Viktor Shokin: Biden outraged we seized Burisma assets

I wonder if you apply the same standard to Trump who has been going to great lengths to prevent people from looking into his business.

In any event, how do you know Hunter did no work?
you haven't tied anything to trump. See i can tie the prosecutor to the biden's. The prosecutor said it was so. you have nothing showing anything on trump. zip, nadda. nothing. but hey, knock your socks off looking for that nothing burger. I know, that biden got a payoff. again, if you don't believe me, investigate it.
Trump doesn’t want anyone looking at his business. Apparently that means there’s something wrong there.

Shokin is so corrupt he isn’t allowed to get a VISA to visit the US. I think allegations have to be credible for them to be sufficient to launch an investigation. Shokin is not deemed credible.
The lawyer that said she had dirt on Clinton was only admitted into the US because Obama let her in.
Sorry, but I have no idea who you’re talking about.
Oh the very "action" that kicked off RUSSIA in Trump towers.
Seems awfully tangential to the topic and seems also extremely unlike Obama did it, rather a lower level decision.
So, stay on task/

WAS Shokin:

a) A good guy fighting for the best interests of Ukraine and its allies?
b) A corrupt prosecutor that wasn't doing his job to fight corruption in Ukraine, thus helping Putin?
c) I'm sure you have some OTHER, so explain.

I DARE you to answer and not deflect.

Do you know how stupid you people sound believing this BS? You really expect us to believe that Joe had Shokin fired because he wasn't doing enough to investigate the company his son was working for?

BTW, I have a bridge for sale dirt cheap if you're in the market for one.
That was one of the reasons, but far from the foremost. We have State Dept officials testifying as to why they recommended Shokin be fired.
Nothing but vague unsubstantiated accusations that Shokin was corrupt. We know for a fact that Lutsenko is corrupt.

Biden wanted the good PG out and would not release the money until the day after the corrupt PG was installed. The timeline proves it.

March 22, 2016: Biden speaks on phone with Poroshenko.
Readout of Vice President Biden’s Call with President Petro Poroshenko of Ukraine | U.S. Embassy in Ukraine
March 29, 2016: Verkhovna Rada formally dismisses Shokin.
March 31, 2016: Biden meets with Poroshenko in Washington DC at the 4th Nuclear Security Summit.
"President Poroshenko also noted his commitment to installing a new, credible Prosecutor General. The Vice President welcomed the efforts of President Poroshenko to form a stable, reform-oriented government, and stressed that this step, as well as the enactment of needed reforms, are critical to unlocking international economic assistance, including the third $1 billion U.S. loan guarantee. The Vice President also informed President Poroshenko that the United States is moving forward with an additional $335 million in security assistance, which will fund additional advisors, training, and non-lethal assistance."
Readout of Vice President Biden’s Meeting with President Petro Poroshenko of Ukraine
April 10, 2016: PM Yatsenyuk resigns.
Ukraine's Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk Resigns
April 14, 2016: Volodymyr Groysman becomes prime minister.
April 14, 2016: Readout of Vice President Biden’s Call with President Petro Poroshenko of Ukraine
May 12, 2016: Biden approved "solid" guy, Yuriy Lutsenko, is scandalously appointed Prosecutor General of Ukraine, ostensibly to fight corruption, despite the fact that Lutsenko had served prison time for embezzlement and abuse of office while he was the Interior Minister and had no legal credentials. No legal experience. Not even a law degree. Apparently his only qualification was that Joe Biden approved of him.
May 13, 2016: Joe Biden calls Poroshenko, welcomes the appointment of his "solid" choice Lutsenko and says that the USA is now ready to sign 1$ billion loan guarantee.
Readout of Vice President Biden’s Call with President Petro Poroshenko of Ukraine
Lutsenko definitely seems corrupt and is under investigation for such at this time. His prior convictions are really suspect actually and probably a result of a corrupt prosecutor in its own right. His later actions definitely have been quite suspect. However, this is also the guy that Giuliani has been working with so closely and is the source of a lot of his dossier against Biden. On Trump’s phone call with Zelinsky, he even attempts to talk him up for a second.

Shokin has more than vague accusations against him. The Diamond Prosecutor case looks bad and Shokin has the investigation into those corrupt prosecutors scuttled which looks double bad.

But let’s say that Shokin is innocent. That he’s totally a good guy.

We have testimony from the State Dept that the recommendation to have him fired came from them, not from Biden. That contradicts the Biden allegations, unless for some reason we think that State Dept officials were also invested in Hunter Biden’s role as board member.
that isn't what the video says. just saying, you need to find that video of the DOJ saying they were holding money.
What video? Who was holding money? What are you talking about?
That was one of the reasons, but far from the foremost. We have State Dept officials testifying as to why they recommended Shokin be fired.

Don't you think that's irrelevant at this point? They key witness just spilled the beans on the Biden's. He was never charged with anything, claims he has documentation of what he's talking about. So we should just ignore it?
By “key witness” do you mean Shokin?

Sure. If he publishes his documentation, Id love to see it. Why hasn’t he?
he hasn't been invited in? hmmmm thought you knew that, right?

He doesn’t need to be in the US to publish his documentation.

And if he published them from anywhere else, the next thing we'd hear from you guys is how it was bogus, just like you claimed the Mueller report and the phone call transcript was bogus.

Excuses, excuses, excuses.

You know people who claim to have bombshells they’re sitting on but never produce? I get real sick of that shit.
Do you know how stupid you people sound believing this BS? You really expect us to believe that Joe had Shokin fired because he wasn't doing enough to investigate the company his son was working for?

BTW, I have a bridge for sale dirt cheap if you're in the market for one.
That was one of the reasons, but far from the foremost. We have State Dept officials testifying as to why they recommended Shokin be fired.
Nothing but vague unsubstantiated accusations that Shokin was corrupt. We know for a fact that Lutsenko is corrupt.

Biden wanted the good PG out and would not release the money until the day after the corrupt PG was installed. The timeline proves it.

March 22, 2016: Biden speaks on phone with Poroshenko.
Readout of Vice President Biden’s Call with President Petro Poroshenko of Ukraine | U.S. Embassy in Ukraine
March 29, 2016: Verkhovna Rada formally dismisses Shokin.
March 31, 2016: Biden meets with Poroshenko in Washington DC at the 4th Nuclear Security Summit.
"President Poroshenko also noted his commitment to installing a new, credible Prosecutor General. The Vice President welcomed the efforts of President Poroshenko to form a stable, reform-oriented government, and stressed that this step, as well as the enactment of needed reforms, are critical to unlocking international economic assistance, including the third $1 billion U.S. loan guarantee. The Vice President also informed President Poroshenko that the United States is moving forward with an additional $335 million in security assistance, which will fund additional advisors, training, and non-lethal assistance."
Readout of Vice President Biden’s Meeting with President Petro Poroshenko of Ukraine
April 10, 2016: PM Yatsenyuk resigns.
Ukraine's Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk Resigns
April 14, 2016: Volodymyr Groysman becomes prime minister.
April 14, 2016: Readout of Vice President Biden’s Call with President Petro Poroshenko of Ukraine
May 12, 2016: Biden approved "solid" guy, Yuriy Lutsenko, is scandalously appointed Prosecutor General of Ukraine, ostensibly to fight corruption, despite the fact that Lutsenko had served prison time for embezzlement and abuse of office while he was the Interior Minister and had no legal credentials. No legal experience. Not even a law degree. Apparently his only qualification was that Joe Biden approved of him.
May 13, 2016: Joe Biden calls Poroshenko, welcomes the appointment of his "solid" choice Lutsenko and says that the USA is now ready to sign 1$ billion loan guarantee.
Readout of Vice President Biden’s Call with President Petro Poroshenko of Ukraine
Lutsenko definitely seems corrupt and is under investigation for such at this time. His prior convictions are really suspect actually and probably a result of a corrupt prosecutor in its own right. His later actions definitely have been quite suspect. However, this is also the guy that Giuliani has been working with so closely and is the source of a lot of his dossier against Biden. On Trump’s phone call with Zelinsky, he even attempts to talk him up for a second.

Shokin has more than vague accusations against him. The Diamond Prosecutor case looks bad and Shokin has the investigation into those corrupt prosecutors scuttled which looks double bad.

But let’s say that Shokin is innocent. That he’s totally a good guy.

We have testimony from the State Dept that the recommendation to have him fired came from them, not from Biden. That contradicts the Biden allegations, unless for some reason we think that State Dept officials were also invested in Hunter Biden’s role as board member.
that isn't what the video says. just saying, you need to find that video of the DOJ saying they were holding money.
What video? Who was holding money? What are you talking about?
We have testimony from the State Dept that the recommendation to have him fired came from them, not from Biden.

post the video that supports that claim!!! BTW, why didn't sleepy joe state that when he went off? I recall him saying 'I said' I didn't hear him say the DOJ says.

dude, still being a dick I see.
his personal gain. I'm waiting.

You know how the sheep are. The Democrats used the term personal gain. What they meant is because Democrats can see into the future, they know Biden was going to be the nominee several months away.
there hasn't been any primary. too funny they need to explain how the fk biden becomes trump's opponent exactly? I thought joe's opponent was the 20 demofk clowns. why does MSM keep posting polls of who is for who on the dems if it was against trump? that seems odd.

But that's their claim for impeachment. They knew who their nominee was going to be. They know what Trump was thinking during that phone call, these are the Thought Police we're talking about here, and they're going to impeach Trump based on fortune telling and mind reading.

Trump is spending money on ads targeting Biden. You want to tell me he doesn’t consider him an opponent?

People aren’t stupid.

Why would Trump be doing that? Have any ads by Trump about Biden?
Yes, Trump has ads targeting Biden. Because he sees him as a political opponent. Obviously.
Don't you think that's irrelevant at this point? They key witness just spilled the beans on the Biden's. He was never charged with anything, claims he has documentation of what he's talking about. So we should just ignore it?
By “key witness” do you mean Shokin?

Sure. If he publishes his documentation, Id love to see it. Why hasn’t he?
he hasn't been invited in? hmmmm thought you knew that, right?

He doesn’t need to be in the US to publish his documentation.

And if he published them from anywhere else, the next thing we'd hear from you guys is how it was bogus, just like you claimed the Mueller report and the phone call transcript was bogus.

Excuses, excuses, excuses.

You know people who claim to have bombshells they’re sitting on but never produce? I get real sick of that shit.

Well if there was ever a bombshell, this video is it.
You know how the sheep are. The Democrats used the term personal gain. What they meant is because Democrats can see into the future, they know Biden was going to be the nominee several months away.
there hasn't been any primary. too funny they need to explain how the fk biden becomes trump's opponent exactly? I thought joe's opponent was the 20 demofk clowns. why does MSM keep posting polls of who is for who on the dems if it was against trump? that seems odd.

But that's their claim for impeachment. They knew who their nominee was going to be. They know what Trump was thinking during that phone call, these are the Thought Police we're talking about here, and they're going to impeach Trump based on fortune telling and mind reading.

Trump is spending money on ads targeting Biden. You want to tell me he doesn’t consider him an opponent?

People aren’t stupid.

Why would Trump be doing that? Have any ads by Trump about Biden?
Yes, Trump has ads targeting Biden. Because he sees him as a political opponent. Obviously.
so post the link to the ad.
You know how the sheep are. The Democrats used the term personal gain. What they meant is because Democrats can see into the future, they know Biden was going to be the nominee several months away.
there hasn't been any primary. too funny they need to explain how the fk biden becomes trump's opponent exactly? I thought joe's opponent was the 20 demofk clowns. why does MSM keep posting polls of who is for who on the dems if it was against trump? that seems odd.

But that's their claim for impeachment. They knew who their nominee was going to be. They know what Trump was thinking during that phone call, these are the Thought Police we're talking about here, and they're going to impeach Trump based on fortune telling and mind reading.

Trump is spending money on ads targeting Biden. You want to tell me he doesn’t consider him an opponent?

People aren’t stupid.

Why would Trump be doing that? Have any ads by Trump about Biden?
Yes, Trump has ads targeting Biden. Because he sees him as a political opponent. Obviously.

Well I've never seen one. Of course I admit I don't watch commercials either. So provide me a link to one of those commercials if you will.
there hasn't been any primary. too funny they need to explain how the fk biden becomes trump's opponent exactly? I thought joe's opponent was the 20 demofk clowns. why does MSM keep posting polls of who is for who on the dems if it was against trump? that seems odd.

But that's their claim for impeachment. They knew who their nominee was going to be. They know what Trump was thinking during that phone call, these are the Thought Police we're talking about here, and they're going to impeach Trump based on fortune telling and mind reading.

Trump is spending money on ads targeting Biden. You want to tell me he doesn’t consider him an opponent?

People aren’t stupid.

Why would Trump be doing that? Have any ads by Trump about Biden?
Yes, Trump has ads targeting Biden. Because he sees him as a political opponent. Obviously.

Well I've never seen one. Of course I admit I don't watch commercials either. So provide me a link to one of those commercials if you will.
I just did an internet search, not one out there I could find.
there hasn't been any primary. too funny they need to explain how the fk biden becomes trump's opponent exactly? I thought joe's opponent was the 20 demofk clowns. why does MSM keep posting polls of who is for who on the dems if it was against trump? that seems odd.

But that's their claim for impeachment. They knew who their nominee was going to be. They know what Trump was thinking during that phone call, these are the Thought Police we're talking about here, and they're going to impeach Trump based on fortune telling and mind reading.

Trump is spending money on ads targeting Biden. You want to tell me he doesn’t consider him an opponent?

People aren’t stupid.

Why would Trump be doing that? Have any ads by Trump about Biden?
Yes, Trump has ads targeting Biden. Because he sees him as a political opponent. Obviously.

Well I've never seen one. Of course I admit I don't watch commercials either. So provide me a link to one of those commercials if you will.

Apparently they run on Facebook Here's a piece talking about some of them.

Facebook is refusing to take down a Trump ad making false claims about Joe Biden
That was one of the reasons, but far from the foremost. We have State Dept officials testifying as to why they recommended Shokin be fired.
Nothing but vague unsubstantiated accusations that Shokin was corrupt. We know for a fact that Lutsenko is corrupt.

Biden wanted the good PG out and would not release the money until the day after the corrupt PG was installed. The timeline proves it.

March 22, 2016: Biden speaks on phone with Poroshenko.
Readout of Vice President Biden’s Call with President Petro Poroshenko of Ukraine | U.S. Embassy in Ukraine
March 29, 2016: Verkhovna Rada formally dismisses Shokin.
March 31, 2016: Biden meets with Poroshenko in Washington DC at the 4th Nuclear Security Summit.
"President Poroshenko also noted his commitment to installing a new, credible Prosecutor General. The Vice President welcomed the efforts of President Poroshenko to form a stable, reform-oriented government, and stressed that this step, as well as the enactment of needed reforms, are critical to unlocking international economic assistance, including the third $1 billion U.S. loan guarantee. The Vice President also informed President Poroshenko that the United States is moving forward with an additional $335 million in security assistance, which will fund additional advisors, training, and non-lethal assistance."
Readout of Vice President Biden’s Meeting with President Petro Poroshenko of Ukraine
April 10, 2016: PM Yatsenyuk resigns.
Ukraine's Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk Resigns
April 14, 2016: Volodymyr Groysman becomes prime minister.
April 14, 2016: Readout of Vice President Biden’s Call with President Petro Poroshenko of Ukraine
May 12, 2016: Biden approved "solid" guy, Yuriy Lutsenko, is scandalously appointed Prosecutor General of Ukraine, ostensibly to fight corruption, despite the fact that Lutsenko had served prison time for embezzlement and abuse of office while he was the Interior Minister and had no legal credentials. No legal experience. Not even a law degree. Apparently his only qualification was that Joe Biden approved of him.
May 13, 2016: Joe Biden calls Poroshenko, welcomes the appointment of his "solid" choice Lutsenko and says that the USA is now ready to sign 1$ billion loan guarantee.
Readout of Vice President Biden’s Call with President Petro Poroshenko of Ukraine
Lutsenko definitely seems corrupt and is under investigation for such at this time. His prior convictions are really suspect actually and probably a result of a corrupt prosecutor in its own right. His later actions definitely have been quite suspect. However, this is also the guy that Giuliani has been working with so closely and is the source of a lot of his dossier against Biden. On Trump’s phone call with Zelinsky, he even attempts to talk him up for a second.

Shokin has more than vague accusations against him. The Diamond Prosecutor case looks bad and Shokin has the investigation into those corrupt prosecutors scuttled which looks double bad.

But let’s say that Shokin is innocent. That he’s totally a good guy.

We have testimony from the State Dept that the recommendation to have him fired came from them, not from Biden. That contradicts the Biden allegations, unless for some reason we think that State Dept officials were also invested in Hunter Biden’s role as board member.
that isn't what the video says. just saying, you need to find that video of the DOJ saying they were holding money.
What video? Who was holding money? What are you talking about?
We have testimony from the State Dept that the recommendation to have him fired came from them, not from Biden.

post the video that supports that claim!!! BTW, why didn't sleepy joe state that when he went off? I recall him saying 'I said' I didn't hear him say the DOJ says.

dude, still being a dick I see.

Biden’s State dept? Lol
That was one of the reasons, but far from the foremost. We have State Dept officials testifying as to why they recommended Shokin be fired.
Nothing but vague unsubstantiated accusations that Shokin was corrupt. We know for a fact that Lutsenko is corrupt.

Biden wanted the good PG out and would not release the money until the day after the corrupt PG was installed. The timeline proves it.

March 22, 2016: Biden speaks on phone with Poroshenko.
Readout of Vice President Biden’s Call with President Petro Poroshenko of Ukraine | U.S. Embassy in Ukraine
March 29, 2016: Verkhovna Rada formally dismisses Shokin.
March 31, 2016: Biden meets with Poroshenko in Washington DC at the 4th Nuclear Security Summit.
"President Poroshenko also noted his commitment to installing a new, credible Prosecutor General. The Vice President welcomed the efforts of President Poroshenko to form a stable, reform-oriented government, and stressed that this step, as well as the enactment of needed reforms, are critical to unlocking international economic assistance, including the third $1 billion U.S. loan guarantee. The Vice President also informed President Poroshenko that the United States is moving forward with an additional $335 million in security assistance, which will fund additional advisors, training, and non-lethal assistance."
Readout of Vice President Biden’s Meeting with President Petro Poroshenko of Ukraine
April 10, 2016: PM Yatsenyuk resigns.
Ukraine's Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk Resigns
April 14, 2016: Volodymyr Groysman becomes prime minister.
April 14, 2016: Readout of Vice President Biden’s Call with President Petro Poroshenko of Ukraine
May 12, 2016: Biden approved "solid" guy, Yuriy Lutsenko, is scandalously appointed Prosecutor General of Ukraine, ostensibly to fight corruption, despite the fact that Lutsenko had served prison time for embezzlement and abuse of office while he was the Interior Minister and had no legal credentials. No legal experience. Not even a law degree. Apparently his only qualification was that Joe Biden approved of him.
May 13, 2016: Joe Biden calls Poroshenko, welcomes the appointment of his "solid" choice Lutsenko and says that the USA is now ready to sign 1$ billion loan guarantee.
Readout of Vice President Biden’s Call with President Petro Poroshenko of Ukraine
Lutsenko definitely seems corrupt and is under investigation for such at this time. His prior convictions are really suspect actually and probably a result of a corrupt prosecutor in its own right. His later actions definitely have been quite suspect. However, this is also the guy that Giuliani has been working with so closely and is the source of a lot of his dossier against Biden. On Trump’s phone call with Zelinsky, he even attempts to talk him up for a second.

Shokin has more than vague accusations against him. The Diamond Prosecutor case looks bad and Shokin has the investigation into those corrupt prosecutors scuttled which looks double bad.

But let’s say that Shokin is innocent. That he’s totally a good guy.

We have testimony from the State Dept that the recommendation to have him fired came from them, not from Biden. That contradicts the Biden allegations, unless for some reason we think that State Dept officials were also invested in Hunter Biden’s role as board member.
that isn't what the video says. just saying, you need to find that video of the DOJ saying they were holding money.
What video? Who was holding money? What are you talking about?
We have testimony from the State Dept that the recommendation to have him fired came from them, not from Biden.

post the video that supports that claim!!! BTW, why didn't sleepy joe state that when he went off? I recall him saying 'I said' I didn't hear him say the DOJ says.

dude, still being a dick I see.

You keep saying DoJ when I think you mean State Dept.

Either way, here's George Kent's testimony.

From George Kent:
Prosecutor General Shokin was an impediment to the reform of the prosecutorial system, and he had directly undermined in repeated fashjon U.S. efforts and U.S. assi stance programs. And so, because we had a strategi c 'interest j n seei ng the Ukrainian prosecutor system reformed, and because we have a fiduci ary responsi bi 1i ty for U.5. taxpayer do1lars, i t was the consensus view that Shokin needed to be removed so that the stated goal of reform of the prosecutor general system could move forward.

There's a fair bit more in the testimony about why they thought Shokin was corrupt. Paraphrasing, he lived a lifestyle that was in excess of his salary as a government employee. He was not known to prosecute people who committed crimes. He was known to help cover up people who had. Lots of references to Shokin in the testimony. Some juicy stuff around page 47 or so.
But that's their claim for impeachment. They knew who their nominee was going to be. They know what Trump was thinking during that phone call, these are the Thought Police we're talking about here, and they're going to impeach Trump based on fortune telling and mind reading.

Trump is spending money on ads targeting Biden. You want to tell me he doesn’t consider him an opponent?

People aren’t stupid.

Why would Trump be doing that? Have any ads by Trump about Biden?
Yes, Trump has ads targeting Biden. Because he sees him as a political opponent. Obviously.

Well I've never seen one. Of course I admit I don't watch commercials either. So provide me a link to one of those commercials if you will.

Apparently they run on Facebook Here's a piece talking about some of them.

Facebook is refusing to take down a Trump ad making false claims about Joe Biden
that's not about the 2020 election. hahahaahahahahahahahahaha, dude, you're fking lost.

it's proof of obstruction. proof!!!!

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