Video Destroys Narrative

You need the education retard. By law, ALL evidence must be turned over. Exculpatory included. Since that was deliberately withheld, there’s trouble coming for a lot of prosecutors.
And to educate you, the USSC already ruled when that requirement attaches. Not until the person is scheduled for trial. As the 6th amendment was interpreted

In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the
right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the
State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have
compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to
have the Assistance of Counsel for his defense

As the Fifth Circuit would later explain in the appeal in Mansfield’s § 1983 case, “this Court’s precedent has consistently held that Brady focuses on the integrity of trials and does not reach pre-trial guilty pleas.” In other words, in the Fifth Circuit, “there is no constitutional right to exculpatory evidence during plea bargaining.”
But he said he asked for it and didn’t receive it right there in your quoted post.
As the Fifth Circuit would later explain in the appeal in Mansfield’s § 1983 case, “this Court’s precedent has consistently held that Brady focuses on the integrity of trials and does not reach pre-trial guilty pleas.” In other words, in the Fifth Circuit, “there is no constitutional right to exculpatory evidence during plea bargaining.”
Poor little crybaby who’s threatened by a certain word says what? Hey asswipe you just destroyed your own story. They led him on a guided tour and let him into the chambers. Thus he was no threat and no danger to anybody. Continue embarrassing yourself.
Chansley, who pleaded guilty to a felony charge of obstructing an official proceeding, was among the first rioters to enter the building. He has acknowledged using a bullhorn to rile up the mob, offering thanks in a prayer while in the Senate for having the chance to get rid of traitors and scratching out a threatening note to Vice President Mike Pence saying, “It’s Only A Matter of Time. Justice Is Coming!”

he isn’t accused of violence, prosecutors say

As the Fifth Circuit would later explain in the appeal in Mansfield’s § 1983 case, “this Court’s precedent has consistently held that Brady focuses on the integrity of trials and does not reach pre-trial guilty pleas.” In other words, in the Fifth Circuit, “there is no constitutional right to exculpatory evidence during plea bargaining.”
They withheld the video before the plea deal.
Apparently FOX will not air this. This video destroys the narrative completely. How is this man in prison for 4 years?

Here is the January 6 video BANNED by Fox News. Because of Rupert Murdoch caving in to the liberals, Tucker Carlson was NOT allowed to show you the video. However, that video has been leaked and Brian Craig, co-host of the Steve Kane Radio Show, was the FIRST in the media to reveal it. This video is quite shocking not only because it is further exculpatory of the Shaman, Jacob Chansley, but also because it REVEALS that the person who was identified by the media as the face of the “insurrection” clearly understood that President Donald Trump wanted protestors at the Capitol to go home in peace. This completely upends the media and Democrat narrative that President Trump was inspiring violence on January 6.

Are you saying that the Democrats forgot to release this video?
. This video is quite shocking not only because it is further exculpatory of the Shaman, Jacob Chansley, but also because it REVEALS that the person who was identified by the media as the face of the “insurrection” clearly understood that President Donald Trump wanted protestors at the Capitol to go home in peace. This completely upends the media and Democrat narrative that President Trump was inspiring violence on January 6.
I suppose if Vladimir Putin called for an end to the fighting in Ukraine today, that it would upend the narrative that Putin started a war.
Are you saying that the Democrats forgot to release this video?
The january 6th defense lawyers have a complaint about being given access to all 41,000 hours of video.

“Because it would take a single individual over five years to view 44,000 hours of video, it is impossible for any one Defendant to review this discovery comprehensively,” Nichols’ lawyers wrote.

Their argument isn't that they weren't given the same access later given to Tucker Carlson, but that they weren't given access to government work product, and didn't have all the resources of a major network to hire people to go through the videos for them.
The january 6th defense lawyers have a complaint about being given access to all 41,000 hours of video.

“Because it would take a single individual over five years to view 44,000 hours of video, it is impossible for any one Defendant to review this discovery comprehensively,” Nichols’ lawyers wrote.

Their argument isn't that they weren't given the same access later given to Tucker Carlson, but that they weren't given access to government work product, and didn't have all the resources of a major network to hire people to go through the videos for them.
Not true, the videos were indexed as to where and when they were shot. Carlson's staff had no problem. The problem is that the lawyers were not given access.
What part of in the Fifth Circuit, “there is no constitutional right to exculpatory evidence during plea bargaining. don't you understand?
The video was withheld by the committee. No one saw it or had access to it. Just like his lawyer said. What is it that YOU don't understand? If they said there was no video available, why would he have not made a plea deal in the face of no exculpatory evidence? Common sense. Ineffective assistance of counsel or illegally withholding evidence by the committee.
More pathetic ass obsession from a crybaby homo. No Congress people were hunted down your retarded moron. Of course you and every other leftard here demands footage of any police stop, yet you run like cowards when Tucker shows the videos from Jan. 6. Now GFY asshole.
Hey, maybe when you pull your head out of Tuck's ass he'll agree to share the 40,000 hours of video & you can wade thru it as one of Trump's homeboys, dope.

In 10 years let us know what you find out, assface.
Hey, maybe when you pull your head out of Tuck's ass he'll agree to share the 40,000 hours of video & you can wade thru it as one of Trump's homeboys, dope.

In 10 years let us know what you find out, Clown.
Why? Tucker's staff already went through the video. It was tagged and indexed. 'clown'
Not true, the videos were indexed as to where and when they were shot. Carlson's staff had no problem. The problem is that the lawyers were not given access.
I just quoted a January 6th lawyer saying he had full access to all 44,000 hours of videos.

Why do you keep lying they didn't have access when their own lawyers admit they had full access.

“Because it would take a single individual over five years to view 44,000 hours of video, it is impossible for any one Defendant to review this discovery comprehensively,” Nichols’ lawyers wrote.
The video was withheld by the committee. No one saw it or had access to it. Just like his lawyer said.

Why do you keep lying? His lawyer told the court he had full access to all the videos.

“Because it would take a single individual over five years to view 44,000 hours of video, it is impossible for any one Defendant to review this discovery comprehensively,” Nichols’ lawyers wrote.
He was beaten?

He should get a lawyer
Courts don’t approve of that kind of thing
He can't get a lawyer since he was beaten so badly that it caused him to have a stroke and die.
And now And now Tucker carlson is playing a video claiming that someone in the video is him after And play me and claiming that the video was taken after he supposedly died. Though from what I saw in the video to timestamp had been Removed and they gave no evidence that positively identified him except Carlson's claim. That it was him.
Why? Tucker's staff already went through the video. It was tagged and indexed. 'clown'
They were tagged and indexed as to where and when, but not as to "who" was in the video. That was the lawyers complaint.

They wanted DOJ to go through the 41,000 hours of video, and give them every minute of video showing their client.
Hey, maybe when you pull your head out of Tuck's ass he'll agree to share the 40,000 hours of video & you can wade thru it as one of Trump's homeboys, dope.

In 10 years let us know what you find out, assface.
The Capitol Police ESCORTED TOUR offered to Buffalo Bill, whatever his name is, blows the narrative of INSURRECTION to bits. The amount of hours available means nothing. In fact, it didn't take much at all.

This strikes at the heart of the tragedy of the ideological subversion that has been going on for the last 80+ some odd years.

These examples of true information cannot sway the ingrained prejudiced opinions of the generations that have been TAUGHT that America Bad. We are at a threshold between reality vs. feeeeeelings in the overall Human psyche currently; a psychosis rooted in the folly of Marxist/Lenninist/Stalinist fucking retardation from the 20th century.

Capitalism isn't perfect, and the monetary schemes are troublesome as observed today, but Capitalism is rooted in Freedom and Liberty of The People; the antithesis of authoritarian Communism.

How did we get here?
Yuri Bezmenov, a Soviet defector from the 1980's, warned us...

And, here we are.
Good luck everyone!

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