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This damage could not have caused the total free fall, yes, free fall collapse that WTC 7 experienced.

I believe WTC 7 was an emergency management office and there is speculation that at least some portion of the operation may have been carried out there so the building was demolished.

Regardless, the building was deliberately brought down via a manner of controlled demolition.

For the neutral observer, who are you to believe?

Credentialed scientists, engineers, pilots, and researchers with expertise and an advanced degree or some guy on a messageboard named SFC Ollie?

No child, WTC 7 did not experience free fall, the facade did for roughly 2 seconds.

And there is no one denying that there was an EOC in the building. But it was not used to direct the attacks, only people like you believe that.

There is still zero evidence of a controlled demolition. other than you claim it looked just like one, which in itself isn't even true. Wheres the flashes and bangs?

Now who would the casual viewer believe? Probably the guy who doesn't hide behind a fake name on a message board but clearly shows he is a Retired Army Sergeant First Class and uses his actual name. Most of the people I talk with even know where I live. Of course, most of the people I talk with are sane.

Oh and in case you haven't noticed, I normally give a link to something that a credited expert says or make certain that you know it's me talking. Right now, it's just my opinion. You're nuts!

so how long did it take the inside to fall ?

No one knows how long the inside was collapsing, but enough of it collapsed for the mechanical penthouse to drop into the building 7 to 8 seconds before the outer facade started to fall.
This damage could not have caused the total free fall, yes, free fall collapse that WTC 7 experienced.

I believe WTC 7 was an emergency management office and there is speculation that at least some portion of the operation may have been carried out there so the building was demolished.

Regardless, the building was deliberately brought down via a manner of controlled demolition.

For the neutral observer, who are you to believe?

Credentialed scientists, engineers, pilots, and researchers with expertise and an advanced degree or some guy on a messageboard named SFC Ollie?

No child, WTC 7 did not experience free fall, the facade did for roughly 2 seconds.

And there is no one denying that there was an EOC in the building. But it was not used to direct the attacks, only people like you believe that.

There is still zero evidence of a controlled demolition. other than you claim it looked just like one, which in itself isn't even true. Wheres the flashes and bangs?

Now who would the casual viewer believe? Probably the guy who doesn't hide behind a fake name on a message board but clearly shows he is a Retired Army Sergeant First Class and uses his actual name. Most of the people I talk with even know where I live. Of course, most of the people I talk with are sane.

Oh and in case you haven't noticed, I normally give a link to something that a credited expert says or make certain that you know it's me talking. Right now, it's just my opinion. You're nuts!

so how long did it take the inside to fall ?

You know eots, we've posted the unedited videos so many times..... Maybe you should actually watch it sometime.
No child, WTC 7 did not experience free fall, the facade did for roughly 2 seconds.

And there is no one denying that there was an EOC in the building. But it was not used to direct the attacks, only people like you believe that.

There is still zero evidence of a controlled demolition. other than you claim it looked just like one, which in itself isn't even true. Wheres the flashes and bangs?

Now who would the casual viewer believe? Probably the guy who doesn't hide behind a fake name on a message board but clearly shows he is a Retired Army Sergeant First Class and uses his actual name. Most of the people I talk with even know where I live. Of course, most of the people I talk with are sane.

Oh and in case you haven't noticed, I normally give a link to something that a credited expert says or make certain that you know it's me talking. Right now, it's just my opinion. You're nuts!

so how long did it take the inside to fall ?

No one knows how long the inside was collapsing, but enough of it collapsed for the mechanical penthouse to drop into the building 7 to 8 seconds before the outer facade started to fall.

is it 7 or 8 secs.. did NIST not measure this ? was the interior collapsing noisy ? did it create any massive clouds of dust or cause any distortion or damage to the facade as it fell ?
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No child, WTC 7 did not experience free fall, the facade did for roughly 2 seconds.

And there is no one denying that there was an EOC in the building. But it was not used to direct the attacks, only people like you believe that.

There is still zero evidence of a controlled demolition. other than you claim it looked just like one, which in itself isn't even true. Wheres the flashes and bangs?

Now who would the casual viewer believe? Probably the guy who doesn't hide behind a fake name on a message board but clearly shows he is a Retired Army Sergeant First Class and uses his actual name. Most of the people I talk with even know where I live. Of course, most of the people I talk with are sane.

Oh and in case you haven't noticed, I normally give a link to something that a credited expert says or make certain that you know it's me talking. Right now, it's just my opinion. You're nuts!

so how long did it take the inside to fall ?

You know eots, we've posted the unedited videos so many times..... Maybe you should actually watch it sometime.

have you watched it ? if you have you should know how many secs it is
so how long did it take the inside to fall ?

No one knows how long the inside was collapsing, but enough of it collapsed for the mechanical penthouse to drop into the building 7 to 8 seconds before the outer facade started to fall.

is it 7 or 8 secs.. did NIST not measure this ? was the interior collapsing noisy ? did it create any massive clouds of dust or cause any distortion or damage to the facade as it fell ?

No, they didn't measure it. Why would they? How were they to know that years after the event, conspiritards would remove the footage of the penthouse collapse from their youtube videos, then try to say the entire building fell at free fall acceleration? To NIST's credit, they did re-examine the videos and concede that a portion of the north facade did reach F-F accel for 2.25 seconds.

And of course you hand wave away the windows that broke when the penthouse collapsed. Handwaving is a tool of the trade with you inside jobby-job folks. And how do you know if any of the south facade distorted? After all, another thing you hand wave away is that in the last few seconds of the collapse, the building rolled back, damaging the Verizon Building, and Fitterman Hall. How did that happen if the building fell into it's own footprint, as the surviving signatories of the AE911 petition claim?
No one knows how long the inside was collapsing, but enough of it collapsed for the mechanical penthouse to drop into the building 7 to 8 seconds before the outer facade started to fall.

is it 7 or 8 secs.. did NIST not measure this ? was the interior collapsing noisy ? did it create any massive clouds of dust or cause any distortion or damage to the facade as it fell ?

No, they didn't measure it. Why would they? How were they to know that years after the event, conspiritards would remove the footage of the penthouse collapse from their youtube videos, then try to say the entire building fell at free fall acceleration?

of course they measured it and their numbers are different than ollies a
and yous..why is that ?

To NIST's credit, they did re-examine the videos and concede that a portion of the north facade did reach F-F accel for 2.25 seconds.

no they were forced to spin it when denial no longer worked

And of course you hand wave away the windows that broke when the penthouse collapsed. Handwaving is a tool of the trade with you inside jobby-job folks. And how do you know if any of the south facade distorted? After all, another thing you hand wave away is that in the last few seconds of the collapse, the building rolled back, damaging the Verizon Building, and Fitterman Hall. How did that happen if the building fell into it's own footprint, as the surviving signatories of the AE911 petition claim?

of course windows were breaking just from heat so why would int they break as the building collapsed ?
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is it 7 or 8 secs.. did NIST not measure this ? was the interior collapsing noisy ? did it create any massive clouds of dust or cause any distortion or damage to the facade as it fell ?

of course they measured it and their numbers are different than ollies a
and yous..why is that ?

Please post a link to the NIST report where they gave collapse time for the penthouse.

no they were forced to spin it when denial no longer worked

NIST didn't spin it. They flat out admitted that parts of the north facade fell at free fall acceleration.

And of course you hand wave away the windows that broke when the penthouse collapsed. Handwaving is a tool of the trade with you inside jobby-job folks. And how do you know if any of the south facade distorted? After all, another thing you hand wave away is that in the last few seconds of the collapse, the building rolled back, damaging the Verizon Building, and Fitterman Hall. How did that happen if the building fell into it's own footprint, as the surviving signatories of the AE911 petition claim?

of course windows were breaking just from heat so why would int they break as the building collapsed ?

Yet you still handwave away the films of the windows that were breaking while the penthouse collapsed, in the corner of the building closet to the penthouse.

Replies in red.

Strange how you won't address the point about WTC7 damaging other buildings outside of it's own footprint.
Oh, and I know I screwed up the quote function. Please don't start another conspiracy about that.

I don't want anyone sitting in a basement making hay out of it.
of course they measured it and their numbers are different than ollies a
and yous..why is that ?

Please post a link to the NIST report where they gave collapse time for the penthouse.

no they were forced to spin it when denial no longer worked

NIST didn't spin it. They flat out admitted that parts of the north facade fell at free fall acceleration.

of course windows were breaking just from heat so why would int they break as the building collapsed ?

Yet you still handwave away the films of the windows that were breaking while the penthouse collapsed, in the corner of the building closet to the penthouse.

Replies in red.

Strange how you won't address the point about WTC7 damaging other buildings outside of it's own footprint.

happens in controlled demolitions
happens in controlled demolitions
Bullshit you lying piece of shit! Windows don't "break" in a controlled demolition. They don't even HAVE windows still in place because the explosions would blow them out, not just break them. Did we see that? Nope. Just like we didn't hear any explosions prior to or during the collapse even though one can clearly hear the internal collapse. Oh, you truthtards TRIED to pretend the rumble was explosions, but come on... how fucking stupid does one have to be to believe THAT horseshit?

Or did you just "conveniently" forget all the things one REALLY sees during a controlled demolition? :lol:

You truthtards are really becoming disgustingly desperate. You know you're a bunch of fucking liars that are pushing bullshit, so you desperately try for anything someone MIGHT believe if they are stupid enough. :lol:
happens in controlled demolitions
Bullshit you lying piece of shit! Windows don't "break" in a controlled demolition. They don't even HAVE windows still in place because the explosions would blow them out, not just break them. Did we see that? Nope

I never said wows break in a controlled demolition retardind

Just like we didn't hear any explosions prior to or during the collapse even though one can clearly hear the internal collapse.

really ? could you please post audio of the sounds before the collapse

Oh, you truthtards TRIED to pretend the rumble was explosions, but come on... how fucking stupid does one have to be to believe THAT horseshit?

ll these steel beams failing and falling only made a low rumble as the facaded collapsed ?

Or did you just "conveniently" forget all the things one REALLY sees during a controlled demolition? :lol:

I think it is you that conveniently forgets how skyscrapers typically react to fires

You truthtards are really becoming disgustingly desperate. You know you're a bunch of fucking liars that are pushing bullshit, so you desperately try for anything someone MIGHT believe if they are stupid enough. :lol:

blah blah blah blah blah blah
I never said wows break in a controlled demolition retardind
:lol: Up the meds, fucktard. You can't even spell or make sense. BTW, when you claim "happens in controlled demolitions" and don't bother to be in any way, shape or form specific, one implies the subject of the previous post is what you are talking about. So yes, you were talking about the windows. Pretty pathetic attempt to cover your ass. Didn't work. It still got kicked.

eots said:
really ? could you please post audio of the sounds before the collapse
Already have. Numerous times. So has Jones pretending they are explosions. Are you telling us each and every video of the collapse where the audio was talked about was ignored by you? :lol: Well, listen up you lazy son of a bitch, you want the audio? Look for it. It isn't hard to find. You pretending it has never been submitted before only proves my utter contempt for you is so richly deserved.

eots said:
ll these steel beams failing and falling only made a low rumble as the facaded collapsed ?
What sound would you expect? It sounds like just about every other collapse when the explosives aren't going off..... you know.... the building collapsing due to gravity.

eots said:
I think it is you that conveniently forgets how skyscrapers typically react to fires
So what, exactly, was typical about 9/11? Do you usually have 767s crashing into buildings where the fires can't be fought? Do you typically have a 110 story building crashing into another building, starting numerous fires that also cannot be fought? Or are we suppose to get a truthtard lobotomy and pretend all buildings should react the same regardless of construction, materials, and circumstances? No thank you. You truthtards can play brain dead fuck ups. I prefer to use my brain for logic and common sense; two things completely foreign to you.

eots said:
blah blah blah blah blah blah
Yup. That is all you got, mr. blah. Anything you can't understand or don't want to hear just turns into blahs. Must be why you are so allergic to the truth.
So the entire inner structure fell.. silently.. and completely, all behind the facade.. causing no apparent damage or distortion to the facade...and you can prove these theories how ??

10 years and you never saw this? Amazing...
[ame=]YouTube - ‪WTC7 NIST Clip with east penthouse‬‏[/ame]

I don't see ANY windows breaking when the penthouse fell into the building. Nope. Nothing to see here right eots?


I do not see the entire inner structure collapsing...according to you and NIST
I see a facade falling...and all I hear is a narrative saying building 7 was the first know instance of a steel frame building collapsing primarily due to fire

No, you claimed there was no apparent damage to the facade when the interior fell. I showed you the windows breaking on the facade as a result of the penthouse collapsing. So your "no apparent damage" claim has been proven incorrect.

Nice to see Eots getting his ass handed to him...................................again!!:lol::lol:
10 years and you never saw this? Amazing...
YouTube - ‪WTC7 NIST Clip with east penthouse‬‏

I don't see ANY windows breaking when the penthouse fell into the building. Nope. Nothing to see here right eots?


I do not see the entire inner structure collapsing...according to you and NIST
I see a facade falling...and all I hear is a narrative saying building 7 was the first know instance of a steel frame building collapsing primarily due to fire

No, you claimed there was no apparent damage to the facade when the interior fell. I showed you the windows breaking on the facade as a result of the penthouse collapsing. So your "no apparent damage" claim has been proven incorrect.


windows breaking as the facade collapses is not distortion or damage to the facade prior to its collapse
This damage could not have caused the total free fall, yes, free fall collapse that WTC 7 experienced.

I believe WTC 7 was an emergency management office and there is speculation that at least some portion of the operation may have been carried out there so the building was demolished.

Regardless, the building was deliberately brought down via a manner of controlled demolition.

For the neutral observer, who are you to believe?

Credentialed scientists, engineers, pilots, and researchers with expertise and an advanced degree or some guy on a messageboard named SFC Ollie?

:lol: They sure as hell wouldn't believe a piece of shit fucktard named Triton who continuously lies his sorry ass off. Free fall collapse? :lol: What... you think if you repeat a lie often enough someone might be brain dead enough to actually believe you? I don't think so.

Face it. You fucking losers called truthtards are nothing but a blight on humanity. You want to use the deaths of 3000 people to push your bullshit anti-whatever agendas depending on who you hate today. The very fact you losers can't even agree on who did it, how they did it, what was done, or when it was done should be a big assed red flag showing you sorry sons of bitches are nothing but trash.
No you got this wrong man. Some of us just believe that the government has taken on a more tyrannical role in the Americans citizens lives.
They have used the deaths of 3000 to push their agenda.
These power hungry maniacs think they can trash the Constitution and, and the rights that are in it to protect us from government getting too big and establishing a dictatorship.
They are supposed to be held accountable to the people, that is what America is supposed to be..a government that represents the people...We just want it to work and be like it was designed to be, not take it over and install some other form of governance, I'm not for that kind of shit. I'm sick to death of them lying to us and using their "superior" authority to know what's best for us.
I have stated many times on here that I jumped on the bandwagon back in 2001-2002, but slowly over time the lies just became so obvious, and it pissed me off, and I want them to come clean about a lot of this shit. There's nothing wrong with demanding that.

Now if they were more transparent and honest, and came out and totally debunked all the allegations the truth movement has put forth, I honestly would eat crow, apologize here and in public and support them..But nothing that they have said or done to dispel the allegations have convinced me they are right about 9-11 (and other things, like the bank and wall street scandal) or honest.
For example...I don't approve of the way bills are infiltrated with amendments not related to the original bill's topic and rammed through as part of it.

The American government as was designed by the founders has mutated into exactly what they feared it would.
You know... it is possible to have rational discussion about this topic without resorting to all the name calling, that shit will not change someones opinion. Just post your rebuttal with some credible back up and you might be taken more seriously.
Everyone here that is involved in this topic has gotten their points from a variety of other sources, so calling someone a liar is not fair, how about we say their sources are liars instead?
BTW, the calculations on the mechanics of the collapses are real MFKers, and I have looked at it and I have to agree it is brilliant, from both aspects, If only it (collapses) would have taken more time, and accounted for the top block having to overcome its own resistive forces as well as the lower blocks forces I would be able to file this part of it away as being more viable.
As it stands the only way get to the bottom of all the issues, in my humble opinion, is to reopen everything with no political biases involved, either here or in some neutral setting.
It is obviously clear that both sides have only theories with limited resources at their disposal ( WTC steel for example) to back up their claims, but I'm sure there are plenty of people that would be willing to step forward if certain assurances were given to them etc.
With the help of a majority of people from both camps pushing for this, it could happen faster and finally be resolved.
The supposed nano thermite find is pure BS. Just had to let you know that.
How do you know this. If it is a lie and made up why isn't it addressed and proven false and charges brought against those that claim to have found it, there's got to be a law about that somewhere isn't there?

It isn't nano thermite because nobody has found nano thermite. Jones et. al. found what they described as an "active thermitic compound". They were unable to identify exactly what it was, but lots of things can be an "active thermitic compound". A match head is an excellent example of an active thermitic compound.

As for laws against claiming you found something you haven't, someone has to be hurt by your actions. So who was demonstrably hurt by Jones et. al. pretending they found an "active thermitic compound"?

Jones can get away with claiming he found an active thermitic compound. I am sure he did. Lots of things will ignite sooner or later when you apply heat. So how do Jones et. al. get away with it? Because while they're not exactly lying, the people who read their crap are going to read into it whatever they want like nano thermite was found. They rely on the ignorance of their readers to cover up their bullshit findings.

Can nanothermites (also called superthermites) be explosive?
What is the difference between ordinary thermite and nano-thermite?
Are you now saying that nanothermite was used instead of thermate, or was the only explosive material in the operations?
Do you agree that “ Jones is putting "superthermite" in the same category of explosiveness as HMX and RDX” as claimed by Mark Hightower? (Email to Jones and numerous others from Mark Hightower, 8 May 2011).
Could the red nano-thermitic material found in the WTC dust have been the result of clean-up operations after 9/11?
Could the red nano-thermitic material found in the WTC dust have been the result of iron oxide from the building combining with aluminum from the building, during the collapses?....
Could the red nano-thermitic material found in the WTC dust have been primer paint used on the WTC?
Figure 14 in your paper shows zinc. Doesn't this mean that this sample (which later was soaked in MEK) was a primer-paint sample?
What is the main evidence you have that the red material undergoes a thermitic reaction when ignited?
What would be the motivation to place pyrotechnic material in the Towers and WTC 7 so as to cause the observed accelerated fall of these skyscrapers? Who would do such a thing?

Responses to questions regarding thermite, nanothermite and conventional explosives used in the WTC destruction. |
What motivation does this man or his fellow scientists have for saying this. Why would they lie?
This is a big allegation, that NIST and a new investigation has to look into and disprove IMHO.
No you got this wrong man. Some of us just believe that the government has taken on a more tyrannical role in the Americans citizens lives.
Bullshit Jones, and you know it. You and your fellow fuckups ACTIVELY push bullshit lies trying to pretend the government was behind 9/11. Trying to put on a halo now and pretend you just believe the government is more tyrannical is just laughable.

Mr. Jones said:
They have used the deaths of 3000 to push their agenda.
So it is OK for you to do it, but nobody else? :lol: Come on. You think anyone else is buying the self righteous load of horse shit you're trying to peddle?

Mr. Jones said:
These power hungry maniacs think they can trash the Constitution and, and the rights that are in it to protect us from government getting too big and establishing a dictatorship.
Been hearing that since 2001. You stupid fucks STILL don't have a dictator in power. In fact, the guys you blame for 9/11 are no longer even in power. :lol: I guess you forgot to check your facts, eh?

Mr. Jones said:
They are supposed to be held accountable to the people, that is what America is supposed to be..a government that represents the people...We just want it to work and be like it was designed to be, not take it over and install some other form of governance, I'm not for that kind of shit.
Right... so you make up all kinds of bullshit lies and accuse our government for what Al Qaeda did. That just makes you a piece of shit liar who is also a traitor to this great nation of ours. There is absolutely nothing wrong with standing up against the government. I do it on a regular basis because there are things going on I do not agree with. I don't have to swing people to my side with lies just because I'm such a loser I can't convince them on the merits of my own arguments.

Mr. Jones said:
I'm sick to death of them lying to us and using their "superior" authority to know what's best for us.
So you lie to everyone else? Since when do two wrongs make a right? Instead of crystalizing the issues you have against the government, you end up muddying the waters. Instead of being a patriot standing up for what you believe is right, you lie your sorry ass off trying to get people to overthrow the government. How fucking stupid is that? DAMN stupid in my book.

Mr. Jones said:
I have stated many times on here that I jumped on the bandwagon back in 2001-2002, but slowly over time the lies just became so obvious, and it pissed me off, and I want them to come clean about a lot of this shit.
Just about every truthtard says the same damn thing. Think it fools anyone? I sincerely doubt it. You're such a liar that why would you tell the truth about this?

Mr. Jones said:
There's nothing wrong with demanding that.
Sure there is. When fucking assholes like you pretend everything the government says is wrong and push theories that by NO stretch of the imagination could possibly be true in light of all the evidence provided and all the investigations done, nobody is going to believe that you're just "wanting them to come clean". You've already convicted them and nothing short of a lynching is going to satisfy sick fucks like you. I know it. You know it. Everyone else knows it. So why the games?

Mr. Jones said:
Now if they were more transparent and honest, and came out and totally debunked all the allegations the truth movement has put forth, I honestly would eat crow, apologize here and in public and support them.
Bullfuckingshit. We ALL have seen how you operate. No matter what evidence is provided, no matter how badly your theories are debunked, you never change your mind about a damn thing. So spare us your self aggrandizing bullshit about how you would honestly eat crow.... you're far to busy eating the bullshit from the likes of Gage.

Mr. Jones said:
But nothing that they have said or done to dispel the allegations have convinced me they are right about 9-11 (and other things, like the bank and wall street scandal) or honest.
Of course not. There is nothing anyone can say or do that will convince a complete retard like you that the world isn't the twisted, fucked up place you imagine it to be. You're stuck in your own paranoid delusions, and I sincerely doubt there is any hope you'll break out of them anytime soon.

Mr. Jones said:
For example...I don't approve of the way bills are infiltrated with amendments not related to the original bill's topic and rammed through as part of it.
Great! Do you ever fight about that? No. You whine that the government is evil and was behind 9/11. Does that do jack shit for getting reform on bills? Nope. All it does is destroy your credibility and make anything you say seem dubious at best.

Mr. Jones said:
The American government as was designed by the founders has mutated into exactly what they feared it would.
Yet instead of fighting what is wrong in government, you make up bullshit and try to foment rebellion. Isn't going to happen, junior. You've had almost ten years to make your case and you still don't even have a single piece of evidence despite all your claims to the contrary.

Mr. Jones said:
You know... it is possible to have rational discussion about this topic without resorting to all the name calling, that shit will not change someones opinion.
Well, I lost all respect for truthtards and have nothing left but utter contempt. You're right. It IS possible to have a rational discussion, right up until it is obvious the bullshit truthtard theories are wrong. Then it always flips to another aspect of the 9/11 theories until you think people have forgotten about the prior ass kickings and it is safe to make the same bullshit claims yet again with all the same lies.

Mr. Jones said:
Just post your rebuttal with some credible back up and you might be taken more seriously.
Uh huh. I post Leslie Robertson, the guy who actually DESIGNED the towers and I've yet to see a truthtard accept him as someone credible. :lol: You fucks are so full of shit it is hard to believe you don't spend all day on the crapper.

Mr. Jones said:
Everyone here that is involved in this topic has gotten their points from a variety of other sources, so calling someone a liar is not fair, how about we say their sources are liars instead?
When a piece of shit liar like you continues to pretend his "sources" are true, that makes the lie yours. Nice try at wiggling out of responsibility for what you post, but I doubt anyone is going to buy that bullshit excuse.

Mr. Jones said:
BTW, the calculations on the mechanics of the collapses are real MFKers, and I have looked at it and I have to agree it is brilliant, from both aspects, If only it (collapses) would have taken more time, and accounted for the top block having to overcome its own resistive forces as well as the lower blocks forces I would be able to file this part of it away as being more viable.
Convenient piece of denial. So what you're saying is you're too damn stupid to figure it out, so you're going to continue on believing the collapses were controlled demolitions. :lol: And you wonder why I have nothing but contempt for you.

Mr. Jones said:
As it stands the only way get to the bottom of all the issues, in my humble opinion, is to reopen everything with no political biases involved, either here or in some neutral setting.
Bullshit. People have been trying for YEARS to get you stupid fucks to see the truth and you blindly dismiss any and every piece of evidence you don't like. Not only that, but there IS NO POLITICAL BIAS in this issue other than we think the government is innocent and you think the government is guilty. This isn't a left / right thing. This is pro-American / anti-American. We stand for the truth. You stand for anything that pushes your anti-government agenda no matter HOW often it has been proven to be wrong.

Mr. Jones said:
It is obviously clear that both sides have only theories with limited resources at their disposal ( WTC steel for example) to back up their claims, but I'm sure there are plenty of people that would be willing to step forward if certain assurances were given to them etc.
:lol: I love how you're trying to pretend both sides are equal. :lol: Nothing could be further from the truth. On the one side you have the government who has the evidence, the science, and the investigations that prove their theories are very close if not spot on. On your side you have a bunch of crackpot liars who wouldn't know their own ass from a hole in the ground, a bunch of lies and false claims, no evidence at all to back up your bullshit, and some fucktards pretending they are experts.

No contest.

Mr. Jones said:
With the help of a majority of people from both camps pushing for this, it could happen faster and finally be resolved.
No, nothing would be resolved. Any investigation HAS to go off the evidence. YOU HAVE NO EVIDENCE. NONE. ZIP. ZILCH. NADA. Thus the only logical conclusion is that any investigation is going to come to the exact same conclusions you've already rejected because you just fucking don't like the answer. :lol: So how would a NEW investigation be any different? Truthtards have already exposed the fact nothing will sway them. All we would be doing is wasting our time, effort and money re-hashing the same old shit with no new evidence that might make a different outcome possible.
What motivation does this man or his fellow scientists have for saying this. Why would they lie?
This is a big allegation, that NIST and a new investigation has to look into and disprove IMHO.
Why would you lie? Why would Gage lie? You're fucking truthtards. It's a mental disease with you guys. JONES FOUND NOTHING that could account for the destruction of the towers. That is the truth.

As for lying.... why did he lie about cold fusion?

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