Video Destroys Narrative

Yes. Your narrative of a “dangerous” man has been completely debunked you idiot. Your crying and whining and lying doesn’t change that. Continue making a fool of yourself. You and your fellow leftards have been doing that for days.
whose narrative of a dangerous man? The Judge sentencing him?? Link please.
What video? Share linky?
The video of Chansley being one of the first groups of window bashers and door busters in to the Capitol.... He came in with the violent crowd that broke in by smashing anything in their way. I didn't see him smashing, but the guys he was right next to and around did.

Tucker showed a clip of the video, showing Chansley was in the break in group....look for the horns and flagpole, you'll spot him.

Someone else posted a tweet that also showed the video of him with the window and door smasher crowd that broke in.
The video doesn’t change anything about Chansley’s crime.

Trump could have ended the riot much earlier but chose not to.

The video was always available, never censored.
Libtards on the defensive, running away from the truth as fast as they can, with their tails between their legs. ^^^
The best answer about Officer Sicnick is the movie D.O.A.

Sicnick was sprayed with a peper spray that may have contained an agent acrolein, that was used as an irritant in WW I, and which has been linked to causing blood clots in those exposed to it, especially in high concentrations.
Libtards on the defensive, running away from the truth as fast as they can, with their tails between their legs. ^^^
I saw the Chansley video two years ago, of him talking about Trump (FINALLY) tweeting the rioters to go home. FYI ....That video has never been hidden...
The Qanon Shaman sentence was steep... by the judge imo.

All the judges were giving harsher sentences to those who broke in or tried to stop the electoral count, if the Perp had served in the military previously.... These military people know they should not follow an illegal order or go against the govt illegally to stop an official act. They were sworn to follow and protect the constitution, not go against it.... Judges imo, gave harsher sentences with them.

Chansley also made himself by his garb and head dress and positioning on the front, the center of attention.... The judge seemed Perturbed about that too....

I just view Chansley as someone who has some PTS issues, and needs help in the mental issues arena.... a messed up teddybear...
Apparently FOX will not air this. This video destroys the narrative completely. How is this man in prison for 4 years?

Here is the January 6 video BANNED by Fox News. Because of Rupert Murdoch caving in to the liberals, Tucker Carlson was NOT allowed to show you the video. However, that video has been leaked and Brian Craig, co-host of the Steve Kane Radio Show, was the FIRST in the media to reveal it. This video is quite shocking not only because it is further exculpatory of the Shaman, Jacob Chansley, but also because it REVEALS that the person who was identified by the media as the face of the “insurrection” clearly understood that President Donald Trump wanted protestors at the Capitol to go home in peace. This completely upends the media and Democrat narrative that President Trump was inspiring violence on January 6.

I suspected Tucker was silenced. If that is actually true he needs to stand up to the brass at Fox News and tell everybody on his Monday program that he has been censored and just walk off the set. Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham should follow.

Of course that will never happen. Real journalism is dead in this nation.
And to educate you, the USSC already ruled when that requirement attaches. Not until the person is scheduled for trial. As the 6th amendment was interpreted

In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the
right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the
State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have
compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to
have the Assistance of Counsel for his defense

As the Fifth Circuit would later explain in the appeal in Mansfield’s § 1983 case, “this Court’s precedent has consistently held that Brady focuses on the integrity of trials and does not reach pre-trial guilty pleas.” In other words, in the Fifth Circuit, “there is no constitutional right to exculpatory evidence during plea bargaining.”
Oh boy oh boy! That was informative, and ends the conversation on a possible re do for Chansley.
We watched Chansley walking and being escorted. We watched him thanking law enforcement and now we are supposed to believe the lies told about him that he was some kind of leader of an insurrection? Yeah right.
Can you link to someone on the left saying he was a leader of the insurrection, please. Who was saying he was a leader of it, other than right wingers claiming the left said he was a dangerous leader of the insurrection???
I suspected Tucker was silenced. If that is actually true he needs to stand up to the brass at Fox News and tell everybody on his Monday program that he has been censored and just walk off the set. Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham should follow.

Of course that will never happen. Real journalism is dead in this nation.
FYI-We saw video of this years ago, Feb 8th 2021. What time was Trump's tweet to go home? Three hours after the riot started?


WHY isn't Tucker covering all the Right wing accusations of FBI operatives causing the riot, or ANTIFA causing the riot and all that right wing lying bull crap??? He has all the video.

otherwise... Good morning Batcat! :)
Let themselves in where, precisely? There are two different conversations going on, one about people getting into the Capitol building and the other about getting into the senate chambers. Which are you speaking of?
In both instances the rioters let themselves in. The rioters smashed windows and opened doors at several places amid the Capitol. In the Senate Chambers, the rioters got into the gallery and dropped down.
Here is actual video of Chansley entering the Capitol.

He walks in through an open door.

At the 20-second mark, you can see a man attempt to raid a snack room, and Chansley immediately rushes over and yells at the man in an attempt to stop him.

This man was a kitten. While he may have trespassed, his four-year sentence is completely unjust and entirely political.
The video of Chansley being one of the first groups of window bashers and door busters in to the Capitol....

So sorry. Only partial credit. That only establishes his physical presence which I already said yields “trespass.”
He came in with the violent crowd that broke in by smashing anything in their way. I didn't see him smashing, but the guys he was right next to and around did.
I hope you aren’t arguing guilt by association. It doesn’t show him using any instrument against the building or of him punching or kicking the windows, etc. that takes you back to mere presence. Trespass.
Tucker showed a clip of the video, showing Chansley was in the break in group....look for the horns and flagpole, you'll spot him.
I went scouting around and have seen his entrance. And that only establishes his mere presence. Trespass.
Someone else posted a tweet that also showed the video of him with the window and door smasher crowd that broke in.
He was with the crowd. That doesn’t make him guilty of any physical action himself.
Can you link to someone on the left saying he was a leader of the insurrection, please. Who was saying he was a leader of it, other than right wingers claiming the left said he was a dangerous leader of the insurrection???
We can link to people that think four years is the proper sentence for trespassing. That is just as bad.
FYI-We saw video of this years ago, Feb 8th 2021. What time was Trump's tweet to go home? Three hours after the riot started?


WHY isn't Tucker covering all the Right wing accusations of FBI operatives causing the riot, or ANTIFA causing the riot and all that right wing lying bull crap??? He has all the video.

otherwise... Good morning Batcat! :)
Simple answer. It looks like Fox News has silenced Tucker.
FYI-We saw video of this years ago, Feb 8th 2021. What time was Trump's tweet to go home? Three hours after the riot started?


WHY isn't Tucker covering all the Right wing accusations of FBI operatives causing the riot, or ANTIFA causing the riot and all that right wing lying bull crap??? He has all the video.

otherwise... Good morning Batcat! :)
Because face recognition was not made available. Tucker covered that if you had bothered to watch him. Fox does not want lawsuits.

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