Victims' Families Want To Air New 9/11 Truth Ad

So, are you going to address the material or continue to make yourself look like an ass wipe?

Ad hominem doesn't count. The material is up for question, not me.

Address it.

Thanks for proving your irrelevance yet again, TakeAShit. Here's a hint. When you're irrelevant, nobody gives a flying fuck what you think or what you demand. :lol: So take your demands and shove them up your ass where your brain is. Pretend Cobain is your role model and follow his example.
So, are you going to address the material or continue to make yourself look like an ass wipe?

Ad hominem doesn't count. The material is up for question, not me.

Address it.

Thanks for proving your irrelevance yet again, TakeAShit. Here's a hint. When you're irrelevant, nobody gives a flying fuck what you think or what you demand. :lol: So take your demands and shove them up your ass where your brain is. Pretend Cobain is your role model and follow his example.

I wonder what material he would like us to address. This thread has been everywhere and we've pretty much destroyed anything they've come up with.
So, are you going to address the material or continue to make yourself look like an ass wipe?

Ad hominem doesn't count. The material is up for question, not me.

Address it.

Thanks for proving your irrelevance yet again, TakeAShit. Here's a hint. When you're irrelevant, nobody gives a flying fuck what you think or what you demand. :lol: So take your demands and shove them up your ass where your brain is. Pretend Cobain is your role model and follow his example.

I wonder what material he would like us to address. This thread has been everywhere and we've pretty much destroyed anything they've come up with.

He probably wants to know why nobody likes him and why everyone points and laughs whenever he walks into the room..... :lol:
No, there were no explosions at all, theres no evidence for explosions.

Nothing exploded, the fires brought'em down, the fires brought'em down!

No Explosion

That's right the sound of a building falling is not an explosion.

You do know that you are an idiot, right?

You do know that you are mentally retarded when you claim the cause of WTC 7's total symmetrical free fall collapse is because " a building fell on it", right?
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No, there were no explosions at all, theres no evidence for explosions.

Nothing exploded, the fires brought'em down, the fires brought'em down!

No Explosion

That's right the sound of a building falling is not an explosion.

You do know that you are an idiot, right?

You do know that you are mentally retarded when you claim the cause of WTC 7's total symmetrical free fall collapse is because " a building fell on it", right?

You do know that either you are a fool or a liar every time you say there was a symmetrical free fall collapse, right?
That's right the sound of a building falling is not an explosion.

You do know that you are an idiot, right?

You do know that you are mentally retarded when you claim the cause of WTC 7's total symmetrical free fall collapse is because " a building fell on it", right?

You do know that either you are a fool or a liar every time you say there was a symmetrical free fall collapse, right?

On the contrary, the collapses were more symmetrical then not, especially when you take the sporadic fires and actual placement of the damage. In particular WTC 7.
You do know that you are mentally retarded when you claim the cause of WTC 7's total symmetrical free fall collapse is because " a building fell on it", right?

You do know that either you are a fool or a liar every time you say there was a symmetrical free fall collapse, right?

On the contrary, the collapses were more symmetrical then not, especially when you take the sporadic fires and actual placement of the damage. In particular WTC 7.

The only thing that looked at all symmetrical was the facade of Building 7. When you include the entire collapse you lose the symmetry and the free fall.
You do know that you are mentally retarded when you claim the cause of WTC 7's total symmetrical free fall collapse is because " a building fell on it", right?

You do know that either you are a fool or a liar every time you say there was a symmetrical free fall collapse, right?

On the contrary, the collapses were more symmetrical then not, especially when you take the sporadic fires and actual placement of the damage. In particular WTC 7.

A collapse is either symmetrical or it is not. The definition is specific. The collapse of WTC 7 was NOT symmetrical. Close, but no cigar.
You do know that either you are a fool or a liar every time you say there was a symmetrical free fall collapse, right?

On the contrary, the collapses were more symmetrical then not, especially when you take the sporadic fires and actual placement of the damage. In particular WTC 7.

A collapse is either symmetrical or it is not. The definition is specific. The collapse of WTC 7 was NOT symmetrical. Close, but no cigar.

so what you are saying is was very close to symmetrical
You do know that either you are a fool or a liar every time you say there was a symmetrical free fall collapse, right?

On the contrary, the collapses were more symmetrical then not, especially when you take the sporadic fires and actual placement of the damage. In particular WTC 7.

The only thing that looked at all symmetrical was the facade of Building 7. When you include the entire collapse you lose the symmetry and the free fall.

Yes but taking a look if you will, at the insides of the buildings, the damage the planes and subsequent fires caused were random events. It is inconceivable that any random event like a plane crash fire, or random explosions would cause the simultaneous failures of all the critical columns in a hirise building to allow it to collapse in what can be described as more so a symmetrical collapse then not.
The towers collapse following the path of most resistance, is one of the first things to take notice of. We can say near symmetrical collapses if it makes you feel better.
On the contrary, the collapses were more symmetrical then not, especially when you take the sporadic fires and actual placement of the damage. In particular WTC 7.

The only thing that looked at all symmetrical was the facade of Building 7. When you include the entire collapse you lose the symmetry and the free fall.

Yes but taking a look if you will, at the insides of the buildings, the damage the planes and subsequent fires caused were random events. It is inconceivable that any random event like a plane crash fire, or random explosions would cause the simultaneous failures of all the critical columns in a hirise building to allow it to collapse in what can be described as more so a symmetrical collapse then not.
The towers collapse following the path of most resistance, is one of the first things to take notice of. We can say near symmetrical collapses if it makes you feel better.

Um to be real the towers followed the only path allowed by gravity. Down.
On the contrary, the collapses were more symmetrical then not, especially when you take the sporadic fires and actual placement of the damage. In particular WTC 7.

The only thing that looked at all symmetrical was the facade of Building 7. When you include the entire collapse you lose the symmetry and the free fall.

Yes but taking a look if you will, at the insides of the buildings, the damage the planes and subsequent fires caused were random events. It is inconceivable that any random event like a plane crash fire, or random explosions would cause the simultaneous failures of all the critical columns in a hirise building to allow it to collapse in what can be described as more so a symmetrical collapse then not.
The towers collapse following the path of most resistance, is one of the first things to take notice of. We can say near symmetrical collapses if it makes you feel better.

And this is where truthtards fall over and show their true ignorance. They pretend the collapse HAS to be caused by the failure of every single critical column at once. Not once have these stupid fucks ever looked at the fact a progressive collapse can cause the collapse they see or that the sheer size of the towers is going to fail any and all structures below it.

So what do they base all these bullshit claims on? Their VIEWS of the collapse. :lol: Meanwhile they ignore the experts. They ignore the complete and total lack of evidence of what would have to be there for their bullshit claims to be true. They ignore everything that doesn't fit their extremely myopic views of the events of 9/11.
That's right the sound of a building falling is not an explosion.

You do know that you are an idiot, right?

You do know that you are mentally retarded when you claim the cause of WTC 7's total symmetrical free fall collapse is because " a building fell on it", right?

You do know that either you are a fool or a liar every time you say there was a symmetrical free fall collapse, right?

You do know that using "Candycorn Logic" in saying that there was not a symmetrical free fall collapse therefore there was not a symmetrical free fall collapse is retarded, right?
You do know that you are mentally retarded when you claim the cause of WTC 7's total symmetrical free fall collapse is because " a building fell on it", right?

You do know that either you are a fool or a liar every time you say there was a symmetrical free fall collapse, right?

You do know that using "Candycorn Logic" in saying that there was not a symmetrical free fall collapse therefore there was not a symmetrical free fall collapse is retarded, right?

I'm sorry , I have to neg you for stupidity for that post. Now go watch the collapse all over again. It was a progressive collapse if you include the entire building instead of only the facade. You really can't be this stupid in real life can you?
You do know that you are mentally retarded when you claim the cause of WTC 7's total symmetrical free fall collapse is because " a building fell on it", right?

You do know that either you are a fool or a liar every time you say there was a symmetrical free fall collapse, right?

You do know that using "Candycorn Logic" in saying that there was not a symmetrical free fall collapse therefore there was not a symmetrical free fall collapse is retarded, right?

you do know that the building collapse was not free fall.... right? :lol:

a small portion of SOME of the building collapse was at free fall speed. saying the the building collapse was free fall is just plain LYING. :cuckoo:
You do know that either you are a fool or a liar every time you say there was a symmetrical free fall collapse, right?

You do know that using "Candycorn Logic" in saying that there was not a symmetrical free fall collapse therefore there was not a symmetrical free fall collapse is retarded, right?

you do know that the building collapse was not free fall.... right? :lol:

a small portion of SOME of the building collapse was at free fall speed. saying the the building collapse was free fall is just plain LYING. :cuckoo:


The entire building fell symmetrically with no resistance, how can you try to spin this?
You do know that using "Candycorn Logic" in saying that there was not a symmetrical free fall collapse therefore there was not a symmetrical free fall collapse is retarded, right?

you do know that the building collapse was not free fall.... right? :lol:

a small portion of SOME of the building collapse was at free fall speed. saying the the building collapse was free fall is just plain LYING. :cuckoo:


The entire building fell symmetrically with no resistance, how can you try to spin this?

Well, because you're lying your slimey retarded ass off for one..... :lol: But we already knew that. You haven't told the truth with the exception of the few times you were trying to be cute. Nobody was fooled and you're still a piece of shit. Disgusting!

So, IF the building fell symmetrically, it would all fall exactly as one piece, yet we clearly do not see this in the videos. First you see the penthouse collapsing, which in and of itself proves the collapse was not symmetrical. Then we see the evidence of the internal collapse. Can't have a collapse that happens in stages be symmetrical. Then there is the collapse of the external portion of the building, but even that is not symmetrical as one can clearly see from the "kink" that occured in the building. Even your fellow truthtards claim it wasn't purely symmetrical. You should have listened to them instead of making an ignorant jackass out of yourself.

Second, the building fell with resistance. If there were no resistance, as you so retardedly claim, the entire building would have fallen at free fall acceleration speeds from start to finish. Instead the entire collapse took more than ten seconds. Even the collapse of the external portion of the building was only in free fall acceleration for 2.25 seconds of the collapse.

Two claims.

Two lies.

More proof truthtards are full of shit.
You do know that using "Candycorn Logic" in saying that there was not a symmetrical free fall collapse therefore there was not a symmetrical free fall collapse is retarded, right?

you do know that the building collapse was not free fall.... right? :lol:

a small portion of SOME of the building collapse was at free fall speed. saying the the building collapse was free fall is just plain LYING. :cuckoo:


The entire building fell symmetrically with no resistance, how can you try to spin this?

Because we have to unspin your stupidity.

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