Vietnam War and question for the boomer generation

See the problem here? we started out with Fonda and when that didn't pan out for her side the goal posts started moving and now we are at 'journalist in the sitting rooms',
You started on Fonda. I started watching the atrocities on my tv in my sitting room. Fonda did not come in for me till decades later and meant nothing.

I live in the UK. We were on marches all the time against your war in Vietnam. We were burning your flag regularly on our streets. There was one time the police were concerned what we were going to break into to your Embassy. The Vietnam war as far as I am aware, as I said before, was the one war where journalists had the ability to bring us the truth which we all saw in our sitting rooms thanks to the invention of televisions. What we saw disgusted us and bit by bit the people of the United States as well despite their people fighting in it. Wars could not be fought if the people knew what you were doing. Since then Governments particularly the US have made sure journalists do not have the ability to bring the truth to the people.
You started on Fonda. I started watching the atrocities on my tv in my sitting room. Fonda did not come in for me till decades later and meant nothing.
Which means you had nothing of substance to add to the topic
I live in the UK. We were on marches all the time against your war in Vietnam. We were burning your flag regularly on our streets.
We don't blame you...What else is there to do over there?
There was one time the police were concerned what we were going to break into to your Embassy.
So why didn't ya break in? I wish ya would have
The Vietnam war as far as I am aware, as I said before, was the one war where journalists had the ability to bring us the truth which we all saw in our sitting rooms thanks to the invention of televisions. What we saw disgusted us and bit by bit the people of the United States as well despite their people fighting in it. Wars could not be fought if the people knew what you were doing. Since then Governments particularly the US have made sure journalists do not have the ability to bring the truth to the people.
so would Fonda have...wait, what was the thing with Fonda again? Sounds like you owe a debt of gratitude to Nixon and Ford and need to thank the men who stopped that war, [That is assuming you were being honest in your post] and while you're at it you need to thank Trump for instigating that whole Brexit thing. :abgg2q.jpg: You'd still be there if he hadn't thrown his weight behind the effort
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You are a lonely man who comes on forums to pretend he is someone. Waste of time.
You are a lonely man
Have never been lonely a day in my life, in fact I yearn for alone time quite often, my wish is that Iwould like to die in the desert and when they find my skeleton it would or will be holding a bottle of becks in one hand and a fishing pole in the other.
who comes on forums to pretend he is someone.
So you're not buying into the whole "Frankeneinstein" thing Lexy?

Waste of time.
There is actually a "TAP OUT" emoji for that
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You started on Fonda. I started watching the atrocities on my tv in my sitting room. Fonda did not come in for me till decades later and meant nothing.

I live in the UK. We were on marches all the time against your war in Vietnam. We were burning your flag regularly on our streets. There was one time the police were concerned what we were going to break into to your Embassy. The Vietnam war as far as I am aware, as I said before, was the one war where journalists had the ability to bring us the truth which we all saw in our sitting rooms thanks to the invention of televisions. What we saw disgusted us and bit by bit the people of the United States as well despite their people fighting in it. Wars could not be fought if the people knew what you were doing. Since then Governments particularly the US have made sure journalists do not have the ability to bring the truth to the people.

How do you feel about the actions of the Soviet Union and North Vietnam in the war?
Vietnam protestors like Jane Fonda and John Kerry were Patriots

They recognized that we had no business being in Vietnam and that we were being lied to

The Traitors were those who wrapped themselves in the flag and promised quick victory while they proceeded to get 60,000 Americans killed

You are a moron. Jane was supportive of the Viet Kong. Nuff said.

I had friends in the S.D.S back then, and there was a schism developing at the time between the responsible members who simply wanted our boys to come home and stop dying there, and those less mature who were just acting out and who actually supported the Viet Kong. Jane Fonda was indicative of the latter.

I'm reminded much of the non-liberal useful idiot leftists of today who side with Islamists just because they hate America.
You are a moron. Jane was supportive of the Viet Kong. Nuff said.

I had friends in the S.D.S back then, and there was a schism developing at the time between the responsible members who simply wanted our boys to come home and stop dying there, and those less mature who were just acting out and who actually supported the Viet Kong. Jane Fonda was indicative of the latter.

I'm reminded much of the non-liberal useful idiot leftists of today who side with Islamists just because they hate America.

Fonda fought for ending a senseless war
History has proved her correct
Fonda fought for ending a senseless war
History has proved her correct
My explanation of the difference between opposing a senseless war and siding with the Viet Kong went right over your silly little head, didn't it?
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Its one thing to be against the war, it’s another thing when her actions were treasonous.

Evidently not.
Didn’t see Nixon going after her

What WAS treasonous was lying to the American public about the reasons for war and prospects of winning it.
What was treasonous was sending boys to their death on a false pretext

Jane Fonda never killed anyone
Evidently not.
Didn’t see Nixon going after her

What WAS treasonous was lying to the American public about the reasons for war and prospects of winning it.
What was treasonous was sending boys to their death on a false pretext

Jane Fonda never killed anyone
I‘m not disputing LBJ’s and Tricky Dick’s horrendous actions.

Hanoi Jane met captured American pilots who slipped her information, thinking she was really an American patriot. She promptly gave that info to the NV. Those pilots were then beaten. Who knows some may have died from those beatings.
There's no telling how many deaths Hanoi Jane is responsible for causing by her traitorous behavior.
She emboldened the N Vietnamese and demoralized the American soldiers.
How bout this found with DuckDuckGo:
Even in 1979, when the world was aware of the millions of Vietnamese and Cambodians murdered and starved to death by their communist victors, when even Joan Baez protested the Khmer Rouge slaughter, Jane Fonda refused to join in. As she then told the National Press Club, she was unable to confirm the accuracy of the charges.

This is more upsetting:
In 1972, having accused the U.S. of committing "genocide" by fighting communist takeover of South Vietnam, she volunteered for 10 vehement propaganda broadcasts for Radio Hanoi that called President Nixon a "new-type Hitler" and encouraged South Vietnamese soldiers to desert being "cannon fodder for U.S. imperialism," asserted U.S. pilots' bombing "makes one a war criminal," and she gleefully appeared around the world filmed in the firing seat of a North Vietnamese anti-air gun.

This piece of film she now admits was a "betrayal of the country that gave me privilege."

The hypocrisy and shallowness of this admission was quickly exposed when Jane Fonda defiantly added "I won't apologize" for her propaganda appearance with U.S. POWs, showing no remorse for some tortured for refusing to appear with her, by explaining in her morally blind view "both sides were using POWs for propaganda."

All the above from Jane Fonda is to be pitied
I highly doubt it. Really stupid war especially by the time Nixon was running it. My college caught the "sds" guy who got two freshmen to blow up the ROTC office and he's supposedly did it at kent state too. While he worked for the FBI and the Ontario County Sheriff's Department. J Edgar and Nixon didn't think it was worth investigating..
There's no telling how many deaths Hanoi Jane is responsible for causing by her traitorous behavior.
She emboldened the N Vietnamese and demoralized the American soldiers.
Most of what you believe about her is garbage propaganda period- at any rate good if she ended the war sooner, the worst war ever until Iraq. And all the other republican wars lol
Most of what you believe about her is garbage propaganda period- at any rate good if she ended the war sooner, the worst war ever until Iraq. And all the other republican wars lol
WW1 .... Democrat war
WW2 .... Democrat war
Korean war ... Democrat war
Vietnam war ... Democrat war
WW1 .... Democrat war
WW2 .... Democrat war
Korean war ... Democrat war
Vietnam war ... Democrat war
democratic wars are necessary, republican ones are stupid like Iraq Afghanistan Spanish American and all the covert operations in Latin America, I would argue that the Dulles brothers started the Vietnamese war and the worst part was under Nixon cynical bombing horrible.... we should have allowed the 1956 election which Ho Chi minh would have won with about 90% of the vote.... Even earlier we should not have financed the French...

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