Vietnam War and question for the boomer generation

Took a licking but never disappeared
If they were so destroyed and there was no threat from the North......Why did S Vietnam fall like a cheap folding table?

They were provided the best equipment, supplies and training
But they were an inept force
Because people like you in the US Congress violated out promise to support the RVN after the war was over and to supply material and air support if the PRVN violated the Paris Peace Accords. The democrats controlling the US government cut the RVN's throat by betraying them.
After JFK was assassinated he reached martyred status. Of course JFK would have KNOWN better than escalate Vietnam

But he would have the same facts as LBJ, same advisors. There were not many in EITHER party advocating we stay out of the conflict. I don’t see why JFK would have been one of them
JFK was a fan of asymmetrical warfare. He would have fought the war with advisors and Special Forces. You can see that with the Bay of Pigs. he refused to commit US troops unless the Cuban people rose up and supported the exiles in their invasion. He would have done the same thing in Vietnam; given the RVN the means to fight their own war and let the chips fall where they might.
No. Immigration has been a problem for decades. Did you forget Ronnie’s amnesty? W tried to give an amnesty too.

Ds represent the interests of their donors, just as Rs do. This will blow your mind…their donors are the same people.

You have nothing but lies to offer. Nothing.
1. Republicans attempt to appease Democrats with gestures like a one-time amnesty.
Appeasing evil never works. It only emboldens them/you.
2. George Soros gives ONLY to the unscrupulous Left. ONLY to them, such as financing district attorneys who release criminals with no bond so they can go out and kill or rob again.
3. Teachers' unions are overwhelmingly far Leftists and give 95% or more of their contributions to Democrats who hypocritically preach public schools while sending their own spawn to private schools, as did the Clintons, the Gores and the Obamas.

If you spoke the truth, you would no longer be a Leftist.
Because people like you in the US Congress violated out promise to support the RVN after the war was over and to supply material and air support if the PRVN violated the Paris Peace Accords. The democrats controlling the US government cut the RVN's throat by betraying them.
Dead nuts on.

Hanoi John Kerry encouraged the communists, claiming all Americans were "war criminals." He should be hung for treason. Instead, Democrats lionized this thug.
The Democrat congress cut off promised funding to the South and the great exodus began. There were no "boat people" during the war, only after Kerry and Fonda and Democrats cut the south's throat.
These are the same people who smeared Vietnam Vets screeching, "SO, how many babies did YOU kill when you were over there?"

None. The baby killers are today's Democrats promoting abortion.
67,000,000 killed and counting, proudly.
In science, one verifies one's observations by submitting them to peer review. I remember something very clearly from the Vietnam War, but liberal friends and acquaintances tell me it never happened. I have done internet research, but I can't find anything in regards to this issue. Now I know she made those comments before the internet, but they should be in the history of the time. So here is the question for all the boomer generation that may be on this site: I remember Jane Fonda praising the Khmer Rouge for their victory in Cambodia; do you remember it? Do you have a source that would back up my memories?

Your memory is wrong.
First of all, the Khmer Rouge did not take over Cambodia until 1975.
The Jane Fonda visit to Vietnam were in 1974.
So she could not have praised the Khmer Rouge in any of the Vietnam trip footage.
And since Fonda never went to Cambodia, she would never have known anything about the Khmer Rouge.
How bout this found with DuckDuckGo:
Even in 1979, when the world was aware of the millions of Vietnamese and Cambodians murdered and starved to death by their communist victors, when even Joan Baez protested the Khmer Rouge slaughter, Jane Fonda refused to join in. As she then told the National Press Club, she was unable to confirm the accuracy of the charges.

This is more upsetting:
In 1972, having accused the U.S. of committing "genocide" by fighting communist takeover of South Vietnam, she volunteered for 10 vehement propaganda broadcasts for Radio Hanoi that called President Nixon a "new-type Hitler" and encouraged South Vietnamese soldiers to desert being "cannon fodder for U.S. imperialism," asserted U.S. pilots' bombing "makes one a war criminal," and she gleefully appeared around the world filmed in the firing seat of a North Vietnamese anti-air gun.

This piece of film she now admits was a "betrayal of the country that gave me privilege."

The hypocrisy and shallowness of this admission was quickly exposed when Jane Fonda defiantly added "I won't apologize" for her propaganda appearance with U.S. POWs, showing no remorse for some tortured for refusing to appear with her, by explaining in her morally blind view "both sides were using POWs for propaganda."

All the above from Jane Fonda is to be pitied

That is ridiculously wrong.

First of all you can NOT combine Vietnamese and Cambodians.
The VC and Khmer Rouge had nothing in common, and it was the VC who eventually fought and defeated the Khmer Rouge.

Second is that no one was "aware" of anything in Southeast Asia by 1979.

Third is that is it CORRECT that all use soldiers in Vietnam were guilty of war crimes. The French had been defeated by the VC and negotiated an international peace accord with them when they surrendered in 1954.
The internationally approved negotiations required a nation wide plebiscite election in 1955, which US illegally prohibited. The US had no legal jurisdiction to be in Vietnam at all, and Diem was an illegal military dictator who had no authority to being in US troops. The legal leader of South Vietnam was Bau Dai, not Diem.

Jane Fonda not only was correct, but was the only one who had nothing to gain.
She gave up a considerable amount of money should could easily have made, by do what was right.
What Johnson and Nixon did on Vietnam was not just wrong, but criminal.
LBJ and his goons were a disaster and I know hundreds of guys who would have liked to blast Fonda's brains out, including me. She was a traitor who caused POWs to be tortured and beaten to death.

There were no real POWs because the US did not treat any VC captives legally as POWs, and the US was constantly committing war crimes, like burning and bombing villages, the Mai Lai massacre, agent orange chemical warfare, etc.
She could have protested over here in the streets all she wanted. She became a traitor the moment she landed in Viet Nam. I don't pick our enemies and never have. I was trained for the enforcement side of the equation. Those troops mostly did not choose to go, but they went and in the field deserved every bit of the support of the American people. She is no patriot and never was. When you go out of your way to support the enemy of the troops in the field, in the country where they are fighting and even use forced, captured troops of your country for your propaganda message against your own troops, your just a lousy traitor, deserving of the scorn she rightly deserved and still deserves.

Does not matter what country anyone just happens to come from.
The US soldiers new they were committing war crimes, while the VC were just trying to repel illegal invaders.
The US troops are NOT "my" troops and were always the "enemy".
They should never have been allowed to return to the US after all the crimes then committed.
How could Kerry be a war criminal when he was against the illegal war, and helped end it?
I didn't ask him and he didn't include that in his confession...and Nixon/Ford ended the war not Kerry...and what prevents a war criminal of kerry's ilk from "helping to end it"?

But to answer your question directly, you can commit war crimes and then claim you are against such practices to appease those who sit in judgement and can make good use of you for making that claim.
That is ridiculously wrong.

First of all you can NOT combine Vietnamese and Cambodians.
The VC and Khmer Rouge had nothing in common, and it was the VC who eventually fought and defeated the Khmer Rouge.

Second is that no one was "aware" of anything in Southeast Asia by 1979.

Third is that is it CORRECT that all use soldiers in Vietnam were guilty of war crimes. The French had been defeated by the VC and negotiated an international peace accord with them when they surrendered in 1954.
The internationally approved negotiations required a nation wide plebiscite election in 1955, which US illegally prohibited. The US had no legal jurisdiction to be in Vietnam at all, and Diem was an illegal military dictator who had no authority to being in US troops. The legal leader of South Vietnam was Bau Dai, not Diem.

Jane Fonda not only was correct, but was the only one who had nothing to gain.
She gave up a considerable amount of money should could easily have made, by do what was right.
What Johnson and Nixon did on Vietnam was not just wrong, but criminal.
Once you have troops in the field, civilian entertainers, can leave that crap at the ocean's edge, or they deserve the judgement of the military and their countrymen. Hanoi Jane will always bear that judgement.
Does not matter what country anyone just happens to come from.
The US soldiers new they were committing war crimes, while the VC were just trying to repel illegal invaders.
The US troops are NOT "my" troops and were always the "enemy".
They should never have been allowed to return to the US after all the crimes then committed.
You are quite the charmer. Glad we never met.
The US troops are NOT "my" troops and were always the "enemy".
that is pretty much the accusation being leveled at "HJ"...I will give you admiration points for admitting what the rest of the left will not confess to.
They should never have been allowed to return to the US after all the crimes then committed.
Kerry included I presume.
It was only dump if you believe communist propaganda
Yeah all of Southeast Asia went communist. So did Australia! The commies took over everything. That domino effect really happened!!!

You have nothing but lies to offer. Nothing.
1. Republicans attempt to appease Democrats with gestures like a one-time amnesty.
Appeasing evil never works. It only emboldens them/you.
2. George Soros gives ONLY to the unscrupulous Left. ONLY to them, such as financing district attorneys who release criminals with no bond so they can go out and kill or rob again.
3. Teachers' unions are overwhelmingly far Leftists and give 95% or more of their contributions to Democrats who hypocritically preach public schools while sending their own spawn to private schools, as did the Clintons, the Gores and the Obamas.

If you spoke the truth, you would no longer be a Leftist.
Yeah all of Southeast Asia went communist. So did Australia! The commies took over everything. That domino effect really happened!!!

It didnt because America fought the communists to a standstill

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