Video: John Stossel Endorses Rand Paul For President...

Randy will never be president

you have to run someone who can win the general without cheating this time
I really respect John Stossel. By far, best show on Cable News. So his endorsement does carry some weight.

Now, gee, there's a surprise. A Libertarian endorsing an alleged Libertarian candidate.

Who you endorsing?

If Kasich runs, I will probably support him. I already know his domestic abilities. I would have to hear his foreign policy plans, but I lean heavily in his favor right now.
says the guy from party that calls anyone a rino for not walking in locked step huh g5000
I really respect John Stossel. By far, best show on Cable News. So his endorsement does carry some weight.

Now, gee, there's a surprise. A Libertarian endorsing an alleged Libertarian candidate.

Who you endorsing?

If Kasich runs, I will probably support him. I already know his domestic abilities. I would have to hear his foreign policy plans, but I lean heavily in his favor right now.

Kasich's ok. He's more of an average Neocon, but i know that's what most Republicans want. I'd consider him though.
whoopee! Geraldo Rivera openly gay brother likes rand paul!

Wow, pretty feeble attempt at insult-humor. Your fellow Communists/Progressives are gonna disown ya. Very lame.
On the lame scale this post gets the highest level

Yet you're still here. You're a very sick individual. You do know that, right?
Assumes facts not in evidence.

Still here? Ha, ya little weirdo. :cuckoo:
of by and for the people just like the founders wanted.

why do you hate what the founders created?
I will be very interested to see Rand during the debates. He is much like his father but he is a much better Politician in terms of "playing the game." I don't like that he plays the game but that's why I don't tell people I would will or do support him.

I believe at this point he would prolly beat Hillary, but who knows what the media will do to him during the General if he makes it that far... I predict we hear more about his fathers news letters.
The op claims that all of the MSM is controlled by the government.
So why does Pauli trust an obvious government stooge like Stossel?
I will be very interested to see Rand during the debates. He is much like his father but he is a much better Politician in terms of "playing the game." I don't like that he plays the game but that's why I don't tell people I would will or do support him.

I believe at this point he would prolly beat Hillary, but who knows what the media will do to him during the General if he makes it that far... I predict we hear more about his fathers news letters.

Not hard to predict what the Communist/Progressive-dominated MSM will do to him. It'll quickly label him 'A Mean Ole Racist Homophobe.' The MSM's gonna label any Republican Candidate that way. But hopefully, most Americans are more savvy now. They know the routine.
The op claims that all of the MSM is controlled by the government.
So why does Pauli trust an obvious government stooge like Stossel?

Quit being a weird little stalker loon. You already dismissed the thread as being 'lame.' Yet you're still here stalking away. You can leave now. Seriously, you won't be missed. Bye. :)
The op claims that all of the MSM is controlled by the government.
So why does Pauli trust an obvious government stooge like Stossel?

Quit being a weird little stalker loon. You already dismissed the thread as being 'lame.' Yet you're still here stalking away. You can leave now. Seriously, you won't be missed. Bye. :)
Thanks again for proving me correct.
Now answer the question.
The op claims that all of the MSM is controlled by the government.
So why does Pauli trust an obvious government stooge like Stossel?

Quit being a weird little stalker loon. You already dismissed the thread as being 'lame.' Yet you're still here stalking away. You can leave now. Seriously, you won't be missed. Bye. :)
Thanks again for proving me correct.
Now answer the question.

Ha, the thread's so lame yet you're still here stalkin away on it. Seriously man, you're demented. :laugh:

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