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This will come back to haunt him:

Mr. Trump, what would you do about the 20 soldiers a day who are killing themselves?

Donald - It's 22. They need help.
Adolf Trump is sucking up to Putin again.
Are we watching the same forum?

He said it didn't matter what Putin says about him but that he will accept a compliment from anyone.

But wait a sec, why does this problem even exist? Didn't Hillary hit the "reset" button with Russia?
This will come back to haunt him:

Mr. Trump, what would you do about the 20 soldiers a day who are killing themselves?

Donald - It's 22. They need help.
In 2013, the United States Department of Veterans Affairs released a study that covered suicides from 1999 to 2010, which showed that roughly 22 veterans were committing suicide per day, or one every 65 minutes.
Crooked Hillary is probably having a coughing fit right now. The Donald SCHLONGED her. No joke! Total badass! That what was great about Crooked Hillary opening the door to discussing opponents in her segment. The Donald took it to her big time. The debates are going to be devastating for Crooked Hillary. What's funny is I think MSNBC thought this "commander in chief" forum would help their candidate as a follow to her rally talking points. :p
I love it!! My man holds his own against a HELLY ROTTEN POS SO CALLED MODERATOR who was suppose to moderate NOT debate the Donald.. Secondly, inbetween Helly's and Donald's time, they showed Helly as one big fat fucking commercial.. Notice with the Donald, it's all Matt Lauer interrupting him.. FUCK YOU LIBERALS
Mr. Trump, is your secret plan hoping you get a plan from the generals you know more than?

Yo Derp he said he'd have different generals...catch up

First thing he should do is replace all the tards Obama promoted and appointed to military commands with those the vermin fired, if any are still eligible. Obama's purge was truly insane and venal, and designed to ruin any competent command abilities.

Trump handled the hit setup from the corrupt POS 'moderator' extremely well.
how come only democrats are asking him questions
I'm watching the same thing you are .
The difference is I'm listening.
All the questions are

Yes, they are. And they total about two to three times as many questions as Hilliary was asked.

So far neither one of them has convinced me to vote for them.
Maybe the loss of your freedom will move you under a LEFTIST Supreme Court.
This will come back to haunt him:

Mr. Trump, what would you do about the 20 soldiers a day who are killing themselves?

Donald - It's 22. They need help.
I actually think he did well with that one.
When he corrected the number it showed that he was aware. Saying that the VA would pay for outside doctors is a huge improvement.
how come only democrats are asking him questions
I'm watching the same thing you are .
The difference is I'm listening.
All the questions are

Yes, they are. And they total about two to three times as many questions as Hilliary was asked.

So far neither one of them has convinced me to vote for them.
If Trump cut off his head then reattached it I
Might consider voting for him.
Failing that, not lying might help.
She started lying almost immediately about her email breach, and the toady 'moderator' passed over it, so I'm just going to wait a few minutes until Trump comes on, screw wasting time watching the Felonious Influence Peddler babble gibberish.

Because there was no breach.
Now look at what NBC is showing.. This is why Conservatives should NEVER agree to ANY debates or forums with these fucks.

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