Video Destroys Narrative

What you leave out is that the 41,000 hours of video was not released to the public.
But the 41,000 hours of video were released to each and every defendant and/or their lawyers. If there was anything exculpatory in the videos, the defendants and their lawyers had full access to it.
No it wasn’t. His lawyer said.
So what? That allowed them to go on a rampage & hunt down Congress, crybaby MAGA Trump asseater?
More pathetic ass obsession from a crybaby homo. No Congress people were hunted down your retarded moron. Of course you and every other leftard here demands footage of any police stop, yet you run like cowards when Tucker shows the videos from Jan. 6. Now GFY asshole.
It’s embarrassing that you can’t trust yourself to do your own thinking.

Or maybe you’re just lazy.
It’s truly embarrassing that YOU are the one refusing to do any thinking asshole. You’ve been debunked and destroyed for days and keep coming back for more punishment. I look at truth and facts, unlike an unthinking lemming like you. Cry harder.
If they were "exit" doors, they can be opened by pressing the panic bar, or in this case a button on one side, as required by fire code law. All egresses can keep people out, but by law must allow for the quick egress of people inside the building in case of an emergency.

Why leave that out?
Because your pathetic excuse got destroyed in an earlier thread. It never happened. Now go away boy.
No it wasn’t. His lawyer said.
You misheard what his lawyer said. He didn't say he didn't have access to the 41,000 of videos, but that they hadn't given him exculpatory evidence before the plea agreement.

Albert Watkins, whose client Jacob Chansley pleaded guilty to felony charges in connection with the Capitol riot and was sentenced to 41 months in prison, said Department of Justice prosecutors were legally bound to turn over the footage.

“We did not receive that video footage,” Watkins said. “We asked for it, and not just once or twice. Whether we asked for it or not is irrelevant because the government had an absolute, non-compromisible duty to disclose that video and they did not do so.”

Paschall wrote in the case September 17, 2021 that the government was setting up a “global” video dump for all defendants to use. It would be hosted on “ for voluminous digital media materials (e.g., body-worn-camera footage and U.S. Capitol Police (‘USCP’) surveillance footage),” she wrote. “Further, we will ensure that all Capitol Breach legal defense teams will have access to the same platforms, including technological functionality commensurate to that available to the government, for the purpose of receiving and reviewing discoverable materials.”

But by that time, Chansley had already entered a guilty plea
It’s truly embarrassing that YOU are the one refusing to do any thinking asshole. You’ve been debunked and destroyed for days and keep coming back for more punishment. I look at truth and facts, unlike an unthinking lemming like you. Cry harder.
Nothing has been debunked. The videos of Chansley are irrelevant to his crimes.

The video of Chansley’s crime is readily available.
Then maybe you should educate yourself. The USSC already ruled on the subject. They said that the discovery requirement (6th amendment) did not attach until the defendant was set for trial. Plea deals don't require the prosecution to give the defendant exculpatory evidence.
You need the education retard. By law, ALL evidence must be turned over. Exculpatory included. Since that was deliberately withheld, there’s trouble coming for a lot of prosecutors.
It happens within the first minute and it takes two of them to break the magnet. You can also see the Weirdo enter just after the minute mark.

I keep hearing from the right wing crazies that the police opened the doors for the protestors.
Yet no video of it happening ever gets posted.
Did I miss that video?

@1:09 The Shaman walks trough the doors that were opened from the inside by the insurrectionist that woke through the windows on both sides of the main door.
Was that guy with the cowboy hat kicking the window arrested? Can you identify him?
Nothing has been debunked. The videos of Chansley are irrelevant to his crimes.

The video of Chansley’s crime is readily available.
Yes. Your narrative of a “dangerous” man has been completely debunked you idiot. Your crying and whining and lying doesn’t change that. Continue making a fool of yourself. You and your fellow leftards have been doing that for days.
Maybe he should buy a clue. They were escorting him AWAY from the direction of the house chambers, where the electoral votes were being counted. And instead allowed him to go in the opposite direction toward the EMPTY senate chambers.

HUMMMMM. Away from where the congressmen were, and toward an unoccupied area of the Capitol.
Poor little crybaby who’s threatened by a certain word says what? Hey asswipe you just destroyed your own story. They led him on a guided tour and let him into the chambers. Thus he was no threat and no danger to anybody. Continue embarrassing yourself.
You misheard what his lawyer said. He didn't say he didn't have access to the 41,000 of videos, but that they hadn't given him exculpatory evidence before the plea agreement.

Albert Watkins, whose client Jacob Chansley pleaded guilty to felony charges in connection with the Capitol riot and was sentenced to 41 months in prison, said Department of Justice prosecutors were legally bound to turn over the footage.

“We did not receive that video footage,” Watkins said. “We asked for it, and not just once or twice. Whether we asked for it or not is irrelevant because the government had an absolute, non-compromisible duty to disclose that video and they did not do so.”

Paschall wrote in the case September 17, 2021 that the government was setting up a “global” video dump for all defendants to use. It would be hosted on “ for voluminous digital media materials (e.g., body-worn-camera footage and U.S. Capitol Police (‘USCP’) surveillance footage),” she wrote. “Further, we will ensure that all Capitol Breach legal defense teams will have access to the same platforms, including technological functionality commensurate to that available to the government, for the purpose of receiving and reviewing discoverable materials.”

But by that time, Chansley had already entered a guilty plea
But he said he asked for it and didn’t receive it right there in your quoted post.
More pathetic ass obsession from a crybaby homo. No Congress people were hunted down your retarded moron. Of course you and every other leftard here demands footage of any police stop, yet you run like cowards when Tucker shows the videos from Jan. 6. Now GFY asshole.
No Conress people were hunted? Is that why the proceedings were paused as Congress hid in chambers as your buddies hunted them, assface? There's footage of that, dumbfuck.

You can now live with your head being a permanent mirror image of Trump's ass. You proud, homeboy?
Because your pathetic excuse got destroyed in an earlier thread. It never happened. Now go away boy.
It was also posted that the exit doors opened if pressed for three seconds, which released the locks on the doors. The news reported that's how they got entry.

Notably, photos taken at the scene show a sign outside the doors stating they could be opened by pushing against them for three seconds. What appears to be the same sign can be seen in the CCTV footage.

Other rioters who opened another door were instructing (from second level) how to open it."
It was also posted that the exit doors opened if pressed for three seconds, which released the locks on the doors. The news reported that's how they got entry.

Notably, photos taken at the scene show a sign outside the doors stating they could be opened by pushing against them for three seconds. What appears to be the same sign can be seen in the CCTV footage.

Other rioters who opened another door were instructing (from second level) how to open it."
Could be, might have, possibly was. All meaning it never happened moron. Op-Ed. Not proof. Keep flailing.
No Conress people were hunted? Is that why the proceedings were paused as Congress hid in chambers as your buddies hunted them, assface? There's footage of that, dumbfuck.

You can now live with your head being a permanent mirror image of Trump's ass. You proud, homeboy?
How are you typing while your mouth is on that Dem dick faggot? No video of anybody being “hunted” crybaby. Now kindly go fuck yourself. You waste of space.
Yes. Your narrative of a “dangerous” man has been completely debunked you idiot. Your crying and whining and lying doesn’t change that. Continue making a fool of yourself. You and your fellow leftards have been doing that for days.
He was carrying a spear, but I never claimed he was all that dangerous.

Do you know what he was convicted of?

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