Virginia Poll: Trump Approval Rating Hits New Low

Except that Roanoke University, which sponsored the poll, is in southern Virginia.
And you don't know who the fuck they polled in the first place.
Polls are produced to produce content for stories that have already been written. Standard propaganda...

Your fellow Trump worshipers make 10 post a day about Trump killing it in the polls and you ignore them all...yet one is negative and here you are defending your god
Both sides do it. I just see it for what it is.

Yet you only make these sorts of post in one sides threads.
Both sides make tv commercials too...

I don't hide my "rightness"
Yeah, but that's not the first recent poll that showed his popularity taking a nose dive. I think people who don't think much about politics are beginning to form their opinions for 2020; where they might have been neutral or not participated in the poll before, now they've been thinking about it. There doesn't seem any other reason why all of a sudden people are "turning" on him.
trump was an extreme answer to an extreme movement. the middle of the road people are just tired of the fighting and blocking of anything "the other side" wants to do.

the dems would be smart to let their "centrists" drive for awhile.
If this poll was good news for the Trumpbots they would be shouting it from the rooftops. It's just like everything else, bad news for Trump is all fake even when it is his own stupid tweets.
Knowing what we know about the production of polls, I have no reason to trust them. They make polls to say what the buyer wants them to say.
The problem will polls is that they can't ask everyone. The sample they take must always be corrected for those who don't have landlines anymore. This problem is the biggest single inaccuracy factor in preparing a poll.
Polls are a Democrat thing. That's mostly who answers them. That's why Hillary showed up as the prospective winner in 2016.

When Republicans don't respond to polls, what does anyone think they're going to look like ?

You know, Trump actually almost WON Virginia! It was neck and neck and Hillary only won it by a thin margin. Now we are to believe that Trump was at nearly 40% (publicly admitted) popularity since in over and suddenly dashed these past few months?

You mean he was MORE popular when Mueller had them believing Trump was a Russian spy?

You know how you can tell these polls are fake? ONE LINE:

"According to the pollsters, Trump’s “approval is down 11 percentage points since February"

WHAT has happened since February? If 53% say they don't approve of Trump now, then 53% of Virginians didn't approve of him six months ago or a year ago. All this means that the other 47% of Virginians are laying low until it is time to vote for Trump in secret.
Polls are why leftists looked like this in 2016...


Naw, it was arrogance and stupidity that caused that look.

... and the left wing dingbats still haven't learned their lesson since they're just as arrogant and stupid now as they were in 2016.
If this poll was good news for the Trumpbots they would be shouting it from the rooftops. It's just like everything else, bad news for Trump is all fake even when it is his own stupid tweets.

That is only because the nature of all your polls are that when you show Trump at an all time low, we know that Democrats are at an all time desperate. And when any poll actually shows Trump up much less at an all time high, we figure it must be that rare semi-honest poll or that he is at least 8 points higher.

But no matter. Polls don't elect presidents, nor do popular votes. State elections and electors decide the winner and I'll put my vote in next November.
I don't put much stock in polls. After all the polls told us Hitlery would be our next POTUS.


Polls depend on who's asking the questions. Who's being asked the questions and where they are being asked. To many variable to take seriously.
If this poll was good news for the Trumpbots they would be shouting it from the rooftops. It's just like everything else, bad news for Trump is all fake even when it is his own stupid tweets.

Nah. Anyone with a working brain cell knows Polls can't be taken seriously. After all the polls in 2016 told one and all Hitlery would be the next POTUS.


I never look at polls. To many variables to be taken seriously.
As the signs of a recession become more and more obvious, Trump's approval ratings will continue a downward movement.
If this poll was good news for the Trumpbots they would be shouting it from the rooftops. It's just like everything else, bad news for Trump is all fake even when it is his own stupid tweets.
Knowing what we know about the production of polls, I have no reason to trust them. They make polls to say what the buyer wants them to say.
The problem will polls is that they can't ask everyone. The sample they take must always be corrected for those who don't have landlines anymore. This problem is the biggest single inaccuracy factor in preparing a poll.
They are calling cellphones now, but people aren't taking the calls. It's down to a 6% response rate. PEW is going to online polls. I have heard these don't tend to be as accurate, but if people won't respond, what are you going to do?
And that means there is still no path to the white house. hmmmmmm that didn't work last time.
People (including me) will believe it when they see it. Not before, Camp.

With the entire pool of tards being promoted by the Democrats combined having an approval rating of less than 20%, on a good day, this isn't anything to worry about even if the numbers are true, which they aren't; Virginia is part of The Swamp, lots of residents are Federal employees and assorted criminal elements who feed off of D.C..
As the signs of a recession become more and more obvious, Trump's approval ratings will continue a downward movement.
what signs? you saying it isn't a sign.
There is some inverted hoo-hah that almost always had led to recession over the past 60 years. Once in a great while it hasn't. That's what we've got. Until people start getting laid off, it ain't gonna matter what economists predict.

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