VIDEO: man says F#$K it and drives through protesters

You RWNJs should be careful what you wish for.

The fat cheeto says he wants to gut the US Constitution and already has a good start on it.

Are you really really sure that's what you want?
I think most here know your comments are worthless, Luddy. You should try thinking before you post.
Just saying.

The funny part is that asshat keeps referring to me as Right Wing, and i'm not right winged. LMFAO

What do you think you are?

My opinion, based on what you've posted, is you appear to be uncivilized, seem to lack empathy and seem to really hate people who don't agree with you.
You seem to think it's ok to stop people from going about their everyday business because of some idiots who don't like something.

Actually I don't, that type of protest is counter productive and simply pisses people off. It's the neo-fascists' who want to harm people for committing a misdemeanor, that is most disturbing; BTW, the truck driver could lose his license for his actions, it's better to wait, call the authorities, rather than be a vigilante, i.e. a criminal.

They violated his inalienable right to freedom of movement he had every right to self defense including lethal force, his civil rights were being violated by those fascist scum so fuck you faggot fucking kill yourself.
i don't condone blocking traffic but wtf? running people over is psycho.
No. standing in the road, in front of an oncoming vehicle is psycho. They have every reason to believe they would be struck by a vehicle. Whereby they are a danger to themselves, and the community.
They could go out to a park somewhere, and march, and wave their signs, where no one would give a shit. Instead they put themselves and others in danger, so they can force others to be subjected to their petty complaints.
News flash! If they gave a shit about you, or your cause they'd be there protesting with you!
i don't condone blocking traffic but wtf? running people over is psycho.

They were violating his civil rights by impeding his inalienable right to freedom of movement and he had every right to exercise his inalienable right to self defense. Your rights end at the tip of my nose and when yiu cross that line I will use every means at my disposal to protect my life, liberty, and property including the use of lethal force.
You RWNJs should be careful what you wish for.

The fat cheeto says he wants to gut the US Constitution and already has a good start on it.

Are you really really sure that's what you want?
I think most here know your comments are worthless, Luddy. You should try thinking before you post.
Just saying.

The funny part is that asshat keeps referring to me as Right Wing, and i'm not right winged. LMFAO
The guy enjoys being the village idiot. Not much we can do about that.
Must have replaced paintmyhouse.
You RWNJs should be careful what you wish for.

The fat cheeto says he wants to gut the US Constitution and already has a good start on it.

Are you really really sure that's what you want?
I think most here know your comments are worthless, Luddy. You should try thinking before you post.
Just saying.

The funny part is that asshat keeps referring to me as Right Wing, and i'm not right winged. LMFAO

What do you think you are?

My opinion, based on what you've posted, is you appear to be uncivilized, seem to lack empathy and seem to really hate people who don't agree with you.
You seem to think it's ok to stop people from going about their everyday business because of some idiots who don't like something.

Actually I don't, that type of protest is counter productive and simply pisses people off. It's the neo-fascists' who want to harm people for committing a misdemeanor, that is most disturbing; BTW, the truck driver could lose his license for his actions, it's better to wait, call the authorities, rather than be a vigilante, i.e. a criminal.
It's best to stay out of the road when protesting. People might learn that when a few are run over.
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If they really want to protest in front of vehicles... why not line up on the railroad tracks? C'mon Libs... That'll teach em! Now get out there and make a difference!
Them protesters should consider themselves lucky that the guy was respectful enough of their rights not to completely run them over. After all they made it as clear as crystal glass that they didn't care about his rights.

God bless you and him always!!!

i don't condone blocking traffic but wtf? running people over is psycho.
No. standing in the road, in front of an oncoming vehicle is psycho. They have every reason to believe they would be struck by a vehicle. Whereby they are a danger to themselves, and the community.
They could go out to a park somewhere, and march, and wave their signs, where no one would give a shit. Instead they put themselves and others in danger, so they can force others to be subjected to their petty complaints.
News flash! If they gave a shit about you, or your cause they'd be there protesting with you!
I didn't see where he ran anyone over anyway. He showed a lot restraint, and like you said, the ones in the road were the psycho. Really, how much are people supposed to put up with because of these idiots.
If somebody drives toward me in a threatening manner, they're going to find out with a bad end of a Glock is all about.
If somebody drives toward me in a threatening manner, they're going to find out with a bad end of a Glock is all about.
If your sranding in the road, impeding the flow of traffic, and stifling other people's freedom of movement, and travel... The courts will find that it was you acting in a threatening manner. Then brandishing a weapon, and the assault or murder you imply... Well needless to say you'll be going to prison for a very long time. But it's unlikely that your cell mates, and bubba will be as impressed with your badassery, as you were in that moment. And all those other protesters beside you? They won't even remember your name...
I think the driver should sue for damage done to his truck. They hit it with hands and signs and flying beverage cans and it was all caught on tape as evidence.

He might have a case, and could win a judgment in small claims court if he showed the trier of fact the tape. However, if he did he would be at risk of arrest, for assault with a deadly weapon, the truck.
They would have to prove that they were injured, then again the protestors would also be fined for obstructing traffic,inciting a riot,property damage,breach of peace,unlawful restraint, assault or attempted assault whereas the driver could easily claim self defense as he was clearly in danger by an aggressive mob. The truck driver would only have to cite Reginald Denny and the LA riots as an example of what could have happened.

Wow jail house lawyer, slow down: assault is not battery, battery is what causes the tort, not assault.

Assault is the threat, clearly what the driver of the truck committed, had he harmed another with the truck, the battery would become a felony (battery's are wobblers) and could have cost him his liberty, and he could have lost his driving privilege for life (in CA).
I never said battery anywhere. I said assault or attempted assault which by flying cans,signs,and hands hitting the vehicle could have happened.

Sure, have you ever watched Judge Judy?

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