Vietnam War and question for the boomer generation


John Kerry’s War Crimes​

by Cliff Kincaid on May 24, 2004
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The Washington Post has run two articles over three days highlighting how John Kerry has criticized the Bush administration’s handling of the Iraqi prisoner abuse story. Kerry thinks Donald Rumsfeld should go and that Bush should take responsibility. In both of these stories, however, the Post failed to mention that Kerry himself admitted committing war crimes in Vietnam.
To his credit, Tim Russert confronted Kerry with his own words from 1971 on Meet the Press. Kerry had said, during an April 18, 1971, appearance on Meet the Press: “There are all kinds of atrocities and I would have to say that, yes, yes, I committed the same kind of atrocities as thousands of other soldiers have committed in that I took part in shootings in free-fire zones. I conducted harassment and interdiction fire. I used 50-caliber machine guns which we were granted and ordered to use, which were our only weapon against people. I took part in search-and-destroy missions, in the burning of villages. All of this is contrary to the laws of warfare. All of this is contrary to the Geneva Conventions and all of this ordered as a matter of written established policy by the government of the United States from the top down.” Kerry said those who condoned or engaged in such activities were war criminals.
"Asked about using the phrase, “war criminals,” Kerry replied that the words “were honest"
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btw, why did ya substitute "Hanoi Jane" with Kerry, what did he have to do with this? did you feel it would be easier to get away with?
Both Fonda and Kerry were American Patriots fighting an unjust war that unnecessarily killed millions
Both Fonda and Kerry were American Patriots fighting an unjust war that unnecessarily killed millions

You got any anger for the Communists who were waging war against US, so that they could export and grow their totalitarian system, for their dream of world conquest?

You know, that ones that were actually killing US?
You got any anger for the Communists who were waging war against US, so that they could export and grow their totalitarian system, for their dream of world conquest?

You know, that ones that were actually killing US?

We had a chance to support Ho Chi Minh’s quest for independence and we turned him away and supported French Colonialism

We pushed them to Communism

The RW Fear Mongering about what would happen if Vietnam turned Communist never panned out and Vietnam is now a stable country
is that the spin now?

and then confessed to being a war criminal himself

He admitted he participated in what the US was doing and that it was criminal

That is why he opposed it when he came home and gave a first hand account of what was happening
Both Fonda and Kerry were American Patriots fighting an unjust war that unnecessarily killed millions
so if being an admitted war criminal is Patriotic who really did anything wrong here? btw, you make no mention of the men who stopped the war...any reason for that?
We had a chance to support Ho Chi Minh’s quest for independence and we turned him away and supported French Colonialism

We pushed them to Communism

The RW Fear Mongering about what would happen if Vietnam turned Communist never panned out and Vietnam is now a stable country

So, in YOUR opinion, it's America's fault that the Soviets supported a war thousands of miles from their home, sending vast amounts of weapons and advisors to kill and maim our people for their ideological purposes.

THEIR motivations and policies and war making you have no anger with.

It's fine when THEY do it to US, but it is wrong if WE do it to THEM.

And you libs wonder why we question your Patriotism. lol.
He admitted he participated in what the US was doing and that it was criminal
TRANSLATION: OK so he admitted to being a war criminal
That is why he opposed it when he came home and gave a first hand account of what was happening
and there it is, a white liberal committing an atrocity and sharing his guilt with the rest of is the defining characteristic of white liberalism.
So, in YOUR opinion, it's America's fault that the Soviets supported a war thousands of miles from their home, sending vast amounts of weapons and advisors to kill and maim our people for their ideological purposes.

THEIR motivations and policies and war making you have no anger with.

It's fine when THEY do it to US, but it is wrong if WE do it to THEM.

And you libs wonder why we question your Patriotism. lol.

Like I posted earlier, we turned a Civil War into a Cold War
Millions died because of it
Like I posted earlier, we turned a Civil War into a Cold War
Millions died because of it

Yes, I get it. WE did it. The Soviets who were just as far away, and interferred in the "Civil War" for COLD WAR reasons, bear no responsibility, becuase of some reason you are not sharing.

To be clear, I was restating YOUR positioin as I understand it. I disagree with that completely. I tend to be more sympathetic to MY nation and harsher to our ENEMIES that kill and main US, in my judgements, while you libs do the opposite.

That is my point. I don't really know where to go from there. Oh, I got an idea. But let me see if you have anything to say to this first.
Yes, I get it. WE did it. The Soviets who were just as far away, and interferred in the "Civil War" for COLD WAR reasons, bear no responsibility, becuase of some reason you are not sharing.

To be clear, I was restating YOUR positioin as I understand it. I disagree with that completely. I tend to be more sympathetic to MY nation and harsher to our ENEMIES that kill and main US, in my judgements, while you libs do the opposite.

That is my point. I don't really know where to go from there. Oh, I got an idea. But let me see if you have anything to say to this first.
Yes WE did it
so if being an admitted war criminal is Patriotic who really did anything wrong here? btw, you make no mention of the men who stopped the war...any reason for that?
The Vietnam war was to my knowledge the only major war fought with free journalism. People had what was going on coming into their sitting rooms and it most certainly was not a moral sight. It was not possible for Americans to pretend it was anything other than what it was. Since then countries have made sure that the Press do not have this freedom. If they want to report on a war they must do it how they are told and what they are told. If they insist on going independently they have a risk of being shot. So Vietnam stopped honest reporting from war zones. We now hear everything sterilised with our side as the good guy. The support of the bravery and integrity of journalists who investigated things and who let the public know the truth has gone....and in the US there appears now to be two mindsets. The Republican and the Liberal. This site seems to be massively Republican but it would appear that everyone who is a Republican thinks one way and blames these horrible people called liberals for everything that goes wrong.....maybe they do the same but there does not seem to be much room for independent thought.
Yes WE did it

Thanks for your clear position. Question: Do you hold America to a different standard than the Soviets, is that from your hate of America or your love of communism?

Second question. Why the pass for the North Vietnamese? For a "civil war" their actions seem a lot like invading a neighboring country. Would you support a North Korean invasion of South Korea, you know, because "civil war"?
Thanks for your clear position. Question: Do you hold America to a different standard than the Soviets, is that from your hate of America or your love of communism?

Second question. Why the pass for the North Vietnamese? For a "civil war" their actions seem a lot like invading a neighboring country. Would you support a North Korean invasion of South Korea, you know, because "civil war"?

I have ALWAYS held America to stricter standards
Second question. Why the pass for the North Vietnamese? For a "civil war" their actions seem a lot like invading a neighboring country. Would you support a North Korean invasion of South Korea, you know, because "civil war"?

Good question

Lets look back in history to see why a Civil War was necessary

After the French withdrew from Vietnam, it was arbitrarily drawn up as North and South. The US agreed to an election in five years to set up a new Government. When the five years was up, it was evident that the North and Ho Chi Minh would prevail in an election

So the US wouldn’t allow an election
Good question

Lets look back in history to see why a Civil War was necessary

After the French withdrew from Vietnam, it was arbitrarily drawn up as North and South. The US agreed to an election in five years to set up a new Government. When the five years was up, it was evident that the North and Ho Chi Minh would prevail in an election

So the US wouldn’t allow an election

So, again, you side with America's enemies. At least you are consistent.

I haven't read the whole thread RW, out of curiosity, did you at any point make any comment on the tyranny or oppression or mass murder of the North Vietnamese government? Any negative comment on them in any way?
The Vietnam war was to my knowledge the only major war fought with free journalism. People had what was going on coming into their sitting rooms and it most certainly was not a moral sight. It was not possible for Americans to pretend it was anything other than what it was. Since then countries have made sure that the Press do not have this freedom. If they want to report on a war they must do it how they are told and what they are told. If they insist on going independently they have a risk of being shot. So Vietnam stopped honest reporting from war zones. We now hear everything sterilised with our side as the good guy. The support of the bravery and integrity of journalists who investigated things and who let the public know the truth has gone....and in the US there appears now to be two mindsets. The Republican and the Liberal. This site seems to be massively Republican but it would appear that everyone who is a Republican thinks one way and blames these horrible people called liberals for everything that goes wrong.....maybe they do the same but there does not seem to be much room for independent thought.
See the problem here? we started out with Fonda and when that didn't pan out for her side the goal posts started moving and now we are at 'journalist in the sitting rooms', so what about fonda? would her view include Kennedy as Hitler...just your thoughts on it if you don't know....what about the men who actually stopped the war? why can't I get a straight answer for these questions? is it because there is no straight answer?
We now hear everything sterilised with our side as the good guy.
Was Kerry a good guy? his admission to committing war crimes, means he can always be brought before a tribunal, council, court, commission if he does not play nice with charlie
This site seems to be massively Republican but it would appear that everyone who is a Republican thinks one way and blames these horrible people called liberals for everything that goes wrong.....maybe they do the same but there does not seem to be much room for independent thought.
I'm a democrat, vote democrat across the board in every election and voted in the democratic primaries here on 6/28...
... I almost pulled the switch for kerry in 04 [I actually had my mind made up for a month and was in the booth with my hand on his name when I decided to give bush one more shot, big mistake and swore I would never vote republican again] and as a democrat I blame "these horrible people called liberals" [white liberals to be exact] for what they have done to my party.

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