Video Destroys Narrative

One exception...I believe DT is part of the illusion and that would become painfully evident if his cultists manage to put him back in the WH for a 2nd term.

The LEFT WANTS Donald.........they FEAR DeSantis
I don't trust any of them.
I will point out that DeSantis appears to be the choice of the GOP establishment so that alone is a neon red flag to me.

Like I said, I trust none of them because none of them have earned it.
The DEMPANIC!!! scam was obvious in less than a month & they all doubled down on stupidity at first.

My trust is in my faith, family, friends & firearms
He was beaten?

He should get a lawyer
Courts don’t approve of that kind of thing
One prisoner has had an eyeball beaten out of him. Again he will get a new trial and it will come out. The courts we have approve of everything they are told to approve of.
He did no such thing as his new trial will prove.
Will it be able to disprove that he's in this photo?
One prisoner has had an eyeball beaten out of him. Again he will get a new trial and it will come out. The courts we have approve of everything they are told to approve of.

Do you think Shaman wants a new trial?

He gets out in four months, you think he wants to face four additional charges based on Tuckers lame video?
Do you think Shaman wants a new trial?

He gets out in four months, you think he wants to face four additional charges based on Tuckers lame video?
I think his mother and his new attorney do. As we know the Shaman is open to suggestions. There will be a new trial. The MSM might not cover it but someone will.
I think his mother and his new attorney do. As we know the Shaman is open to suggestions. There will be a new trial. The MSM might not cover it but someone will.
Shaman plead guilty on one of four charges
Obstructing an official proceeding

If he wants a new trial, he will face all four charges

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