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electrical engineer? Really? And he knows buildings........

he knows the wtc and he knows what he knows and it is considerably more than yourself

Yet you dismiss what Leslie Robertson, the guy who actually DESIGNED THE BUILDINGS has to say on the matter. What do you think that says about you? :lol: You guys will listend and believe anyone who says what you want to hear and ignore everyone else. I've never met more close minded people in my life than truthtards.
that is hardly a just one sided buddy rambling on and on, give me a break and I like the way he would not go near wtc should be embarrassed Ollie, but you clearly have no shame
that is hardly a just one sided buddy rambling on and on, give me a break and I like the way he would not go near wtc should be embarrassed Ollie, but you clearly have no shame

Actually he admitted he couldn't talk about building 7 because he didn't know enough about the design.... Do try to keep up. Some people admit when they don't have the expertise to say anything.
that is hardly a just one sided buddy rambling on and on, give me a break and I like the way he would not go near wtc should be embarrassed Ollie, but you clearly have no shame

Actually he admitted he couldn't talk about building 7 because he didn't know enough about the design.... Do try to keep up. Some people admit when they don't have the expertise to say anything.

well perhaps before he goes on a radio show to" debate "he should inform himself
that is hardly a just one sided buddy rambling on and on, give me a break and I like the way he would not go near wtc should be embarrassed Ollie, but you clearly have no shame

Actually he admitted he couldn't talk about building 7 because he didn't know enough about the design.... Do try to keep up. Some people admit when they don't have the expertise to say anything.

well perhaps before he goes on a radio show to" debate "he should inform himself

I love how fucktards completely ignore the fact Leslie Robertson is probably THE leading expert on the design of the towers bar none and understands from an engineering aspect what happened and what that would do.

Instead they pretend he should be like truthtards and brush up on a completely different building and pretend like he is now an expert on that building. :lol:
ad hominem yet again. you don't even have a relevant point. Fucking butt monkey. :lmao:

ad hominem yet again. you don't even have a relevant point. Fucking butt monkey. :lmao:


Says the fucktard who couldn't even come up with his own material so had to plagerize Judy Woods! :lol: And just what the fuck have you been doing you dishonest piece of shit! Nothing but ad hominem while bitching like a little schoolgirl about others doing what you are doing. :lol: That's rich you hypocritical piece of trash!

BTW, unlike you, I did address the issue at hand. Or would you like to rebut the fact you stupid truthtards run away from the facts laid out by world's leading expert on the towers? Or the fact you silly bitches like to pretend that because he can't act as an authority on WTC 7 that he should be ignored? :lol:
So, are you going to address the material or continue to make yourself look like an ass wipe?

Ad hominem doesn't count. The material is up for question, not me.

Address it.

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