VIDEO: Watch Larry Elder Brilliantly Turn the Tables on "The Big Lie"

nope .... he did no such thing...... he went on to spout the Big Double Media Standard....but never once went back on his initial position that Biden won fairly and squarely which I vehemently disagree with. Your sculpting again instead of actually listening. He has to have a lot of balls to talk about Hillary like that in Cali....she is very , very popular out there. That will probably cost him the election all by itself.


He lied about the double standard. Trump is trying to turn this country into a dictatorship. Clinton is not.
No. You missed the point. Not surprising.

CNN et al bleated and puked bloody murder when Trump claimed the election was stolen, but when Hildog said the EXACT FUCKING SAME THING in 2016/17 they were SILENT!!!!

Yeah, who could forget Hillary's violent insurrection and 60+ lawsuits after she conceded morning after? Also hard to forget all those arm-twisting phone calls to election officials to find her votes and appoint their own slate of electors in states she narrowly lost.

Exactly the same thing! :laughing0301:
neither did Trump.

he also never said drink bleach.

your side makes shit up and credits whoever they wish for saying it.
Yeah, he only suggested injecting disinfectants. That was totally different! :lol:
I agree it seems impossible for there to be voter fraud, but his point is Hillary claimed a stolen election first, when in reality she stole the primary from Bernie Sanders.

She won the primary. She got a majority of the pledged delegates. I am waiting for you to tell ne how Clinton's 52% should not have won the nomination., Trump got well under 50% of the primary vote.
Larry Elder is correct and hit the nail directly on the head....
Hillary paid Perkins Coie to create the false and mystical Steele Dossier that was used by the FBI and every media hack to go after Trump. Thden she complained that Trump stole the election from her for more than three years.

If you can't believe the biased MSM can you believe?

The Steele dossier was not false. At least 2 parts of it were true. The Steele dossier was not the basis for the FBI investigation. It was based on intelligence received from a Australian diplomat. She has never claimed that there was massive fraud. She may be right that the election was stolen. The Russians boosted Sanders i9n the primaries and Trump and Stein in the general.
Trump was impeached for trying to first strongarm a foreign country into digging up dirt on his chief political rival and second, for fomenting an insurrection aimed at overturning the election he lost and executing a coup to keep himself in office.
And each time his Republican enablers helped him get off the hook...Oh yeah..and Hunter Biden STILL isn't President.

You really don't pay attention, do you? You just react. Like the good little alt-right lemming you are. :)

No, I don't blindly believe leftist propaganda like you do. But I'm not the one who does that because I'm the one not paying attention, LOL. What a tool.

You can lie all you want, but it doesn't change the fact that Hillary spent four years saying the election was "stolen" from her, which you cultists impeached Trump for saying
Not once ever did Hillary Clinton say the election was "stolen", and not once EVER did she say Trump was an "illegitimate President". This asshole is lying through his teeth.

No one has ever suggested that the Russians changed the outcome of the election.

This guy is a total liar, and all he has done here is lie.

you're a lying piece of shyte

Hillary Clinton: Trump is an ‘illegitimate president’​

Hillary Clinton dismissed President Trump as an “illegitimate president” and suggested that “he knows” that he stole the 2016 presidential election in a CBS News interview to be aired Sunday.

VIDEO: Watch Larry Elder Brilliantly Turn the Tables on "The Big Lie"

Larry Elder, who could be California's next governor if the recall election next month against Gavin Newsom is successful, was interviewed by the Sacramento Bee editorial board. One of the editors asked Elder a gotcha question about "The Big Lie." Elder took that question and completely turned the tables on it to the extent that it stunned the editor.

Larry has been doing this for at least 3 hours a day for DECADES. With facts. Nobody is going to beat him in a debate or get the better of him in an argument.
I would love to see a Newsom-Elder debate.
Larry Elder lays out the truth so hard the fake news interviewer has no avenue to attack … and since he can’t agree he is literally left with nothing but … “(long pause) … urrrm!” Priceless.

Alright, here's my reply to this video. I don't know who Larry Elder is but he doesn't seem like a dummy, but his statement (which sure seems to have been prepared) is full of dishonesty and false equivalencies.

Joe Biden won fair and square
Good job Larry.

Clinton said the election was stolen and Trump is illegitimate
Fair to criticize Clinton for this, but he doesn't explain but it's treated as very superficially without addressing Clinton's complaint. Specifically, Clinton complains that the Russians interfered in the election and the FBI maligned her unfairly. Whether you agree these constitute stolen election is certainly grounds for criticism, but you can't say they didn't happen.

Democrats believe the Russians changed vote tallies.
Again, a fair criticism. However, by juxtaposing these two points, and by omitting Clinton's argument, it would make the listener believe that Democrats believe Russians changed vote tallies because Clinton says so. However, Larry does not point out any instances of Clinton doing this.

Clinton promotes big lie
Except that she didn't. You claimed the big lie, supported by the Senate Intelligence Committee report, was that Russians changed the tallies, but don't claim that Clinton said anything of the sort. This is a false accusation conflating two different topics.

There's some poor discussion about what the Russians did and misrepresents their activity such as publishing ads for and against Clinton and Trump.

Hillary Clinton conceded and Trump didn't
Larry, buddy, Trump didn't concede.

Clinton attempted to overturn the election
A single lawsuit asking for a hand recount of Wisconsin isn't overturning the election. Compare this to Trump's attempts to overturn the election where at times he requested the courts throw out hundreds of thousands of ballots that would result in his winning states, or requesting states not certify their results turning it over to Republican state legislatures, or just straight up asking Raffensperger to change the outcome for him. Equating Clinton requesting a recount to Trump's actions is the height of dishonesty.

Hillary's supporters rioted on election night
Claiming that Hillary supporters were burning police cars isn't supported. How does he know they were Clinton supporters and not just anti-Trump? If Clinton could have inspired that level of fervor she might have won the damn election. All joking aside, it's pretty easy to claim that it was definitely Trump supporters who raided the capitol given that Trump assembled them for his rally, given they were wearing their nifty red hats and given they were using their Trump flags to beat police and break windows.

Thanks Larry, better than most but still extremely bad argument.
People were already voting when Comey started his investigation

We don’t know how much influence the Russians had on the election. We do know that Trump used the information provided by Russia as part of his ”Crooked Hillary” campaign

The Russian misinformation campaign started in the primaries with Sanders. Then they helped Trump and Stein in the general. This was months before early election voting. Also early voting was not as big a factor in 2016. Given the close race in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, it is not inconceivable that they got Trump over the finish line.
The Steele dossier was not false. At least 2 parts of it were true. The Steele dossier was not the basis for the FBI investigation. It was based on intelligence received from a Australian diplomat. She has never claimed that there was massive fraud. She may be right that the election was stolen. The Russians boosted Sanders i9n the primaries and Trump and Stein in the general.'s like shooting fish in a barrel.

" The bureau used the dossier’s accusations as the basis for four warrants to surveil Trump aide Carter Page during the 2016 campaign and early months of the Trump Presidency. The 57 pages of notes from the source interviews make clear that the FBI knew the dossier was junk as early as January 2017.

Former British spy Christopher Steele, whose dirt-digging was financed by the Hillary Clinton campaign, based nearly all of his dossier allegations on information from one unidentified “primary subsource.” The FBI didn’t corroborate the Steele dossier’s claims prior to its first application to surveil Mr. Page in October 2016, and it didn’t get around to interviewing the source until nearly four months later."

Law enforcement doesn't get to decide when the timing of an investigation happens. Had Clinton not hide the fact she had a secret server, and the Obama admin not stonewalled Congressional oversight it would have been known much sooner, and done sooner. It was certainly necessary, violations of the Espionage Act are serious.

If she just used the term in regards to that criminal probe, that really doesn't make sense...especially when she challenged election results, and undermined the security of the ballots...try again

What they can say is limited. DOJ rules do not allow DOJ personnel to interfere in elections. That is one area where Comey might have violated DOJ rules. Announcing they were re-opening the investigation the weekend before the election definitely violated that rule.

She did not challenge the results and she did not undermine the security of the ballots. TRY AGAIN!
No, I don't blindly believe leftist propaganda like you do. But I'm not the one who does that because I'm the one not paying attention, LOL. What a tool.

You can lie all you want, but it doesn't change the fact that Hillary spent four years saying the election was "stolen" from her, which you cultists impeached Trump for saying

You are a liar. Trump was impeached for inciting a riot. Also we now know Trump was trying to stage a coup.
I did.

Watch the video and catch up............Or not, either way.
She has every right to believe the election was stolen. We had unprecedented Russian interference in the election and it was aimed at Clinton. They assisted Sanders in the primary and Trump and Stein in the general. Then you had Comey making a major blunder by announcing publicly that they were re-opening the investigation the weekend before the election. I wonder what voters would have thought if they knew the Trump campaign helped the Russians help Trump. Clinton has never claimed there was massive fraud.

Thanks for verifying my point in all of this. She did claim the election was stolen, that is all. :beer:

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