Violent Trumpists: Capitol Police Ask for National Guard 60 Day Extension

there's no problem of racism..... the OP has RACE in it, am I allowed to say the greatest threat NOW is blacks committing crime/make criminality OK!!/etc ??
..can I say that mods????
..the greatest threat of terrorism is from muslims/etc--we've been over this before
..out of about 600,000 people with ONLY 1% mulsims, it was the MUSLIMS who committed the Boston bombing
9-11--almost 3000 dead
San Bernadino
Shoe bomber
Ft Hood
etc etc
The greatest threat to our democracy is Trumpism, racism, and terrorism, all mixed together. America has not seen this threat to our democracy since the Civil War.

You are being manipulated you stupid fuck.

There is no threat to the Capitol at all. They are trying (and succeeding in your case) to keep you afraid.
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The greatest threat to our democracy is Trumpism, racism, and terrorism, all mixed together. America has not seen this threat to our democracy since the Civil War.

You are being manipulated you stupid fuck.

There is no threat to the Captial at all. They are trying (and succeeding in your case) to keep you afraid.

I always love to see the defenders of terrorism rally together and try to sweep this threat under the rug and pretend January 6th never happened, and if it did happen, it was Antifa, and if it wasn't Antifa, then it wasn't really a big deal, they had no guns!
The greatest threat to our democracy is Trumpism, racism, and terrorism, all mixed together. America has not seen this threat to our democracy since the Civil War.

You are being manipulated you stupid fuck.

There is no threat to the Captial at all. They are trying (and succeeding in your case) to keep you afraid.

I always love to see the defenders of terrorism rally together and try to sweep this threat under the rug and pretend January 6th never happened, and if it did happen, it was Antifa, and if it wasn't Antifa, then it wasn't really a big deal, they had no guns!
It was a simple peaceful protest that had a few get out of hand. Much like the 100's of riots that occured around the country last summer.

There was no organized threat. There was NO INSURRECTION. There IS no threat now.

But if you swallow all the jiz that the fucked up mainstream media feed you, then you are too far gone to even deal with. Go crawl in a hole and pull your crazy in over your fucking head and hide.
The greatest threat to our democracy is Trumpism, racism, and terrorism, all mixed together. America has not seen this threat to our democracy since the Civil War.

Sorry, didn't have the news on much today.....what sort of violence happened in DC today? Or was this just another lame left wing conspiracy?
The Democrats want to disarm our citizens and defund the police (leaving us defenseless), so I have a suggestion....

We should let the National Guard stay in Washington for as long as the Democrats want as long as we can deduct the costs from their salaries!!!!
Just when, did the police defend you. That has got to be a great story. Usually when you need them, the are 5 or 10 minutes away.
No guns ok? in your armed insurrection. A whole bunch of people got past the security and took over a mostly empty building yeah. And for that they should pay the price,,, but its hardly the terrorism Dems are making it out to be, needing an army to protect them.

I've seen no evidence that Trump has ever promoted RACISM, in his 4 years... this is crap you guys made up and ran with from day one. What is Trumpism? wanting the U.S. to be energy independent from the ME? or requiring that people follow existing immigration laws?

They were certifying the electoral college vote, and all the lawmakers were there. Trump should have his fat ass outfitted in an orange jumpsuit, but we'll have to settle for flushing this turd out of the White House.

Where did Trump ever oppose the electoral College taking a vote? obviously you tuned out the parts of his speech you didn't want to listen to. He made it perfectly clear that he intended the crowd to make their "voices heard" to influence the electors perhaps, but not to overtake the capitol. How would that have helped Trump? Thats why your Trump insurrection conspiracy theory is such BS.

There was a tiny faction of the crowd that showed up that day that actually broke into the capitol. And honestly Chuck Schummer's words were much more incendiary the day he roused up a crowd outside the Supreme Court to protest Kavinaugh. He got lucky that all his crowd did was pound on the building.
Wasnt there supposed to be some violent riot today? Seems the only place that existed was in the vivid and partisan imagniations of some.

Yeah from what I read QAnon was supposed to attack DC on the 4th.

Talk about a dumb conspiracy theory.

The NG is in DC 6,000 strong to protect that pack of pussies we elected. I doubt QAnon would attack the NG. What a waste of time and tax dollars. The NG isn't needed in DC. The States that sent them should recall them. They are being treated like shit by those in control.

Nobody else really cares that the Democrats are revoking freedom and liberty in America and replacing it with Statism and Marxism ???
You are being manipulated you stupid fuck.
There is no threat to the Capitol at all. They are trying (and succeeding in your case) to keep you afraid.

They're either VERY VERY stupid "fucks".....

Or Chinese trolls being the Statist bitches they are
The greatest threat to our democracy is Trumpism, racism, and terrorism, all mixed together. America has not seen this threat to our democracy since the Civil War.

Hysterical much?

Maybe you can better explain a greater threat to our democracy than the Trumpism of the past 4 years, which culminated in a violent and unprecedented assault on the Capitol two months previous, and which requires military intervention today to insure the safety of our elected officials.

Trumpism is a far greater threat than Islamic terrorism.
The greatest threat to our democracy is Trumpism, racism, and terrorism, all mixed together. America has not seen this threat to our democracy since the Civil War.

Visit NYC.

I was there in 2017, loved it.
The greatest threat to our democracy is Trumpism, racism, and terrorism, all mixed together. America has not seen this threat to our democracy since the Civil War.

Hysterical much?

Maybe you can better explain a greater threat to our democracy than the Trumpism of the past 4 years, which culminated in a violent and unprecedented assault on the Capitol two months previous, and which requires military intervention today to insure the safety of our elected officials.

Trumpism is a far greater threat than Islamic terrorism.
We were told when the movements of the 1960's were enacted into laws that Equality and Inclusion would be the result. At this point now the new laws which has been going on even if not enacted to degree will be Equity and Dominance. You see in company after company the competition dwindling by a percentage because of people qualified by Equity but not the best by Equality.
They can't stay any longer. If they do, they'll die of starvation or some food poison what with that crap you fuglies are feeding them

Take it up with the contractors who supply the food, it won't be the first time these troops are eating shitty food, I know from being in Army mess halls and being fed MRE's.

They aren't needed in DC. The States they come from should call them all home.

No one needs to guard the pussies we elected. Get a grip there dumbass. LOL
The greatest threat to our democracy is demonRATS/communism, racism, and terrorism, all mixed together. America has not seen this threat to our democracy since the Civil War.
They can't stay any longer. If they do, they'll die of starvation or some food poison what with that crap you fuglies are feeding them

Take it up with the contractors who supply the food, it won't be the first time these troops are eating shitty food, I know from being in Army mess halls and being fed MRE's.
you served in the china military? thats what you support

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