Violence at Barbie movie

Some women are exposing their breasts while watching the Barbie movie.
This isn’t the first time a brawl has broken out at a movie screening; in May, adults started scrapping at a showing of the Little Mermaid, effectively ruining the experience for kiddos in the theater.

I guess that would depend on how good of a brawl it was. When I was a little kid I saw a catfight in a movie theater that was a hell of a lot more entertaining than Don Knots and the Apple Dumpling Gang.

Wig lady whooped some ass. Grimace tried to grab her hair and pull her head into her knee. But her wig came off in Grimace's hands and that left Grimace with her guard down and wig lady started pummeling Grimace face.
Violence at movies, on airplanes, at campaign rallies and at sporting events. What a country.
The way I understand it, the movie isn't actually for children. It is an adult movie. But, fights shouldn't be happening over it.

It's PG-13 and today's pg13 isn't even as bad as PG-13 was when I was a kid as you could get boobs, 1 fbomb, and a decent amount of cursing and a lot of violence.

But there shouldn't be any violence in any theater.

But at the same time I'm glad someone confronted someone over bad behavior in a theater. That's inexcusable no matter who you are. It's one of the reasons I don't go to the movies that often because so many people now a days have no manners or common consideration for others.

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