Virginia may have proved that 'I'm not Trump' is not enough

One thing I did talk of voter fraud in Virginia. That's odd. JoeB131

Oh right, Republicans won, so its not fraudulent. Imagine that
Youre a fucking moron if you think Biden will win anything ever again. Not that it matters because, the DNC wont even let him run again.

I remember you guys saying the same thing about Clinton in 1994, the same thing about Obama in 2010.

Now, yes, the biggest obstacle to a second Biden term might be his age. But you guys won't do yourselves any favors running a 78 year old unhinged Trump.
August West
Since Climate Change is the biggest hoax on the planet. No one should sacrifice for it. You people are gullible sheep. Baa Baa Baa
Hell Trump has more energy than a guy half his age.

And the only "unhinged" person I've seen so far is your boy Bidung.

You know. The walking talking disaster that you voted for.
McAullife's entire campaign seems to be vote for me because I'm not a Trumper.

It seems that did not resonate much with voters. Inflation is up, student loans still have not been cancelled, and Biden's agenda has stalled in the Congress.

Voters want more than just ''vote for me I'm not Trump'' it would seem. Big lesson for Democrats and Liberals for the upcoming 2022 midterms.
Bank of America predicts 45% increase more than we are paying by June. If that happens your party doesn't stand a chance next year.
No, they won't.

Here's how this is going to play out...

2022, Republicans will take congress due to a combination of gerrymandering and voter suppression.

Then the GOP will do exactly what they did in 1995 and 2011... try to pass a bunch of crazy laws, shut down the government a few times, and scare the hell out of normal people, and Biden will have no problem getting re-elected just like Clinton and Obama did.
Not at all, bank of America has come out and predicted we will be paying 45% more for gas by June. Also found out in the bankrupt America bill, Pelosi slipped in that all oil leases off shore would be cancelled. Even the existing ones. If that happens our energy prices will be through the roof. Even lying and cheating will not save you.
McAullife's entire campaign seems to be vote for me because I'm not a Trumper.

It seems that did not resonate much with voters. Inflation is up, student loans still have not been cancelled, and Biden's agenda has stalled in the Congress.

Voters want more than just ''vote for me I'm not Trump'' it would seem. Big lesson for Democrats and Liberals for the upcoming 2022 midterms.

McAuliffe has the Clinton stain on him. It's indelible, and most of the country knows what shitbags they are.
I think the results in Virginia, was not just a statewide McAuliife vs Youngkin issue. I think Virginia voters also showed up to send a message of rejection to Biden, Dimocrats and their agenda.
Hell Trump has more energy than a guy half his age.

And the only "unhinged" person I've seen so far is your boy Bidung.

You know. The walking talking disaster that you voted for.

Uh, yeah, when the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs has to put controls on the military to keep you from launching WWIII, like Milley had to, that's pretty unhinged.

The problem with Trump is that so many people went along with the madness.

I think the results in Virginia, was not just a statewide McAuliife vs Youngkin issue. I think Virginia voters also showed up to send a message of rejection to Biden, Dimocrats and their agenda.

Well, you can think that.. but the reality is for 11 of the last 12 elections, the vote in Virginia went the opposite of the party in the white house.
Remind me again, how is it big lessons for democrats??? Nothing could be further from the truth.
We are mighty happy that Murphy got a second term in NJ.

How the pendulum has swung against presidents

After the election of President Donald Trump in 2016, Democrats won the governorships in both Virginia and New Jersey in 2017. Both winners ran as critics of the new president.

Eight years earlier, one year after the election of President Barack Obama (who carried both states), Virginia and New Jersey chose Republican governors.

Eight years before that, following the election of President George W. Bush in 2000, Virginia chose Democrat Mark Warner for governor in 2001. Warner served a term as governor and moved on to the U.S. Senate, where he serves today. His successor as governor, Democrat Tim Kaine, won his term one year after Bush was reelected. Kaine now serves with Warner in the Senate and was their party's 2016 vice presidential nominee.

And if Republicans thrived in Virginia in Clinton's time, Democrats did surprisingly well there during the long era of Ronald Reagan's dominance that preceded it. Starting in 1981, when Reagan was still in his inaugural year in office, Democrats won the governorship three consecutive times with Chuck Robb, Gerald Baliles and Douglas Wilder all serving full four-year terms.

Why Virginia and New Jersey governor races get national attention : NPR
Two years after Obama won the House fell to the GOP and two years after Trump won the House fell to the Democrats…

Get a damn clue!
Based on history the party opposite the WH wins the gubernatorial race.

While McAuliffe winning in 2013 was the exception, his loss in 2021 reaffirmed the rule.

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