Virginia Poll: Trump Approval Rating Hits New Low

Polls are produced to produce content for stories that have already been written. Standard propaganda...

Are you a liar, or do you really believe the stuff you post?
:abgg2q.jpg:Trigger much?

Do you think I'm wrong?

We learned from wiki that the DNC and the MSM collude to produce polls and stories. You deny what I said happens?

"Trigger much"? What does that mean?

Do I think you are wrong? Yes, generally, see why:

Look into Statistics and Probability in polling
Naw, it was arrogance and stupidity that caused that look.

... and the left wing dingbats still haven't learned their lesson since they're just as arrogant and stupid now as they were in 2016.
I think they're worse. Arrogant, stupid, and with a hearty dose of lunacy tossed in.

You know, Trump actually almost WON Virginia! It was neck and neck and Hillary only won it by a thin margin. Now we are to believe that Trump was at nearly 40% (publicly admitted) popularity since in over and suddenly dashed these past few months?

You mean he was MORE popular when Mueller had them believing Trump was a Russian spy?

You know how you can tell these polls are fake? ONE LINE:

"According to the pollsters, Trump’s “approval is down 11 percentage points since February"

WHAT has happened since February? If 53% say they don't approve of Trump now, then 53% of Virginians didn't approve of him six months ago or a year ago. All this means that the other 47% of Virginians are laying low until it is time to vote for Trump in secret.
Trump has turned 30% of this country into conspiracy nuts. Including you. Wake up. No one is keeping it "secret" in a poll if they're supporting Trump. If they didn't want to say so, they wouldn't take the poll.

No, YOU wake up, old woman, LOTS of people have always kept secret their support for Trump, someone calls asking who I support, they have my number and maybe my name and address------ ------ I don't tell them I support Trump! I don't walk around with Trump-wear on for fear of being attacked, yelled at, called names, spit on or accosted, I don't put Trump stickers on my car for fear of it being damaged, and I certainly don't put Trump signs in my yard to attract vandalism.

Doing so only puts a bullseye on you, we all know how the Left are, they are cheap punks, thugs, bullies. I only discuss my support of Trump among friends and anonymously. Like many Trump supporters, you'll find out we support Trump on 11-03-20.

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