Victims' Families Want To Air New 9/11 Truth Ad

'The most important thing we found was that there was, in fact, physical damage to the south face of building 7,' NIST's Sunder tells PM. 'On about a third of the face to the center and to the bottom--approximately 10 stories--about 25 percent of the depth of the building was scooped out.'NIST also discovered previously undocumented damage to WTC 7's upper stories and its southwest corner.

detailsofdamagetowtc7 - wtc7lies



You keep telling yourself that.

This damage could not have caused the total free fall, yes, free fall collapse that WTC 7 experienced.

I believe WTC 7 was an emergency management office and there is speculation that at least some portion of the operation may have been carried out there so the building was demolished.

Regardless, the building was deliberately brought down via a manner of controlled demolition.

For the neutral observer, who are you to believe?

Credentialed scientists, engineers, pilots, and researchers with expertise and an advanced degree or some guy on a messageboard named SFC Ollie?

No child, WTC 7 did not experience free fall, the facade did for roughly 2 seconds.

And there is no one denying that there was an EOC in the building. But it was not used to direct the attacks, only people like you believe that.

There is still zero evidence of a controlled demolition. other than you claim it looked just like one, which in itself isn't even true. Wheres the flashes and bangs?

Now who would the casual viewer believe? Probably the guy who doesn't hide behind a fake name on a message board but clearly shows he is a Retired Army Sergeant First Class and uses his actual name. Most of the people I talk with even know where I live. Of course, most of the people I talk with are sane.

Oh and in case you haven't noticed, I normally give a link to something that a credited expert says or make certain that you know it's me talking. Right now, it's just my opinion. You're nuts!

Attack my character and avatar but ignore the fact that the damage WTC 7 had could not have facilitated the kind of total symmetrical free fall collapse that it experienced.

Have you posted on any other threads Ollie? Most people on this board have creative avatars. Who cares if people know where you live.

You can keep saying all day that WTC 7 didn't have a total symmetrical free fall collapse despite not being hit by a plane with minimal damage and sporadic fires.

But it did, period.
This damage could not have caused the total free fall, yes, free fall collapse that WTC 7 experienced.

I believe WTC 7 was an emergency management office and there is speculation that at least some portion of the operation may have been carried out there so the building was demolished.

Regardless, the building was deliberately brought down via a manner of controlled demolition.

For the neutral observer, who are you to believe?

Credentialed scientists, engineers, pilots, and researchers with expertise and an advanced degree or some guy on a messageboard named SFC Ollie?

No child, WTC 7 did not experience free fall, the facade did for roughly 2 seconds.

And there is no one denying that there was an EOC in the building. But it was not used to direct the attacks, only people like you believe that.

There is still zero evidence of a controlled demolition. other than you claim it looked just like one, which in itself isn't even true. Wheres the flashes and bangs?

Now who would the casual viewer believe? Probably the guy who doesn't hide behind a fake name on a message board but clearly shows he is a Retired Army Sergeant First Class and uses his actual name. Most of the people I talk with even know where I live. Of course, most of the people I talk with are sane.

Oh and in case you haven't noticed, I normally give a link to something that a credited expert says or make certain that you know it's me talking. Right now, it's just my opinion. You're nuts!

Attack my character and avatar but ignore the fact that the damage WTC 7 had could not have facilitated the kind of total symmetrical free fall collapse that it experienced.

Have you posted on any other threads Ollie? Most people on this board have creative avatars. Who cares if people know where you live.

You can keep saying all day that WTC 7 didn't have a total symmetrical free fall collapse despite not being hit by a plane with minimal damage and sporadic fires.

But it did, period.

This damage could not have caused the total free fall, yes, free fall collapse that WTC 7 experienced.

I believe WTC 7 was an emergency management office and there is speculation that at least some portion of the operation may have been carried out there so the building was demolished.

Regardless, the building was deliberately brought down via a manner of controlled demolition.

For the neutral observer, who are you to believe?

Credentialed scientists, engineers, pilots, and researchers with expertise and an advanced degree or some guy on a messageboard named SFC Ollie?

No child, WTC 7 did not experience free fall, the facade did for roughly 2 seconds.

And there is no one denying that there was an EOC in the building. But it was not used to direct the attacks, only people like you believe that.

There is still zero evidence of a controlled demolition. other than you claim it looked just like one, which in itself isn't even true. Wheres the flashes and bangs?

Now who would the casual viewer believe? Probably the guy who doesn't hide behind a fake name on a message board but clearly shows he is a Retired Army Sergeant First Class and uses his actual name. Most of the people I talk with even know where I live. Of course, most of the people I talk with are sane.

Oh and in case you haven't noticed, I normally give a link to something that a credited expert says or make certain that you know it's me talking. Right now, it's just my opinion. You're nuts!

Attack my character and avatar but ignore the fact that the damage WTC 7 had could not have facilitated the kind of total symmetrical free fall collapse that it experienced.

Have you posted on any other threads Ollie? Most people on this board have creative avatars. Who cares if people know where you live.

You can keep saying all day that WTC 7 didn't have a total symmetrical free fall collapse despite not being hit by a plane with minimal damage and sporadic fires.

But it did, period.

Excuse me? I attacked your avatar? the poor thing.

Yes, I will say it again. WTC7 did not experience free fall. This has been proven beyond any shadow of a doubt, only someone who is really stupid would ever believe that it did. Admittedly the facade did hit free fall speed for 2.25 seconds. But the building did not. Are you smarter than a 1st grader? Can you distinguish the difference between a part of a building and the whole building?

Oh by the way I post in most sections of this board. I am not like some people and only post in conspiracies. You do know there are other sections of the board with other subjects? It might be healthy for you to check them out.
No child, WTC 7 did not experience free fall, the facade did for roughly 2 seconds.

And there is no one denying that there was an EOC in the building. But it was not used to direct the attacks, only people like you believe that.

There is still zero evidence of a controlled demolition. other than you claim it looked just like one, which in itself isn't even true. Wheres the flashes and bangs?

Now who would the casual viewer believe? Probably the guy who doesn't hide behind a fake name on a message board but clearly shows he is a Retired Army Sergeant First Class and uses his actual name. Most of the people I talk with even know where I live. Of course, most of the people I talk with are sane.

Oh and in case you haven't noticed, I normally give a link to something that a credited expert says or make certain that you know it's me talking. Right now, it's just my opinion. You're nuts!

Attack my character and avatar but ignore the fact that the damage WTC 7 had could not have facilitated the kind of total symmetrical free fall collapse that it experienced.

Have you posted on any other threads Ollie? Most people on this board have creative avatars. Who cares if people know where you live.

You can keep saying all day that WTC 7 didn't have a total symmetrical free fall collapse despite not being hit by a plane with minimal damage and sporadic fires.

But it did, period.

Excuse me? I attacked your avatar? the poor thing.

Yes, I will say it again. WTC7 did not experience free fall. This has been proven beyond any shadow of a doubt, only someone who is really stupid would ever believe that it did. Admittedly the facade did hit free fall speed for 2.25 seconds. But the building did not. Are you smarter than a 1st grader? Can you distinguish the difference between a part of a building and the whole building?Oh by the way I post in most sections of this board. I am not like some people and only post in conspiracies. You do know there are other sections of the board with other subjects? It might be healthy for you to check them out.

The answers to the questions in bold are:
1. no
2. no
3. no
You're right Ollie, I'm wrong, a building fell on it.

Mesiter, let me guess, you believe WTC 7 didn't fall symmetrically, there was plenty of resistance and therefore the building didn't collapse anywhere near free fall, and a building fell on it, right?

"progressive" collapse

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Now this is funny.

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What\'s the matter? Getting a little upset that your bullshit still smells?


Boy you've got some balls at least. But you've also got more Bullshit than any three people. You are also extremely stupid. You have had your ass handed to you so many times over this that you can't see past it anymore. Maybe English is a second language to you. Or maybe you just need a reading comprehension class. But then again more than likely you need someone to help you understand comic books. At any rate your negative one hurt so bad........NOT...... LOL
*groan* Are Americans STILL sticking to the 'it was Bush done it' conspiracy bullshit? Your WTC was destroyed by Arabs... get over it.

Actually, some say it was Cheney..... and others say it was da Joos..... and others pretend they don't know who did it, but it sure wasn't Al Qaeda. :lol:

Uh, your own military discovered the plans for 9-11 amongst Al Queda. Other than the Muslim fruitcakes of this world, the only other peoples I could believe who would do such a thing would be the Israelis.

Why do you not believe it was Al Queda?? Perhaps Arabs are simply too stupid to have come up with such a scheme? Are the Americans masters at fabricating all of the proof we have seen which clearly points to Al Queda? None too bright, are you? You are a loony leftie, aren't you?

I believe NIST report failed to determine the cause of the collapses and that the 9/11 commission report and other official reports on the events of 9/11 were intentional cover -ups of the facts
Wow. So all of my posts from yesterday just get removed? So, this board isn't moderated, it's actually controlled. Good to know....I'm done posting here.
Wow. So all of my posts from yesterday just get removed? So, this board isn't moderated, it's actually controlled. Good to know....I'm done posting here.

Promises promises........................

Everyones posts were lost dumb ass. They had to do a site restore. You really should get out of the conspiracy area sometimes.

Oh, that is, if you are still here...... Did you keep your promise this time?
No you got this wrong man. Some of us just believe that the government has taken on a more tyrannical role in the Americans citizens lives.
Bullshit Jones, and you know it. You and your fellow fuckups ACTIVELY push bullshit lies trying to pretend the government was behind 9/11.
No you douchebag, we speak out on the lies and BS that has been trying to be passed as the undeniable truth by NIST, the government, and shitheads like you.
If you haven't noticed how this country has/is morphed into a fascist style you are a fool.

Mr. Jones said:
They have used the deaths of 3000 to push their agenda.
So it is OK for you to do it, but nobody else? :lol: Come on. You think anyone else is buying the self righteous load of horse shit you're trying to peddle?
What a stupid statement from you again. It is a fact that the US has taken full advantage of the 9-11 attacks and deaths to pursue a war and imperialistic agenda you fucking asshole. Are you saying the truth movement and people in it somehow have a nefarious agenda? Prove it or STFU with your nonsense.
Been hearing that since 2001. You stupid fucks STILL don't have a dictator in power. In fact, the guys you blame for 9/11 are no longer even in power. :lol: I guess you forgot to check your facts, eh?
Real Americans don't want a president or government that behaves like a dictatorship. Take a look and educate yourself on how the "war on terror" has effected our civil liberties, regardless of who is at the helm.

Right... so you make up all kinds of bullshit lies and accuse our government for what Al Qaeda did. That just makes you a piece of shit liar who is also a traitor to this great nation of ours.
I don't make up lies like you claim, that is another lie that YOU claim. You don't give a shit about "our great nation" quit pretending you are some righteous patriotic American, while you admit we weren't told everything about 9-11, you continue to bash anybody who speaks out and questions the government.
Besides there is no hardcore conclusive evidence that Al Qaeda acted alone, unless you consider tortured confessions, and fake video translations proof. But of course a boot licking pussy like you would, and condone this shit too. That is not what America is supposed to represent. Look up Facism and witness the similarities that have and are occurring in the country, you willfully ignorant and stupid prick.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with standing up against the government. I do it on a regular basis because there are things going on I do not agree with. I don't have to swing people to my side with lies just because I'm such a loser I can't convince them on the merits of my own arguments.
Oh please spare us the fake patriotic American routine already. You are a walking talking lying contradiction on a massive scale.
First you say it is absolutely fine to stand up to the government, but it is not OK when YOU don't agree with others arguments
and we are trying to take over the government :lol: You are a conspiracy theorists of the worst kind, you mental and social outcast.

So you lie to everyone else? Since when do two wrongs make a right? Instead of crystalizing the issues you have against the government, you end up muddying the waters. Instead of being a patriot standing up for what you believe is right, you lie your sorry ass off trying to get people to overthrow the government. How fucking stupid is that? DAMN stupid in my book.
It is you that muddies the waters by spewing hypocritical and and insane BS like you posted above. LOL, you are now a paranoid conspiracy nutcase if you think anybody who questions the government or has an objection to its policies, is seriously trying to take over the government. :lol: What a headcase!
BTW being a patriot does not mean you have to be a kiss ass cowardly pussy like yourself, that is too afraid to speak out, and stand up for what you believe in.

Just about every truthtard says the same damn thing. Think it fools anyone? I sincerely doubt it. You're such a liar that why would you tell the truth about this?
Don't you have any shame in acting like a little girl when you constantly say "liar, liar, truthtard" all the time? Grow the fuck up you whinny little school yard bitch.

Sure there is. When fucking assholes like you pretend everything the government says is wrong and push theories that by NO stretch of the imagination could possibly be true in light of all the evidence provided and all the investigations done, nobody is going to believe that you're just "wanting them to come clean". You've already convicted them and nothing short of a lynching is going to satisfy sick fucks like you. I know it. You know it. Everyone else knows it. So why the games?
You are here pretending everything they have said is without rebuke, and you try to pretend the far fetched theories they claim are correct. You are so fucking stupid, that you actually think that the highly improbable and first time in the history of the world scenarios and claims, can stand on their own?
The evidence you say is correct is nothing more then wild speculation and guesses, and you claim to wanting people lynched is nothing more then some more unsubstantiated BS, you know it and anybody with any sort of intellect knows it.

Bullfuckingshit. We ALL have seen how you operate. No matter what evidence is provided, no matter how badly your theories are debunked, you never change your mind about a damn thing. So spare us your self aggrandizing bullshit about how you would honestly eat crow.... you're far to busy eating the bullshit from the likes of Gage.
You and the theories you peddle as absolute truth have been refuted time and again, you have NEVER debunked anything, only in your delusional paranoid mind.
All you can come up with are the same tired old arguments that you have the nerve to call "proof" and "evidence" when in reality all they are, are theories and guesses backed up by the propaganda machine, they control.

Of course not. There is nothing anyone can say or do that will convince a complete retard like you that the world isn't the twisted, fucked up place you imagine it to be. You're stuck in your own paranoid delusions, and I sincerely doubt there is any hope you'll break out of them anytime soon.
Oh man, you must be on high grade medication to think the world is some kind of happy fun Utopia, You should make sure you don't run out of those meds because you're in for a rude awakening when they ware off.
You have once again shown what a n ignorant brainwashed little stooge you really are, who doesn't know anything about the real adult world outside his little pharmaceuticaly induced protected shell.

Great! Do you ever fight about that? No. You whine that the government is evil and was behind 9/11. Does that do jack shit for getting reform on bills? Nope. All it does is destroy your credibility and make anything you say seem dubious at best.
Yet another stupid ASSumption, that has no basis for answering HIS OWN QUESTION with a NO :lol: The truth is you have no idea what I have worked on in my state government, or any idea of any current projects I am involved in, and that makes you all pissy and cause you to throw your little sissy rants :lol::lol:

Yet instead of fighting what is wrong in government, you make up bullshit and try to foment rebellion. Isn't going to happen, junior. You've had almost ten years to make your case and you still don't even have a single piece of evidence despite all your claims to the contrary.
Again another baseless claim :lol: :cuckoo:
With more paranoid delusions thrown in :lol:

Well, I lost all respect for truthtards and have nothing left but utter contempt. You're right. It IS possible to have a rational discussion, right up until it is obvious the bullshit truthtard theories are wrong. Then it always flips to another aspect of the 9/11 theories until you think people have forgotten about the prior ass kickings and it is safe to make the same bullshit claims yet again with all the same lies.
News flash asshole, nobody likes a coward bootlicking stooge that acts like a prepubescent premenstrual little bitch like you do. You have not proved anything wrong about the other plausible theories, you are so stupid, you aren't capable of seeing just how insane your statements get.
You have shown you are sorely lacking in any real world knowledge, by claiming all is well on planet Earth, then you display your paranoia by thinking anyone who is part of any truth movement, or objects to government policies is "trying to foment rebellion, and take over the government"
Then you lie and contradict yourself again, by claiming people should stand up to government when they fell there are abuses, but if you do, you are just part of some big conspiracy to foment a coup!!
You are one sick disturbed dumbfucking jackass, Parrot.:lol:

Uh huh. I post Leslie Robertson, the guy who actually DESIGNED the towers and I've yet to see a truthtard accept him as someone credible.
Why is that? Why do you call anybody who has more intelligence and experience in the topic of 9-11 then you, and has different theories then you, a liar?
Because you are a mindless, drone that is such a pussy he wont ask the hard questions of his government, even when he admits he doesn't know everything, and " they could be wrong" That's why.
Plenty of reputable and knowledgeable engineers who know more about this stuff then you do, have soundly refuted the theories you claim to be undeniable!!

When a piece of shit liar like you continues to pretend his "sources" are true, that makes the lie yours. Nice try at wiggling out of responsibility for what you post, but I doubt anyone is going to buy that bullshit excuse.
When a POS liar and paranoid mentally fucked in the head asshole like you, pretends that what he believes has not been refuted, that make you an accessory to the lies.
You are so fucked in the head, that you can't tell the difference between a real lie and a difference of opinion based on sound theories. :cuckoo:

Convenient piece of denial. So what you're saying is you're too damn stupid to figure it out, so you're going to continue on believing the collapses were controlled demolitions. :lol: And you wonder why I have nothing but contempt for you.
No that is what YOU want me to say, again trying to put words in your opponents mouths is a weak way to try to win any debate.
You have no clue what I actually believe or don't, and a proven BS artist like you that has been caught lying his ass off by trying to pass refuted theories off as undisputed truth, is not a good source of anything near the truth of any subject. Just like you BS calculations I showed to be flawed, and you did that on purpose as though no one would be able to tell?! :lol:

Bullshit. People have been trying for YEARS to get you stupid fucks to see the truth and you blindly dismiss any and every piece of evidence you don't like.
Again you confuse the truth as only what you believe, which has been shown to you many times to not be sound evidence or science. People have different views and opinions, grow up and deal with it.

Not only that, but there IS NO POLITICAL BIAS in this issue other than we think the government is innocent and you think the government is guilty. This isn't a left / right thing. This is pro-American / anti-American. We stand for the truth. You stand for anything that pushes your anti-government agenda no matter HOW often it has been proven to be wrong.
Wow you really don't have a clue what this is really about do you?
The Ds against the Rs is nothing more then a BS game to keep stooges like you occupied. You also can't possibly know if you stand for the "truth " or not, since you don't know what that really is, you stupid dumbfuck!
You don't like anybody questioning your masters, and we, who live in the real world have bonafide reasons to speak out.You are so fucking clueless, you actually think that wanting goverment to do its assigned duties for the people, are "anti-American?
You can't see or understand just how stupid you are in thinking this way?

:lol: I love how you're trying to pretend both sides are equal. :lol: Nothing could be further from the truth. On the one side you have the government who has the evidence, the science, and the investigations that prove their theories are very close if not spot on. On your side you have a bunch of crackpot liars who wouldn't know their own ass from a hole in the ground, a bunch of lies and false claims, no evidence at all to back up your bullshit, and some fucktards pretending they are experts.
You imagining the experts that don't agree with you are somehow stupid, is well...stupid. Calling them crackpots isn't disproving anything, and only makes you affirm what many of us think of you, that is you are a clueless lying little bitch, that has to throw tantrums to get any attention.
You are really a nutcase, if you actually believe any of the BS you have said in this entire post.

No contest.
Yes when it comes to establishing the credibility of scientists, engineers and scholars, compared to some asshole like you, there is no contest, they win you lose..loser.:lol:

No, nothing would be resolved. Any investigation HAS to go off the evidence. YOU HAVE NO EVIDENCE. NONE. ZIP. ZILCH. NADA. Thus the only logical conclusion is that any investigation is going to come to the exact same conclusions you've already rejected because you just fucking don't like the answer. :lol: So how would a NEW investigation be any different? Truthtards have already exposed the fact nothing will sway them. All we would be doing is wasting our time, effort and money re-hashing the same old shit with no new evidence that might make a different outcome possible.
Fuck you, there is plenty of credible material that plenty of credible people have put out to counter the OCT that you lick from the asses of your handlers. Too bad for you if you don't like it. If you are so condident in their stance then why are you such a pussy that is against a new non biased, non political investigation?
Fear, that's why. You are scared you wont like what may happen and the upheaval it may cause.
You have confirmed your paranoid delusions, while lying, and contradicting your views all in one sorry post! But I can always get you to do that! :lol:
there is plenty of credible material that plenty of credible people have put out to counter the OCT

Actually, if this were true, there would already be real investigations going on and the American people, even people from all over the world would be screaming for justice and truth. Fact is sadly that there is not any truly credible material to disprove the main points of the official investigations and reports.

Get over it.
What motivation does this man or his fellow scientists have for saying this. Why would they lie?
This is a big allegation, that NIST and a new investigation has to look into and disprove IMHO.
Why would you lie? Why would Gage lie? You're fucking truthtards. It's a mental disease with you guys. JONES FOUND NOTHING that could account for the destruction of the towers. That is the truth.

As for lying.... why did he lie about cold fusion?
Again the OCT believer Parrot continues to pretend all other theories that he doesn't subscribe to, and probably doesn't even understand, are just big fat lies!!
and those that bring them up, are "LIARS" :lol:
And that anybody that has any different opinions and views, are just lying!!
He can't actually prove they are actual lies, BUT, that is of no significance in his delusional sorry little mind :lol:
Cmon you sorry little whinny crybaby, let's see how many times you can use the words "truthtard" and "liar" in your next pissass rant filled post?

Oh and BTW do you have any concrete proof Steven Jones actually really lied about cold fusion? I will admit to not having heard too much about this allegation, and found this article about him.

In the mid-1980s, Jones and other BYU scientists worked on what he then referred to as Cold Nuclear Fusion in a Scientific American article, but is today known as muon-catalyzed fusion to avoid confusion with the cold fusion concept of Pons and Fleischman . Muon-catalyzed fusion was a field of some interest in the 1980s, but its low energy output appears to be unavoidable (due to alpha-muon sticking losses). Jones led a research team that in 1986 achieved 150 fusions per muon (average), releasing over 2,600 MeV of fusion energy per muon, a record which still stands.[7]

Around 1985 Jones then became interested in the anomalous concentration of helium-3 found in the gases escaping from volcanoes. He hypothesized that the high pressures in the Earth's interior might make fusion more likely, and began a series of experiments on what he referred to as piezofusion, or high-pressure fusion. In order to characterize the reactions, Jones designed and built a neutron counter able to accurately measure the tiny numbers of neutrons being produced in his experiments. The counter suggested a small amount of fusion was going on. Jones said the result suggested at least the possibility of fusion, though the process was unlikely to be useful as an energy source.

Stanley Pons and Martin Fleischmann (Pons and Fleischmann or P&F) started their work around the same time. Their work was brought to Jones' attention when they applied for research funding from the Department of Energy, after which the DOE passed their proposal along to Jones for peer review. Realizing their work was very similar, Jones and P&F agreed to release their papers to Nature on the same day, March 24, 1989. However, P&F announced their results at a press event the day before. Jones faxed his paper to Nature.[8]

A New York Times article says that while peer reviewers were quite critical of Pons and Fleishchmann's research they did not apply such criticism to Jones' much more modest, theoretically supported findings. Although critics insisted that his results likely stemmed from experimental error,[9] most of the reviewing physicists indicated that he was a careful scientist. Later research and experiments supported the metallic cold fusion reports by Jones.[10]

Steven E. Jones - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
And all this has what to do with his ability to tell the truth about what happened on 9-11-01?
That's a good question for your fellow OCT to answer since he brought Jones and the cold fusion controversy up as a way to discredit him.

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