Virginia Declares State of Emergency Over Biden’s Fuel Shortage

The only thing that the morons who run Texas do well is inspect and over-regulate women's clinics. They don't protect mundane things like the totally unimportant energy infrastructure and they don't do any safety inspections. So what if a huge quantity of ammonium nitrate sits in the middle of a populated area. So what if flood-prevention efforts are stalled and Houston floods again. So what if the state is rapidly turning into a third-world shithole. So what if Texans are going hungry. Getting "them gals" under tight control and filing nonsense law suits to help trump are so much more important.

The only thing that will turn Texas into a third world shit hole is by Dementia allowing third world people to flood it by the tens of thousands, and predicted to be millions by the end of the year.

It has been turning into a third-world shithole long before immigration became a problem. Look at the "leaders" it has had: perry, abbott, paxton, etc. All no-talent yahoos who never had any interest in actually improving their state.
Improving the state? They have the second highest GDP in the country and unlike the number 1 spot (california) they have the highest surplus in the country.
"shithole" :lol:
The Colonial Pipeline was ransomeware attack by "The Darkside", a group of Russian hackers.
What would happen to the US if there was a coordinated cyber attack by state actors, China, Russia, Iran, NK???

Last winter the state of TX was shut down by a cold snap, WTF??

My point is, if the stupid coxuckers running companies can't do an effective job, maybe we need "big brother" to look over their shoulder to protect the country from corporate negligence?

Just imagine the electric grid going down, and refineries and pipelines going down. In 2021 you would think that the US wouldn't be so vulnerable to cyber attacks. If the Federal government won't step up, maybe the States need to protect their citizens better?
The Feg Gov has no authority to do so. Plus, they will just fuck that up too.
So glad that hacking bill didnt make it!
Don't look now but the "private sector" morons have no clue how to stop cyber attacks.
We cannot have any more of these ransomware attacks, or major economic disruptions.
They can pass laws to require hardened cyber security, even as part of the "Infrastructure Bill".
I'm amazed how stupid the US corporations are?! Russian hackers can stop the US economy? WTF????
Then let them flame out. Its not the govts business. Its usually NEVER the fed govs business.
If the corporations can't protect the public interest, the government needs to hold their feet to the fire, like in TX when the cold snap shut the state down, and now when the Colonial Pipeline is ransomed. We need someone to step up and be responsible, the private sector isn't doing it.
So you would rather have corrupt failures go in and do it. OK mr libertarian lol
The Colonial Pipeline was ransomeware attack by "The Darkside", a group of Russian hackers.
What would happen to the US if there was a coordinated cyber attack by state actors, China, Russia, Iran, NK???

Last winter the state of TX was shut down by a cold snap, WTF??

My point is, if the stupid coxuckers running companies can't do an effective job, maybe we need "big brother" to look over their shoulder to protect the country from corporate negligence?

Just imagine the electric grid going down, and refineries and pipelines going down. In 2021 you would think that the US wouldn't be so vulnerable to cyber attacks. If the Federal government won't step up, maybe the States need to protect their citizens better?
The Feg Gov has no authority to do so. Plus, they will just fuck that up too.
So glad that hacking bill didnt make it!
Don't look now but the "private sector" morons have no clue how to stop cyber attacks.
We cannot have any more of these ransomware attacks, or major economic disruptions.
They can pass laws to require hardened cyber security, even as part of the "Infrastructure Bill".
I'm amazed how stupid the US corporations are?! Russian hackers can stop the US economy? WTF????
Then let them flame out. Its not the govts business. Its usually NEVER the fed govs business.
If the corporations can't protect the public interest, the government needs to hold their feet to the fire, like in TX when the cold snap shut the state down, and now when the Colonial Pipeline is ransomed. We need someone to step up and be responsible, the private sector isn't doing it.
So you would rather have corrupt failures go in and do it. OK mr libertarian lol
1. "corrupt failures" describes the corporations putting us in jeopardy to cyber hackers, duh.
2. If the government needs to put guns to the CEOs heads to protect us, fine, let the coxuckers earn their bonuses for a change.
The Colonial Pipeline was ransomeware attack by "The Darkside", a group of Russian hackers.
What would happen to the US if there was a coordinated cyber attack by state actors, China, Russia, Iran, NK???

Last winter the state of TX was shut down by a cold snap, WTF??

My point is, if the stupid coxuckers running companies can't do an effective job, maybe we need "big brother" to look over their shoulder to protect the country from corporate negligence?

Just imagine the electric grid going down, and refineries and pipelines going down. In 2021 you would think that the US wouldn't be so vulnerable to cyber attacks. If the Federal government won't step up, maybe the States need to protect their citizens better?
The Feg Gov has no authority to do so. Plus, they will just fuck that up too.
So glad that hacking bill didnt make it!
Don't look now but the "private sector" morons have no clue how to stop cyber attacks.
We cannot have any more of these ransomware attacks, or major economic disruptions.
They can pass laws to require hardened cyber security, even as part of the "Infrastructure Bill".
I'm amazed how stupid the US corporations are?! Russian hackers can stop the US economy? WTF????
Then let them flame out. Its not the govts business. Its usually NEVER the fed govs business.
If the corporations can't protect the public interest, the government needs to hold their feet to the fire, like in TX when the cold snap shut the state down, and now when the Colonial Pipeline is ransomed. We need someone to step up and be responsible, the private sector isn't doing it.
So you would rather have corrupt failures go in and do it. OK mr libertarian lol
1. "corrupt failures" describes the corporations putting us in jeopardy to cyber hackers, duh.
2. If the government needs to put guns to the CEOs heads to protect us, fine, let the coxuckers earn their bonuses for a change.
It does, but I was referring to the fed gov. Its amazing how people can rail against something so hard but only when its convenient. Then its fully embraced.
The only thing that the morons who run Texas do well is inspect and over-regulate women's clinics. They don't protect mundane things like the totally unimportant energy infrastructure and they don't do any safety inspections. So what if a huge quantity of ammonium nitrate sits in the middle of a populated area. So what if flood-prevention efforts are stalled and Houston floods again. So what if the state is rapidly turning into a third-world shithole. So what if Texans are going hungry. Getting "them gals" under tight control and filing nonsense law suits to help trump are so much more important.

The only thing that will turn Texas into a third world shit hole is by Dementia allowing third world people to flood it by the tens of thousands, and predicted to be millions by the end of the year.

It has been turning into a third-world shithole long before immigration became a problem. Look at the "leaders" it has had: perry, abbott, paxton, etc. All no-talent yahoos who never had any interest in actually improving their state.
Improving the state? They have the second highest GDP in the country and unlike the number 1 spot (california) they have the highest surplus in the country.
"shithole" :lol:

But their social services suck, the state government is full of bigots and religious freaks who try to impose their crap on the whole state, while many of their constituents don't have enough food and struggle to prove the necessities.
The Colonial Pipeline was ransomeware attack by "The Darkside", a group of Russian hackers.
What would happen to the US if there was a coordinated cyber attack by state actors, China, Russia, Iran, NK???

Last winter the state of TX was shut down by a cold snap, WTF??

My point is, if the stupid coxuckers running companies can't do an effective job, maybe we need "big brother" to look over their shoulder to protect the country from corporate negligence?

Just imagine the electric grid going down, and refineries and pipelines going down. In 2021 you would think that the US wouldn't be so vulnerable to cyber attacks. If the Federal government won't step up, maybe the States need to protect their citizens better?
The Feg Gov has no authority to do so. Plus, they will just fuck that up too.
So glad that hacking bill didnt make it!
Don't look now but the "private sector" morons have no clue how to stop cyber attacks.
We cannot have any more of these ransomware attacks, or major economic disruptions.
They can pass laws to require hardened cyber security, even as part of the "Infrastructure Bill".
I'm amazed how stupid the US corporations are?! Russian hackers can stop the US economy? WTF????
Then let them flame out. Its not the govts business. Its usually NEVER the fed govs business.
If the corporations can't protect the public interest, the government needs to hold their feet to the fire, like in TX when the cold snap shut the state down, and now when the Colonial Pipeline is ransomed. We need someone to step up and be responsible, the private sector isn't doing it.
So you would rather have corrupt failures go in and do it. OK mr libertarian lol
1. "corrupt failures" describes the corporations putting us in jeopardy to cyber hackers, duh.
2. If the government needs to put guns to the CEOs heads to protect us, fine, let the coxuckers earn their bonuses for a change.
It does, but I was referring to the fed gov. Its amazing how people can rail against something so hard but only when its convenient. Then its fully embraced.
My biggest bitch about the Federal government is the $30T Debt and the $400b interest payment on that Debt.
No one wastes more money than the Federal Government. Have you followed the Fauci v Rand Paul drama where Rand nailed Fauci's ass to the wall for giving Communist China Funds to weaponize bat viruses? That's only ONE example.
The SEC should impose financial and criminal (neglience) penalties for any corporation that gets hacked and causes a disruption in services.
The only thing that the morons who run Texas do well is inspect and over-regulate women's clinics. They don't protect mundane things like the totally unimportant energy infrastructure and they don't do any safety inspections. So what if a huge quantity of ammonium nitrate sits in the middle of a populated area. So what if flood-prevention efforts are stalled and Houston floods again. So what if the state is rapidly turning into a third-world shithole. So what if Texans are going hungry. Getting "them gals" under tight control and filing nonsense law suits to help trump are so much more important.

The only thing that will turn Texas into a third world shit hole is by Dementia allowing third world people to flood it by the tens of thousands, and predicted to be millions by the end of the year.

It has been turning into a third-world shithole long before immigration became a problem. Look at the "leaders" it has had: perry, abbott, paxton, etc. All no-talent yahoos who never had any interest in actually improving their state.
Improving the state? They have the second highest GDP in the country and unlike the number 1 spot (california) they have the highest surplus in the country.
"shithole" :lol:

But their social services suck, the state government is full of bigots and religious freaks who try to impose their crap on the whole state, while many of their constituents don't have enough food and struggle to prove the necessities.
They are also in top 25 of household income.
The rest I cant prove or disprove because you were talking out of your ass.
You get a big fat zero on the last 2 posts ;)
If you have paypal, my 12 year old might give you lessons in logic and integrity pretty cheap.
You did get away with it. It will go down in history as the greatest COUP in politics. Joe Biden will be compared to people like Mao, Hitler, Stalin, Castro and Maduro.

Illegitimate Joe is still hiding in his bunker, behind razor wire just like all the above illegitimate frauds and dictators did while they held office after their COUPS
Sounds like you’re the one in a bunker. A mental bunker made up of your own imagination. When you get out America will still be here. Just like it was after Obama.
Obama never met an Ayatollah that he wouldn't lick their Assahollahs.

And send a cargo plane full of cash as a tip
And make an agreement with them not to slow down their development of nuclear weapons but to give them cover to build their Obama Nukes, and money to have North Korea and Russia help them build Obama Bombs and Missiles, so they can start WWIII and try to wipe Israel off of the map.
The Colonial Pipeline was ransomeware attack by "The Darkside", a group of Russian hackers.
What would happen to the US if there was a coordinated cyber attack by state actors, China, Russia, Iran, NK???

Last winter the state of TX was shut down by a cold snap, WTF??

My point is, if the stupid coxuckers running companies can't do an effective job, maybe we need "big brother" to look over their shoulder to protect the country from corporate negligence?

Just imagine the electric grid going down, and refineries and pipelines going down. In 2021 you would think that the US wouldn't be so vulnerable to cyber attacks. If the Federal government won't step up, maybe the States need to protect their citizens better?
The Feg Gov has no authority to do so. Plus, they will just fuck that up too.
So glad that hacking bill didnt make it!
Don't look now but the "private sector" morons have no clue how to stop cyber attacks.
We cannot have any more of these ransomware attacks, or major economic disruptions.
They can pass laws to require hardened cyber security, even as part of the "Infrastructure Bill".
I'm amazed how stupid the US corporations are?! Russian hackers can stop the US economy? WTF????
Then let them flame out. Its not the govts business. Its usually NEVER the fed govs business.
If the corporations can't protect the public interest, the government needs to hold their feet to the fire, like in TX when the cold snap shut the state down, and now when the Colonial Pipeline is ransomed. We need someone to step up and be responsible, the private sector isn't doing it.
So you would rather have corrupt failures go in and do it. OK mr libertarian lol
1. "corrupt failures" describes the corporations putting us in jeopardy to cyber hackers, duh.
2. If the government needs to put guns to the CEOs heads to protect us, fine, let the coxuckers earn their bonuses for a change.
It does, but I was referring to the fed gov. Its amazing how people can rail against something so hard but only when its convenient. Then its fully embraced.
My biggest bitch about the Federal government is the $30T Debt and the $400b interest payment on that Debt.
No one wastes more money than the Federal Government. Have you followed the Fauci v Rand Paul drama where Rand nailed Fauci's ass to the wall for giving Communist China Funds to weaponize bat viruses? That's only ONE example.
The SEC should impose financial and criminal (neglience) penalties for any corporation that gets hacked and causes a disruption in services.
Proof that THE WAR ON POVERTY was really a WAR ON YOU.

Did "Sheets" Northam wear his uniform when he made the declaration?

The newest bright shiny Hoax gains steam as now suddenly out of nowhere there are no drivers for the gas trucks
Just how imbecilic will Americans show themselves to be by submitting to hoax after hoax?
It has been turning into a third-world shithole long before immigration became a problem. Look at the "leaders" it has had: perry, abbott, paxton, etc. All no-talent yahoos who never had any interest in actually improving their state.

Then why are all the commies from commie states leaving the place they Fd up and moving to Texas and Florida? If that isn't bad enough, they will move to our great states and F-up what we have because they aren't smart enough to realize it's Democrats they voted for that Fd things up so badly.
Russia hacked us because they know Biden is a jerkoff who won't do anything about it.
The pipeline will be back up and running soon. Will the OP give President Biden credit for that?
The pipeline will be back up and running soon. Will the OP give President Biden credit for that?
Did Colonial pay the ransom?
Xiden is in charge of the feral government, so why are US facilities still being hacked? Isn't that an act of war?
Xiden is totally clueless. A feeble senile excuse for a president.
The pipeline will be back up and running soon. Will the OP give President Biden credit for that?

You can if somebody can show he did something to open that pipeline back up. But as Dementia's minions said, it's none of their business, so don't count on that.
The Colonial Pipeline was ransomeware attack by "The Darkside", a group of Russian hackers.
What would happen to the US if there was a coordinated cyber attack by state actors, China, Russia, Iran, NK???

Last winter the state of TX was shut down by a cold snap, WTF??

My point is, if the stupid coxuckers running companies can't do an effective job, maybe we need "big brother" to look over their shoulder to protect the country from corporate negligence?

Just imagine the electric grid going down, and refineries and pipelines going down. In 2021 you would think that the US wouldn't be so vulnerable to cyber attacks. If the Federal government won't step up, maybe the States need to protect their citizens better?
Before the cyber attack, Biden-Harris already took gas to $3 by shutting down Keystone and Federal land oil production. A ransomeware attack on the pipeline only exacerbates their negative oil policies and causes more pain for working and middle class families.

No he did not. The fuel markest are focused on the weekly numbers for oil and gas. They do not care about Keystone. Barack Obana placed a moratorium of drilling on federal lands and oil production still went up.

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