Don't believe me just ask a Top Gun!

"Commander Kolstad is especially critical of the account of American Airlines Flight 77 that allegedly crashed into the Pentagon. He says, "At the Pentagon, the pilot of the Boeing 757 did quite a feat of flying. I have 6,000 hours of flight time in Boeing 757's and 767's and I could not have flown it the way the flight path was described."

Commander Kolstad adds, "I was also a Navy fighter pilot and Air Combat Instructor and have experience flying low altitude, high speed aircraft. I could not have done what these beginners did. Something stinks to high heaven!"

Hani Hanjour could not have pulled it off.

All his instructors said he sucked, plus the crash site is not conducive to a commercial jet crashing into it (15 ft hole, no shot of the wings, lack of debris)


WHERES ALL THE CAMERAS AT?????????????????????????????????

WHERE DID THEY ALL GO?????????????????

Now maybe Ollie could do it :lol::lol::lol:

But not Hani Hanjour oh hell NO!
Wow. So that piece of shit pilot couldn't turn 330 degrees in just over 3 minutes and hit one of the largest buildings in the world? He SUCKS!!!!!!

So why is it this supposed expert can't do something I can do with zero training in a simulator good enough for pilots to practice with?

Of course he is in good company over there at pilotsfor9/11. There are a number of known, proven liars over there. He's in good company. Hope they all burn in hell when their time comes.
Maybe Commander Kolstad couldn't do it, But Hani Hanjour Probably did. Someone on that plane did it. And other than the original crew he was the next best pilot on board. Remember all he had to do was crash......He wasn't worried about damage to the plane or the stress or G forces......
Maybe Commander Kolstad couldn't do it, But Hani Hanjour Probably did. Someone on that plane did it. And other than the original crew he was the next best pilot on board. Remember all he had to do was crash......He wasn't worried about damage to the plane or the stress or G forces......

I've run the calculations. The plane never even hit 1 G. It was going too fast for the altitude by the time of impact, but that was only for a couple seconds as it was accelerating the whole time after it came out of the spiral.

Some other "expert" over at pilots for 9/11 was trying to bullshit everyone saying it was a 5 to 8 G turn. :lol: Physics don't lie, but apparently these traitorous scum pilots lie their asses off. Just goes to show good Americans can go bad.
Maybe Commander Kolstad couldn't do it, But Hani Hanjour Probably did. Someone on that plane did it. And other than the original crew he was the next best pilot on board. Remember all he had to do was crash......He wasn't worried about damage to the plane or the stress or G forces......

I've run the calculations.
The plane never even hit 1 G. It was going too fast for the altitude by the time of impact, but that was only for a couple seconds as it was accelerating the whole time after it came out of the spiral.

Some other "expert" over at pilots for 9/11 was trying to bullshit everyone saying it was a 5 to 8 G turn. :lol: Physics don't lie, but apparently these traitorous scum pilots lie their asses off. Just goes to show good Americans can go bad.

Maybe Commander Kolstad couldn't do it, But Hani Hanjour Probably did. Someone on that plane did it. And other than the original crew he was the next best pilot on board. Remember all he had to do was crash......He wasn't worried about damage to the plane or the stress or G forces......

I've run the calculations.
The plane never even hit 1 G. It was going too fast for the altitude by the time of impact, but that was only for a couple seconds as it was accelerating the whole time after it came out of the spiral.

Some other "expert" over at pilots for 9/11 was trying to bullshit everyone saying it was a 5 to 8 G turn. :lol: Physics don't lie, but apparently these traitorous scum pilots lie their asses off. Just goes to show good Americans can go bad.


Yet you couldn't refute the calculations. :lol: That's the great thing about physics. The rules are absolute and you can't debate them without looking like a fool. You're use to that, right eots? :lol:
I couldn't resist. I know eots got his ass handed to him so bad last time that he couldn't even respond, so I thought I would repost it here for him to stew over some more.

Original link

to me the more concerning question me is why the mainstream media does not report one word on the petitions and statement of these highly qualified individuals who by any rational person understanding are highly skilled, credible and courageous patriots...would welcome any reasonable explanation..have yet o hear one

Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report

Because you're all a bunch of fucking liars. Simple enough for you? Do you need me to use smaller words? Pictures?

Here. Let me show you what I mean. These are the type of people your "highly skilled and credible" people are. They are fucking liars. This quote is taken from the page you linked.

I don't believe it's possible for, like I said, for a terrorist, a so-called terrorist to train on a [Cessna] 172, then jump in a cockpit of a 757-767 class cockpit, and vertical navigate the aircraft, lateral navigate the aircraft, and fly the airplane at speeds exceeding it's design limit speed by well over 100 knots, make high-speed high-banked turns, exceeding -- pulling probably 5, 6, 7 G's. And the aircraft would literally fall out of the sky. I couldn't do it and I'm absolutely positive they couldn't do it."

OK, this ass says he is a pilot. He should know about Gs and, since this quote was taken from 2007, he would know what the turn at the pentagon entailed.

So lets find out just what kind of piece of shit you're claiming is highly skilled and credible.

At it's narrowest, the spiral of flight 77 was four miles in diameter or 2 miles in radius.

At the start of the maneuver, the flight speed was 290 knots. High, but well within the design parameters of the plane at that altitude according to Boeing and most certainly not 100 knots over as claimed by your douche. As the plane executed the spiral, the speed decreased, which is normal in a turn, but for the sake of argument, let's say it stayed steady at 290 knots.

Given these two parameters, it is easy to calculate acceleration in the turn which would be measured in Gs. 32 feet per second per second acceleration is 1 G. Acceleration in a turn is calculated with the following formula: A = v2/r.

First we get knots into feet per second. Easy enough. One knot is equal to 1.6878098571012 feet per second. 290 knots = 489.4648586 feet per second. Velocity squared gives us 239575.8478.

Second, we need to determine the radius of the turn. 2 mile radius * 5280 feet per mile = 10560 feet.

So acceleration = 239575.8478 / 10560 = 22.6871068 feet per second per second acceleration or 0.708972087 Gs. Hardly 5 to 7 Gs.

So what would it take to get to 5 - 7 Gs? Well, keeping the diameter the same, the plane would have to be going 770 knots which is greater than the speed of sound which at sea level is 660 knots. Ironically, to hit 7Gs, the plane would have to be going 911 knots.

We all know the plane couldn't even achieve those speeds, so lets adjust the other parameter; the radius of the turn.

In order to pull 5Gs, the radius would have to be shortened from 10560 feet to 1497 feet, or from 2 miles to a little over a quarter mile. 7Gs is accomplished in a turn of just 1070 feet or about a fifth of a mile.

So, as anyone can see, there is NO WAY the plane was pulling anywhere near 5 to 7 Gs. An experienced pilot, especially one supposedly use to high speed maneuvers, would know what it takes to reach those G levels. Therefore I submit to you that eot's source is either a complete fraud who doesn't know what the hell he is talking about, or he is knowingly lying out his ass.

Feel free to debunk my math or the facts of the situation. You won't be able to do either.

So go ahead eots. Show me where the math is wrong. Show me where it is possible to do a 5, 6, 7, or 8 G turn given the information we have. Show me where the math is wrong. You're the one making a jackass out of yourself. Let's see how far you're willing to go. :lol:
where does the pilot ever say he is referring to the flight maneuvers of the pentagon specifically when he speaks of g forces ?????

[ame=]YouTube - ‪PILOT SAYS "NO WAY" TO 9/11 FAIRYTALE‬‏[/ame]
You're right, what am I thinking Patriot911!

A Pilot who has logged 6,000 hours on commercial airliners as well as a Navy fighter pilot and Air Combat Instructor is nothing more than a Twooftard fuckwad nutjob along with the rest of those lying pilots for 9/11 truth sons of bitches!

Now you on the other hand, patriot911, you've run the calculations therefore it must be so.

I'm convinced, and so should the rest of the world.
where does the pilot ever say he is referring to the flight maneuvers of the pentagon specifically when he speaks of g forces ?????


So what.... you're just going to repeat the ass kicking you got the LAST time you repeated this lameassed attempt to not look like a jackass? :lol:

Here's a clue, fucktard. The only plane that really made a turn of any significance, much less one that could be called a high speed, high bank turn is Flight 77. If you go with any of the other flights, your pussy of a liar only becomes a greater liar.

Now how about showing where I was wrong with the math? Come on, chuckles. If you're going to be an asshole and pretend I'm wrong, the least you can do is show me where I'm wrong.

Or admit you yourself are a world class liar and once again got caught with your pants down around your ankles. Wait. That would mean you have to be honest for once. We all know that isn't going to happen. :lol:
You're right, what am I thinking Patriot911!

A Pilot who has logged 6,000 hours on commercial airliners as well as a Navy fighter pilot and Air Combat Instructor is nothing more than a Twooftard fuckwad nutjob along with the rest of those lying pilots for 9/11 truth sons of bitches!

Now you on the other hand, patriot911, you've run the calculations therefore it must be so.

I'm convinced, and so should the rest of the world.

Damn straight! Notice that fuckwad couldn't even say WHY it was impossible? Just like a truthtard to make claims and not back them up.
where does the pilot ever say he is referring to the flight maneuvers of the pentagon specifically when he speaks of g forces ?????


He did not have all the information. I'm certain he has since changed his tune. If he has been provided with facts and not buried in the myth.

The interview was in September of 2007. The FDR information which detailed exactly what happened was released on 5/24/2006. His name and quotes are still prominently displayed on pilots for 9/11 truth and he appears to still be a member.

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