Virginia's Illegal Voters Aren't Pipe Dreans


Gold Supporting Member
Dec 5, 2008
Ft Worth,TX
Every day more and more illegal votes pop to the surface. When are the liberals going to learn?

This has been their malignant modus operandi for some time. By nullifying the worries of their voters by throwing a wet blanket over the very possibility of illegal votes being cast, their constituents have fallen into line behind their leaders to argue against any legislation that would make voting more accurate and enforceable.

Meanwhile, of course, republicans have been keen to the reality of this trickery for a good, long time. Democrats spend such an extraordinary amount of time dismissing the possibility of voter fraud swinging an election simply because that allows them to employ the tactics they’ve ignored in order to win elections. It happens every 2 years in American politics – story after story comes out about two cemeteries’ worth of democrats helping to solidify the umpteenth term of whichever incumbent democrat was clever enough to register them without getting caught.

It doesn’t end at the funeral home either. Democratic candidates have leaned heavily on state level pals to rearrange the legal requirements for voting in order to weight the polls in their favor.

Voter Fraud in Virginia Verified: THOUSANDS of Illegal Votes Counted
Every day more and more illegal votes pop to the surface. When are the liberals going to learn?

This has been their malignant modus operandi for some time. By nullifying the worries of their voters by throwing a wet blanket over the very possibility of illegal votes being cast, their constituents have fallen into line behind their leaders to argue against any legislation that would make voting more accurate and enforceable.

Meanwhile, of course, republicans have been keen to the reality of this trickery for a good, long time. Democrats spend such an extraordinary amount of time dismissing the possibility of voter fraud swinging an election simply because that allows them to employ the tactics they’ve ignored in order to win elections. It happens every 2 years in American politics – story after story comes out about two cemeteries’ worth of democrats helping to solidify the umpteenth term of whichever incumbent democrat was clever enough to register them without getting caught.

It doesn’t end at the funeral home either. Democratic candidates have leaned heavily on state level pals to rearrange the legal requirements for voting in order to weight the polls in their favor.

Voter Fraud in Virginia Verified: THOUSANDS of Illegal Votes Counted

Great thread. You got a credible source for any of it?
Every day more and more illegal votes pop to the surface. When are the liberals going to learn?

This has been their malignant modus operandi for some time. By nullifying the worries of their voters by throwing a wet blanket over the very possibility of illegal votes being cast, their constituents have fallen into line behind their leaders to argue against any legislation that would make voting more accurate and enforceable.

Meanwhile, of course, republicans have been keen to the reality of this trickery for a good, long time. Democrats spend such an extraordinary amount of time dismissing the possibility of voter fraud swinging an election simply because that allows them to employ the tactics they’ve ignored in order to win elections. It happens every 2 years in American politics – story after story comes out about two cemeteries’ worth of democrats helping to solidify the umpteenth term of whichever incumbent democrat was clever enough to register them without getting caught.

It doesn’t end at the funeral home either. Democratic candidates have leaned heavily on state level pals to rearrange the legal requirements for voting in order to weight the polls in their favor.

Voter Fraud in Virginia Verified: THOUSANDS of Illegal Votes Counted

Great thread. You got a credible source for any of it?

Nah, it's what we call in the Army a shit house rumor.
Every day more and more illegal votes pop to the surface. When are the liberals going to learn?

This has been their malignant modus operandi for some time. By nullifying the worries of their voters by throwing a wet blanket over the very possibility of illegal votes being cast, their constituents have fallen into line behind their leaders to argue against any legislation that would make voting more accurate and enforceable.

Meanwhile, of course, republicans have been keen to the reality of this trickery for a good, long time. Democrats spend such an extraordinary amount of time dismissing the possibility of voter fraud swinging an election simply because that allows them to employ the tactics they’ve ignored in order to win elections. It happens every 2 years in American politics – story after story comes out about two cemeteries’ worth of democrats helping to solidify the umpteenth term of whichever incumbent democrat was clever enough to register them without getting caught.

It doesn’t end at the funeral home either. Democratic candidates have leaned heavily on state level pals to rearrange the legal requirements for voting in order to weight the polls in their favor.

Voter Fraud in Virginia Verified: THOUSANDS of Illegal Votes Counted

Great thread. You got a credible source for any of it?

Nah, it's what we call in the Army a shit house rumor.

Unless you got something other than another RWNJ link, that's exactly what it is.
And all the legal wrangling it took till Virginia forked over the records speaks volumes as well.
Imagine the scale of voter fraud in California where illegals get a driver`s license indistinguishable from the regular one. That`s the method behind the open border madness they hope to conceal while crying "voter suppression" every time somebody demands the existing laws ought to be enforced. Imagine how they would scream if the GOP would retaliate in kind and give every Russian a fake California ID and really rig an election on every level in that freak state.
And all the legal wrangling it took till Virginia forked over the records speaks volumes as well.
Imagine the scale of voter fraud in California where illegals get a driver`s license indistinguishable from the regular one. That`s the method behind the open border madness they hope to conceal while crying "voter suppression" every time somebody demands the existing laws ought to be enforced. Imagine how they would scream if the GOP would retaliate in kind and give every Russian a fake California ID and really rig an election on every level in that freak state.

That might be your problem. You imagine a lot of stuff that just isn't backed up by facts.
Illegal aliens are voting democrat in our elections and that is actually foreign meddling in our elections!

BULLDOG has been waiting for this news.

The video is pure crap, but yes, I now believe voter fraud is real, and everyone who is caught participating in it should be either deported or thrown in prison TODAY, and for the rest of their lives. I'm sure you will agree with me when I say we should start here,

It turns out Jared Kushner and Sean Spicer are also registered to vote in two states
It turns out Jared Kushner and Sean Spicer are also registered to vote in two states
Nah the dimwit spent all day watching the H.Clinton interview on "Recode" where she claims to be a victim of voter suppression, "weaponized scocial media" and expanded her conspiracy theories "connecting the dots" to include Facebook, even the leftmost asswipe paper in the US, the NYT, the FBI, the russian GRU, Wikileaks, thousands of various foreign agents who she says must have been coached by the Trump team...(around the 21 minute mark in this video):
Watch Hillary Clinton’s full interview from our Code Conference
It is beyond hilarious and to see that there were people who actually believe the shit this psychotic bitch keeps ranting about makes you wonder if there is some kind of dementia in play we have not yet identified.
Illegal aliens are voting democrat in our elections and that is actually foreign meddling in our elections!

BULLDOG has been waiting for this news.

There are screw ups in the registration process. People move, and don't bother to notify the election board where they no longer live. People die, and sometimes it takes a while for the right people to be notified to take them off the rolls. Lots of things that probably need changing, but none of them can be called a voter fraud problem, and certainly not to the extent that RWNJs are claiming. No, illegal aliens aren't given identical drivers licenses as everyone else, and automatically registered to vote. Each state certified the results of their elections. Every single one of them stated there was no appreciable voter fraud. If you doubt that, you should investigate the Governors and/or Secretary of State in each of the 50 states for fraud. There are lots of legitimate things to complain about, but this one is just nuts. I guess it's hard for you to ignore the rantings of that obese orange fool, but if you keep believing all the crap he tweets, you will be just as stupid as him.

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