Video shows Georgia students repeatedly slapping a teacher

Lol, the Songhay Empire was subsarahan, dude
I guess you really have a stake in this.

Yes, TECHNICALLY Sub-Saharan, but you know what I mean.

These people were conquered by Europeans and Arabs, from which they got their culture.

Prior to this, they have no history, and no culture. There was NO advanced culture, on the African continent before the arrival of the white man.

You seem to have an emotional stake in believing otherwise.
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So you just ignore the white kid born to black nigerian parents so you can keep picking what you think are holes in the record?
Haven't "ignored" it, I explained it. I guess you missed it.

  • Doctors say genetic quirk due to white gene present in woman's ancestry

The genes are there. Recessive, and RARE. Here's just how rare. Notice the father? Notice the word, ONLY?

Mum is world's only black woman to have two white babies | Daily Mail Online
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Why would that be acting white when Black people taught whites how to read and write?

This is getting scary. :p

Asclepias, do you feel the savage ape-like creature who tossed the human child like a rag doll is literate?

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Actually you just proved that I simply misspelled a word and that you are too stupid to understand the tense and meaning of the word I

No, I just proved that you mis-wrote an entire sentence and are not even literate enough to catch it or honest enough to just admit it. And that you are too idiotic to even realize that you cannot have a tense and meaning to a non-existent word!!! More so, you're a congenital liar who was caught in numerous total lies, such as your claims of white and black murder and crime rates and have never produced a single verifiable statistic to back it or anything up and so, like so many Libs with college degrees and high-school brains whom you can't believe a word that comes out of their mouth, always try to change the subject hoping no one will catch or remember your lies, and have that poor sap Milkweed as the only one who will back you up.

Lol, the Songhay Empire was subsarahan, dude
I guess you really have a stake in this.

Yes, TECHNICALLY Sub-Saharan, but you know what I mean.

These people were conquered by Europeans and Arabs, from which they got their culture.

Prior to this, they have no history, and no culture. There was NO advanced culture, on the African continent before the arrival of the white man.

You seem to have an emotional stake in believing otherwise.

The Niger River valley was long home to various civilizations and yes they were BANTU in origin, many of them.

Your premise that negroids are not human is simply erroneous and cripples your world view.

but that is your business.
If, as JimBowie1958 says, all people came from black people, wouldn't that mean that someone doing one of those DNA tests would show it in the results?
JimBowie never said that. MilkWeasel (Asclepias) did.
I might not be the one he is quoting there, but I did state something very similar.

All races came out of Africa and they were black when they did.

All races came out of the black 'race'.

Europeans are nothing more than blue eyed negroes.

The white ones rose above the savagery and the negroes stayed on the same level.
Translation of your words: It's true because I said so.
Translation: this is average internet debaters speaking past each other, lol

Nope, I speak down to him like he deserves.
You speaking down to me is akin to a rat trying to perform calculus...
It really is that funny...

I just did and there isn't a damn thing you're man enough to do about it.
No...actually you made an attempt; and like most things in your life it was an abject failure...

If I hadn't succeeded, you wouldn't continue to talk about it, coon.
One of the students became irate when she saw the other student reading a book, and accused her of acting "white".

That was when the fight broke out. ..... :cool:
Why would that be acting white when Black people taught whites how to read and write? :cool-45:

Black people can't read themselves. The only thing blacks could teach anyone is how to cheat the system, have bastard children, and clean greasy skin. The thing is no honorable white person wants to or needs to learn such things.

Is this how they teach Russian Troll Farm workers to talk about American black people?

What an ignorant racist piece of shit you are. And a stupid one at that.

I don't know. I'm not a Russian troll farm worker.

Let me guess, you think ignorant and stupid mean the same thing?
The white ones rose above the savagery and the negroes stayed on the same level
Close, but not quite.

True humans have a 6,000 year history.

The children of Adam have ALWAYS had homes, towns, roads, a language, written and spoken, and science and technology.

We've never lived as the negroes or the Injuns lived. Not in the last 6,000 years of human history.

They, OTOH, never lived otherwise until we contacted them. No construction, no technology but the most primitive use of tools and fire, no written language, no real roads, no agriculture, and on and on and on.
That is all complete and utter bull shit.

The Songhay alone had all those things
Do you mean "Songhai"?

They are NOT Sub-Saharan AFRICANS.
They were heavily influenced and conquered by the Arab Muslims and Europe.

It's nice of you to want to believe these primitive cultures have something to offer, but it's naive and stupid.

The TRUTH will set you free.
Ignorance like this is why you lose credibility. Then you wonder why people laugh at your opinions. :laugh:

I dont subscribe to the sub-saharan theory because I know its just whiteboys attempt to separate north Africa from the rest of the continent but even by white boy standards the Songhai empire is sub-saharan. What are you smoking dude?
Video shows Georgia students repeatedly slapping a teacher | Daily Mail Online

Video footage shows the two female students shouting to each other before the teacher intervenes.

Oh but don't worry they do it all the time it's ok they're just kids.... Gawd help this pathetic nation.
You can bet they won't do a dam thing to those loser kids either.

Those kids will have to file suit against her now before the school district fires her.
Someone needed to clang those two kids together and ring their bell good, then charge the kids with assault, arrest them, throw them out of that school district and send them to juvenile detention.

How would you like to go to work each day not knowing if you will be assaulted by your class and know that the school won't be anywhere within a mile to protect you? The government run schools are completely dysfunctional and education needs taken out of their hands.
The teacher seemed to be pretty mellow, it might be a classroom of special needs kids, that wasn't a *fight* in any real sense of the word it looked like a couple of kids flailing around...I would have shoved someone pretty hard, not just let them pound me but who knows what the situation was.
The teacher seemed to be pretty mellow, it might be a classroom of special needs kids, that wasn't a *fight* in any real sense of the word it looked like a couple of kids flailing around...I would have shoved someone pretty hard, not just let them pound me but who knows what the situation was.

You mean it was girly girls in a slap fight?

Sounds entertaining.
The teacher seemed to be pretty mellow, it might be a classroom of special needs kids, that wasn't a *fight* in any real sense of the word it looked like a couple of kids flailing around...I would have shoved someone pretty hard, not just let them pound me but who knows what the situation was.

You mean it was girly girls in a slap fight?

Sounds entertaining.
Really young girly girls.

It looks like she's protecting one of them to begin with, then that one flips out and just starts windmilling with her head down...

Which isn't a tactic a *fighter* uses really.
The problem with his stance is that the scriptures he is referencing tell him the people were Black.
You're not making sense sense asslips
Thats because you lack the intellect to determine whats sensible.

More like you lack the intelligence to say something sensible. It's easy to determine that it's not when you say it, BOY.
You two care to take that to a motel room?


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