Violent Illegal Francisco Lopez-Sanchez Killed Kate Steinle; Liberals Killed Kate's Law


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Francisco Lopez-Sanchez, a violent repeat Felony offender who had been deported several times but returned to the United States, shot and killed Kate Steinle, an American citizen, on 1 July 2015. Kate's death at the hands of this criminal should never have happened.

The tragedy brought to light the federal government's failure / refusal to take custody of illegals who have been deported several times yet return to the United States. Her death brought to light the COST for President Obama's facilitation of illegal immigration in this country, his refusal to enforce existing Immigration law, and the Federal Government's refusal to take action against cities in the United States who violate federal law by providing safe haven to criminals like Francisco Lopez-Sanchez who rob, rape, assault, kidnap, and murder American citizens.

Steinle’s death set off a firestorm of protests among opponents of illegal immigration, demanding the Federal Government cease and desist its facilitation of illegal immigration, of its making the 'rights', welfare, and protection of illegal a higher priority than protecting U.S. citizens. 'Kate's Law' was written as a result of Kate Steinle's murder, calling for a mandatory-minimum five-year sentence on any illegal alien that is deported and then comes back into the U.S.

So, this is a 'no-brainer', right. In order to ensure the protection of U.S. citizens, in an attempt to remove the worst of the illegals repeatedly crossing into the United States - two things that should be high priorities for elected U.S. politicians, there should be no opposition to this, right?! YEAH, WHATEVER...

Kate's Law was brought before the Senate for a vote...and Democrats rejected the bill...because inside the bill was a 'rider' that also called for the federal defunding of cities, called 'Sanctuary Cities', that violate federal law (a CRIME) by providing safe haven to criminal illegals, many of the same illegals who rob, rape, assault, and murder people like Kate Steinle. DEMOCRATS JUST WENT ON RECORD AS BEING FOR SANCTURAY CITIES, AGAINST ENFORCING OUR LAWS, AGAINST PROTECTING U.S. CITIZENS, AND JUST SIDED WITH VIOLENT / CRIMINAL ILLEGALS AGAINST U.S. CITIZENS (yet want to take away the guns of law-abiding U.S. citizens / the ability/right for law-abiding citizens to protect themselves when our government refuses to)!


- KATE'S LAW LINK: The Trouble with Kate's Law
- STORY LINK: Senate Democrats block "sanctuary city" bill - CBS News
A lot of American citizens murder people.
A lot of undocumented immigrants don't murder people.
Post a thread about an American murdering people.
A lot of American citizens murder people.
A lot of undocumented immigrants don't murder people.
Post a thread about an American murdering people.

wow!!!! you heard it here!!!! LEFT-WING IDIOT is saying because Americans murder Americans unlimited numbers of illegals hiding in liberal-run sanctuary cities should be allowed to murder American citizens too; and not only committ crimes against Americans but be shielded by liberals defying even a Democrat-run federal government

can you guys be any bigger douchebags than you are already??
A lot of American citizens murder people.
A lot of undocumented immigrants don't murder people.
Post a thread about an American murdering people.

A lot of American citizens murder people.
- American citizens are not in this country illegally.

- Laws are ENFORCED against American citizens, unlike with Illegals. Francisco Lopez-Sanchez was here in this country ILLEGALLY...AGAIN. After being arrested SEVERAL TIMES for FELONIES DHS and ICE REFUSED to take him into custody, and the local law enforcers had no other option but to release him. HAD the federal government done its job and enforced our existing immigration laws Kate Steinle would still be alive. Had Kate's law been in existence before her death, Francisco Lopez-Sanchez would have been jailed, and Kate would still be alive.

A lot of undocumented immigrants don't murder people.
- That's one of the problems - you f*ing Liberals can't even say the words and acknowledge them for what they are - ILLEGAL Immigrants, CRIMINALS who have broken our laws, not that Liberals care about the law, especially when their politicians or illegals do so.

- This nation was founded in part as a nation of LAWS and of Law ENFORCEMENT. Obama, the top Democrat, has repeatedly violated both Constitution and Law as President, especially when it comes to illegals. As a direct result of Liberals ignoring and refusing to enforce the law many Americans continue to be victimized by criminals who come to our country illegally. As pointed out, Democrats just declared loudly and clearly that they refuse to honor their oaths of office, refuse to enforce existing law, refuse to act to protect U.S. citizens, and that protecting and acting on behalf of violent, criminal illegals is a higher priority that protecting U.S. citizens, their constituents'.

Post a thread about an American murdering people.
- Why don't YOU do it, since you're so interested in that subject. Oh wait, you won't because that would actually take EFFORT, and it's so much easier to 'troll' this one.
A lot of American citizens murder people.
A lot of undocumented immigrants don't murder people.
Post a thread about an American murdering people.
American citizens in this country are where they belong. This piece of shit should have never been here.
How many Americans illegally living in Mexico are allowed to murder Mexican citizens?
do people running Mexican cities refuse to turn over convicted American illegal alien felons to the Mexican government?

do Mexicans call people who want Mexican immigration laws enforced "racists"??

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