Virginia Poll: Trump Approval Rating Hits New Low

Polls are why leftists looked like this in 2016...


AHAHAHAHAHA :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: its still funny years later.

With the entire pool of tards being promoted by the Democrats combined have an approval rating of less than 20%, on a good day, this isn't anything to worry about even if the numbers are true, which they aren't; Virginia is part of The Swamp, lots of residents are Federal employees and assorted criminal elements who feed off of D.C..
Are you sure they're only polling Virginians?
Trump lost Virginia in 2016 to Hillary Clinton and still crushed her like a bug. Poor libs, tissue? :auiqs.jpg:

With the entire pool of tards being promoted by the Democrats combined have an approval rating of less than 20%, on a good day, this isn't anything to worry about even if the numbers are true, which they aren't; Virginia is part of The Swamp, lots of residents are Federal employees and assorted criminal elements who feed off of D.C..
Are you sure they're only polling Virginians?

No; I thought they were polling Indonesians.
As the signs of a recession become more and more obvious, Trump's approval ratings will continue a downward movement.
what signs? you saying it isn't a sign.
There is some inverted hoo-hah that almost always had led to recession over the past 60 years. Once in a great while it hasn't. That's what we've got. Until people start getting laid off, it ain't gonna matter what economists predict.
two consecutive months of negative GDP and consumer spending, and neither is there. Still not seeing a sign. tells us what it is. The inverted hoo-hah was due to other countries and not ours. They bought down the bonds.
of course you have Bill Maher rooting for a recession. only in a leftists mind.
Polls are produced to produce content for stories that have already been written. Standard propaganda...

Are you a liar, or do you really believe the stuff you post?
/—-/ Its common practice. Polls of 350 random adults are cheap and fast. News Rooms can take several using different questions and use the one that fits their narrative for a story.

With the entire pool of tards being promoted by the Democrats combined have an approval rating of less than 20%, on a good day, this isn't anything to worry about even if the numbers are true, which they aren't; Virginia is part of The Swamp, lots of residents are Federal employees and assorted criminal elements who feed off of D.C..
Are you sure they're only polling Virginians?

No; I thought they were polling Indonesians.
You're right--I just looked again. It's a good point that Virginia is a blue state. However, it did show the approval rating in Virginia dropping more. I suppose it doesn't matter though. They would never vote for Trump anyway.
Polls are produced to produce content for stories that have already been written. Standard propaganda...

Are you a liar, or do you really believe the stuff you post?
/—-/ Its common practice. Polls of 350 random adults are cheap and fast. News Rooms can take several using different questions and use the one that fits their narrative for a story.
and they do it every fking time. A poll is interference.

You know, Trump actually almost WON Virginia! It was neck and neck and Hillary only won it by a thin margin. Now we are to believe that Trump was at nearly 40% (publicly admitted) popularity since in over and suddenly dashed these past few months?

You mean he was MORE popular when Mueller had them believing Trump was a Russian spy?

You know how you can tell these polls are fake? ONE LINE:

"According to the pollsters, Trump’s “approval is down 11 percentage points since February"

WHAT has happened since February? If 53% say they don't approve of Trump now, then 53% of Virginians didn't approve of him six months ago or a year ago. All this means that the other 47% of Virginians are laying low until it is time to vote for Trump in secret.
Trump has turned 30% of this country into conspiracy nuts. Including you. Wake up. No one is keeping it "secret" in a poll if they're supporting Trump. If they didn't want to say so, they wouldn't take the poll.
I do too. Even one of my liberal friends pokes fun at Trump, I just remind him what the list of democrats represents. He admits as of now, Trump will get his vote. Even hough it wouldn't take much to change his mind.

You know, Trump actually almost WON Virginia! It was neck and neck and Hillary only won it by a thin margin. Now we are to believe that Trump was at nearly 40% (publicly admitted) popularity since in over and suddenly dashed these past few months?

You mean he was MORE popular when Mueller had them believing Trump was a Russian spy?

You know how you can tell these polls are fake? ONE LINE:

"According to the pollsters, Trump’s “approval is down 11 percentage points since February"

WHAT has happened since February? If 53% say they don't approve of Trump now, then 53% of Virginians didn't approve of him six months ago or a year ago. All this means that the other 47% of Virginians are laying low until it is time to vote for Trump in secret.
Trump has turned 30% of this country into conspiracy nuts. Including you. Wake up. No one is keeping it "secret" in a poll if they're supporting Trump. If they didn't want to say so, they wouldn't take the poll.
you have no idea if anyone answers honestly. no one.

You know, Trump actually almost WON Virginia! It was neck and neck and Hillary only won it by a thin margin. Now we are to believe that Trump was at nearly 40% (publicly admitted) popularity since in over and suddenly dashed these past few months?

You mean he was MORE popular when Mueller had them believing Trump was a Russian spy?

You know how you can tell these polls are fake? ONE LINE:

"According to the pollsters, Trump’s “approval is down 11 percentage points since February"

WHAT has happened since February? If 53% say they don't approve of Trump now, then 53% of Virginians didn't approve of him six months ago or a year ago. All this means that the other 47% of Virginians are laying low until it is time to vote for Trump in secret.
Trump has turned 30% of this country into conspiracy nuts. Including you. Wake up. No one is keeping it "secret" in a poll if they're supporting Trump. If they didn't want to say so, they wouldn't take the poll.
you have no idea if anyone answers honestly. no one.
/——/ Heck, no one knows of they actually take the polls or just slice and dice the results to fit the agenda. As in, “stop polling once Trump is down 15%”

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