Victory over Sharia in Oklahoma

He ruled according to sharia by not granting her the restraining order. According to the constitution she was entitled to one. She was refused. They straightened the judge out. That is what ALAC is going to do. It is going to make sure sharia is not permitted into the courtroom. Under ANY circumstances. Seeing as we both agree the constitution is the law of the land none of you should have any problem with ALAC. None at all.
He ruled according to sharia by not granting her the restraining order. According to the constitution she was entitled to one. She was refused. They straightened the judge out. That is what ALAC is going to do. It is going to make sure sharia is not permitted into the courtroom. Under ANY circumstances. Seeing as we both agree the constitution is the law of the land none of you should have any problem with ALAC. None at all.

Where in the constitution does it state she is entitled to a restraining order?

(not that I disagree she is entitled to one - but it's nothing to do with the constitution)

Also - where did the judge cite Sharia as the reason?
He ruled according to sharia by not granting her the restraining order. According to the constitution she was entitled to one. She was refused. They straightened the judge out. That is what ALAC is going to do. It is going to make sure sharia is not permitted into the courtroom. Under ANY circumstances. Seeing as we both agree the constitution is the law of the land none of you should have any problem with ALAC. None at all.

where is anyone constitutionally entitled to a restraining order?
The lawyer who represented the woman said he had handled over a hundred cases. Why these cases are not being publicised or written about I have no idea. How could a US Senator confront Michigan mayor over sharia in their courtrooms if it were not happening. Look into it. Here is a good source. Act for America. Brigitte Gabrielles organization. She wrote the book Why they hate us. ( about islam ) her group is on the frontlines fighting against sharia in our courtrooms..
The lawyer who represented the woman said he had handled over a hundred cases. Why these cases are not being publicised or written about I have no idea. How could a US Senator confront Michigan mayor over sharia in their courtrooms if it were not happening. Look into it. Here is a good source. Act for America. Brigitte Gabrielles organization. She wrote the book Why they hate us. ( about islam ) her group is on the frontlines fighting against sharia in our courtrooms..

so cite an example.

if it's happening over and over you can surely provide a case other than the one in new jersey, right?
The lawyer who represented the woman said he had handled over a hundred cases. Why these cases are not being publicised or written about I have no idea. How could a US Senator confront Michigan mayor over sharia in their courtrooms if it were not happening. Look into it. Here is a good source. Act for America. Brigitte Gabrielles organization. She wrote the book Why they hate us. ( about islam ) her group is on the frontlines fighting against sharia in our courtrooms..

You keep going blah blah blah with no link.
He ruled according to sharia by not granting her the restraining order. According to the constitution she was entitled to one. She was refused. They straightened the judge out. That is what ALAC is going to do. It is going to make sure sharia is not permitted into the courtroom. Under ANY circumstances. Seeing as we both agree the constitution is the law of the land none of you should have any problem with ALAC. None at all.

Where in the constitution does it state she is entitled to a restraining order?

(not that I disagree she is entitled to one - but it's nothing to do with the constitution)

Also - where did the judge cite Sharia as the reason?
Clearly by stating his decision not to grant the protection order was based on the husbands religious beliefs. He didn't have to say "sharia was my reason for denying her order", it is obvious that was how he based his decision. There are many more cases. Look up Brigitte Gabrielles group Act for America if you are interested in learning the latest about it.
The lawyer who represented the woman said he had handled over a hundred cases. Why these cases are not being publicised or written about I have no idea. How could a US Senator confront Michigan mayor over sharia in their courtrooms if it were not happening. Look into it. Here is a good source. Act for America. Brigitte Gabrielles organization. She wrote the book Why they hate us. ( about islam ) her group is on the frontlines fighting against sharia in our courtrooms..

You keep going blah blah blah with no link.

Everyone else here has managed to find it and discuss it. The discussion is pretty much finished and you are still as blind as when you got here! talk to your puppets. That is obviously more your speed.. lol.
The lawyer who represented the woman said he had handled over a hundred cases. Why these cases are not being publicised or written about I have no idea. How could a US Senator confront Michigan mayor over sharia in their courtrooms if it were not happening.

Easily - it happens all the time when fear or bigotry overcomes rational thought and politicians make wild and often unjustified claims.

I would like to see specific cases in Michigan and I can't find any.

Look into it. Here is a good source. Act for America. Brigitte Gabrielles organization. She wrote the book Why they hate us. ( about islam ) her group is on the frontlines fighting against sharia in our courtrooms..

What makes her a good source?
The lawyer who represented the woman said he had handled over a hundred cases. Why these cases are not being publicised or written about I have no idea. How could a US Senator confront Michigan mayor over sharia in their courtrooms if it were not happening. Look into it. Here is a good source. Act for America. Brigitte Gabrielles organization. She wrote the book Why they hate us. ( about islam ) her group is on the frontlines fighting against sharia in our courtrooms..

You keep going blah blah blah with no link.

Everyone else here has managed to find it and discuss it. The discussion is pretty much finished and you are still as blind as when you got here! talk to your puppets. That is obviously more your speed.. lol.

You brought the case up. It is on YOU to provide a link or be called on it. Now....that link?
He ruled according to sharia by not granting her the restraining order. According to the constitution she was entitled to one. She was refused. They straightened the judge out. That is what ALAC is going to do. It is going to make sure sharia is not permitted into the courtroom. Under ANY circumstances. Seeing as we both agree the constitution is the law of the land none of you should have any problem with ALAC. None at all.

where is anyone constitutionally entitled to a restraining order?

Does she have equal rights as an american muslim woman or doesn't she? Does she have equal rights to be heard in a court of law? To obtain a fair judgment? Don't play word games with me. She has a right to the same protection any other american has a right to.
I demand an amendment to the constitution guaranteeing that no law shall be passed in the USA requiring women to wear burkas and veils!!!
If it isn't the islamic agenda in usa to replace the constitution with Sharia law - then why would the Muslims be fighting American Law for American Courtrooms every inch of the way? Please explain what their motive is. There must be a motive for them doing this so what is the motive? To install sharia law. That is their motive.
He ruled according to sharia by not granting her the restraining order. According to the constitution she was entitled to one. She was refused. They straightened the judge out. That is what ALAC is going to do. It is going to make sure sharia is not permitted into the courtroom. Under ANY circumstances. Seeing as we both agree the constitution is the law of the land none of you should have any problem with ALAC. None at all.

where is anyone constitutionally entitled to a restraining order?

Does she have equal rights as an american muslim woman or doesn't she? Does she have equal rights to be heard in a court of law? To obtain a fair judgment? Don't play word games with me. She has a right to the same protection any other american has a right to.

first off, your authority on the subject is greatly damaged. you believed the judge dismissed rape and abuse charges because of sharia law. that never happened.

second, she had her day in court. she lost. she appealed, and she one. that's how the system works. not once was she denied any constitutional right.

so try again. cite an example where us law has been supplanted in the court room by sharia.

we'll wait.
I wish they would create an amendment banning Murphy's law. Those dam Irish!!

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