Video Destroys Narrative

Hours? It didn’t go on for that long. Obviously it was censored enough or he wouldn’t be in the gulag.
Give it up, commie hack.
It wasn’t censored. It was freely available online. Chansley’s own lawyer introduced it as evidence to support his release from jail.

And yes, it took hours for Trump to tweet and tell people to go home because he’s a real piece of shit.
You tell me. They have Officer Sisnick walking around after he was killed. They have a time stamp on that.
I don't get it, when did we have the "officer Brian Sicknick die at the hill" narrative? I remember he died the day after or so.
It wasn’t censored. It was freely available online. Chansley’s own lawyer introduced it as evidence to support his release from jail.

And yes, it took hours for Trump to tweet and tell people to go home because he’s a real piece of shit.
It wasn’t trump’s job to tell people how to behave. He told them to “peacefully make themselves heard” but your media handlers left that part out.
This video was censored. That’s why there is so much clamor now. You’re a very dishonest person.
It wasn’t trump’s job to tell people how to behave. He told them to “peacefully make themselves heard” but your media handlers left that part out.
This video was censored. That’s why there is so much clamor now. You’re a very dishonest person.
The video doesn’t change anything about Chansley’s crime.

Trump could have ended the riot much earlier but chose not to.

The video was always available, never censored.
I'm pretty sure they were keeping an close eye on him. Why don't we ask the officers or look to their testimony in court?

That guy didn't die at the Capitol. There were no reports of his death on Jan 6th either. He died the next day.
They were escorting through the building and let him into the chamber. Meaning he was non-violent and not a threat. Not one move made to stop him or arrest him. Video doesn’t lie. Your opinion means jack and shit.
Reading comprehension issues?

"The doors were locked prior to the MAGAMOB kicking them so hard the magnets broke.

Did the video not show exactly that?
Truth issues? You first claimed they kicked them IN. Then claimed they broke them from the INSIDE. Seems it’s you (as usual) with the issues. Those doors are designed to withstand that. So that never happened. They were opened from the inside with a code. Next pathetic lie...
Yes. The Proud Boys smashed a window next to the doors, crawled into the building and kicked them open from the inside.

That’s how Chansley got in.
Now another different version. That makes what 10 or 12 different versions you idiots have thrown around now? You’ve embarrassed yourself for days now, along with your other Dim pals who hate the truth coming out.
Now another different version. That makes what 10 or 12 different versions you idiots have thrown around now? You’ve embarrassed yourself for days now, along with your other Dim pals who hate the truth coming out.
It’s embarrassing that you can’t trust yourself to do your own thinking.

Or maybe you’re just lazy.
Truth issues? You first claimed they kicked them IN. Then claimed they broke them from the INSIDE. Seems it’s you (as usual) with the issues. Those doors are designed to withstand that. So that never happened. They were opened from the inside with a code. Next pathetic lie...
If they were "exit" doors, they can be opened by pressing the panic bar, or in this case a button on one side, as required by fire code law. All egresses can keep people out, but by law must allow for the quick egress of people inside the building in case of an emergency.

Why leave that out?
You tell me. They have Officer Sisnick walking around after he was killed. They have a time stamp on that.
Just because Officer Sicknick didn't drop dead at the Capital doesn't mean his injuries inflicted by Trump's barbarians didn't contribute to his later demise, dope.

Can you at least make an attempt to get a clue?
One prisoner has had an eyeball beaten out of him. Again he will get a new trial and it will come out. The courts we have approve of everything they are told to approve of.
How will he get a new trial if he pleaded guilty, dope?

Still flailing without a clue.

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