Virginia girl found eating herself in cage in mobile home

Yeah, a thread about 2 monsters putting a small child in a cage, where she is so starved she starts to eat herself, is a great place for humor. :cuckoo:

I asked a simple question is all.
It would be very embarrassing if they were poor relations.
If their name was Bush I bet the left would be asking about it too.
I would also ask the same question if their last name had been Bush.

If someone on the left did that too, I'd think it was in poor taste.

There is a time and a place for everything.

Oh, and two wrongs don't make a right.

Anyway, I like ya,what do you have to say about these monsters? What do you think will happen to them?

It was a curious innocent question, I didn't mean anything by asking. It wasn't dig or a joke, just curiosity. Your reading into something that is not there. I don't think that being curious is poor taste.
But for the couple they should be put behind bars for the rest of their life and maybe get the death penalty if found guilty of killing the child that was buried in the yard.
I say, take the parents, lock them in cages that are proportional to what kind of cage the little girl had, and feed them like they fed her for several months.
Did she at least have access to salt? ketchup? I can't imagine eating myself without some condiments.....:lol:
This JohnA idiot was saying when someone Black commits a crime their faces are hidden but that is a bold face lie, everyones face is exposed when they commit crimes regardless of race, thats the biggest bullshit post I have seen here in a long time.

I know. Obviously even a biased liberal press doesn't cover the face or conceal the race of an arrested person. If they think it's fair and proper to display the cops' "perp walk" efforts directed at defendants, then there is no political correctness involved in the press' decision-making process to begin with.

Basically, I agree with you that it's quite silly to claim that the press conceals the race of black defendants.
again i didnt say they HIDE the face just dont show pics of it . although its a hard thing to show you stats to back this up .
im my following of these kind of cases i found if the perpetrators happened to be white a pic of them most times is included in the report discribing what they are accused of .

if its a minority that are the perpetrators the articule usually say a couple are accused of abuse of a child and NO PIC IS INCLUDED IN THE REPORT .

JUST MY OPINION as i have seen thou the cases ive followed
show me otherwise if you can

You stupid asshole, they DO show pictures of peoples faces when they commit crimes no matter what race they are. A Black man recently killed 7 people in Michigan and then killed himself, his picture was all over the internet and news so go fuck yourself liar, eat a neg for lying.:cuckoo:
It depends on if a high profiled defense attorney wants to make a name for him/her self and take on the case.
My guess being in a trailer they can't afford their own counsel....which would lead them to fry. As they should.

I believe a big name attorney could walk in that court room and convince the jury that there is no proof they killed the child who was buried, and that there is no proof they put the child in the cage and boom, they walk. Hopefully none of these guys take the case.

Bullshit. You and the rest of you claiming because reasonable was evident in the Casey trial means anyone can walk are so stupid.

The Casey situation was nothing like this. Claiming a good Lawyer can create reasonable doubt about the child in a cage is ignorant. And she provides the necessary link to claiming the first child was murdered by the parents.

With Casey she claimed the child drowned and she panicked. There was no evidence to say whether she was right or not. No evidence to show HOW the child died. No history to link the dots.

In this case the State has an abused child criminally abused and nearly dead IN the home. Even if they can not establish what killed the fist child they can connect the dots to circumstantially remove reasonable doubt on that murder being committed by the parents.

Get over it Casey walked. The State did not have the evidence to convince 12 reasonable jurors that she killed her child beyond a REASONABLE Doubt.

What the fuck ever man she got off because she had good lawyers and the jury had their heads up their asses, go fuck yourself nobody was talking to you.:cuckoo:
get the jury that acquitted Casey Anthony and they will find her not guilty for not enough evidence.. Fry these people. Anyone who hurts a child has a special place in hell!
Don't blame the mobile home blame the government for giving all the nations money away to foreign countries and not taking care of their own people's needs like education, housing, jobs and mental welfare...

As a nation aren’t we supposed to be progressing in civilization, we seem to be digressing. In many cases that I’ve heard or read about where children were held captive in such a despicable and inhumane and deranged manner, the children suffer irreversible mental illnesses.

They become damaged goods and cannot become a productive member of society and will require financial government aid and care for the rest of their natural lives.

If in fact the authorities find dead babies buried in the backyard the judge should throw the book at them and throw the book at them for ruining this 6 year old child’s life.

All charges that can be brought against them should be brought against them. They should get no less than 400 years in prison each.

If they do get a light sentence the judge should make them both get sterilized. If in fact that their children get taken away from them, they can always have more and who’s to say the same thing wouldn’t happen again or even worse. It’s best just to lock them up and throw away the key.

It’s the gubmint’s fault, can their asses!

The jury properly recognized that their hunches did not suffice.

They took an oath and it appears to have meant something to them.

The outcome SUCKS. But the jury didn't do anything wrong.

There is not one person who can tell us -- based on the actual evidence -- how that poor little girl died or at whose hand. We can all speculate. We might even be right. But that's not the same thing as proof beyond a reasonable doubt.

It's not the cops' fault. It's not the prosecution's fault. It's not the judge's fault. It's not the system's fault. It's not to the credit of the defense nor does the defense deserve blame. It is merely a product of HOW we have CHOSEN to set-up our criminal justice system. IT includes safeguards and they appear to have worked.

Was the defendant a murdering bitch? Maybe. Maybe even "probably."

Was it PROVED?

Man you are scaring me, you really think they can walk? this evidence is all circumstancial at best right?

It depends on if a high profiled defense attorney wants to make a name for him/her self and take on the case.
My guess being in a trailer they can't afford their own counsel....which would lead them to fry. As they should.

I believe a big name attorney could walk in that court room and convince the jury that there is no proof they killed the child who was buried, and that there is no proof they put the child in the cage and boom, they walk. Hopefully none of these guys take the case.

Yeah, and convince another dumbass jury, that they didn't report the baby that was found dead and buried, because they thought some fictional "someone" else had her, and they had hopes she would turn up someday...(sarcasm off).

Yup, the cage was to keep the child safe, a real good Lawyer could sell that.
That shit wouldn't fly with me as a juror. It is up to the jury to be able to know BS from reality.
I raised 5 kids, and we once had to anchor/tie one of the crib legs to a locked closet door handle to prevent our determined 1yr. old from rocking his crib out of his bedroom, down the hallway, to remove all the Christmas tree ornaments..again.
But caging? These "parents"/ animals should be caged the same way up until their execution.
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Told ya.

this is what happens when we place zero value on the lives of children.
And also what happens when we don't pay attention to the judges we entrust with protecting society, especially the children.
That sick MFKER would be safer in jail, where I come from.
A young girl was found caged and attempting to eat herself in a mobile home in Virginia, and cops say her parents are responsible.

The malnourished girl, believed to be either 5 or 6, was discovered in a crib that was converted into a makeshift cage after police arrived at the home in Gloucester County to investigate a burglary last week.

The girl's parents, Brian and Shannon Gore, were arrested and charged with felony child abuse. The mother was also charged with attempted capital murder.

However, the gruesome twosome now faces first-degree murder charges after the remains of what authorities believe to be another child were found buried outside their mobile home.

Read more: Virginia girl found eating herself in cage in mobile home; parents Brian and Shannon Gore charged

Predictions on their sentences?

I often do not understand why unfit people are permitted by God to have children, while some decent and capable couple cannot have children. I guess God have a sense-of-humor.

The jury properly recognized that their hunches did not suffice.

They took an oath and it appears to have meant something to them.

The outcome SUCKS. But the jury didn't do anything wrong.

There is not one person who can tell us -- based on the actual evidence -- how that poor little girl died or at whose hand. We can all speculate. We might even be right. But that's not the same thing as proof beyond a reasonable doubt.

It's not the cops' fault. It's not the prosecution's fault. It's not the judge's fault. It's not the system's fault. It's not to the credit of the defense nor does the defense deserve blame. It is merely a product of HOW we have CHOSEN to set-up our criminal justice system. IT includes safeguards and they appear to have worked.

Was the defendant a murdering bitch? Maybe. Maybe even "probably."

Was it PROVED?


On the same token though for this case, we could argue nobody knows how the infant was killed that was buried outside their trailer, and for all we know the child in the cage was placed there for her safety and likes to eat herself, is there a law against eating your own skin?

The jury properly recognized that their hunches did not suffice.

They took an oath and it appears to have meant something to them.

The outcome SUCKS. But the jury didn't do anything wrong.

There is not one person who can tell us -- based on the actual evidence -- how that poor little girl died or at whose hand. We can all speculate. We might even be right. But that's not the same thing as proof beyond a reasonable doubt.

It's not the cops' fault. It's not the prosecution's fault. It's not the judge's fault. It's not the system's fault. It's not to the credit of the defense nor does the defense deserve blame. It is merely a product of HOW we have CHOSEN to set-up our criminal justice system. IT includes safeguards and they appear to have worked.

Was the defendant a murdering bitch? Maybe. Maybe even "probably."

Was it PROVED?


On the same token though for this case, we could argue nobody knows how the infant was killed that was buried outside their trailer, and for all we know the child in the cage was placed there for her safety and likes to eat herself, is there a law against eating your own skin?

If a child dies and is buried like a pet gerbil on one's own property without the requisite legal notifications, there are implications in that.

The surviving girl was indeed found "eating" her own skin or flesh. Since this is highly abnormal behavior, the ones who had the LEGAL (not to mention the moral and ethical) RESPONSIBILITY for TAKING CARE of her certainly come under suspicion.

Add all of that together and you come up with a pretty compelling circumstantial evidence case. And contrary to popular misconception, a circumstantial evidence case can be remarkably strong. For, in the final analysis, although witnesses may lie, pure evidence itself cannot.

The jury properly recognized that their hunches did not suffice.

They took an oath and it appears to have meant something to them.

The outcome SUCKS. But the jury didn't do anything wrong.

There is not one person who can tell us -- based on the actual evidence -- how that poor little girl died or at whose hand. We can all speculate. We might even be right. But that's not the same thing as proof beyond a reasonable doubt.

It's not the cops' fault. It's not the prosecution's fault. It's not the judge's fault. It's not the system's fault. It's not to the credit of the defense nor does the defense deserve blame. It is merely a product of HOW we have CHOSEN to set-up our criminal justice system. IT includes safeguards and they appear to have worked.

Was the defendant a murdering bitch? Maybe. Maybe even "probably."

Was it PROVED?


On the same token though for this case, we could argue nobody knows how the infant was killed that was buried outside their trailer, and for all we know the child in the cage was placed there for her safety and likes to eat herself, is there a law against eating your own skin?

If a child dies and is buried like a pet gerbil on one's own property without the requisite legal notifications, there are implications in that.

The surviving girl was indeed found "eating" her own skin or flesh. Since this is highly abnormal behavior, the ones who had the LEGAL (not to mention the moral and ethical) RESPONSIBILITY for TAKING CARE of her certainly come under suspicion.

Add all of that together and you come up with a pretty compelling circumstantial evidence case. And contrary to popular misconception, a circumstantial evidence case can be remarkably strong. For, in the final analysis, although witnesses may lie, pure evidence itself cannot.

I really hope your right, its concerning though because I heard the husband was out on bail for a few hours before they went and brought him back in. Neither of them deserved to even try and post bond.

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