[VIDEO] ~ Portugal legalizes ALL personal drug usage, Usage and crime drop instantly

I'll be glad to debate anyone regarding the legalization of drugs as soon as someone admits that there will be a down side to it. Thinking there would be no negative consequnces to decriminalization is denial.
What specifically do you expect the downside will be?

That the criminal element we are currently dealing with will resort a more heinous crime.

People who profit by breaking laws will expoit other weaknesses and promote that product or service.

So, you would legalize PCP and other dangerous hallucinogens? For what purpose?

You do realize it could be monitored better?
If a kid wants to do it, they will do it, no matter how illegal it is. When I did Acid for the first time I wasn't thinking about it being illegal. I also didn't die, or have crazy flashbacks.
Same, here ......

....And, I've been waiting 42 YEARS for a flashback!!​

If you want a flashback that badly.....just take a picture......while standing in front of a mirror.
We're not Portugal, if they jumped off a bridge would you follow them down?
That's exactly right.
Portuguese people are allowed to think for themselves and you're a bunch of fucking brainwashed idiots.........you being a poster child.

They did something Murkinz could never do.
....Mostly in "the heartland".

A lot of it has to do with trade. Look at any one of our older-seaport cities. They're much-more progressive than a bulk o' the U.S. They had to be! Back in the tall-ship days, you had to be more-tolerant of other people/cultures. It was a matter o' bu$ine$$!!!

Amsterdam just happens to be much-older/more-progressive than the majority of American-cities.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CgzvGO2wRYg&feature=PlayList&p=D9785A0F29BEBAB9&playnext_from=PL&playnext=1&index=1]YouTube - Amsterdam Coffeeshop Tour - Part One: Amsterdam (2009)[/ame]

It's downright CIVILIZED!!!!!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxIwsMA0hvQ]YouTube - Truth about Amsterdam, Deputy Mayor reacts[/ame]


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6BeoYa1wwcM&feature=related]YouTube - American tourists about Amsterdam[/ame]​
If you honestly believe that all of the criminals who are now engaged in the drug trade would suddenly become law abiding citizens if drugs were made legal, well then, you just aren't very smart.

They'd pursue some other PROFITABLE venture.

Bootlegging cigarettes (to avoid states' taxes) has always been a reliable-option.​

Child porn is a good money maker too
I guess I'd have to take your word, for that.

It's a simple fact. Decriminalize something and by default there will immediately be less crime.
For awhile.
There's a difference between less crime and no crime....And Utopia isn't even an option.

All the silly and utterly failed "war" on (some) drugs has accomplished is being price supports for drug gangs and a giant welfare program for federal cops and bureaucrats.

I'll be glad to debate anyone regarding the legalization of drugs as soon as someone admits that there will be a down side to it. Thinking there would be no negative consequnces to decriminalization is denial.
Shit....there's a downside to EATING too-much!!!

You make a pig o' yourself, you're gonna get hurt!

What's your point?

There's a difference between less crime and no crime....And Utopia isn't even an option.

All the silly and utterly failed "war" on (some) drugs has accomplished is being price supports for drug gangs and a giant welfare program for federal cops and bureaucrats.

I'll be glad to debate anyone regarding the legalization of drugs as soon as someone admits that there will be a down side to it. Thinking there would be no negative consequnces to decriminalization is denial.
Shit....there's a downside to EATING too-much!!!

You make a pig o' yourself, you're gonna get hurt!

What's your point?


The legalization of drugs is a multi-faceted issue.
Simply stating that it's a failed policy doesn't convice me that legalizing them is a good policy. There will be consequences--many of which will be unintended.

I've seen enough lives ruined by drug use to know that it's legalization is something that needs to be discussed thoroughly if any of the ones who oppose it are to be convinced.
A formal pot smoking occasion. No jacket..no smokie..:lol::lol:

YouTube - Reefer Madnees guy laughing
Yeah....they were much-more sophisticated, in the good ol' '50s!!!


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4453Gh6P7wg&feature=PlayList&p=D333487DD98660B4&playnext_from=PL&playnext=1&index=6]YouTube - Marijuana Ed 101 1950's Style[/ame]


.....And, then, a Representative-to-be CAME TO THE RESCUE!!!!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y39gRG0QmWE]YouTube - ? Marijuana (1968) Part 1: Educational Film[/ame]


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DfV8xpUDCmo&feature=related]YouTube - ? Marijuana (1968) Part 2: Educational Film[/ame]

in 20 years all the people that bought up the gov anti-weed/drugs propaganda will be dead and none of this will matter anymore

Their BIG BUCK$ are made on Coke!!​

it's not even close with the coke
You really sound like someone familiar with the profit-margin in Coke.


I'm familiar with both, though I've only actually done coke a dozen or so times. I'm not saying coke is not profitable or that they might not switch to coke. I'm saying ghanja smokers outweigh coke sniffers 100 to 1 or thier abouts.
Portugal legalizes ALL undocumented property transfers(theft), and crime drops instantly.
in 20 years all the people that bought up the gov anti-weed/drugs propaganda will be dead and none of this will matter anymore
We (Boomers) said the same thing....in the early '70s....before we'd realized/found-out our ranks were infiltrated with (soon-to-be-designated) YUPPIES, who'd eventually move-on to chase the NEXT "trend" (available)!! :mad:


all of them and put them under strict control by the government and have them sold by private companies. same rules apply to not being on drugs while high, no driving while high etc, no public drugs yadda yadda just make them legal

So, you would legalize PCP and other dangerous hallucinogens? For what purpose?

When I did Acid for the first time I wasn't thinking about it being illegal. I also didn't die, or have crazy flashbacks.
How 'bout it??!!!

The general-public was gettin' all the scary-graphics.....


.....and, conservative-Republicans were gettin' LOADED!!!!!

Interestingly enough, the founder of Alcoholics Anonymous, Bill Wilson, dropped acid several times.

Seems that he'd heard all the world done with LSD and heard how it could induce an intense spiritual experience.

After he'd done it 3 times, he figured it was too intense for people just trying to recover, but until then, he was looking at it as a cure for alcoholism.

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