Vietnam War and question for the boomer generation

Like I posted earlier, we turned a Civil War into a Cold War

That was not a Civil War. That is when there are two factions in a single country that are fighting each other.

That was the nation of North Vietnam invading the nation of South Vietnam. It was no more a "Civil War" than the Korean War was. Or Germany taking over Poland and claiming it belonged to them as it was historically part of Germany.

Or that the 1990 Invasion of Kuwait was a "Civil War" because until WWI, that nation was part of Iraq and known as the Qadha district of the Basra Province.

The ancient civilizations of Sumer and Babylon originated in Mesopotamia (the Greek word for "between rivers"), near the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in what is now Iraq. Modern day Kuwait began in the eighteenth century as a small village on the Persian Gulf. "Kuwait," the word for "small human settlement," was so named by Iraqi rulers of that era. Throughout the nineteenth century and up to World War I, Kuwait was a "Qadha," a district within the Basra Province, and it was an integral part of Iraq under the administrative rule of the Ottoman Empire.
In science, one verifies one's observations by submitting them to peer review. I remember something very clearly from the Vietnam War, but liberal friends and acquaintances tell me it never happened. I have done internet research, but I can't find anything in regards to this issue. Now I know she made those comments before the internet, but they should be in the history of the time. So here is the question for all the boomer generation that may be on this site: I remember Jane Fonda praising the Khmer Rouge for their victory in Cambodia; do you remember it? Do you have a source that would back up my memories?
Google scrubbed those results?
I‘m not disputing LBJ’s and Tricky Dick’s horrendous actions.

Hanoi Jane met captured American pilots who slipped her information, thinking she was really an American patriot. She promptly gave that info to the NV. Those pilots were then beaten. Who knows some may have died from those beatings.
Apparently the story she betrayed American POWs may be false. I did a little research trying to determine if it is true, and found lots of conflicting stories. So, I will admit it may not be accurate.
That was not a Civil War. That is when there are two factions in a single country that are fighting each other.

That was the nation of North Vietnam invading the nation of South Vietnam. It was no more a "Civil War" than the Korean War was. Or Germany taking over Poland and claiming it belonged to them as it was historically part of Germany.

Or that the 1990 Invasion of Kuwait was a "Civil War" because until WWI, that nation was part of Iraq and known as the Qadha district of the Basra Province.

It was Vietnam fighting among themselves

Civil War

We turned it into a war on Communism
It was Vietnam fighting among themselves

Civil War

We turned it into a war on Communism
That JFK planned to avert but they killed him, then LBJ gave them yet another imperialist war. Many followed in the years after, proving the MIC controls the presidency.
That JFK planned to avert but they killed him, then LBJ gave them yet another imperialist war. Many followed in the years after, proving the MIC controls the presidency.

JFK was no saint

Once it became obvious that the N Vietnamese would capture the South, JFK would have intervened…….just like LBJ did
JFK was no saint

Once it became obvious that the N Vietnamese would capture the South, JFK would have intervened…….just like LBJ did
Must you always change the subject Strawman? No one but you claimed him a saint.

And no, he wouldn’t have intervened. You stupidly think he didn’t know the North would easily overtake the South, once we left.
Must you always change the subject Strawman? No one but you claimed him a saint.

And no, he wouldn’t have intervened. You stupidly think he didn’t know the North would easily overtake the South, once we left.

JFK would have had no choice

The Vietnam in 1965 was much different than the Vietnam in 1963. The killing of Diem led to a power void that the North exploited

JFK would not want to appear soft on Communism
Just like LBJ
wrong who do you think supplied the north? from 1949 on?

Like I said…..Cold War

We were supplying the South and supporting French Colonialism

During WWII, the French did nothing as the Japanese invaded. It was Vietnamese freedom fighters who fought the Japanese

After the war, instead of supporting those who fought for Freedom, we supported DeGaule and the French
we supported france so what? Again RETARD Soviet UNION was supplying arms and muntions to the North from 1949 on we did not get directly involved until 1960

So what?
So if we are supporting their French Colonial Lords and the Soviets are supporting the revolution against the French occupiers……why are you surprised they went Communist?
So what?
So if we are supporting their French Colonial Lords and the Soviets are supporting the revolution against the French occupiers……why are you surprised they went Communist?
you claimed we shouldnt have gotten involved when the Soviets were directly involved and just for the record in 1972 the North was beaten. the democrats sold out the South.
you claimed we shouldnt have gotten involved when the Soviets were directly involved and just for the record in 1972 the North was beaten. the democrats sold out the South.

Ho Chi Minh begged the US to support independence after WWII
We chose to support the French

The Soviets offered him support in resisting the French

We blew it
just for the record in 1972 the North was beaten. the democrats sold out the South.

More “Victory is just around the corner”
Just like we heard in 1966, 1967, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1971

The North Vietnamese were never going to quit
Ho Chi Minh begged the US to support independence after WWII
We chose to support the French

The Soviets offered him support in resisting the French

We blew it
You were not there so to an extent you’re giving us the Jane Fonda anti-war left version of events

Ho was a communist long before WWII

Just as bin Laden pretended to be our buddy during the anti Soviet Afghan war and then turned on us later we cant possibly know what was going on in Ho’s commie brain in 1945

Do you really think a lifelong communist since 1921 was going to become pro American after he overran all of vietnam?
You were not there so to an extent you’re giving us the Jane Fonda anti-war left version of events

Ho was a communist long before WWII

Just as bin Laden pretended to be our buddy during the anti Soviet Afghan war and then turned on us later we cant possibly know what was going on in Ho’s commie brain in 1945

Do you really think a lifelong communist since 1921 was going to become pro American after he overran all of vietnam?

Ho would support anyone who was on his side
Just look at it from his side
The French were the Capitalists exploiting his country
The Communists offered independence

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