Virgil — The Great Reset Updated: You might not have heard of NGFS, but NGFS has a Plan for You


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2017
Calling it a conspiracy would not be going too far....the net result of various groups of 'do gooders' not knowing what they are really doing by organizing and promoting their agenda will have a huge impact on personal freedoms.

Citizens for Free Speech – #SolutionsWatch

We're Leading The Way For Free Speech!

Americans Are Waking Up To The Destruction Of First Amendment Rights
Many Americans realize that the radical political mandates to wear face masks and practice social distancing are egregious violations of the First Amendment. A large chunk of Americans simply cannot wear face masks because of pre-existing health conditions. Others believe that face masks pose a serious risk to their health, and do not believe the government has any authority to force such harm upon them.
More importantly,
face masks and social distancing grossly impede our right to Free Speech and Peaceable Assembly.


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