Victoria Nuland inadvertently destroyed Joe Biden’s Ukraine coverup…


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Victoria Nuland inadvertently destroyed Joe Biden’s Ukraine coverup…​

9 Sep 2023

If there’s one thing we can say about Joe Biden it’s that he’s a boastful jerk who can’t keep his mouth shut. Over the years, Dems and the media have tried to spin Joe’s arrogance into endearing “gaffes.” Let’s be clear — Joe is not a lovable guy who occasionally misspeaks; he’s an arrogant loudmouth who believes he’s better than everyone else. This character flaw has landed him in hot water multiple times. His blend of pathological lying, rude comments, and excessive bragging always backfires on him. Case in point: his on-camera boast about successfully pressuring Ukraine to fire Prosecutor Shokin.

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If there’s one thing we can say about Joe Biden it’s that he’s a boastful jerk who can’t keep his mouth shut. Over the years, Dems and the media have tried to spin Joe’s arrogance into endearing “gaffes.” Let’s be clear — Joe is not a lovable guy who occasionally misspeaks; he’s an arrogant loudmouth who believes he’s better than everyone else. This character flaw has landed him in hot water multiple times. His blend of pathological lying, rude comments, and excessive bragging always backfires on him. Case in point: his on-camera boast about successfully pressuring Ukraine to fire Prosecutor Shokin.

That revelation became a Pandora’s box for Joe Biden that he never saw coming. However, his administration had a strategy: they chose to frame the ousting of this Ukrainian prosecutor as a matter of U.S./European policy, suggesting that Joe was merely carrying out directives.
All nonsense, according to a report from Miranda Devine at the New York Post, who reports that Despite Biden’s claim, “Europeans WEREN’T trying to oust Ukraine prosecutor targeting Hunter’s firm”.

And of course, there’s a Victoria Nuland angle: she lied to cover Biden’s tracks.
More from Devine
So did this clown from the Atlantic Council:
Anders Aslund, a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council in Washington, DC, told the Wall Street Journal in 2019, “Everyone in the Western community wanted Shokin sacked … The whole G-7, the IMF, the EBRD [the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development], everybody was united that Shokin must go, and the spokesman for this was Joe Biden.”​
However, none of the European bodies cited ever called specifically for Shokin’s removal or even mentioned his name.​
Instead, two months after Biden’s pressure campaign began, bodies such as the IMF issued statements generically criticizing Ukraine’s “slow progress” in fighting corruption.​
Meanwhile, Solomon reports that another influential international body was singing the praises of Ukraine’s corruption-busting reforms during Shokin’s tenure.​

So, it seems everyone under the sun believed Shokin was doing an excellent job tackling corruption, except for Joe Biden. Why the exception? Most likely because Shokin was diving into the extensive corruption at Burisma, where Biden’s troubled son Hunter was conveniently “employed.” Even weirder is why the entire establishment lied to cover Simple Joe’s tracks. Time for accountability.

This makes it quite obvious why this Administration is so obsessed with Ukraine, even though it means ending the reign of the US and Europe being a great the world has moved on with us, with BRICS taking over for the G20, to the point that China and Russia don’t even send their leaders to the G20 anymore.
It's amazing to me that Joe, (who everyone has known since he first entered Congress is NOT the sharpest knife in the draw) and his son Hunter, (who for more than a decade has been mostly a drug addled addict) got away with their grifting for as long as they did...which shows how hard Obama and his holdovers in government had to work to keep this quiet. We just learned that the first red flag on HUnter's and Joe's business dealings was made in 2016- and was ignored by the government. We need a new Sherrif who isn't beholden to these ensconced beaurocrats to come clean up the town- sounds like TRUMP's the guy. He knows how the morass works now and who is trustworthy, and he can do it. He was too green to accoplish it the first time, but I give him props for figuring out what has happening in Ukraine and calling Zelensky to ask about the Bidens' questionable dealings...he was three years ahead of press and all Trump got for it was Impeached.
Doc7505 did this article spell "trump" incorrectly?

If there’s one thing we can say about Joe Biden it’s that he’s a boastful jerk who can’t keep his mouth shut.

or maybe i should ask "since these are all the most admired characteristics of dear leader, maybe the author wants you to like biden?"

Victoria Nuland inadvertently destroyed Joe Biden’s Ukraine coverup…​

9 Sep 2023

If there’s one thing we can say about Joe Biden it’s that he’s a boastful jerk who can’t keep his mouth shut. Over the years, Dems and the media have tried to spin Joe’s arrogance into endearing “gaffes.” Let’s be clear — Joe is not a lovable guy who occasionally misspeaks; he’s an arrogant loudmouth who believes he’s better than everyone else. This character flaw has landed him in hot water multiple times. His blend of pathological lying, rude comments, and excessive bragging always backfires on him. Case in point: his on-camera boast about successfully pressuring Ukraine to fire Prosecutor Shokin.

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If there’s one thing we can say about Joe Biden it’s that he’s a boastful jerk who can’t keep his mouth shut. Over the years, Dems and the media have tried to spin Joe’s arrogance into endearing “gaffes.” Let’s be clear — Joe is not a lovable guy who occasionally misspeaks; he’s an arrogant loudmouth who believes he’s better than everyone else. This character flaw has landed him in hot water multiple times. His blend of pathological lying, rude comments, and excessive bragging always backfires on him. Case in point: his on-camera boast about successfully pressuring Ukraine to fire Prosecutor Shokin.

That revelation became a Pandora’s box for Joe Biden that he never saw coming. However, his administration had a strategy: they chose to frame the ousting of this Ukrainian prosecutor as a matter of U.S./European policy, suggesting that Joe was merely carrying out directives.
All nonsense, according to a report from Miranda Devine at the New York Post, who reports that Despite Biden’s claim, “Europeans WEREN’T trying to oust Ukraine prosecutor targeting Hunter’s firm”.

And of course, there’s a Victoria Nuland angle: she lied to cover Biden’s tracks.
More from Devine
So did this clown from the Atlantic Council:
Anders Aslund, a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council in Washington, DC, told the Wall Street Journal in 2019, “Everyone in the Western community wanted Shokin sacked … The whole G-7, the IMF, the EBRD [the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development], everybody was united that Shokin must go, and the spokesman for this was Joe Biden.”​
However, none of the European bodies cited ever called specifically for Shokin’s removal or even mentioned his name.​
Instead, two months after Biden’s pressure campaign began, bodies such as the IMF issued statements generically criticizing Ukraine’s “slow progress” in fighting corruption.​
Meanwhile, Solomon reports that another influential international body was singing the praises of Ukraine’s corruption-busting reforms during Shokin’s tenure.​

So, it seems everyone under the sun believed Shokin was doing an excellent job tackling corruption, except for Joe Biden. Why the exception? Most likely because Shokin was diving into the extensive corruption at Burisma, where Biden’s troubled son Hunter was conveniently “employed.” Even weirder is why the entire establishment lied to cover Simple Joe’s tracks. Time for accountability.

This makes it quite obvious why this Administration is so obsessed with Ukraine, even though it means ending the reign of the US and Europe being a great the world has moved on with us, with BRICS taking over for the G20, to the point that China and Russia don’t even send their leaders to the G20 anymore.
It's amazing to me that Joe, (who everyone has known since he first entered Congress is NOT the sharpest knife in the draw) and his son Hunter, (who for more than a decade has been mostly a drug addled addict) got away with their grifting for as long as they did...which shows how hard Obama and his holdovers in government had to work to keep this quiet. We just learned that the first red flag on HUnter's and Joe's business dealings was made in 2016- and was ignored by the government. We need a new Sherrif who isn't beholden to these ensconced beaurocrats to come clean up the town- sounds like TRUMP's the guy. He knows how the morass works now and who is trustworthy, and he can do it. He was too green to accoplish it the first time, but I give him props for figuring out what has happening in Ukraine and calling Zelensky to ask about the Bidens' questionable dealings...he was three years ahead of press and all Trump got for it was Impeached.

Several threads on this already.

Victoria Nuland inadvertently destroyed Joe Biden’s Ukraine coverup…​

9 Sep 2023

If there’s one thing we can say about Joe Biden it’s that he’s a boastful jerk who can’t keep his mouth shut. Over the years, Dems and the media have tried to spin Joe’s arrogance into endearing “gaffes.” Let’s be clear — Joe is not a lovable guy who occasionally misspeaks; he’s an arrogant loudmouth who believes he’s better than everyone else. This character flaw has landed him in hot water multiple times. His blend of pathological lying, rude comments, and excessive bragging always backfires on him. Case in point: his on-camera boast about successfully pressuring Ukraine to fire Prosecutor Shokin.

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If there’s one thing we can say about Joe Biden it’s that he’s a boastful jerk who can’t keep his mouth shut. Over the years, Dems and the media have tried to spin Joe’s arrogance into endearing “gaffes.” Let’s be clear — Joe is not a lovable guy who occasionally misspeaks; he’s an arrogant loudmouth who believes he’s better than everyone else. This character flaw has landed him in hot water multiple times. His blend of pathological lying, rude comments, and excessive bragging always backfires on him. Case in point: his on-camera boast about successfully pressuring Ukraine to fire Prosecutor Shokin.

That revelation became a Pandora’s box for Joe Biden that he never saw coming. However, his administration had a strategy: they chose to frame the ousting of this Ukrainian prosecutor as a matter of U.S./European policy, suggesting that Joe was merely carrying out directives.
All nonsense, according to a report from Miranda Devine at the New York Post, who reports that Despite Biden’s claim, “Europeans WEREN’T trying to oust Ukraine prosecutor targeting Hunter’s firm”.

And of course, there’s a Victoria Nuland angle: she lied to cover Biden’s tracks.
More from Devine
So did this clown from the Atlantic Council:
Anders Aslund, a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council in Washington, DC, told the Wall Street Journal in 2019, “Everyone in the Western community wanted Shokin sacked … The whole G-7, the IMF, the EBRD [the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development], everybody was united that Shokin must go, and the spokesman for this was Joe Biden.”​
However, none of the European bodies cited ever called specifically for Shokin’s removal or even mentioned his name.​
Instead, two months after Biden’s pressure campaign began, bodies such as the IMF issued statements generically criticizing Ukraine’s “slow progress” in fighting corruption.​
Meanwhile, Solomon reports that another influential international body was singing the praises of Ukraine’s corruption-busting reforms during Shokin’s tenure.​

So, it seems everyone under the sun believed Shokin was doing an excellent job tackling corruption, except for Joe Biden. Why the exception? Most likely because Shokin was diving into the extensive corruption at Burisma, where Biden’s troubled son Hunter was conveniently “employed.” Even weirder is why the entire establishment lied to cover Simple Joe’s tracks. Time for accountability.

This makes it quite obvious why this Administration is so obsessed with Ukraine, even though it means ending the reign of the US and Europe being a great the world has moved on with us, with BRICS taking over for the G20, to the point that China and Russia don’t even send their leaders to the G20 anymore.
It's amazing to me that Joe, (who everyone has known since he first entered Congress is NOT the sharpest knife in the draw) and his son Hunter, (who for more than a decade has been mostly a drug addled addict) got away with their grifting for as long as they did...which shows how hard Obama and his holdovers in government had to work to keep this quiet. We just learned that the first red flag on HUnter's and Joe's business dealings was made in 2016- and was ignored by the government. We need a new Sherrif who isn't beholden to these ensconced beaurocrats to come clean up the town- sounds like TRUMP's the guy. He knows how the morass works now and who is trustworthy, and he can do it. He was too green to accoplish it the first time, but I give him props for figuring out what has happening in Ukraine and calling Zelensky to ask about the Bidens' questionable dealings...he was three years ahead of press and all Trump got for it was Impeached.

TL,DR. Find a real site/cite.

Victoria Nuland inadvertently destroyed Joe Biden’s Ukraine coverup…​

9 Sep 2023

If there’s one thing we can say about Joe Biden it’s that he’s a boastful jerk who can’t keep his mouth shut. Over the years, Dems and the media have tried to spin Joe’s arrogance into endearing “gaffes.” Let’s be clear — Joe is not a lovable guy who occasionally misspeaks; he’s an arrogant loudmouth who believes he’s better than everyone else. This character flaw has landed him in hot water multiple times. His blend of pathological lying, rude comments, and excessive bragging always backfires on him. Case in point: his on-camera boast about successfully pressuring Ukraine to fire Prosecutor Shokin.

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If there’s one thing we can say about Joe Biden it’s that he’s a boastful jerk who can’t keep his mouth shut. Over the years, Dems and the media have tried to spin Joe’s arrogance into endearing “gaffes.” Let’s be clear — Joe is not a lovable guy who occasionally misspeaks; he’s an arrogant loudmouth who believes he’s better than everyone else. This character flaw has landed him in hot water multiple times. His blend of pathological lying, rude comments, and excessive bragging always backfires on him. Case in point: his on-camera boast about successfully pressuring Ukraine to fire Prosecutor Shokin.

That revelation became a Pandora’s box for Joe Biden that he never saw coming. However, his administration had a strategy: they chose to frame the ousting of this Ukrainian prosecutor as a matter of U.S./European policy, suggesting that Joe was merely carrying out directives.
All nonsense, according to a report from Miranda Devine at the New York Post, who reports that Despite Biden’s claim, “Europeans WEREN’T trying to oust Ukraine prosecutor targeting Hunter’s firm”.

And of course, there’s a Victoria Nuland angle: she lied to cover Biden’s tracks.
More from Devine
So did this clown from the Atlantic Council:
Anders Aslund, a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council in Washington, DC, told the Wall Street Journal in 2019, “Everyone in the Western community wanted Shokin sacked … The whole G-7, the IMF, the EBRD [the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development], everybody was united that Shokin must go, and the spokesman for this was Joe Biden.”​
However, none of the European bodies cited ever called specifically for Shokin’s removal or even mentioned his name.​
Instead, two months after Biden’s pressure campaign began, bodies such as the IMF issued statements generically criticizing Ukraine’s “slow progress” in fighting corruption.​
Meanwhile, Solomon reports that another influential international body was singing the praises of Ukraine’s corruption-busting reforms during Shokin’s tenure.​

So, it seems everyone under the sun believed Shokin was doing an excellent job tackling corruption, except for Joe Biden. Why the exception? Most likely because Shokin was diving into the extensive corruption at Burisma, where Biden’s troubled son Hunter was conveniently “employed.” Even weirder is why the entire establishment lied to cover Simple Joe’s tracks. Time for accountability.

This makes it quite obvious why this Administration is so obsessed with Ukraine, even though it means ending the reign of the US and Europe being a great the world has moved on with us, with BRICS taking over for the G20, to the point that China and Russia don’t even send their leaders to the G20 anymore.
It's amazing to me that Joe, (who everyone has known since he first entered Congress is NOT the sharpest knife in the draw) and his son Hunter, (who for more than a decade has been mostly a drug addled addict) got away with their grifting for as long as they did...which shows how hard Obama and his holdovers in government had to work to keep this quiet. We just learned that the first red flag on HUnter's and Joe's business dealings was made in 2016- and was ignored by the government. We need a new Sherrif who isn't beholden to these ensconced beaurocrats to come clean up the town- sounds like TRUMP's the guy. He knows how the morass works now and who is trustworthy, and he can do it. He was too green to accoplish it the first time, but I give him props for figuring out what has happening in Ukraine and calling Zelensky to ask about the Bidens' questionable dealings...he was three years ahead of press and all Trump got for it was Impeached.

I have no idea why you had to double all your copy and pastes.

Regardless, the Trump-friendly rag New York Post is full of shit. The European Commission's report makes NO mention of Shokin. You should read it and then ask yourself why the NY Post did not link to it.

I have read it, and all the commission report says is that Ukraine was making enough progress toward eliminating corruption that a mutual passport exchange was okay with them.

Progress. The report said that moves were being made but not yet complete.

And now this:

Envoys pushed to oust Ukraine prosecutor before Biden | Financial Times

European and US officials pressed Ukraine to sack Viktor Shokin, the country’s former prosecutor-general, months before Joe Biden, the former US vice-president, personally intervened to force his removal, people involved in the talks said. Mr Biden did not act unilaterally nor did he instigate the push against Mr Shokin, despite suggestions to the contrary by supporters of US president Donald Trump, people familiar with the matter said.


EU diplomats working on Ukraine at the time have, however, told the FT that they were looking for ways to persuade Kiev to remove Mr Shokin well before Mr Biden entered the picture. The push for Mr Shokin’s removal was part of an international effort to bolster Ukraine’s institutions following Russia’s annexation of Crimea and the armed conflict in the eastern part of the country. “All of us were really pushing [former Ukrainian president Petro] Poroshenko that he needs to do something, because the prosecutor was not following any of the corruption issues. He was really bad news,” said an EU diplomat involved in the discussions. “It was Biden who finally came in [and triggered it]. Biden was the most vocal, as the US usually is. But we were all literally complaining about the prosecutor.”

"They said 'You have no authority. You are not the President.' I said 'Call him'"

Obviously it was Obama's foreign policy. Furthermore, the issue never came up until Rudy G started pressuring the new President (Zelenky)to open an investigation into Joe Biden's Son in 2019.
I have no idea why you had to double all your copy and pastes.

Regardless, the Trump-friendly rag New York Post is full of shit. The European Commission's report makes NO mention of Shokin. You should read it and then ask yourself why the NY Post did not link to it.

I have read it, and all the commission report says is that Ukraine was making enough progress toward eliminating corruption that a mutual passport exchange was okay with them.

Progress. The report said that moves were being made but not yet complete.

And now this:

Envoys pushed to oust Ukraine prosecutor before Biden | Financial Times

European and US officials pressed Ukraine to sack Viktor Shokin, the country’s former prosecutor-general, months before Joe Biden, the former US vice-president, personally intervened to force his removal, people involved in the talks said. Mr Biden did not act unilaterally nor did he instigate the push against Mr Shokin, despite suggestions to the contrary by supporters of US president Donald Trump, people familiar with the matter said.


EU diplomats working on Ukraine at the time have, however, told the FT that they were looking for ways to persuade Kiev to remove Mr Shokin well before Mr Biden entered the picture. The push for Mr Shokin’s removal was part of an international effort to bolster Ukraine’s institutions following Russia’s annexation of Crimea and the armed conflict in the eastern part of the country. “All of us were really pushing [former Ukrainian president Petro] Poroshenko that he needs to do something, because the prosecutor was not following any of the corruption issues. He was really bad news,” said an EU diplomat involved in the discussions. “It was Biden who finally came in [and triggered it]. Biden was the most vocal, as the US usually is. But we were all literally complaining about the prosecutor.”
D is for Dim

Takeaway 1. The article "Envoys Pushed to Oust Ukraine Prosecutor Before Biden" is a subscription wall.

Takeaway 2. Assuming that the following text is from that article, it states: "all of us" which is heresay by an anonymous group.

We give this a grade of D.

"They said 'You have no authority. You are not the President.' I said 'Call him'"

Obviously it was Obama's foreign policy. Furthermore, the issue never came up until Rudy G started pressuring the new President (Zelenky)to open an investigation into Joe Biden's Son in 2019.
sounds like it was xiden's threat and not obammy's. I can't read it any other way. It's xiden's threat. hmmmmmmmmm
sounds like it was xiden's threat and not obammy's. I can't read it any other way. It's xiden's threat. hmmmmmmmmm
He claimed he had the authority from the president when they questioned his authority. Since it took several months to get rid of the prosecutor they had plenty of time to check it out.
He claimed he had the authority from the president when they questioned his authority. Since it took several months to get rid of the prosecutor they had plenty of time to check it out.
doesn't change who committed the threat, it wasn't obammy. you can't change the facts jack!
sure he did, you just said why.
Nope. It's just like the VP cannot sign a Bill into law. The President can authorize the VP to speak for him and his policy but in the end, the President signs.
Doc7505 did this article spell "trump" incorrectly?

If there’s one thing we can say about Joe Biden it’s that he’s a boastful jerk who can’t keep his mouth shut.

or maybe i should ask "since these are all the most admired characteristics of dear leader, maybe the author wants you to like biden?"
Stop pretending Poopeypants is anything but a career opportunist and felon rumpart.

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