Video shows Georgia students repeatedly slapping a teacher

TRANSLATION: You aren't bright unless you agree with me.
Translation: You hand't the brain to disprove it...

Translation of your words: It's true because I said so.
Translation: this is average internet debaters speaking past each other, lol

Nope, I speak down to him like he deserves.
You speaking down to me is akin to a rat trying to perform calculus...
It really is that funny...

I just did and there isn't a damn thing you're man enough to do about it.
If, as JimBowie1958 says, all people came from black people, wouldn't that mean that someone doing one of those DNA tests would show it in the results?
JimBowie never said that. MilkWeasel (Asclepias) did.
I might not be the one he is quoting there, but I did state something very similar.

All races came out of Africa and they were black when they did.

All races came out of the black 'race'.

Europeans are nothing more than blue eyed negroes.
Translation: You hand't the brain to disprove it...

Translation of your words: It's true because I said so.
Translation: this is average internet debaters speaking past each other, lol

Nope, I speak down to him like he deserves.
You speaking down to me is akin to a rat trying to perform calculus...
It really is that funny...

I just did and there isn't a damn thing you're man enough to do about it.
No...actually you made an attempt; and like most things in your life it was an abject failure...
Translation: You hand't the brain to disprove it...
Translation of your words: It's true because I said so.
Translation: this is average internet debaters speaking past each other, lol
Nope, I speak down to him like he deserves.
You speaking down to me is akin to a rat trying to perform calculus...
It really is that funny...
I just did and there isn't a damn thing you're man enough to do about it.

All races came out of Africa and they were black when they did.

All races came out of the black 'race'.

Europeans are nothing more than blue eyed negroes.
The HUMAN race came from Mesopotamia.

I see youve chosen evolution THEORY over your Creator's words.
The HUMAN race came from Mesopotamia.
I see youve chosen evolution THEORY over your Creator's words.

Lol, no, I just dont try to take my science out of a theological text written across thousands of years by a primitive pastoral people.
OK whatever dude, you are determined to believe that horse shit, so go right ahead.
No Afroethnic society ever invented the wheel. [6]

It seems astounding, but Africans never invented the wheel. Today, the invention of the wheel is mockingly alluded to in comic strips and illustrations, and the wheel inventor is often portrayed as a cave man or Neanderthal. By our own societies' admission, Africans seem lower than cave dwellers.

(5) No Afroethnic society never domesticated animals. [7]

Despite Africa abounding with cattle and large grazing herbivores, Africans never domesticated animals on their own.

While 3,000 years ago the Biblical patriarchs were wandering with herds of camels, sheep, and goats, Africans were chasing water buffalo with stone spears not having the slightest idea they could tame such creatures.

(6) No Afroethnic society ever grew crops. [2]

The people of Africa never invented agriculture. They never learned how to domesticate vegetation for food. Africans only learned of rudimentary agriculture after they encountered Christian and Islamic people.

(7) No Afroethnic society invented any kind of calendar or date system. [2]

They literally lived without the concept of time.

(8) No Afroethnic society ever constructed a two story building. [2]

Before Europeans arrived, no structure built in southern Africa stood above one story. It has furthermore been speculated they never built a non-mud structure (even beavers build mud dwellings). [8]
OK whatever dude, you are determined to believe that horse shit, so go right ahead.
No Afroethnic society ever invented the wheel. [6]

It seems astounding, but Africans never invented the wheel. Today, the invention of the wheel is mockingly alluded to in comic strips and illustrations, and the wheel inventor is often portrayed as a cave man or Neanderthal. By our own societies' admission, Africans seem lower than cave dwellers.

One is a specific one to our particular protagonist, who asserts that the wheel is a basic technology. I will have to be generous here and assume that they don’t mean wheel shaped objects, but something that is used in combination with other things as an actual method of assisted locomotion (wheels can move without assistance, but surprisingly rarely is this accomplishing much that’s useful). To my knowledge, the use of wheels for transport has been developed at best twice, and quite probably just once; the certain candidate for now appears to be a relatively small part of western Central Asia, and the possible other candidate is part of Central Europe, but the appearance of the wheel in both areas is so contemporary that’s possible that it represents one phenomena, or that one predates the other. This is a technology that then had to spread throughout the entirety of continental Eurasia, and much of Africa. The Egyptians, Babylonians, Assyrians Hittites, and Mycenaeans did not invent chariots. The Chinese did not invent chariots. The ancient Britons did not invent chariots. The Romans did not invent chariots. The ancient peoples of India did not invent chariots. Every single one of these famously complex societies was reliant on the invention developed in one part of the world. None of these people were ‘smart enough’ to sit down by themselves and realise that wheels can work when going across flat areas. Does this make the ancient Babylonians stupid? Does this make the precursors to the ancient Greeks stupid? Does this make China’s ancient cultures and societies stupid? The use of wheeled transport does not, it seems to my non-engineer brain, seem to be an intuitive piece of reasoning whatsoever. In addition, if Subsaharan Africa (in any of the three earlier definitions) is full of ridiculously large flat areas, somebody maybe ought to tell the enormous, malaria-infested rainforests that dominate Central Africa so that they can find new gainful employment. Or the mountains that rear from the earth like a great crocodile under most of East Africa, right up to the earlier mentioned home territory of D’mt and Aksum. Oh, certainly there were flat bits in Africa, but by asking them to independently develop the wheel you are setting them a task that only at best two places in the entire world have matched, and we don’t even know the names of the people/s that achieved this feat. I don’t think the wheel as a mode of transport looks so simple as our protagonist suggested.

(5) No Afroethnic society never domesticated animals. [7]

Despite Africa abounding with cattle and large grazing herbivores, Africans never domesticated animals on their own.

While 3,000 years ago the Biblical patriarchs were wandering with herds of camels, sheep, and goats, Africans were chasing water buffalo with stone spears not having the slightest idea they could tame such creatures.

Zooarchaeologists working in Africa are sometimes asked by laypersons why Africans never domesticated any of its abundant wildlife. Today one can respond that genetic evidence indicates that some domestic species indeed originated in Africa, but the question itself reveals implicit assumptions that repay further attention. In the first place, it implies that domestication is a milestone of human progress, which Africans may not have passed, while groups that domesticated plants or animals earliest have. Few archaeologists today would support such nineteenth century claims that people’s intellectual progress can be diagnosed from their technology, but the privileging of oldest occurrences persists as a leitmotif in archaeological research, which Stahl (1999) asserts coincides with the progressivist rhetoric that endures in funding agencies and mass media, where inventiveness still distinguishes ‘advancement.’

Some species that began as commensals in human settlements may not have been tamed early in their domestication process, but instead evolved over generations to tolerate proximity to humans. Some selection may, as in such cases, result from the demands of an increasingly mutualist relationship between humans and another species rather than from deliberate taming or manipulation by people.

(6) No Afroethnic society ever grew crops. [2]

The people of Africa never invented agriculture. They never learned how to domesticate vegetation for food. Africans only learned of rudimentary agriculture after they encountered Christian and Islamic people.

“When Europeans reached East Africa, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, and the Emirates in the 16th century, they encountered coffee houses and culture around the drink. But given the racial prejudice against Africans honed during the transatlantic slave trade—and the fact that coffee had become so central to Muslim culture—Europeans attributed the art of making the drink and the profusion of coffee houses to Muslim societies.”

Tropical inhabited areas worldwide have not changed from tribal hunter or light agrarian because there was/is no need to.

Living, at that standard was/is simple, reliable, and moderate effort. Famine is rare.

More challenging climates have spurred new ideas because they were sometimes the only way to survive.

Why develop work-intensive farming if low hanging fruit is plentiful?

(7) No Afroethnic society invented any kind of calendar or date system.

They literally lived without the concept of time.

Adam’s Calendar: Oldest Megalithic Site in the World?
Adam’s Calendar is controversially suggested to be the oldest man-made structure in the world. Sometimes referred to as "African Stonehenge", it predates both Stonehenge and the Great Pyramid of Giza by tens of thousands of years. Located in Mpumalanga, South Africa it is a standing stone circle about 30 meters in diameter and has been estimated by some accounts to be more than 75,000 years old. Various astronomical alignments have been identified at the site and it is possibly the only example of a completely functional, mostly intact megalithic stone calendar in the world.

(8) No Afroethnic society ever constructed a two story building. [2]

Before Europeans arrived, no structure built in southern Africa stood above one story. It has furthermore been speculated they never built a non-mud structure (even beavers build mud dwellings). [8]

Obviously the residents would have preferred a brick house with electricity but their homes were so remote that it would be prohibitively expensive to get the materials all the way out there. Looking at the above pic I appreciate the effort it must have taken to get that door up the mountains. And if the glass in the window shatters it will require several days of travel and a small logistical miracle to get it replaced.
In a nutshell: Some Africans do live in mud houses, many do not. Mud houses are better suited to areas where replacement materials grow all around you and where modern materials cost a lot of money and requires effort to obtain.

Mud houses are not always a sign of backwardness, instead they often make total sense. You don’t expect Mongolians to demolish their yurts and replace them with glass and steel structures do you?

Your ignorance of the world is astounding....
You definitively "hand't" the brains.
Guy try a little harder...right now you are pathetic...
I misspelled a word while typing...raise the flag of white superiority

Dude, how you explain that away as a "typo;" the correct syntax would have been:
"You haven't the brain to prove it!"
You were only four letters off in two words! That's not a misspelling, that's a BLUNDER, especially as you only had FIVE words to spellcheck! Pretty funny you did all of that while telling other people THEY were pathetic.
Actually you just proved that I simply misspelled a word and that you are too stupid to understand the tense and meaning of the word I

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