Video Destroys Narrative

Are you denying that the doors were opened?
The doors were locked prior to the MAGAMOB kicking them so hard the magnets broke. He was part of the MAGAMOB that move inside after the doors were broken. There is no doubt the Capitol Police were keeping tabs on the weirdo. Good call whoever made it. "Hey look at that nut. We better keep and eye on him!"
The doors were locked prior to the MAGAMOB kicking them so hard the magnets broke. He was part of the MAGAMOB that move inside after the doors were broken. There is no doubt the Capitol Police were keeping tabs on the weirdo. Good call whoever made it. "Hey look at that nut. We better keep and eye on him!"
What? Show me any proof of that.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
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Tuck has you believing his lies? Of course he does. That officier died after he went home that night didn't he?

Still not a single case will be overturned by Tucks Clips.
Stop lying you idiotic dumbfuck. Sicknick died of a STROKE the next day. Then fact that you have to pathetically whine about Tucker and ignore the videos just shows how desperate you are. Brady rules. Withholding exculpatory evidence is illegal. Yet you support that. No surprise.
Stop lying you idiotic dumbfuck. Sicknick died of a STROKE the next day. Then fact that you have to pathetically whine about Tucker and ignore the videos just shows how desperate you are. Brady rules. Withholding exculpatory evidence is illegal. Yet you support that. No surprise.
The Committee investigation is not a court proceeding and not a single criminal was convicted by the Committee.

Walking around the Capitol building during the middle of a riot that shut down the Congressional proceedings, will not be considered exculpatory by any court in the land. It is actually evidence of a crime being committed.
The Committee investigation is not a court proceeding and not a single criminal was convicted by the Committee.

Walking around the Capitol building during the middle of a riot that shut down the Congressional proceedings, will not be considered exculpatory by any court in the land. It is actually evidence of a crime being committed.
Wrong. It shows that the police did not consider him violent or a threat. Seeing as they escorted him all over the building. Noting your complete dodge of your debunked lies about Sicknick. Keep digging.
So now it’s from the inside? Can’t even keep your lies straight. What’ll it be next?
Reading comprehension issues?

"The doors were locked prior to the MAGAMOB kicking them so hard the magnets broke.

Did the video not show exactly that?
Wrong. It shows that the police did not consider him violent or a threat. Seeing as they escorted him all over the building. Noting your complete dodge of your debunked lies about Sicknick. Keep digging.
I'm pretty sure they were keeping an close eye on him. Why don't we ask the officers or look to their testimony in court?

That guy didn't die at the Capitol. There were no reports of his death on Jan 6th either. He died the next day.
So now it’s from the inside? Can’t even keep your lies straight. What’ll it be next?
Yes. The Proud Boys smashed a window next to the doors, crawled into the building and kicked them open from the inside.

That’s how Chansley got in.
Are you denying that the doors were opened? You are lying, why. Are you denying he was escoted by armed police to the Senate Chambers? Why? You are lying. You have 0 credibility. A touch higher than your IQ.
Because he has to or admit he didn’t watch the video she
The rioters broke down doors to get into the Capitol.
Police let the Q Shaman in and walked calmly with him down halls and to the senate chambers.
Apparently FOX will not air this. This video destroys the narrative completely. How is this man in prison for 4 years?

Here is the January 6 video BANNED by Fox News. Because of Rupert Murdoch caving in to the liberals, Tucker Carlson was NOT allowed to show you the video. However, that video has been leaked and Brian Craig, co-host of the Steve Kane Radio Show, was the FIRST in the media to reveal it. This video is quite shocking not only because it is further exculpatory of the Shaman, Jacob Chansley, but also because it REVEALS that the person who was identified by the media as the face of the “insurrection” clearly understood that President Donald Trump wanted protestors at the Capitol to go home in peace. This completely upends the media and Democrat narrative that President Trump was inspiring violence on January 6.

Because of Rupert Murdoch caving in to the liberals

I mean, COME ON, MAN....

Rupert Murdoch

for BILL CLINTON in 1992
for HILLARY, raised money FOR HILLARY
ordered Fox to call AZ early FOR BIDEN

THAT is who you define as a "conservative?"

Tucker hates TRUMP - so who was he for in 2020?? DUH...
Tucker loves Mr. Dominion Machines and Biden Republican Brian Kemp

Greg Gutfeld worked for HUFFINGTON POST before joining Fox

FAUX NEWS is NOT CONSERVATIVE and it takes someone who has no idea what the word CONSERVATIVE means not to notice that....

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