Video Destroys Narrative

You tell me. They have Officer Sisnick walking around after he was killed. They have a time stamp on that.

Just because Officer Sicknick didn't drop dead at the Capital doesn't mean his injuries inflicted by Trump's barbarians didn't contribute to his later demise, dope.

Can you at least make an attempt to get a clue?

The best answer about Officer Sicnick is the movie D.O.A.

Sicnick was sprayed with a peper spray that may have contained an agent acrolein, that was used as an irritant in WW I, and which has been linked to causing blood clots in those exposed to it, especially in high concentrations.
How will he get a new trial if he pleaded guilty, dope?

Still flailing without a clue.
The strange thing is how they think the Shaman has a chance of appealing his guilty plea because of the Tucker Carlson video.
He won’t. Those magnetically locked doors can’t be opened from outside. They need a code input to unlock the door. They weren’t kicked in, they were opened.
So what? That allowed them to go on a rampage & hunt down Congress, crybaby MAGA Trump asseater?
Wrong. It shows that the police did not consider him violent or a threat. Seeing as they escorted him all over the building. Noting your complete dodge of your debunked lies about Sicknick. Keep digging.
More clueless by the minute. Nice going, Cousin Itt!
His lawyer arranged it with lack of discovery.
Then maybe you should educate yourself. The USSC already ruled on the subject. They said that the discovery requirement (6th amendment) did not attach until the defendant was set for trial. Plea deals don't require the prosecution to give the defendant exculpatory evidence.
The new videos show no one hunting anyone.
Cmon man. Use like an ounce of logic.

The new videos were chosen because they don’t show anything.

Other videos do, which you aren’t going to see on Tucker Carlson’s show.
Cmon man. Use like an ounce of logic.

The new videos were chosen because they don’t show anything.

Other videos do, which you aren’t going to see on Tucker Carlson’s show.
Then show the videos of the hunt. ‘Come on man.’
Wrong. It shows that the police did not consider him violent or a threat. Seeing as they escorted him all over the building. Noting your complete dodge of your debunked lies about Sicknick. Keep digging.
More clueless by the minute. Nice going, Cousin Itt!
Maybe he should buy a clue. They were escorting him AWAY from the direction of the house chambers, where the electoral votes were being counted. And instead allowed him to go in the opposite direction toward the EMPTY senate chambers.

HUMMMMM. Away from where the congressmen were, and toward an unoccupied area of the Capitol.
Then maybe you should educate yourself. The USSC already ruled on the subject. They said that the discovery requirement (6th amendment) did not attach until the defendant was set for trial. Plea deals don't require the prosecution to give the defendant exculpatory evidence.
The J6 committee withheld the video. It took a new Speaker to get it released. Your citing of that ruling assumes fair play.
The J6 committee withheld the video. It took a new Speaker to get it released. Your citing of that ruling assumes fair play.
What you leave out is that the 41,000 hours of video was not released to the public.
But the 41,000 hours of video were released to each and every defendant and/or their lawyers. If there was anything exculpatory in the videos, the defendants and their lawyers had full access to it.
Maybe he should buy a clue. They were escorting him AWAY from the direction of the house chambers, where the electoral votes were being counted. And instead allowed him to go in the opposite direction toward the EMPTY senate chambers.

HUMMMMM. Away from where the congressmen were, and toward an unoccupied area of the Capitol.
The latest martyr of the MAGAGANG- a QShaman. :abgg2q.jpg:
How it was handled is a totally different story
Every one seems to be talking like lawyers, making points.
What why or ANY excuse.
entering Our capital & disrupting the process
Not even speaking of the trashing of our capital building.
Jan 6 was a black eye for our country.

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