Video Surfaces of Bernie Sanders Praising Breadlines and Food Rationing

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How about, in the interests of fairness, we ignore that in exactly the same way the Trumpbots ignore every controversial item from Trump's history?

I, rosie-------oracle at usmb--------oraclize>>>>>-SANDER's commie comments -----will hurt him especially amongst the older set who still subscribe to the "BETTER DEAD THAN RED" philosophy of the 50s and-------still around in the 60s. They will HELP in amongst the persons who ALWAYS LIKED "red"

It will help among people who were never ever going to vote for him in the first place.

30 years before Ronald Reagan became president Reagan was an FDR Democrat; if you believe what you read around here

that makes Reagan a Stalinist.

FDR-----was a HUMANIST-----not a stalinist

Tell that to FDR Derangement Syndrome sufferers around here.

Ok ----stalin so aggravated FDR-----that the poor guy's BLOOD PRESSURE
spiked to the extent that he suffered an INTRECEREBRAL BLEED and died

Bernie and the useful idiots who support him think ^ that is better than this


The libs will do the usual and try to derail the thread.

This is just how Bernie thinks. I don't think he's changed at all. He praised communist leaders and people standing in line for bread. Only a total idiot could ever think that way, even in their youth. Bernie isn't all that bright, as proven by the fact that he was a loser most of his life and never held a job till getting into politics. And calling what he does a job is stretching it.

Of course, he likes communism because others like him can glom off others. He calls himself a Democratic Socialist, as if that separates him from all the failed socialists and communists of the past. He is just a plain socialist and would want communism after destroying capitalist America.
Bernie is an abject failure who's never accomplished a thing. He should be shipped to Cuba or North Korea to live in a "workers paradise".

.But instead he's giving the cankled cuckquean a run for the money.

The country is fucked.....
It's like Republicans praising the Chilean model for "reforming" social security. That was under fascist Pinochet, of course.
Because it was a good idea and it worked.

Or do you think that anything a dictator does is a bad idea anywhere forever for the sole reason that the dictator decreed it? If that is the case there are a LOT of things we should re-visit on the left and right.

Of course it is clearly a silly stance to take.
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