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Matt never pressed
Hillary about the emails and let her lie about how documents are marked confidential. The bracketed C is what is on the documents WikiLeaks has.
Is Trump's face usually as red as it is right now? I know it gets red sometimes, but this seems to be a lot more than usual.
Mr. Trump, is your secret plan hoping you get a plan from the generals you know more than?
Mr. Trump, is your secret plan hoping you get a plan from the generals you know more than?

It is a better plan than the Hussein Obama/Crooked Hillary/Idiot Kerry plan to kiss the ass of the Muslims and make America weak.
Hillary Clinton Will Be First To Take The Stage

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton will be the first to take the stage at tonight's Commander-In-Chief Forum, followed by Republican Donald Trump.

The ordered was determined by a coin toss won by the Trump campaign on Tuesday. Both candidates stated a preference to be the second candidate to appear.

The forum will be broadcast by NBC News and MSNBC at 8 p.m. ET and is hosted by the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America.

Commander-In-Chief Forum - NBC News

Starts at 8:00 p.m. - about 20 minutes from now.
Will President Ash Carter be there?

Forum List
